We have seen the future, and it sucks.

Light-Rail Complaints

19th May 2014

Read it.

Early tests reveal that the Twin Cities’ new light-rail cars require 67 minutes to go the 11 miles from downtown Minneapolis to downtown St. Paul for an average speed of 10 miles per hour. Metro Transit managers say they expect to get the time down before the line opens for service on June 14, but the 39 minutes promised on the agency’s web site seems unattainable considering they have added three stops since the line was originally planned. Even 39 minutes is less than 17 mph, hardly a breathtaking speed.

Buses currently do the same trip in a mere 26 minutes. Some people are mildly outraged that the region has spent $100 million per mile to get slower service. Too bad they weren’t outraged when the line was being planned.

2 Responses to “Light-Rail Complaints”

  1. RealRick Says:

    To speed up the trip, let’s use 19th century technology! Failing that, maybe we can justify camel trains as being “organic”.

    Can somebody – anybody! – explain the Left’s fascination with trains?

    I kinda get the concept that it meets their “let’s all suffer together” mentality, but their blind belief that somehow trains will improve the world fails to connect with the logic regions of my brain.

    The Crust’s view, of course, is that if we can get all the dirty masses riding trains it will free up the roads for their Lamborghinis. And certainly trains can be used for mass relocations (without mentioning any German dictators). Maybe, as hobo magnets, trains will get some of the “homeless” off the sidewalk so the doorman doesn’t have to shoo them off before the Crustian exits the building.

    A new question arises: Could these points be considered offensive?

    It would make me happy to think so.

  2. Tim of Angle Says:

    They want to cancel the 20th century. Streets covered with horse poop and bicycles and people riding cattle cars from one predetermined city center to another are their fantasy.