We have seen the future, and it sucks.

Archive for August, 2024

Environmental Group Calls for Investigation of RFK Jr. Chainsawing Whale Head

27th August 2024

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Hey, it’s not as if they had anything better to do with their time.

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Blue State Blues: “It Was So Brazen”: Squatters Seize Multi-Million Dollar Mansion Next to LeBron James

27th August 2024

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Los Angeles Realtor to the stars John Woodward says squatters have taken over a multi-million dollar mansion across the street from LeBron James.

Soon after listing the property at 1316 Beverly Grove Place in Beverly Hills, Woodward got a call from the pool boy letting him know that someone had shown up with a U-Haul to move in. Given that he hadn’t sold the house yet, he drove down to see what was going on – and ended up calling the police to report an active crime; these people were breaking into the house.

According to the Daily Caller, when the police showed up, the squatters produced a fake lease, which the cops of course accepted as proof, and told Woodword to pound sand – forcing him to pursue justice through the backlogged and ideologically biased LA court system.

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Protesters at Baruch College Call to ‘Bring the War Home’ at Rally Targeting Campus Hillel

26th August 2024

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A small group of protesters gathered outside Baruch College in New York called for “war” in the United States and targeted the college’s Hillel Jewish student club, a further sign of escalating rhetoric on campus just ahead of the semester beginning on Wednesday.

On Saturday, the demonstrators held a banner that said “Bring the war home” alongside an image of an assault rifle, and a sign that said, “Let the intifada pave the way for people’s war.”

In an Instagram post about the protest, Baruch’s chapter of Students for Justice in Palestine called for the “construction of militant resistance to imperialism in all its manifestations.” The post about the protest was shared widely by other pro-Palestinian groups on campuses across the City University of New York public college system.

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Today in Trump Derangement Syndrome

26th August 2024

Lara Trump on DNC: ‘They’re attempting to run on hating Donald Trump’ (Sarah Fortinsky/The Hill)  Well, yeah.

Trump Whines About Fox News as Poll Numbers Keep Dropping (Lily Mae Lazarus/The Daily Beast)

Gen. McMaster’s blistering account of the Trump White House (Peter Bergen/CNN)

FLASHBACK: Jorge Ramos ‘Produced’ 2015 Iowa Heckling of Donald Trump

They Served With Trump and Saw the Crazy. They Should Endorse Harris. (Tim Miller/The Bulwark)

Finally, the Democrats Have Found Trump’s Achilles Heel: Ridicule Him (Michael Tomasky/New Republic)

Trump’s personal attacks aren’t just who he is. They’re his strategy (Stephen Collinson/CNN)

“He’s now terrified of debating her”: Trump’s debate flip-flop is a sign Harris has him figured out (Charles R. Davis/Salon)

McMaster: Trump’s Foreign Policy Judgment ‘Clouded’

‘Laugh-out-loud funny’: Experts guffaw as Times op-ed asserts Trump can win ‘on character’ (Kathleen Culliton/Raw Story)

Donald Trump is not exactly Nostradamus (Aaron Blake/Washington Post)


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Today in Democrat Stupid

26th August 2024

Kudlow: RFK Endorsement Killed Harris Convention Bounce

Harris Plays Coy on Child Gender Transitions, But Far-Left Groups Endorsing Child Sex Changes Have Her Back

Gov. Tim Walz Called Out for Another Past Embellishment

Rep. Donalds: Harris Can’t Distance Herself From Biden  Down the Memory Hole!

Kennedy Family Comes Out Swinging Against ‘Obscene’ RFK Jr. After Trump Defection (Zachary Folk/The Daily Beast)

DNC Attendees Test Positive for COVID-19  Lie down with dogs, get up with fleas.

Vote For Harris If You Want Radical Racial Indoctrination Of Your Kids

Biden-Harris Admin Warns Kindergartners Climate Change Will Leave Entire US Cities Underwater  They keep promising and promising and it just never happens. I want to see Manhattan under water.

Trump is expected to tie Harris to chaotic Afghanistan War withdrawal in speech to National Guard (Adriana Gomez Licon/Associated Press)

Cornell University To Offer Course On “Ecological Justice” Focused On “Feminist, Queer, And Trans Perspectives”

MODERATING? Jake Tapper Lets Cory Booker Use KILL-MAGA Metaphor Without Objection

Food Stamp Costs Soar Under Biden-Harris

UCLA Medical School Hired Students To Write Course Curriculum Emphasizing “Structural Racism And Health Equity”

Voting against your own interests: Why do the wealthy support Harris? (Gene Marks/The Hill)

The right’s killjoy politics only fuel Harris’s momentum (Svante Myrick/The Hill)

Ethics Complaints Pile Up Against Eugene Vindman Over ‘Illegal’ Super PAC Coordination

Attorney General Reminds Americans That Questioning The 2024 Election Is Illegal Unless Trump Wins  Babylon Bee.

Under attack from Trump, Harris says Biden was right to withdraw from Afghanistan (Francesca Chambers/USA Today)

What Harris’ Voters Don’t Know About Her Could Hurt America

‘Masterful shapeshifter’ Walz gets pointed message from Minnesota voters at state fair booth (Emma Colton/Fox News)


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‘Large Number’ of Illegal Aliens Will Vote in 2024 Elections, Most Americans Say

26th August 2024

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Many on the Left suggest that concerns about illegal aliens casting votes in a presidential election are unfounded. After all, illegal aliens can’t legally vote. Yet a new poll suggests that most Americans expect that illegals will be allowed to vote in the Nov. 5 election.

When asked, “How likely is it that a large number of illegal immigrants will be allowed to vote in this year’s elections?” more than half of respondents (56%) said it is “very likely” (27%) or “somewhat likely” (27%). About a third (36%) said it is “somewhat likely” (17%) or “not very likely” (19%), while one in 10 said they weren’t sure.

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Trump Honors Soldiers Killed in Botched Afghanistan Withdrawal While Biden Lounges at the Beach

26th August 2024

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As President Joe Biden vacationed at his Delaware beach house, Republican nominee Donald Trump visited Arlington National Cemetery Monday morning to honor the 13 American service members who were killed three years ago during Biden’s botched military withdrawal from Afghanistan.

Trump attended a wreath-laying ceremony along with family members of the 13 soldiers who died in a suicide bombing at Abbey Gate outside of Kabul Airport. Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris released statements marking the third anniversary but neither has announced any events to publicly pay their respects. The president and first lady Jill Biden are vacationing at their home near Rehoboth Beach, Delaware, while Harris holds private meetings with her staff in Washington.

“This is the third anniversary of the BOTCHED Afghanistan withdrawal, the most EMBARRASSING moment in the history of our Country,” Trump wrote Monday morning on Truth Social. “Gross Incompetence—13 DEAD American soldiers, hundreds of people wounded and dead, AMERICANS and BILLIONS OF DOLLARS OF MILITARY EQUIPMENT LEFT BEHIND.”

UPDATE: Mornings Networks REFUSE to Cover Three-Year Anniversary of Afghan Terror Attack


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Soros-Funded Censorship Plot Targets Black Voters

26th August 2024

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In an apparent pre-election bid to push leftist narratives, the George Soros-funded Poynter Institute is looking to censor information shared among black Americans.

Full of condescension and patronizing elitism, International Fact-Checking Network’s (IFCN) Poynter announced in a Tuesday press release that its PolitiFact and news organization Capital B “will collaborate this election season on fact-checks and analyses of issues that are important to Black Americans.” But Soros has poured money into groups suppressing election-related free speech, as MRC Free Speech America research showed, and Poynter is one such group.

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Teacher Fired After Alleged Jan. 6 Involvement Wins Wrongful Termination Lawsuit

26th August 2024

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A Pennsylvania teacher who was fired for allegedly attending the U.S. Capitol “insurrection” on January 6, 2021, has won a wrongful termination lawsuit after a two-week trial.

Jason Moorehead, a 17-year veteran social studies instructor in the Allentown School District, had always maintained he was “at all times over a mile away” at the Washington Monument when the riot occurred.

But on Jan. 7, the district issued a news release stating a district employee “was involved in the electoral college protest.” In it, Superintendent Thomas Parker did note the district “has an obligation to respect the First Amendment rights of our staff.”

District Solicitor John Freund also had said “only after knowing all the facts” could the district act in a manner that “balances First Amendment rights with the higher standards set for public school teachers.”

These standards include “teachers’ duty not to participate in or advocate un-American or subversive doctrines.”

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Robin DiAngelo Plagiarized Minority Scholars, Complaint Alleges

26th August 2024

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Robin DiAngelo, the best-selling author of White Fragility, is a big believer in citing minorities.

In an “accountability” statement on her website, which makes repeated reference to her Ph.D., DiAngelo, 67, tells “fellow white people” that they should “always cite and give credit to the work of BIPOC people who have informed your thinking.”

It doesn’t matter if their contribution is just a few words. “When you use a phrase or idea you got from a BIPOC person,” DiAngelo says, referring to black, indigenous, and other people of color, “credit them.”

But the white diversity trainer has not always taken her own advice. According to a complaint filed last week with the University of Washington, where DiAngelo received her Ph.D. in multicultural education, she plagiarized several scholars—including two minorities—in her doctoral thesis.

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Will the Real Stephanie Grisham Please Sit Down

26th August 2024

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Former Trump administration press secretary Stephanie Grisham caused a bit of a stir last week at the Democratic National Convention.

Grisham, who resigned on Jan. 6, 2021, in a supposed protest against President Donald Trump for his alleged inaction when demonstrators invaded the U.S. Capitol, endorsed Kamala Harris and claimed that from her personal knowledge Trump has “no empathy, no morals and no fidelity to the truth.”

But wait a minute.

How did Grisham become an arbiter of morals and a purveyor of “fidelity to the truth”?

After all, Grisham worked for Trump and his wife, first lady Melania Trump, for six years, starting as a campaign worker in August 2015 and then working as press secretary to both the first lady and the president after Trump’s election in 2016.

You have to ask yourself how Grisham had worked for the Trumps for six years without managing to notice that they were rotten scum. One is supposed to believe that she only figured out that Trump was a bad person two weeks before he left office when she resigned in protest. But if she knew Trump as well as she claims, and he was as horrible as she says now, then she should have quit years before.

Don’t think of it as selling out–think of it as buying in.

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University of Nebraska-Lincoln Shuts Down DEI Office, Eliminates $320k Vice Chancellor Position

26th August 2024

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In an email, UNL Chancellor Rodney Bennett said to the campus community on Tuesday that the Office of Diversity and Inclusion will be closing, according to the Lincoln Journal-Star.

The change also means the university’s vice chancellor for diversity and inclusion position, held by Marco Barker, will be eliminated come December. Including benefits, Barker’s salary is almost $320,000.

$750,000 will also go back into the university’s overall budget, which was previously allocated for the Office of Diversity and Inclusion.

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Facebook Admits ‘Error’ in Censoring Hillsdale College

26th August 2024

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A conservative college in Michigan called out Facebook for censorship after having its page taken down for launching a new course that is critical of communist and Marxist ideology.

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Navy to Sideline 17 Vessels Due to Manpower Shortage, Operating Crews Will Be Redistributed: Report

26th August 2024

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The Navy will reportedly sideline 17 vessels due to a manpower shortage that makes it difficult to properly crew and operate ships across the fleet.

There just aren’t enough Merchant Marines to keep all the ships going at once, according to Rear Admiral (Ret.) Mark Montgomery, senior director of the Center on Cyber and Technology Innovation for the Foundation for Defense of Democracy, told Fox News Digital. Merchant Marines operate the many support vessels needed to keep the Navy running.

“The problem, of course, is the ships are at sea, away from home port 12 months of the year,” Montgomery said. “So you need two crews … we’re desperately short of the number of people.”

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Hezbollah Threatens Further Aggression After Israel Fends Off Iran-Backed Terror Group’s Massive Missile Attack

26th August 2024

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Hezbollah on Sunday threatened further aggression in its war on Israel, leaving U.S. officials scrambling to contain the fallout of a weekend strike on the Jewish state that saw the Iran-backed terror group fire hundreds of missiles and drones.

At least one Israeli was killed over the weekend when Hezbollah bombarded the country with advanced missiles and suicide drones as payback for the assassination last month of senior commander Fuad Shukr. Israel successfully fended off the strike, which was focused on civilian centers and military facilities, including those near Tel Aviv. It preemptively destroyed Hezbollah rocket launchers aimed at Tel Aviv and set to fire Sunday morning, limiting damage.

Hezbollah threatened further escalation, with its leader, Hassan Nasrallah, saying Sunday that “if the result” of the current strike “is not enough, then we retain the right to respond another time.” Israel also said it is prepared for further action and will not back down from the threats posed by Iran’s terror proxies. “This is not the end of the story,” Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanuyahu warned over the weekend after his military blasted more than 40 Hezbollah-controlled sites across Lebanon.

“If someone comes to kill you, rise up and kill him first.” — Babylonian Talmud

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Thought for the Day

26th August 2024

Infographic: The Mpox Epidemic in Africa | Statista

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Schrödinger’s Feminist

25th August 2024

  • Strong and invincible
  • Poor pitiful victim

You don’t know which one you’ll get until you open the box.

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Today in Trump Derangement Syndrome

25th August 2024

Donald Trump Accused of New Federal Crime as He Cozies Up to RFK Jr. (Newsweek)

Brownstein: Why RFK Jr.’s endorsement could be a problem for Trump (CNN)

Ignore my brother Bobby, Max Kennedy says (L.A. Times)

What polling shows about Americans’ views of Robert F. Kennedy Jr. (Associated Press)

GOP strategist cautions Trump on joining forces with RFK Jr: ‘He’s kind of a looney tune’ (Filip Timotija/The Hill)

Dave Grohl and Foo Fighters Slam Trump for Using Hit Song at Rally (Lily Mae Lazarus/The Daily Beast)

A Manufactured Fight over Incumbency Hides Trump’s Fascism (emptywheel)

Foo Fighters Say Trump Didn’t Have Permission to Use ‘My Hero’ at Arizona Rally (Daniel Kreps/Rolling Stone)  He doesn’t need it, as long as he pays the proper ASCAP/BMI royalties.

Trump allies try to energize him as he struggles to adapt to Harris (Washington Post)

How Tim Walz’s dumb taco joke broke MAGA brains (Anthony L. Fisher/MSNBC)  MAGA is the New Nigger.

Audience signs and chants at the DNC were all about America. At the RNC, it was the Trump show. (Katherine Tangalakis-Lippert/Business …)

Rutgers Prof Who Said She Hoped Trump Shooting Would “Inspire Others” Will Teach This Fall

Trump event at wall Obama built highlights an unkept promise (Washington Post)

Trump aides alarmed he’s ‘just golfing all day and stewing’ as election slips away: WaPo (Tom Boggioni/Raw Story)  They just make this shit up.

Be Careful What Trump’s Lawyers Wish For, Superseding Indictment Edition (emptywheel)

Why Were Justice Dept. Officials Scared to Talk to This Book’s Author? (David Greenberg/New York Times)

Cotton: Republicans at DNC Had ‘Trump Derangement Syndrome’


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Today in Democrat Stupid

25th August 2024

The reality of Kamala Harris’ plan to tax unrealized capital gains (Axios)

Kamala Harris Golf Tax and Unrealized Gains? What You Really Need to Know (Kiplinger)

Silicon Valley is losing it over a tax plan some say will kill startups (San Francisco Standard)

Kamala Harris Tax Plans: What Could Happen (Newsweek)

It Hasn’t Worked Once, So Why Would A Politician Go All-In On Price Controls Now?  Because it gets the votes of stupid people (Democrat natural base).

Gat Summer: 22 Shot, 6 Dead In Chicago During First 3 Days Of DNC

For Tim Walz, a Pattern of Prevarications Stretches Back Almost Two Decades

Harris’s DNC was a master class in coalition building (E.J. Dionne Jr/Washington Post)  Too bad she’s just a sock puppet who had nothing to do with it.

Why Would Harris Duck a Press Corps That Asks Questions Like These?

How Democrats Make Republicans: RFK Should Be A Wake Up Call For The Party

Dems Scramble To Walk Back Harris’ Price Control Scheme

PBS Confesses: Dems Now Say ‘Reproductive Rights,’ Not ‘Abortion’ – And So Do We

U Of Tampa RA Training Includes Scenario Of Student Feeling “Threatened” By Conservative Roommate With MAGA Flag

RFK Jr.: ’16 Months of Censorship’ Led to Suspending Race

How I’ve been convincing Christians they don’t have to vote Republican (MSNBC)

FALSE! MSNBC Commentator Tara Setmayer Claims Republicans Don’t Chant ‘USA’??


Posted in Democrats: Party of Fear--Party of Hate--Party of Death | No Comments »

In Europe Growing Calls for Musk to Be Arrested

25th August 2024

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Leftists in the U.K. and Europe are doubling down on censorship, calling for the arrest of X owner Elon Musk and the cancellation of the X social media platform to silence opposing views, former White House and Pentagon official Douglas MacKinnon warned Sunday.

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Fascism 2.0 – Feudalism 2.0

25th August 2024


Now in this third article in the series, I want to link this back to what we started out discussing. How our closed and controlled Social Media services are now processing every post with an LLM.
My point today is not to prove linkages and corruption of the narrative being fed to the masses via Social Media. Such an investigation could be the subject of an entire book in itself.
Rather today, I would like to plant a seed.
Many reading this will already be in agreement with my belief we are entered into and age of Fascism 2.0. But if you are not yet aware, if you haven’t yet recognised the pervasive and consistent propaganda, my hope is you will start to notice.
My hope is that you will start to see our newspapers only carry the stories which support narratives furthering the globalist desire to fix policy-driven markets. Never the stories that contradict them. And Social Media (less so X now) similarly down regulate posts when they are critical of the policies sought. But for good measure, let me give two examples of recent news suppression matching this pattern.

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COVID-19: The Preventable Pandemic

25th August 2024

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When The Heritage Foundation released its comprehensive report on the origins of the COVID-19 pandemic, headlines tended to focus on the cost to the U.S. That’s not surprising: At an eye-popping $18 trillion, it’s almost 10 times the projected 2024 budget deficit.

Arguably, however, the commission’s most infuriating conclusion was this: The global pandemic was “totally preventable,” in the words of Commissioner Dr. Robert Redfield, an experienced virologist who headed the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention during the outbreak.

Had the Chinese government been more transparent and cooperative at the outset of the pandemic, millions of lives and trillions of dollars could have been spared. The pandemic’s “proximal origin,” the commission found, was the Chinese government’s “aggressive opposition to honesty, transparency, and accountability” along with its “systemic cover up.”

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Scientists Discover “Spatial Grammar” in DNA

25th August 2024

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Researchers have discovered a “spatial grammar” in DNA that redefines the role of transcription factors in gene regulation, influencing our understanding of genetic variations and disease.

A recently uncovered code within DNA, referred to as “spatial grammar,” may unlock the secret to how gene activity is encoded in the human genome.

This breakthrough finding, identified by researchers at Washington State University and the University of California, San Diego and published in Nature, revealed a long-postulated hidden spatial grammar embedded in DNA. The research could reshape scientists’ understanding of gene regulation and how genetic variations may influence gene expression in development or disease.

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Man Arrested in France Synagogue Arson, as ISIS Claims German Stabbing Attack ‘to Avenge Muslims in Palestine’

25th August 2024

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A man has been arrested in France after a synagogue there was set ablaze early Saturday morning, in at least the second French synagogue arson in recent months.

And police in Germany said they had taken into custody a 26-year-old Syrian man in connection a stabbing rampage at a music festival that left three dead.

The terror group ISIS claimed responsibility for the Solingen, Germany, rampage, saying on Telegram that the attack aimed “to avenge Muslims in Palestine.” German police said they could not immediately verify the claim but were investigating it.


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Thought for the Day

25th August 2024

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Death of Woke: Queer Activist Video Game Funded by the EU Can’t Find Players

25th August 2024

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If the new punk rock is to be politically correct, then it’s not punk rock. The woke activist invasion of popular media since 2015 continues to ignore the reality that they are not “rebels”, they are villains, and their delusions are becoming more embarrassing for them with each passing year.

Woke tropes have become poison for any brand seeking a wider audience or greater profits, to the point that activist media projects must now be funded by governments and NGOs through DEI initiatives just to pay developer salaries. The goal? To saturate the market with multicultural ideology and LGBT propaganda until the public was forced to accept it and consume it as “normal.” The agenda has failed.

Every new woke product seems to bomb harder than the last these days and that’s a good sign for the future. Video game players, a market which now dwarfs movies and TV streaming, are rejecting woke material en masse. Case in point: Dustborn.

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DNC Protesters Are Symptomatic of a Culture Committing Suicide

25th August 2024

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My colleague Tony Kinnett captured a rather revealing declaration at the anti-Israel protests in Chicago ahead of the Democratic National Convention this past week. A protester shouted, “Reproductive justice means Palestinian liberation.”

This leftist gobbledygook is nonsensical on its face (abortion isn’t exactly legal under Hamas and the Palestinian Authority, and legal protections on abortion in the U.S. will have no impact on civilians in Gaza), but it reveals a nihilism at the root of much leftist protesting. The protests aren’t really about the omni-cause of climate alarmism, LGBTQ+ demands, abortion, Palestine, or whatever the college kids are into these days. Instead, they represent a challenge to authority, an attempt to “stick it to the man,” regardless of the consequences.

These protests echo a culture that has lost faith in itself and is committing suicide.

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Lithium-Ion Batteries Are Exploding in NYC’s Garbage Trucks. Only You Can Stop Them.

25th August 2024


Lithium-ion batteries are increasingly exploding inside garbage trucks, endangering New York City’s sanitation workers.

The long, rectangular batteries used in e-bikes have become a fiery threat to New York City homes, and have led to as many as 626 blazes and 26 deaths since 2022, according to the FDNY. These batteries are found in everything from power tools to vapes to laptops, and are now so ubiquitous that sanitation workers say they’re also finding their way into trash streams.

The number of sanitation department collection truck fires that were either caused or likely caused by discarded lithium-ion batteries increased from just 1 in 2017 to 28 in 2023, according to the agency. And so far this year, there have already been 23 such fires through the beginning of August, though no injuries have been reported.

New York City is effectively a Turd World country.

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Giga-Vaxxed Fauci Somehow Contracts Ultra-Rare West Nile Virus on Heels of COVID-19 Infection

25th August 2024

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Boy, those vaccines sure do work!


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The Permanent Temptation of All Governments

25th August 2024

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The book begins, “In 2021, inflation emerged from a multi-decade hibernation.” Well, inflation had not really been in hibernation, but rather was continuing at a rate which had become considered acceptable. It was worry about inflation that had been hibernating. People found themselves caught up in the runaway inflation of 2021-2023, a wake-up call. As the book explores at length, that explosive inflation had been unexpected by the central banks, including the Federal Reserve, making their forecasts and assurances look particularly bad and proving once again that their knowledge of the future is as poor as everybody else’s.

The dollar has lost two-thirds of its purchasing power since I was in college in the mid-1970s.  When Franklin Roosevelt stole everybody’s gold in 1933, it was worth $20 an ounce. Look at the price today. That tells you everything you need to know about inflation

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Terrorism Suspected Following Explosion at French Synagogue

25th August 2024

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Oh, ya think?

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Man Claiming to Be Behind Solingen Knife Attack Turns Himself in, German Police Say

25th August 2024


A 26-year-old Syrian asylum-seeker turned himself into police, saying he was responsible for the Solingen knife attack that left three dead and eight wounded at a festival marking the city’s 650th anniversary, German authorities announced early Sunday.

Duesseldorf police said in a joint statement with the prosecutor’s office that the man “stated that he was responsible for the attack.”

UPDATE: Islamic State claims responsibility in German festival attack as second suspect arrested (Fox)

UPDATE: German stabbing suspect is 26-year-old Syrian man who admitted to the crime (Reuters)

UPDATE: Syrian man confesses to stabbing to death 3 people at German festival, police say (CNN)

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Hezbollah Launches Missiles at Israel, Prompting Airstrikes on Lebanon

25th August 2024

Associated Press.

Hezbollah launched hundreds of rockets and drones at Israel early on Sunday, as Israel’s military said it struck Lebanon with around 100 jets to thwart a bigger attack, in one of the biggest clashes in more than 10 months of border warfare.

Missiles were visible curling up through the dawn sky, dark vapour trails behind them, as an air raid siren sounded in Israel and a distant blast lit the horizon, while smoke rose over houses in Khiam in southern Lebanon.

The extent of damage was not immediately clear and Hezbollah indicated it was not planning further strikes yet, while Israel’s Foreign Minister said the country did not seek a full-scale war.

UPDATE: Israel attacks targets in Lebanon to thwart Hezbollah’s prepared strikes: IDF (Fox)

UPDATE: Iran’s Guard leader reiterated pledge of ‘revenge’ against Israel shortly before planned Hezbollah attack (Times of Israel)

UPDATE: Israel says it launched ‘preemptive’ strikes on Hezbollah targets in Lebanon (CNN)

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Today in Democrat Stupid

24th August 2024

Image slide 1

ABC: ‘Moderate’ Kamala Sounded Like Reagan With ‘Morning in America’ DNC Speech

“A Flawed Idea”: CNBC’s Joe Kernen Destroys Elizabeth Warren On Live TV Over Price-Gouging Policy

How protests outside the DNC defied expectations, staying mostly calm (Washington Post) “Mostly”

Gaslighting AP Touts Chicago’s Mostly ‘Peaceful’ DNC Riots; Social Media Says Otherwise

Kamala Harris Gets Off to a Strong Start (Peggy Noonan/Wall Street Journal)  RINO alert!!

World Bank halts paid advertising on X after CBS News finds its promoted ads under racist content (CBS News)

Hyping Harris: Late Night Comedy’s DNC Coverage Goes Soft

Can Harris’s ‘opportunity economy’ win back ‘Bidenomics’ doubters? (Nicholas Sargen/The Hill)

Kamala Harris Offers a ‘New Way Forward’ of Platitudes (Wall Street Journal)

What Kamala Harris Doesn’t Get About Food Costs (Scott Lincicome/The Atlantic)

Kamala Harris Understood the Assignment (Jonathan Chait/New York Magazine)

Stewart Hearts Harris: ‘Doesn’t Faintly Resemble The Caricature’

AFL, Texas, Idaho, and a Coalition of 14 State Attorneys General File Urgent Lawsuit and Request for Emergency Relief to Block New Biden-Harris Executive Amnesty … (America First Legal)

16 State AGs Sue Biden Admin Over Amnesty for 1M Illegals

Rand Paul Asks Why TSA Is Using Terror Watch List To Spy On Americans “Based On Their Political Views”

Backstabbing Behind the Scenes at the Democratic Convention

Gus Walz Sobbing With Pride Is the Most Important TV Moment of the Year (Kevin Fallon/The Daily Beast)

Ann Coulter Roast Goes Viral as Internet Gets Revenge for Gus Walz (Dan Ladden-Hall/The Daily Beast)

In Chicago, Dems redefined what it means to be American, then claimed it (Will Bunch/The Philadelphia Inquirer)

The Democrats’ 2024 campaign: it’s lies all the way down

Morning Joe: ‘Patriotism Fully Reclaimed’ As DNC ‘Flags Got Bigger’

What Kamala Harris Was Really Saying in Her Convention Speech (Jeff Greenfield/Politico)  In casse the word salad confused you, the Narrative Media is there to explain it all.

Who Is ‘Destroying Democracy in Darkness?’

Yes, Kamala’s Price Controls Lead to Socialism

CNBC’s Joe Kernen Shreds Elizabeth Warren’s ‘Fallacious,’ ‘Misleading’ Economic Illiteracy

Harris Crushes Trump by 22% in Convention Speech Ratings (Josh Fiallo/The Daily Beast)  Harris leads Trump in the Narrative Media demographic.

Disaffected Republicans and former Trump officials spoke at the DNC. Fox News didn’t air a second of any of their speeches. (Matt Gertz/Media Matters for America)  Why would they?

There’s a reason Adam Kinzinger defended Democrats’ patriotism (Philip Bump/Washington Post)  Yeah–he’s a slimy little weasel.

RFK Jr. Shreds Democrats for Abandoning Democracy

Politico Aids Post-Convention Kamala Push By Floating ‘Movement’ Label

Theater of the Absurd: The Worst Media Outbursts from the DNC

Kamala’s Harsh Takedown of Trump Points the Way to a Post-MAGA America (Greg Sargent/New Republic)  Uh, yeah, just keep thinking that.

PBS Hails DNC’s ‘Patriotism’ Versus RNC’s ‘Weighted Blanket’

Harris, Walz lean into erasing medical debt (Nathaniel Weixel/The Hill)  Buy those votes! Buy those votes!

Democratic convention energy, Harris hot streak making Republicans nervous (Al Weaver/The Hill)  Just like Nuremberg in ’34.

Former Republican FBI director James Comey backs Harris for president (Savannah Kuchar/USA Today)  The apparatchiks are forming solid ranks.

Kamala Explains 93% Of Staff Quit Because They Couldn’t Handle The Joy  Babylon Bee.


Posted in Democrats: Party of Fear--Party of Hate--Party of Death | No Comments »

Today in Trump Derangement Syndrome

24th August 2024

Fox Cuts Off Ranting Trump Then Mocks: ‘He’s Still Talking!’ (William Vaillancourt/The Daily Beast)

Trump’s spectacle is no match for Harris’s substance (Michael Starr Hopkins/The Hill)

Wait, Did Trump Just Admit He Lost the 2020 Election? (Sean Craig/The Daily Beast)

Trump Is Going to Lose. (Probably.) (Jonathan V. Last/The Bulwark)  We hope we hope we hope….

‘That’s Margaret Thatcher, Dude!’ CNN Analyst Elliot Williams Goes Gaga For Kamala

Trump Golf Club Hosts Fundraiser for Jan. 6 Defendants

DNC unveils billboards dubbing Trump, Vance, RFK Jr. ‘weird as hell’ (Elizabeth Crisp/The Hill)

Is Trump OK? Unhinged reaction to rise of Harris worries supporters (Chris McGreal/The Guardian)

Trump Is Behind Not Because the Press Is Hyping Kamala but Because He’s Unpopular (Mark Antonio Wright/National Review)  NR finally joins the cucks.

Democrats once strove to ‘go high’ against Trump. Not anymore. (Hannah Knowles/Washington Post)  When?

Claim: A Trump Victory Would Set the Planet On Fire


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Court Rules in Favor of Christian Teacher Forced to Use Trans Pronouns

24th August 2024

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A federal court ruled last week that an Ohio school district violated the First Amendment rights of a Christian teacher, which experts are hailing as a victory for free speech and religious liberty.

Hired as a full-time English teacher at the end of the 2021 academic school year, Vivian Geraghty had resigned from her position in 2022 after being told to use a student’s “preferred pronouns.” The argument she gave in her lawsuit was that the use of pronouns that didn’t reflect the child’s biological sex “would force her to embrace the concept of gender identity against her religious belief that God created two unchanging sexes, male and female.”

According to district court Judge Pamela Barker, the Jackson Local School District “compelled Geraghty to use the students’ preferred names and pronouns.” In doing so, it forced the teacher “to utter what was not in her mind about a question of political and religious significance.”

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Red Sea Crisis: Footage Captures Suezmax Tanker Explosion After Houthi Missile Strike as West Fails to Secure Chokepoint

24th August 2024

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Western nations, led by the US and ones across Europe, with the most modern warship fleets, seem absolutely powerless to stop Iran-backed Houthi rebels from launching missile and drone strikes on merchant vessels in the southern Red Sea and Gulf of Oman (maybe because it’s an election year in the US).

The US and EU have launched numerous military operations committed to ensuring freedom of navigation and maritime security in the highly contested region but have failed repeatedly.

The latest failure by the West comes earlier this week after a missile attack bombarded Greek-flagged oil tanker MV Sounion about 77 nautical miles west of the Yemeni port of Hodeidah, forcing at least one EU warship to rescue the crew of the Suezmax tanker—the largest type of oil tanker capable of transiting the Suez Canal.

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‘Festival of Diversity’ Horror: Manhunt for ‘Arab-Looking’ Man After 3 Killed, 8 Wounded in Mass Stabbing in Germany

24th August 2024

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A major manhunt is underway after a Friday night mass stabbing attack killed three people and wounded eight more at a “Festival of Diversity” in Germany. Living up to the event’s billing, witnesses to the bloodshed in the western German city of Solingen say the attacker was Arab in appearance — a detail every major US news outlet is omitting from its coverage as our report is written.

“This evening we are all in shock, horror and great sadness in Solingen. We all wanted to celebrate our city’s anniversary together and now we have dead and injured people to mourn,” said Solingen Mayor Tim-Oliver Kurzbach. “I pray for all those who are still fighting for their lives.” While the festival was indeed being held on the occasion of the city’s 650th anniversary, rather than emphasizing German heritage and history, the organizers were apparently determined to put “diversity” front and center.

Well, that’s what ‘diversity’ gets you.

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Woman Arrested For Silently Praying Outside Abortion Clinic Wins $17,000 From Police

24th August 2024

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A pro-life activist who was arrested for quietly praying outside of an abortion clinic has been paid approximately $17,000 USD from the West Midlands Police in Birmingham, England, according to Fox News.

After the arrest she filed a claim accusing the police of false imprisonment, assault and wrongful arrest. She was detained for allegedly violating a Public Space Protection Order, the police said at the time.

The women, UK March for Life Director Isabel Vaughan-Spruce, said: “Clearly, I’m delighted to have this, but there’s almost a bit of déjà vu. While I’m saying I’m delighted, I feel vindicated.”

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Thought for the Day

24th August 2024

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Hungary May Send Migrants to Brussels to Avenge Asylum Fine

24th August 2024

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Several years ago, Texas had a brilliant idea: take the millions of illegal immigrant that were flooding its territory as a result of policies adopted in faraway places like DC, and bus them to places like New York and DC, other so-called sanctuary cities and, best of all, Martha’s Vineyard where those who run New York and DC tend to go on vacation. The result was an immediate revulsion by the false virtue-signaling NIMBY crowd, which cried foul at having to suffer the consequences of its actions.

Turns out Texas’ idea was so good it is now being adopted across the Atlantic, where another illegal alien invasion has been taking place for the past decade, slowly replacing the indigenous population with millions of immigrants from northern Africa and the middle east.

Now, one European country has decided it also has had enough: Hungary suggested that it might – like Texas – start transporting migrants who show up at its border straight to Brussels, unless it can resolve a dispute with the European Union on penalties for its asylum policies, Bloomberg reported.

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Manpower Issues Could Force Navy to Idle 17 Support Ships

24th August 2024

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A dearth of qualified civilian mariners could put 17 U.S. Navy support ships out of commission, U.S. Naval Institute News reported Thursday.

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Blue State Blues: San Fran Man Robbed Thousands of Dollars of Equipment From FBI Truck, Traded It for $20 in Meth

24th August 2024

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More signs of utopia unfolding in the liberal run wasteland of San Francisco…

A thief who ransacked an FBI truck in San Francisco and made away with thousands of dollars of equipment turned around and traded it all for a $20 bag of methamphetamine, according to a report by the NY Post.

The truck that was raided contained flash-bang grenades, a tear gas launcher, surveillance equipment and bulletproof vests. The perpetrator, 29 year old Gregory Acosta-Alvarez, was arrested after being caught on multiple surveillance cameras.

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How American Voters Got Dumb

24th August 2024

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How did American voters get so dumb? Thank a public school.

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Judge Blocks E.P.A. From Using Civil Rights Law in Pollution Case

24th August 2024

New York Times.

A federal court in Louisiana has dealt a serious blow to the Biden administration’s effort to protect communities heavily affected by toxic industrial pollution.

The U.S. District Court for the Western District of Louisiana ruled on Wednesday that the Environmental Protection Agency is barred from using the federal civil rights law to prevent Louisiana from granting permits for numerous polluting facilities in minority and low-income communities.

Title VI of the 1964 Civil Rights Act allows the E.P.A. to investigate whether state programs that receive federal money are discriminating on the basis of race, color or national origin.

But the judge’s ruling effectively means that the federal government is limited to taking action against specific agency decisions that are intentionally discriminatory. The E.P.A. cannot, however, consider cumulative or “disparate” environmental harms. That means the state cannot be held liable for actions like allowing several chemical plants, refineries and other industrial operations in minority communities.

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Hamas Executing Hostages? Autopsies Of 6 Bodies Recovered From Gaza Reveal Bullets

24th August 2024

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Does that surprise anybody? Anybody?

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‘Direct Attack on Vulnerable Women’: Anti-Israel Vandals Attack Pregnancy Center During DNC

24th August 2024

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Anti-Israel protesters defaced a pro-life pregnancy resource center in Chicago late Thursday night after the close of the Democratic National Convention.

Vandals painted “Fake clinic” and “The real dead babies are in Gaza” in red spray paint on the entrance to the center, and put cement in the locks so employees couldn’t get into the building and see clients, Mary FioRito, an Aid for Women volunteer and advisory board member, told The Daily Signal.

The attack, which took place the final night of the Democratic convention in Chicago, comes after Planned Parenthood offered free abortions and vasectomies to attendees outside the stadium. At least 25 unborn babies were reportedly killed in the mobile abortion truck.

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Ohio Law Would Allow Claiming of Unborn on Taxes

24th August 2024

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Expecting parents would be allowed to claim “conceived children” as dependents on their state income taxes under a proposed law in Ohio.

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Woman Gets $165K in Emotional Support Parrot Case

24th August 2024

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A woman who faced eviction from her New York co-op over her three emotional support parrots has been awarded $165,000 in damages and $585,000 for her apartment.

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5 Secret Service Officials on Leave After Trump Shooting

24th August 2024

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Five Secret Service officials from the Pittsburgh Field Office have been placed on administrative leave as a result of the agency’s investigation into the security failures that led to the assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump in Butler, Pennsylvania.

“Yeah, guys, taks some vacation time until this whole thing blows over.”

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