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Court Rules in Favor of Christian Teacher Forced to Use Trans Pronouns

24th August 2024

Read it.

A federal court ruled last week that an Ohio school district violated the First Amendment rights of a Christian teacher, which experts are hailing as a victory for free speech and religious liberty.

Hired as a full-time English teacher at the end of the 2021 academic school year, Vivian Geraghty had resigned from her position in 2022 after being told to use a student’s “preferred pronouns.” The argument she gave in her lawsuit was that the use of pronouns that didn’t reflect the child’s biological sex “would force her to embrace the concept of gender identity against her religious belief that God created two unchanging sexes, male and female.”

According to district court Judge Pamela Barker, the Jackson Local School District “compelled Geraghty to use the students’ preferred names and pronouns.” In doing so, it forced the teacher “to utter what was not in her mind about a question of political and religious significance.”

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