We have seen the future, and it sucks.

Archive for June, 2024

Taxes Pay for Most of Jill Biden’s Private Air Travel

11th June 2024

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U.S. taxpayers will likely be footing the bill for the majority of first lady Jill Biden’s cross-Atlantic travel where she traveled from France to the United States then back to France in less than 48 hours.

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Hunter Biden Convicted of All 3 Felonies in Federal Gun Trial

11th June 2024

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One down, three to go.

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Fulton Fiasco: Judge Arrests Lawyer After “Secret” Meeting With Key Witness Alleged

11th June 2024

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The latest fiasco involves a RICO case against one rapper named Young Thug and co-defendants, in which Mr. Thug (Jeffrey Lamar Williams) and pals have been charged with several gang-related crimes related to the “Young Slime Life” group.

During a Monday court hearing, Mr. Thug’s attorney, Brian Steel, was arrested after alleging that the judge, Ural Glanville, arranged a “secret” meeting with a key witness, Kenneth Copeland (a no-no).

Judge Glanville gave Steel until 5pm to disclose his source regarding the secret meeting, arguing that Steel wasn’t supposed to have any communication with a state witness sworn to testify.

Steel, facing a contempt charge, refused to reveal his source citing attorney-client privilege – after which he can be seen being taken into custody.

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Bill Gates Is Breaking Ground on a Nuclear Power Plant in Wyoming

11th June 2024


Gates was in the tiny community of Kemmerer Monday to break ground on the project. The co-founder of Microsoft is chairman of TerraPower. The company applied to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission in March for a construction permit for an advanced nuclear reactor that uses sodium, not water, for cooling. If approved, it would operate as a commercial nuclear power plant.

The site is adjacent to PacifiCorp’s Naughton Power Plant, which will stop burning coal in 2026 and natural gas a decade later, the utility said. Nuclear reactors operate without emitting planet-warming greenhouse gases. PacifiCorp plans to get carbon-free power from the reactor and says it is weighing how much nuclear to include in its long-range planning.

Why Wyoming? Well, Wyoming is in the Middle of Nowhere, so there are no close urban areas full of activist robot Democrat mobs to cause trouble–like this one:

Edwin Lyman co-authored an article in Science on Thursday that raises concerns that this fuel could be used for nuclear weapons. Lyman, the director of nuclear power safety with the Union of Concerned Scientists, said the risk posed by HALEU today is small because there isn’t that much of it around the world. But that will change if advanced reactor projects, which require much larger quantities, move forward, he added. Lyman said he wants to raise awareness of the danger in the hope that the international community will strengthen security around the fuel.

Let’s hear it for the effectiveness of the ‘international community’ which can’t even keep Russia from invading Ukraine (both of which have nuclear power plants), or Iran from buying enriched uranium from Niger for its bomb-the-Jews-until-they-glow-in-the-dark project. Yeah, I’m holding my breath.

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Humans May Be Able to Grow New Teeth Within Just 6 Years

11th June 2024

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Won’t that be fun?

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The Empire of Lies

11th June 2024

ZMan sounds the alarm.

One of the defining features of this age is the collapse in respect for the spirit of the laws through the reinterpretation of the letter of the law. In every aspect of life, clever schemers are either crafting documents that conceal their intent or they are reinterpreting commonly understood words and phrases so they can claim some new intent behind the words. This is driven not just by a disrespect for the intent behind the words, but a disregard for the very idea of rules.

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Conservative Conspiracy Theories Keep Coming True

11th June 2024

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Yesterday’s right-wing conspiracy theories are today’s conventional wisdom. That’s long been true, but recent events provide a plethora of examples.

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What Is ‘Far Right,’ Anyway?

11th June 2024

Rod Dreher.

On Monday, Americans and Britons woke up to media reports about the surge of the “far right” in Europe. The news, according to Anglophone media, was especially bad in France, where the “far right” walloped President Emmanuel Macron’s centrist coalition so thoroughly that Macron felt compelled to call snap elections.

English speakers could be forgiven for panicking over fear that a Franco-fascist skunk called Pepe Le Pétain had come to stink up the Republic, and herald the odiferous return of Vichy. After all, what else could “far right” mean?

After this weekend’s vote, it should be clear that “far right” is a term that says more about the biases of the person using it than it does about the person or party to whom it is applied.

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Thought for the Day

11th June 2024

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“Healthy Masculinity” Is the Most Destructive School DEI Program You Never Heard Of

11th June 2024

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The ‘Healthy Masculinity Club’ at a Portland high school is described as a “place for guys to not be guys” while the ‘Healthy Masculinity’ class at Montpelier High School in Vermont indoctrinates boys on “how traditional concepts of masculinity have harmed women.”

The ‘Healthy Masculinity’ movement is a component of DEI, but it has attracted less attention and controversy than other ‘woke’ indoctrination programs that target ‘whiteness’ and teach racism or promote pornographic sexual identity programming. Nevertheless it may be even more destructive than all of the other high school DEI programs put together.

Much like ‘whiteness’ courses, the premise of ‘Healthy Masculinity’ is that there is something wrong with being a man. A Call to Men, for example, defines masculinity as a ‘Man Box’ in which men are “expected to be strong, successful, powerful, dominating, fearless, in control, and emotionless” that men have to “break out of” to end their ‘toxic masculinity’.

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Blue State Blues: UCLA Was Poised to Launch Its Own Investigation of Medical School Admissions—But Refused to Protect Whistleblowers From Retaliation

11th June 2024

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The University of California, Los Angeles, medical school has gone to extraordinary lengths for over five years to shield its admissions practices from internal scrutiny, stonewalling data requests from concerned professors and refusing to assure admissions officials that they would not face retaliation for cooperating with an internal probe of the school’s admissions office, according to three sources with firsthand knowledge of the situation and documents obtained by the Washington Free Beacon.

Since at least 2018, the school has refused to provide members of its faculty oversight board data on the relationship between admitted students’ academic credentials and their performance in medical school, two former members of that board said.

It has also slow-walked, since November of last year, its response to a public records request for similar data, pushing back the estimated date of availability four times over the course of six months, according to emails from UCLA’s public records office.

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SPLC Brands Conservatives’ Response to Woke Culture Takeover ‘Christian Supremacy,’ ‘Ethnocide’

11th June 2024

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If you don’t get on board with woke, you oppose “democracy.” You’re a bigot, a racist, or a Christian nationalist.

Where does this insane idea come from? It comes from the spin masters at the Southern Poverty Law Center.

The SPLC has long demonized mainstream conservative and Christian nonprofits by putting them on a map with Ku Klux Klan chapters. It updates this “hate map” annually with a “Year in Hate and Extremism” report for the previous year. On Tuesday, it published the report for 2023.

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Blue State Blues: Mob Loots AutoZone In South LA During Chaotic Street Takeover

11th June 2024

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The latest chaotic example of California’s criminal and social justice reforms backfiring erupted in South Los Angeles early Monday morning, where a street takeover resulted in a mob of looters ransacking an AutoZone store.

Local media outlet KTLA reported that the Los Angeles Police Department received multiple calls of a street takeover at the intersection of Century Boulevard and Hoover Street around 0400 local time. Then, minutes later, a mob of 50 people looted a nearby AutoZone. Officials believe other stores in the area were hit as well.

Time to leave.

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9 Things I Saw at the Pro-Hamas White House Rally

11th June 2024

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Thousands gathered around the White House Saturday to demand that President Joe Biden stop all military aid to Israel amid its war against the terrorist group Hamas. The “Shut it Down for Palestine” movement, comprised of controversial groups such as Students for Justice in Palestine, organized the giant rally against Israel’s “genocide” in Gaza.

Several organizations in the movement previously praised the Oct. 7 attack in which Hamas killed around 1,200 Israelis, raped women, and took hundreds of hostages. SJP, for example, referred to the terror onslaught as “a historic win” days after the news broke.

Saturday’s gathering proved a striking display of unity between Muslim, Marxist, LGBTQ, and even Jewish activists. Many organizers and demonstrators made it clear that they were not just demanding a “cease-fire” between Israel and Hamas. “Resistance” against the Jewish state–and fierce anti-American sentiment–were the overall themes.

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He Accused Israel of Genocide Days After Oct. 7. The University of Minnesota Tapped Him To Lead Its Genocide Studies Center.

11th June 2024

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On Oct. 13, just six days after Hamas terrorists infiltrated the Jewish state and slaughtered more than 1,000 Israelis, Stockton University professor Raz Segal penned an op-ed accusing Israel of genocide. Months later, the University of Minnesota tapped Segal to lead its Center for Holocaust and Genocide Studies, prompting resignations from members of the center’s advisory board.

On Friday, Minnesota’s interim College of Liberal Arts dean, Ann Waltner, extended an offer to Segal to serve as the center’s chair, according to an internal email obtained by the Washington Free Beacon. The decision prompted immediate pushback from members of the center’s advisory board, with two members—French professor Bruno Chaouat and music professor Karen Painter—announcing their resignation from the board within hours.

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Here Are The 5 Supreme Court Issues Set To Reshape America’s Political Landscape

11th June 2024

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As the Supreme Court gears up to conclude its decision season by the end of June, several high-stakes cases loom that could significantly alter the nation’s political and social fabric in a crucial election year.

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Alexandria Slammed for Painting ‘Permanent’ Trans ‘Pride Artwork’ Over Crosswalks in Historic Old Town

11th June 2024

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The city of Alexandria, Virginia, is drawing fire for painting Pride flags that include transgender symbols over the crosswalks in historic Old Town Alexandria.

The rainbow crosswalks are permanent, City Council member R. Kirk McPike told a local publication, The Zebra.

“Last June, in response to resident requests, I brought a memo before [the] Council, which my colleagues supported, asking staff to put together a proposal for permanent Pride street artwork,” McPike told The Zebra. “Staff brought a proposal to us last fall, which [the] Council approved, leading to these beautiful new crosswalks.”

He also said in a tweet that the unveiling of the rainbow crosswalks was met with “great media fanfare” and an “exciting drag story time” in which men dressed as women in drag read books and danced for children.

In addition to his role on the Alexandria City Council, McPike serves as chief of staff to a California Democratic congressman, Rep. Mark Takano. McPike is married to a man.

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Blue State Blues: Blaze Pizza Chain Moving HQ From California to Georgia

11th June 2024

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A popular pizza chain is moving its headquarters from California to Georgia – likely attracted by lower operating costs. The Pasadena-based Blaze Pizza company said it plans to complete the move by September.

Time to leave.

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Notorious Left-Wing Domestic Terrorist Donated to Rep. Jerry Nadler, ‘Squad’ Members

11th June 2024

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In June 2021, then-House Judiciary Committee chairman Jerry Nadler decried “the right-wing extremists” and “terrorists” who breached the U.S. Capitol on January 6. Weeks later, the New York Democrat accepted a $1,000 campaign contribution from an old friend: domestic terrorist Susan Rosenberg, who led a communist group that firebombed the U.S. Senate offices and other buildings in its quest to overthrow the government.

Rosenberg, whom Nadler helped obtain a presidential pardon in 2001, gave to Nadler’s campaign on July 26, 2021, according to campaign finance records. Since 2020, she has donated to “Squad” members Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D., N.Y.), Cori Bush (D., Mo.), Ilhan Omar (D., Minn.), Summer Lee (D., Pa.), and Jamaal Bowman (D., N.Y.), who accused former president Donald Trump of trying to “overthrow our government to advance his fascist cause.”

The armed overthrow of the United States government was precisely Rosenberg’s aim as a member of the Weather Underground and May 19th Communist Organization, a female-led Marxist-Leninist group that bombed the U.S. Senate offices in 1983. The FBI said the May 19th Communist Organization sought “armed revolution” and the “overthrow of the United States government.”

Law of Liberal Projection: Left-wingers always accuse others of what they themselves are doing or planning to do.

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Sen. Baldwin Rakes in California Cash While Slamming Opponent for Golden State Ties

11th June 2024

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Sen. Tammy Baldwin (D., Wis.) has raised over $1 million from California donors while attacking her Republican opponent for having West Coast ties.

Baldwin has raised $1.4 million from Golden State benefactors in the 2024 cycle, according to campaign finance records. That’s nearly 10 times as much as her Republican challenger Eric Hovde—a businessman whom Baldwin has slammed as a “California bank owner”—has taken from California donors.

The Democratic Party of Wisconsin has taken aim at Hovde for owning a mansion in Laguna Beach and holding a leadership role at the California-based Sunwest Bank. The pro-Baldwin Capital Times, a left-leaning newspaper in Madison, described Hovde’s campaign as “awash in California cash” and reported that he has “collected $60,000 from campaign donors with California ties.”

I love that – ‘California ties’. California cooties are apparently very strong.

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Biden Memo Instructs SoCal Border Patrol To Release Most Single Adults

11th June 2024

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President Biden’s executive order to curb the illegal alien invasion was nothing more than optically pleasing headlines before the September presidential debates. Just days after the order was signed, US Customs and Border Protection agents in the southern California sector received a memo instructing them to release single adults from all but six countries.

Fox News’ Bill Melugin obtained an internal CBP memo sent to agents in the San Diego sector following Biden’s executive order last Tuesday. The memo instructed them to release single adults from over 100 eastern hemisphere countries, except for six (Uzbekistan, Russia, Tajikistan, Georgia, Moldova, Kyrgyzstan) deemed “mandatory referral” countries. This means despite the president’s promise of stopping the invasion between border checkpoints, the majority, including Chinese, Middle Eastern, and African adults, are still being released into the US.

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Gaza Journalist Held Israeli Hostages in Home, IDF Says

11th June 2024

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A journalist in Gaza who contributed to Al Jazeera held Israeli hostages in his family home, the Israel Defense Forces said Sunday after a special forces operation rescued four hostages in central Gaza.

The journalist, Abdallah Aljamal, was killed in the IDF operation on Saturday, which freed three hostages in his home. In a post on X, the IDF said Aljamal was “a Hamas terrorist holding Almog [Meir Jan], Andrey [Kozlov],and Shlomi [Ziv] hostage in his family’s home in Nuseirat. No press vest can make him innocent of the crimes he has committed.” The post went on to ask Al Jazeera why Aljamal has an author page on the news organization’s website.

Al Jazeera on Sunday said Aljamal “never worked with the network” but acknowledged that he had contributed to a 2019 op-ed on the site. “These allegations are completely unfounded,” Al Jazeera’s press office said.

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Climate Protesters Target Annual Congressional Baseball Game

11th June 2024

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Climate protesters reportedly plan to blockade and shut down the annual Congressional baseball game on Wednesday.

These people are just stupid. They’re obviously not doing this to advance their cause–that is not accomplished by pissing off the people whose favor you need to get it done–it’s pure dog-in-the-manger bloodymindedness.

Now, in a rightly ordered society, the fact that this plan is known widely enough to be printed in a news source ought to be sufficient for the police to make the necessary preparations to make sure that it doesn’t happen. But it won’t, because in these degenerate modern times public officials seem to think that activists have some sort of legal right to interfere with other people’s lives and activities.


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For a Billionaire, Trump Flies a Crappy Plane

11th June 2024

New York Magazine.

If Donald Trump gets reelected in November, he’ll win a bonanza of benefits, including freedom from prison, the ability to jail Joe Biden, a $400,000 salary, and kinglike powers. He’ll also get a massive upgrade in the quality of his air travel, from his ’90s vintage 757 dubbed Trump Force One to the real Air Force One, a pair of heavily modified 747s worth billions.

To hear Trump tell it, that’s not much of an upgrade at all. He once told Rolling Stone that Air Force One is “a step down” from his 757 “in every way.”

But that’s pure delusion. Sure, Trump’s plane is big, and it has a shiny new paint job, but from a true private-jet aficionado’s point of view, those are about its only virtues. “It’s like if you wanted to brag about having a massive yacht, so you bought the Staten Island Ferry and converted it,” says a private-jet broker who prefers not to be identified. “That’s not something that people who really know yachts would find impressive.”

The Cool Kids pass judgment. The condescension drips from the page. What’s next? His shoes? His brand of golf club?

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Graduating McGill Student Seen Spitting at Dean as Crowd Cheers

10th June 2024

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Various posters on social media have featured a video of a graduating McGill University student appearing to spit on the Dean and another faculty member.

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This Is the Most Liberal College in America: The Top 25 Ranked

10th June 2024

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It is as important to avoid the bad as it is to support the good.

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Social Security’s Funding Crunch Is Getting Worse

10th June 2024

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ocial Security faces a potential funding shortfall by 2033-2035, threatening its ability to meet commitments to retirees. A significant issue is the payroll tax cap, which limits taxation to incomes up to $168,000. This cap hasn’t kept pace with the rise in high earners, contributing to the shortfall. Removing the cap could address 70% of the deficit. While raising the retirement age or increasing taxes are other options, the political feasibility of taxing higher incomes makes it a likely solution. Retirees are advised to continue investing in their retirement accounts to supplement Social Security benefits.

Only a fool depends on Social Security for their retirement. (If I had been able to put the money taken from me in Social Security tax and put it into an IRA, I’d be miles ahead.)

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Whose Flag?

10th June 2024

The American Mind.

For most of my life, June signified the arrival of summer and opened wedding season. In recent years, a small but boisterous group of activists have claimed it as Pride Month, replacing the traditional focus with honoring an ever-changing flag that represents the worship of a postmodern Baal. As society has surrendered to this iteration of humanistic religious practice, the military complex has followed suit.

The American military that could not be defeated by global nuclear powers was conquered by a band of people dedicated to sexual disorder. Since the repeal of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell (DADT) in 2010, the Department of Defense (DOD) capitulated to the revolutionary cause of Pride Month with nearly the speed of Kabul’s fall to the Taliban. In doing so, it usurped the concept of selfless service to others with the celebration of self for the sexually divergent.

The Pentagon, and all branches of the military, publish internal public affairs guidance documents laying out exactly how military leaders from top to bottom are expected to celebrate LGBTQ values in speech and action. This now includes sending honor guards in full military dress to formally kick off pride parades. The American flag and military colors have long shown up in battles throughout American history. Now they wave in cultural battle—on the side of those who want the nation deconstructed.

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What Makes a Good Queer Hair Salon? In Brooklyn, a Battle Over What’s Inclusive.

10th June 2024


Step inside the Bushwick barbershop Hairrari and you’ll see a transgender flag and a shelf lined with bottles of Gay Spray leave-in conditioner.

Hairrari bills itself as a “gender-neutral barbershop” and stylists there specialize in cuts that are popular with the queer community. They encourage self-expression — the wackier the cut, the better.

“I always have clients that come in and say they want to look noticeably gay,” said stylist Ashton Wells.

I believe it. (That’s not a problem we have here in Texas.)

It’s all part of being LAME (Look At Me Everybody). Vanity of vanities, all is vanity.

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1 Week, 633,000 Applications for Section 8 in NYC. What Comes Next?

10th June 2024


The trouble with socialism is that eventually you run out of other people’s money — in this case, the taxpayers.

Time to leave.

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How to Lead an Army of Digital Sleuths in the Age of AI

10th June 2024

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When a lot of people think about AI, they think, “Oh, it’s going to fool people into believing stuff that’s not true.” But what it’s really doing is giving people permission to not believe stuff that is true. Because they can say, “Oh, that’s an AI-generated image. AI can generate anything now: video, audio, the entire war zone re-created.” They will use it as an excuse. It’s just easy for them to say.

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New Images Reveal Houthi Missile Damage To Oaktree’s Previously-Owned Bulk Carrier

10th June 2024

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For the first time, shocking new images have surfaced on social media, revealing the extensive damage to the previously owned US bulk carrier “True Confidence.” This vessel was engulfed in flames following a missile attack by Iranian-backed Houthis earlier this year.

On March 6, Houthis fired an anti-ship ballistic missile that hit the vessel. The US military’s Central Command (Centcom) confirmed the attack, releasing two images of the heavily damaged bulker.

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America Inc.

10th June 2024

ZMan lays it out.

One of the criticisms of the paleoconservatives is that they never got around to formulating an explanation for why the managerial state emerged. They did a good job describing it and how it differed from the straightforward administrative bureaucracies that have been a part of society since Diocletian. How the bureaucracy transitioned from instrument of the ruling elite into a ruling elite itself has remained a bit of mystery, with only some stabs here and there at an explanation.

The fault probably lies with Burnham, who was the first guy to create a political theory from observing the emergence of the managerial system. He wrote his most famous book, The Managerial Revolution, during the Second World War when the Nazis were at the peak of their power. Therefore, his understanding of managerialism was shaped by the militant authoritarianism of it. Burnham was still a communist, so this no doubt played a role in his understanding of managerialism.

Burnham: Great insight, boring delivery. Read it if you can. Managerialism is actually an outgrowth and flowering of traditional German cameralism, which has a long history.

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Disinformation Allegations Fly at Harvard’s Disinformation Center

10th June 2024

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For years, free speech advocates (including myself) have criticized the new rationalization for censorship in the cause of combating disinformation, misinformation, and malinformation. As discussed in my new book, The Indispensable Right: Free Speech in an Age of Rage, there is a burgeoning cottage industry in academia in helping corporations and government agencies to target certain political, social, and scientific viewpoints. One of those centers is located at the Harvard University’s Shorenstein Center on Media, Politics, and Public Policy. Now, however, the faculty are accusing each other of misinformation over the departure of “misinformation and disinformation” expert Joan Donovan.

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The Success Narratives of Liberal Life Leave Little Room for Having Children

10th June 2024

New York Times.

For young, secular, politically progressive men and women, having children has become something of an afterthought. Liberal conventional wisdom encourages people to spend their 20s on journeys of personal and professional self-discovery and self-fulfillment. Children are treated as a bonus round, something to get to only after completing a long list of achievements: getting a degree, forging a satisfying and well-established career, buying a house, cultivating the ideal romantic partnership.

The standards of readiness for family are at once so high and so vague that it’s hardly a surprise when people fail to reach them. Indeed, the data suggest that people are having children later than they used to and are having fewer than they’d like.

For progressives, waiting to have children has also become a kind of ethical imperative. Gender equality and female empowerment demand that women’s self-advancement not be sacrificed on the altar of motherhood. Securing female autonomy means that under no circumstances should a woman be rushed into a reproductive decision — whether by an eager partner or tone-deaf chatter about ticking biological clocks. Unreserved enthusiasm for having children can come across as essentially reactionary.

“People will not look forward to posterity who never look backward to their ancestors.” — Edmund Burke, Reflections on the Revolution in France

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Thought for the Day

10th June 2024

Follow the Nomad Capitalist on YouTube.

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Why Thousands of Chinese Tourists Started Coming to a Random British Village

10th June 2024

Watch it.

It’s not what you think.

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Federal Income Taxes Are Set to Skyrocket

10th June 2024


S Corporation shareholders and partners in a partnership could see their effective federal income tax rate increase by 30% by the end of December 31, 2025, due to the expiration of certain tax laws. With the sunsetting of the 199A deduction and an increase in individual federal income tax rates scheduled to occur as of December 31, 2025, the effective tax rate for pass-through entity owners will jump from 30% to 39.6%. Taxable income could also increase due to the sunsetting Tax Cuts and Jobs Act provisions, including the capitalization of research and experimental expenditures, bonus depreciation dropping to 60% in 2024 and to 40% in 2025, and the application of a more restrictive interest expense limitation calculation.

A dramatic increase to the effective tax rate may catch many pass-through entity businesses by surprise. Doesn’t Congress have to pass a bill to change federal income tax law? Unfortunately, not in this situation. For tax law to be passed, the Senate normally needs a 60-vote majority to overcome a filibuster. However, provided the political party controls the Presidency, House and Senate, laws can be passed under the budget reconciliation process where only a simple majority in the Senate is needed. The budget reconciliation process was utilized to pass the Tax Cut and Jobs Act (“TCJA”) in December of 2017, which bypassed the need for bipartisan support. Under the reconciliation process, the bill cannot increase the deficit beyond a 10-year budget window. Under the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, taxes were reduced substantially between 2018 through 2025, resulting in an anticipated $1-$2 trillion increase to the national deficit. Both parties have used the budget reconciliation process when controlling the Presidency and Congress. In 2010, the budget reconciliation process was utilized to amend the Affordable Care Act and modify the federal student loan program. This process was utilized most recently in 2021 to enact additional COVID-19 relief via the American Rescue Plan.

Thank you, Joe Biden.

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Curvature Propulsion and the Future of Intergalactic Space Travel

10th June 2024

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If you are a fan of reading or watching science fiction, you have definitely encountered the concept of curvature propulsion — one of the most fascinating and speculative frontiers in theoretical physics and advanced space travel.

Rooted in Einstein’s general theory of relativity, it proposes innovative methods to manipulate spacetime itself to achieve faster-than-light travel without violating the laws of physics.

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Black Lives Matter Bleeds Cash As Disgraced Cofounder’s Family Rakes In Big Bucks

10th June 2024

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Black Lives Matter cofounder Patrisse Cullors resigned from the embattled charity in 2021, but the charity suffered from the excesses of her tenure well into 2023, according to a copy of its latest tax return obtained by the Washington Free Beacon.

Under Cullors’s leadership, Black Lives Matter Global Network Foundation doled out massive contracts to her friends and family, purchased a $6 million mansion in Los Angeles in 2020, and financed the purchase of an $8 million mansion in Canada in 2021. By the end of its 2023 fiscal year, the tax forms show, Black Lives Matter saw the $80 million windfall it raked in during the George Floyd riots of 2020 diminish to under $29 million as it hemorrhaged cash fulfilling lingering contractual obligations to Cullors’s associates.

Those individuals include Damon Turner, the father of Cullors’s only child, whose art firm Trap Heals received $778,000 from Black Lives Matter in 2023 despite performing no work for the charity that year.

I guess black bucks matter even more.

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Israelis on Front Lines Say Biden’s Peace Plan Is Forcing Them to Fight Forever War

10th June 2024

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President Joe Biden has admonished Israelis to stop waging “indefinite war” and embrace his plan for Middle East peace.

But more than half a dozen war-weary Israeli reserve soldiers from across the country told the Washington Free Beacon that Biden’s diplomacy is actually dragging out the Gaza war he is pressing Israel to bring to an end. By restraining Israel, they said, Biden is preventing the Jewish state from defeating or deterring its genocidal enemies.

“It’s very frustrating,” said Snir Tal, 24, a reservist in an elite Israel Defense Forces commando unit. Tal saw two of his best friends killed during six months of service in the war in the Gaza Strip, which the Palestinian terror group Hamas started with a massacre and mass abduction in southern Israel on Oct. 7. “It feels like all our work and all our losses were for nothing.”

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Illegals Marching in NYC Usher In Next Phase of Biden’s Color Revolution

10th June 2024

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Pieces of the jigsaw puzzle that is the 2024 election heist all began fitting together Friday as illegal immigrants took over New York City’s Times Square to demand the abolishing of Immigration and Customs Enforcement in response to what was already a toothless and symbolic executive order from President Joe Biden.

Maybe taxpayers ought to demand the abolition of the IRS. Hey, everybody else is doing it.

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White House Protesters Vandalized Property and Clashed With Law Enforcement, But Police Say No Arrests Were Made

10th June 2024

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If it weren’t for double standards, we wouldn’t have any standards at all.

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Getting Past Roman Immigration

9th June 2024

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This is why men think about the Roman empire at least once a week.

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Are There Any Innocent Palestinians?

9th June 2024

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Doesn’t seem like it.

Why am I starting to think like this? The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) confirmed Sunday that all three of the male hostages rescued on Saturday were held by Abdallah Aljamal, a “journalist” who contributed to the Palestine Chronicle and Al Jazeera.

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It Leaked From A US-Backed Lab

9th June 2024

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For The New York Times, which started this whole fiasco dating from Feb. 27, 2020, with a podcast designed to drum up disease panic, it’s been a drip, drip, drip of truthiness ever since.

A fortnight ago, the paper finally decided to report on vaccine injury from shots that vast majorities never needed and that stop neither infection nor transmission. And now, as of June 3, we have as decisive an article as one can imagine that shows that “a laboratory accident is the most parsimonious explanation of how the pandemic began.”

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The Roads of Ancient Rome Visualized in the Style of Modern Subway Maps

9th June 2024

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If, of course, that’s what you want to do.

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The Era of the Autodidact is Here.

9th June 2024

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The giants of the early days of tech, like Bill Gates and Michael Dell, had one thing in common: they were all autodidacts. These computer-geeks turned billionaires were and still are so much more than just gifted — they are self-learners. Early in their careers, they questioned formal paths to success, learned complex information all by themselves (most of them also dropping out of college) even though the information was still mostly inaccessible.

Today, 20 years after Google was founded, technological advancements have changed everything: access to information has improved immensely, freeing us of institutional education’s monopoly of learning.

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California Superintendent Fired for Allegedly Threatening Students Who Didn’t Clap for Her Daughter

9th June 2024

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New Poway Unified superintendent's base salary: $287,500 - Pomerado News

She must be one of those Tiger Mothers we keep hearing about.

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10,000 California Fast Food Workers McFired Thanks to $20 Minimum Wage: Report

9th June 2024

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Thank you, Gavin Newsom.

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