Archive for March, 2020
24th March 2020
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Hey, it’s not like you’ve got anything else to do, right?
Posted in Axis of Drivel -- Adventures in Narrative Media | Comments Off on Here Are the Media’s Biggest Coronavirus Flubs, Contradictions, and Walk-Backs
24th March 2020
Trump vows to reopen US economy even as deaths from coronavirus rise The Guardian.
The scariest thing Anthony Fauci said about Trump CNN. Ooooo, scary….
Coronavirus Exposes the Virulence of American Conservatism Bias? What bias?
Trump can’t be trusted to make this decision CNN. What decision? Relaxing restrictions (i.e. refusing to cooperate in destroying the economy). But the clickbait business model of modern ‘news’ media bar anybody from putting useful information in the headline.
Trump, as usual, is just making things worse Washington Post.
In order to save Dr. Fauci, we must destroy him Boston Globe. Despite the headline, it’s All About Trump.
MSNBC’s Hayes: Conservatives, Trump Set to Kill a ‘Million’ Seniors to Save Economy ORANGE MAN BAD!!!
VIDEO: Media Suffer 12-Day Meltdown Over Phrase ‘Chinese Virus’
Dr. Anthony Fauci Dumps Cold Water On The Media’s Latest Anti-Trump Narrative
Sunny Hostin: Stop Airing Trump Coronavirus Briefings, They’re a ‘Disservice to Country’ Yeah, they make Trump look good.
NY Times Man in Europe: ‘Selfish’ Trump Not Interfering Enough Overseas During Pandemic
NBC, MSNBC Rush to Blame Trump for Man’s Death
Axios Walks Back Suggestion That President Trump Caused People To Eat Fish-Bowl Cleaner
MSNBC Gives Biden Operative Platform to Lecture How He’d Better Handle Coronavirus
Kirstie Alley Praises Trump’s ‘Leadership’ During Pandemic, Triggers Hollywood
Media Backtracks After It Turns Out Dead Man Didn’t Take Drug Trump Touted — But Fish Tank Cleaner
Media Can’t Stop Asking Dr. Fauci Two Things And Neither Is About Coronavirus
‘View’ Melt Down: Trump Only Wants to Reopen Economy to ‘Line His Own Pockets’
Soros PAC, Big Donor Gave Combined $13,000,000 to Group Launching Anti-Trump Coronavirus Attack Ads
‘Don’t Amplify Misinformation’: Rachel Maddow Wants The Media To Blackout Trump
Posted in Axis of Drivel -- Adventures in Narrative Media | Comments Off on Today in Trump Derangement Syndrome
24th March 2020
Posted in Think about it. | Comments Off on Today in Global Warming Hysteria
24th March 2020
Victor Davis Hanson.
In a sophisticated society under lockdown, is it more existentially valuable to know how to fix a toilet, replace a circuit breaker, or change a tire, or to be a New York fashion designer, a Hollywood actor, or a corporate merger lawyer? At 9 p.m., when you go downtown in need of a critical prescription, are you really all that furious that a law-abiding citizen who has a gun and concealed permit is also in line—or would you be more relieved that gun control laws might ensure that his ilk never enters an all-night pharmacy?
So who is important and who not?
We were often told globalized elites on the coast were the deserved 21st-century winners, while the suckers and rubes in-between had better learn coding or head to the fracking fields.
But who now is more important than the trucker who drives 12-hours straight to deliver toilet paper to Costco? Or the mid-level manager of Target who calibrates supply and demand and is on the phone all day juggling deliveries before his store opens? Or the checker at the local supermarket who knows that the hundreds of customers inches away from her pose risks of infection, and yet she ensures that people walk out with food in their carts? The farmworker who is on the tractor all night to ensure that millions of carrots and lettuce don’t rot? The muddy frackers in West Texas who make it possible that natural gas reaches the home of the quarantined broker in Houston? The ER nurse on her fifth coronavirus of the day who matter-of-factly saves lives?
Posted in Think about it. | Comments Off on The Virus is Not Invincible, But It’s Exposing Who’s Irreplaceable
24th March 2020
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“You never let a serious crisis go to waste,” Obama adviser Rahm Emanuel said during the country’s last major emergency. Now, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is bringing this noxious idea back as she uses the coronavirus pandemic to permanently stamp identity politics on corporate America.
Pelosi’s coronavirus relief bill is a veritable pork barrel for programs that would force corporations receiving government aid to implement “diversity and inclusion” initiatives that have nothing to do with combating COVID-19, the disease caused by the coronavirus, and preventing its spread.
Posted in Your tax dollars at work - and play. | Comments Off on Pelosi’s Identity Politics Pork Barrel
24th March 2020
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Congressional Democrats apparently count on the media to conceal the reason for the failure of the relief package on the floor of the Senate this week. The absurdly irrelevant provisions that Dems seek to incorporate to further the progressive takeover of the United States are meant to remain a deep secret. The current crisis — it’s not meant to go to waste, in the usual reckoning of the thought leaders of the Democratic Party.
Posted in Your tax dollars at work - and play. | Comments Off on Dems Gotta Dem, Pelosi Style
24th March 2020
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Because nothing is better for a country on lockdown than to have hundreds of thousands of illiterate peasants from a turd-world country wandering around.
Posted in Axis of Drivel -- Adventures in Narrative Media | Comments Off on House Democrats Ask DHS to ‘Release As Many Immigrants as Possible From Detention’
24th March 2020
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The Democrats seem intent on using this opportunity to push everything they ever wanted into a 1,119-page bill.
Posted in Your tax dollars at work - and play. | Comments Off on Democrats Hold the Country Hostage
24th March 2020
Unfortunately for me, my mom is dead.
Which is probably just as well.
Posted in Think about it. | Comments Off on Thought for the Day
24th March 2020
Genius Times. (Yes, this is satire. Sometimes you need a scorecard to tell.)
Analysts were shocked that a state that encourages foreigners to break the law should have so many residents break the law.
“We let homeless people take a dump on the street in front of nice restaurants. We let people spread AIDS with impunity. We encourage immigrants to come here illegally. You’d think people would listen to my orders!” Newsom said in a press conference.
Freeberg says:
Newsom is representative of a whole generation of pricks who’ve aligned every fiber of their being in the direction of “Question Authority,” and now that they’re the authority they expect not to be questioned. That’s a generalization and it shouldn’t be taken as an indicator that every single one has this problem. But the ones that do have it aren’t completely sane, and yet they’re still in charge of things.
Posted in Think about it. | Comments Off on Newsom Baffled: A State That Encourages Illegal Immigration Isn’t Obeying His ‘Stay At Home’ Order
24th March 2020
The problem with the coronavirus situation has two parts:
- The people who are making the decisions to effectively shut down the economy are not the people who are going to most suffer the effects of those decisions. Politicians will still receive their paychecks, academics will still receive their paychecks, ‘journalists’ will still receive their paychecks, highly-computerized professionals who can work from home will still receive their paychecks, so it’s very easy for them to say HEY, EVERYBODY, STAY IN YOUR HOUSE FOR A MONTH because they can do that and it’s no more than an inconvenience.
- The incentives for elected officials are all going the wrong way. If they overreact and overreach and things turn out not to be as bad as they are predicting, nobody (besides people like me) will blame them, but if they underreact, and people get the disease and die, it lays them open to accusations of Not Doing Enough — and don’t think they don’t know that. So there is no downside for them in overreacting and shutting everything down, even if it hurts people that didn’t actually need to get hurt.
Please call your local politicians and plead with them not to overreact. The future you save may be your own.
Posted in Your tax dollars at work - and play. | 1 Comment »
24th March 2020
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Most Iraqis agree that Iran is a toxic neighbor that, in its current state (an increasingly unpopular religions dictatorship) is a toxic force obsessed with controlling Iraq and the Iraqi government. Iran has sent hundreds of IRGC officers, most of them from the Quds Force (similar to the U.S. Special Forces, but specializing in supporting Islamic terrorists not fighting them) and even more lower ranking IRGC personnel to Iraq. Dozens of senior IRGC officers have been killed in Syria and Iraq since 2012. These IRGC personnel are now seen by most Iraqis as hostile foreign agents. What the Quds Force does get credit for is its leading role in organizing the PMF (Popular Mobilization Force) militias in 2014. This came in response to the corrupt armed forces created by the elected Iraqi government falling apart in the face of the ISIL (Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant) advance. The ISIL force was much smaller and less well armed than the Iraqi security forces they encountered. For the Shia majority in Iraq this ISIL advance was their worst nightmare. Quds stepped in where corrupt Iraqi Shia army and police commanders had failed and turned the poorly armed and trained Shia Iraqi militias into a force that could halt the ISIL advance. But these militia could not drive ISIL out of Iraq. That required newly trained (by American and foreigner military specialists) special operations units supported by American and Iraqi artillery and air power.
Posted in Living with Islam. | Comments Off on Iraq: We Have Met The Enemies
24th March 2020
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I’ll bet you didn’t even know there was a ‘toilet race’.
Posted in Think about it. | Comments Off on Why America Is Losing the Toilet Race
24th March 2020
Rollo Tomassi is afflicted with uncommon sense.
For the Left, this is the event they’ve always waited for to bring down a president who’s been effectively invincible since the Primaries of 2015. To use their own words, they can “finally get the motherfucker.” That it took a global pandemic is irrelevant. For the Right, it’s an illustration of how life will look under the fantasy Socialist tyranny they see in the Left. The wholesale closing of abortion clinics is an added bonus. In our own sphere, for MGTOW it’s the sweet humbling of women’s egos as, from all appearances, women turn to a new appreciation of conventionally masculine men and ape the mannerisms of traditional femininity – for now. For the Trad-Con sunhat ladies this feminist pivot is, again, reaffirming. Gone, almost overnight, are the bleating of social justice warriors with all discussions of socially constructed gender norms. Noticeable in its absence is all talk of Women’s History Month (March) and the need for reparations in gender inequities. Hell, in Finland the all-female, all-feminist, government is glaringly impotent from all accounts I’ve read.
Posted in Dystopia Watch | Comments Off on The Future Shock
24th March 2020
David Cole gives us a peek.
As I type these words, Californians are under a mandatory “stay at home” edict issued by the Patrick Bateman cosplayer in our statehouse. Any Californian caught leaving his, her, its, or zir home for “nonessential” reasons is subject to fine or imprisonment.
Yes, the state that removed criminal penalties for knowingly giving someone AIDS has imposed criminal penalties on anyone who might inadvertently spread Wuhanvirus. Yes, the open-borders governor who claims he has no moral authority to tell Mexicans to stay out has ordered all Californians to stay in.
Posted in Dystopia Watch | Comments Off on Locked Down in Third World California
24th March 2020
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Steve has already commented on this, but I want to amplify the point. Yesterday Senate Democrats filibustered the Trump administration’s economic bailout bill. The key vote was 47-47, with every Democrat voting for the filibuster. You’ve got to hand it to the Democrats: when they decide to jump off a cliff, they do it together.
The $1 trillion+ bailout was the sort of bill the Democrats would normally love. So, what was their problem? It didn’t include enough of their pet hobby horses.
Posted in Your tax dollars at work - and play. | Comments Off on How Low Can the Democrats Sink?
24th March 2020
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The turd doesn’t fall very far from the anus.
Democrats — Party of Hate.
Posted in Dystopia Watch | Comments Off on Pelosi’s Daughter Says Man Who Assaulted Coronavirus Victim Rand Paul ‘Was Right’
23rd March 2020
Posted in Axis of Drivel -- Adventures in Narrative Media | Comments Off on Today in Trump Derangement Syndrome
23rd March 2020
Posted in Think about it. | Comments Off on Today in Global Warming Hysteria
23rd March 2020
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They note the French study which prompted all this optimism consisted of only 20 people given the chrloroquinine/azrithromycin combination. (Another 20, I think, served as a control group who were not given that combination.)
That’s obviously a small sample, but still, as anecdotes accumulate they do become data.
Meanwhile, it turns out that Orange Man Bad was not responsible for the delay in coronavirus testing.
The FDA refused to expedite approvals for the test, despite a national health emergency having been declared.
‘We’re from the government, and we’re here to help.’
Posted in Your tax dollars at work - and play. | Comments Off on More Anecdotal Evidence That Chloroquinine Is Effective; The FDA Is to Blame For the Six Weeks of Delay in Coronavirus Testing
23rd March 2020
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How about that GREAT government-provided health care?
Don’t you wish we had a system like that in the U.S.?
It’s coming….
Posted in Dystopia Watch | Comments Off on London Doc: Staff Will Soon Choose Which Lives to Save
23rd March 2020
Ace of Spades points the finger.
My, what a surprise. Aren’t you surprised? I’m sure surprised.
Posted in Axis of Drivel -- Adventures in Narrative Media | Comments Off on Twitter — Which Bans Republican Ads, Bans Conservative Users, and Rates Trump’s and Only Trunp’s Tweets for Accuracy — Declares That Chinese Communist Party Disinformation About the US Starting the Wuhan Flu Is Fine, Just Fine
23rd March 2020
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Apparently they won’t let a mere pandemic interfere with killing your child.
Posted in Dystopia Watch | Comments Off on ‘WE ARE OPEN’: Cleveland Abortion Clinic Defies Health Department Order to Stop Performing Abortions
23rd March 2020
Babylon Bee.
I can see their point.
Posted in Think about it. | Comments Off on Dems Worried Stimulus Bill Would Stimulate Economy
23rd March 2020
Posted in Your tax dollars at work - and play. | Comments Off on House Democrat Whip: Coronavirus a ‘Tremendous Opportunity To Restructure Things to Fit Our Vision’
23rd March 2020
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More Blue state fascism.
It’s not enough to destroy the economy, you have to make sure that it never comes back.
Posted in Your tax dollars at work - and play. | Comments Off on Maryland, Michigan Governors Increase Coronavirus Restrictions
23rd March 2020
Ace of Spades leads the charge.
The New York Times first reported that the Democrats “blocked” the bill but then, realizing that the Democrats could be damaged by noting that they “blocked” the bill, successively rewrote their headline until the words “Democrats” and “blocked” were completely ommited.
Posted in Your tax dollars at work - and play. | Comments Off on Senate Democrats Show They’re Determined to Destroy the US Economy; Even Democrat Senator Mitt Romney is Shocked
23rd March 2020
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My, what a surprise. Aren’t you surprised? I’m sure surprised.
Posted in Axis of Drivel -- Adventures in Narrative Media | Comments Off on NYT Quietly Edits Headline on Failed Coronavirus Deal to Protect Democrats — Twice
23rd March 2020
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Well, Leftists see it when they believe it, so this ought to come as no surprise.
Posted in Axis of Drivel -- Adventures in Narrative Media | Comments Off on Not Just Coronavirus: Fact-Checker Run by 8 CNN Alumni Slams Right 4X More than Left
23rd March 2020
Posted in Think about it. | Comments Off on Thought for the Day
23rd March 2020
Anne Applebaum.
Border closures, without careful planning, can slow down movement of equipment and expertise or create clusters of infectious people at airports and other checkpoints. Closures also give the illusion of resolute action without changing the reality on the ground. Back in January, President Donald Trump’s decision to stop flights from China gave him and his administration the false sense that they had stopped COVID-19. They had not.
Those who embrace government planning in all things ought to reflect on the incompetence demonstrated by all levels of government in their reactions to the coronavirus outbreak. In no case was there any serious forethought given to the consequences of the various panic shutdowns of normal activity.
‘Shut down all public transportation!’
‘Uh, how will people get from their homes to hospitals to treat the virus victime?’
‘Make everybody Shelter In Place!’
‘Uh, how are people going to get food?’
Posted in Think about it. | Comments Off on When Disease Comes, Rulers Grab More Power
23rd March 2020
Wired, a Voice of the Crust in a Clever Plastic Disguise.
I have an idea: Why don’t we just ban everybody who wants to ban stuff they don’t like?
Posted in Axis of Drivel -- Adventures in Narrative Media | Comments Off on Why Don’t We Just Ban Targeted Advertising?
23rd March 2020
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Recently, the so-called Swedish model — that is, the Swedish economic system with high taxes and a big welfare state — has been celebrated again in the press.
The alleged recent success of the Swedish economy has allowed welfare statists both inside and outside of Sweden to argue that high taxes and an extensive welfare state are good for the economy. To fully understand this fallacy, we should review Sweden’s economic history.
Posted in Think about it. | Comments Off on The Sweden Myth
23rd March 2020
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While Americans these days may be having a hard time finding toilet paper or hand sanitizer, there’s one thing we’re definitely not running out of: news stories about the coronavirus pandemic that originated in China late last year. But amid the hours upon hours of coverage, one thing that’s rarely heard: any criticism of how the communist government in Beijing handled the outbreak.
Gee, I wonder why?
Posted in Think about it. | Comments Off on Study: China Escapes Scrutiny in TV’s Coronavirus Coverage
23rd March 2020
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Mice put human runners to shame. Despite taking puny strides, the rodents can log 10 kilometers or more per night on an exercise wheel. But the mice that muscle biologist Eric Olson of the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center in Dallas and colleagues unveiled in 2015 stood out. On a treadmill, the mice could scurry up a steep 10% grade for about 90 minutes before faltering, 31% longer than other rodents. Those iron mice differed from counterparts in just one small way—the researchers had genetically altered the animals to lack one muscle protein. That was enough to unleash superior muscle performance. “It’s like you’ve taken the brakes off,” Olson says.
Just as startling was the nature of the crucial protein. Muscles house some gargantuan proteins. Dystrophin, a structural protein whose gene can carry mutations that cause muscular dystrophy, has more than 3600 amino acids. Titin, which acts like a spring to give muscles elasticity, is the biggest known protein, with more than 34,000 amino acids. The protein disabled in the mice has a paltry 46. Although researchers have probed how muscles work for more than 150 years, they had completely missed the huge impact this tiny protein, called myoregulin, has on muscle function.
Proteins are endlessly fascinating, the Legos of the biological world.
Posted in Think about it. | Comments Off on New Universe of Miniproteins Is Upending Cell Biology and Genetics
23rd March 2020
Check it out.
For those who like Real Bread.
If we could figure out how to make bread from the coronavirus we’d be in great shape.
Or maybe not.
Posted in Think about it. | Comments Off on Real Bread Campaign
23rd March 2020
The New Yorker, Voice of the Crust, gets onboard with the talking point that the real enemy is not any virus but Good Old Racism.
This is, of course, part of the Hair-On-Fire business model of ‘journalists’ today. They need clicks to get bucks, and nothing pulls clicks like OHGWEREALLGONNADIE.
Posted in Axis of Drivel -- Adventures in Narrative Media | Comments Off on The Rise of Coronavirus Hate Crimes
22nd March 2020
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Leaders from the White House and both parties of the Senate spent days negotiating a $1.4 trillion “Phase Three” stimulus package to alleviate the economic effects of the Coronavirus pandemic. Then House Speaker Nancy Pelosi flew in from her vacation to scuttle the entire agreement Sunday.
“The build-up to this is that we had a high level of bipartisanship over the last 48 hours,” Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said. “And then, all of a sudden, the Democratic leader and the speaker of the House shows up … and we’re back to square one,” he said, referring to Schumer and Pelosi.
UPDATE: Nancy Pelosi Blocks $1.8 Trillion #Coronavirus Bill. Why? Abortion!
Posted in Your tax dollars at work - and play. | Comments Off on Pelosi Returns from Vacation to Scuttle Coronavirus Relief Bill
22nd March 2020
Ace of Spades is on the case.
I love the smell of conspiracy in the morning….
Posted in News You Can Use. | Comments Off on Top WHO Official Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus Won Election With China’s Help. Now He’s Running Interference for China on Coronavirus
22nd March 2020
Posted in Axis of Drivel -- Adventures in Narrative Media | Comments Off on Today in Trump Derangment Syndrome
22nd March 2020
Posted in Think about it. | Comments Off on Today in Global Warming Hysteria
22nd March 2020
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When it comes to insect control, the driving force is aid money totally skewed to agro-ecology and its perverse focus on “food sovereignty,” and “traditional subsistence farming” with wood plows and oxen, “in harmony with nature,” free from Western seeds, fertilizers, tractors and, above all, pesticides.
The new moniker is clever, but the ideology and donor-driven attitudes are nothing new. Dr. Edwards documented them in his 1988 article. The FAO, USAID, USEPA, World Bank, Environmental Defense Fund and other organizations were pushing “all-natural, biological, integrated pest management” practices back then, too. They were totally opposed to the use of dieldrin and other insecticides that actually work. They keep families, communities, clinics and hospitals dependent on minimalist wind and solar electricity.
Just as today, their focus back then was on alleged, possible side effects from modern insecticides, which used properly by trained applicators are safe for people, livestock, wildlife and most non-target insects. The key is having the necessary staff, equipment and chemicals ahead of time. Under pressure by all these external forces, East Africa failed to do that – and now it is reaping the proverbial whirlwind.
Leftist ideology kills.
Posted in Dystopia Watch | Comments Off on The Real Reasons Africa Has Another Locust Plague
22nd March 2020
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A few weeks after Californians cast their votes for Bernie Sanders, there are huge lines to buy toilet paper. Toilet paper, like dairy products and cleaning supplies, are limited to two per household.
Savvy shoppers have learned, like their counterparts in the old Soviet Union, to get what they need by bartering what they can buy. Toilet paper for antibacterial soap. Milk for wipes.
Yakov Smirnoff had spent his career joking about standing on line to buy toilet paper and discovering that the government store wasn’t even selling toilet paper, but something to be bartered for it.
“If I start making jokes about a shortage of toilet paper in America, it won`t make any sense because you walk into a store and see 15 brand names of toilet paper,” he had once told a newspaper.
“Yesterday I stood in line for two hours waiting for CVS truck to unload. Everyone was waiting for alcohol and toilet paper. I felt like I was back in Soviet Russia,” Smirnoff, who now lives in California, tweeted.
The old Soviet anecdotes finally make sense to Americans. All it took was a little taste of the real deal.
Posted in Dystopia Watch | Comments Off on Coronavirus Communism Comes to California
22nd March 2020
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In case you’re feeling the pinch.
Posted in News You Can Use. | Comments Off on Eat for $1.50 per day – Layoffs, Coronavirus Quarantine, Food Shortages
22nd March 2020
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If, of course, that’s what you want to do.
Posted in Think about it. | Comments Off on Want to Be Taller? Radical Surgery Permanently Extends Your Legs.
22nd March 2020
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If you use social media, you know that if your name is Karen, you are royally screwed because the name itself has become a meme. The Karen meme describes the quintessential white woman who rocks an edgy, highlighted bob and demands to speak to the manager. She’s entitled and rude to service staff, and always wants a good deal—particularly if she’s in possession of an expired coupon. In fact, Karen is stoked to have an expired coupon because that just means she gets to spend more of her day talking to the manager.
Karen is often an ex-wife who took custody of the kids, and is not averse to a French tip acrylic manicure.
Posted in Think about it. | Comments Off on Karen Is Not a Name, It’s a Rank You Earn (31 Karen Memes)
22nd March 2020
Posted in Think about it. | Comments Off on Thought for the Day: Flyover Country
22nd March 2020
ZMan explores the situation.
That will be one of the side effects of the great lock down. All of sudden, women are home and taking over their domain again. The kids are home, so they have reason to reassert their control over that part of their life. Many of these women will no doubt hate it and perform poorly, but most will be reminded that being home and running the household full-time was always their bets career option. Men will learn that having the wife home beats having a second income.
She told me that she and the other moms are now talking about putting together their own community home schooling operation. I almost laughed out loud a few times as she explained how she and the other moms got a look at what their kids are being taught and how they can do much better. She was bit angry, for example, about the errors they found in the science books the school is using. There will be a lot of this type of stuff happening around the country because of the lock-down.
Posted in Think about it. | Comments Off on Springtime In the Pandemic
22nd March 2020
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Why, in March of 2020, is The Washington Post devoting four pages of the Sunday newspaper to a one-hit wonder from 1992? Because she ripped up a picture of sainted Pope John Paul II on Saturday Night Live. There won’t be a four-page spread with eight pictures on Ugly Kid Joe or the Soup Dragons. But say “Christianity lied to me,” and your latest attempt at rehabilitation gets another round of hosannas.
The Left are the biggest promoters of hate on the planet, and everybody in the ‘news media’ ignores it.
Posted in Axis of Drivel -- Adventures in Narrative Media | Comments Off on Your Sunday Best? WashPost Highlights Pope-Trashing (Muslim?) Singer Sinead O’Connor
22nd March 2020
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Professor of Virology and Microbiology at the University of Padova Dr. Giorgio Palù told CNN that measures imposing travel restrictions and border controls were taken too late due to fears over political correctness.
As we previously highlighted, the Mayor of Florence launched a nationwide campaign at the start of February encouraging Italians to hug Chinese people on the street to “stem the hatred.”
And there is STILL no mention of the correlation between coronavirus susceptibility and Han Chinese ethnicity. The tightest censorship is the unconscious censorship of self.
Posted in Dystopia Watch | Comments Off on Italian Virologist Says Concerns Over “Racism” Crippled Italy’s Coronavirus Response