We have seen the future, and it sucks.

Archive for December, 2019

Impeaching Democracy

19th December 2019

ZMan cuts to the chase.

One thing we are learning about modern democracy is that it is a myth. The people are not in charge. They get to vote on things and select representatives, but those representative don’t actually represent the interests of the people, who voted them into their positions. The office holders in a modern democracy represent the interests of the money-men who sponsored them. Politicians in a democracy are like prize fighters, in that they are controlled by a management team.

Like a price fighter, one of the demands placed upon a modern politician is that he must at all times seek the attention of the public. Much of what we see in our modern democracies is false drama, designed to gain attention. This is why women have proven to be so successful as politicians. Women are naturally gifted with the ability to get attention, especially through false drama. It turns out that democracy is a form of governance modeled on the beauty pageant.

One full of really ugly people.

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Surveillance Footage Outside Jeffrey Epstein’s Jail Cell Is Missing, Prosecutors Say

19th December 2019

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How … convenient.  Has anybody looked in the Clinton White House? Missing stuff tends to magically re-appear there every now and then.

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Those Who Use the Word “Equity” Want to Get Their Hands on …

19th December 2019

Steve Sailer.

… YOUR equity, such as that in your home.

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Conservative Students “Swatted” In Firearms Hoax

19th December 2019

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The officers emptied waste baskets and closets, and left a mess behind. Needless to say, there were no firearms:

And the rot spreads.

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Scientists Are Starting a New Periodic Table

19th December 2019

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The other one was just so fifteen minutes ago.

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Today in Trump Derangement Syndrome

18th December 2019

Democratic Rep. Jackie Speier Is Ready To Declare A Mistrial Before Impeachment Even Goes To Senate

Network BLACKOUT: Top FISA Judge Accuses FBI Lawyer of Criminal Act

‘Brutal Mistakes’: Wolf Blitzer Grills Andrew McCabe Over FBI’s Surveillance Abuses

Rachel Maddow Gushes Over Disgraced FBI Lawyer Lisa Page

Protesters demonstrate across the country ahead of House vote on Trump impeachment  CNN.

On impeachment, an invitation to a motion to dismiss

Oversight Committee Republicans Mock House Democrats With ‘Twas The Night Before Impeachment’ Parody

CNN’s Manu Raju Says Pelosi Instructed House Members ‘Not To Gloat’ During Impeachment

Ahead of Partisan Impeachment, Chuck Todd Claims Trump Doesn’t ‘Revere’ Constitution  Loserthink: Mind-reading.

Female House Democrats Dress In Black For ‘Somber’ Impeachment Vote

Trump’s Approval Rating Is Higher Than Obama’s At Same Point In Presidency

Journalists Need to Do a Better Job Matching ‘Experts’ to Their Actual Expertise

Church of Impeachment: MSNBC’s Matthews Calls House Effort ‘Sacramental’

CNN’s Council of Geniuses Tut-Tuts at Justice Gorsuch Appearing for an Interview on Fox, Not Bothering to Do Any Research (Which Would Have Revealed that Gorsuch Appeared on CNN Three Months Earlier, With No Complaints from CNN)

Dem Rep. Al Green Uses Debunked Child Separation Photo In Impeachment Speech

CNN’s Tapper: At Least Clinton Was ‘Contrite,’ ‘Apologetic’  That’s not what I saw. Jake needs to remember that some of us are still around who were there for that one.

FISA Judge’s FBI Rebuke Gets 10 SECONDS on CBS, While ABC, CBS Maintain the Blackout

Here Are The Reasons Democrats Give For Voting To Impeach Trump


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Today in Global Warming Hysteria

18th December 2019

The Atlantic: Investment Bankers Will Save Us from Climate Change

Climate change legislation, media coverage drives oil companies’ ad spending, study finds  My, what a surprise.

When will the Netherlands disappear? (climate change)  Not soon enough.

Geoengineering’s Gender Problem Could Put the Planet at Risk  Wired ‘Science’.

The case against wrapping paper  Popular ‘Science’. Everything normal is Bad For The Planet. Shame on you.

Big Coal Is Not Dead Yet — Report Shows The World Demands More Coal Than Before Paris Deal  The swine.


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Bronx Girl Seen Kidnapped in Video, and in Amber Alert, Admits It Was a Hoax

18th December 2019

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People of Color behaving badly — what are the odds?

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Establishment Journalists Call for Big Tech to Censor Everyone Else

18th December 2019

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As they do.

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Tennessee Politician Wants to Replace State Capitol Statue of Confederate General With Dolly Parton

18th December 2019

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Works for me.

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Firefighters Rescue German Shepherd 25 Feet in the Air After It Chased Cat Up Tree

18th December 2019

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That dog has FOCUS.

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“No Individuals Have Been Held Accountable”: WSJ Editorial Board Slams FISA Circus

18th December 2019

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As predicted: Nobody gets fired, nobody goes to jail.

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“Devastating Accident”: Tesla Slams Through the Front of a Bakery, Injuring 2 People

18th December 2019

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Hammer tech.

Iron Man 2 (2010) | Comic Attractions

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10 Everyday Tasks You’re Doing Wrong

18th December 2019

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Some of these I knew, some I didn’t. Let’s spread the knowledge around.

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India Builds Detention Camps for Up to 1.9m People Not on Citizens Register

18th December 2019

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I guess India thinks that, if China can put its Muslims in camps, it’s okay.

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Woman Uses Flamethrower to Clear Snow In Awesome Video

18th December 2019

Read it. And watch the video, obviously.

I’ve always wondered how well that would work. Well, I guess now we know,.

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Study Upends Theory That ‘Night Mode’ UIs Are Good for Sleep Patterns

17th December 2019

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Once again the ‘scientific consensus’ gets turned upside down.

I blame it on climate change.

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The Key to Curing the Common Cold Could Lurk Within Our Own Cells

17th December 2019

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Sniffle season is here, but so is a potential solution—and we don’t mean chicken soup. Researchers at Stanford University and the University of California San Francisco have identified a specific protein inside human cells that, when disabled, can stop some of the peskiest viruses in their tracks. The researchers hope that their results, published this week in Nature, may pave the way for a new era in the fight against rhinoviruses (collectively known as “the common cold”) and more serious enteroviruses like polio and those that cause brain inflammation or encephalitis.

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Today in Global Warming Hysteria

17th December 2019

London has spent billions, but no one can escape climate change  CNN.

UN bureaucrats chow down on burgers – while attacking meat

Guardian: Aussie Bushfires are Australia’s Climate Change “Chernobyl Moment”  It’s a crisis, I tell you.

Third World Countries Remain the Losers of Climate Change Activism

Everything that happened at COP25, a potentially world-changing climate conference  Note that ‘change’ is not a synonym for ‘improve’.

California oceans rising in acidity at alarming rate, study finds  Obviously a crisis.

Ocean acidification: yet another wobbly pillar of climate alarmism But it’s a crisis!

Someone get Greenpeace on the line. Boffins clock carbon ‘pollution’ cloud 30,000 light-years wide choking galaxies

Will We Run Out of Helium?  Is it a crisis>

Nature Deserves Legal Rights—and the Power to Fight Back  Wired ‘Science’.

Watch: Climate Activists Are “Nearly Run Over” Trying To Halt Coal-Laden Freight Train

The Grapes of Climate Wrath


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Today in Trump Derangement Syndrome

17th December 2019

Variety Slams Eastwood’s ‘Richard Jewell:’ ‘Piggybacks on Trump’s Demagoguery’

Liberal Loons: CNN Entertains WILD Conspiracy Theory About Impeachment

Carly Fiorina: ‘Trump Should Be Impeached But Not Removed, And I Might Vote For Him In 2020’  Unclear on the concept.

NY Times Can’t Handle the Truth: ‘Trump Has Weaponized Inspector General’

MSNBC Sounds the Alarm Over Trump’s Judicial Appointments  Late to the party.

Can Democrats Read Minds?  I don’t think so.

Robert De Niro Takes Swipe At Trump’s Kids: ‘I Would Disown Them’  I suspect they would disown him first.

Supreme Court ruling pulls rug out from under article of impeachment

The Never-Ending Impeachment

New Yorker Writer Horrified ‘Reasonable People Can Disagree’ on Trump Impeachment

Nets Spike Comey Conceding FBI Deceived to Get Spy Warrants for Page

Impeachment Is The Only Election Strategy Democrats Have

Maxine Waters Spins Trump-Putin Conspiracy But Doesn’t ‘Have The Facts To Prove It’

Impeachment Circus Update

Surprise! George Conway, Steve Schmidt, and John Weaver Have All Previously Renounced Their Republican Party Membership (At Least Once Each!); But Of Course Now All Claim, In the NYT, to be “Republicans” Who Favor Impeachment

Joy Behar Claims McConnell Doesn’t Want The Truth: ‘He Knows That Trump Is Guilty’

NBC & ABC Hail Dems ‘Putting Principle Before Politics’ on Impeachment  Scott Adams is fond of saying that the Lamestream Media are the tail wagging the Democrat dog.

FISA Judge Blasts FBI For Providing False Information To Wiretap Carter Page  Nevertheless, nobody will get fired and nobody will go to jail.

FLASHBACK: CNN’s Cillizza Lectured Trump on Being Wrong on Carter Page FISA Warrant  As he likes to do.

CNN’s Chris Cuomo: It’s Not Christian to Defend Trump  As if Fredo knows anything about being a Christian.


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‘The Far Side’ Is Back, Sort Of

17th December 2019

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Good news.

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Housing Discrimination Goes High Tech

17th December 2019

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Activists are deathly afraid that technology will allow landlords to avoid having shitty Fashionable Victim Group tenants. We simply can’t tolerate that.

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Employee Says Google Fired Her for Notifying Colleagues About Their Labor Rights

17th December 2019

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Jeez, you’d think they were Chick-Fil-A or something.

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Despite Viewership Woes, CNN Retains Stranglehold On 58 Airports

17th December 2019

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Entirely appropriate. CNN and TSA are the prime components making sure that people who fly are desperate and have no alternative — part of the Climate Change Agenda. (Think about it.)

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Poll: A Third Of Republicans Want Trump To Replace Pence With Nikki Haley As VP

17th December 2019

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I’m good with that. Republicans need to start thinking about who their candidate will be after Trump; Trump is going to be a hard act to follow, and Pence really isn’t up to it.

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Afternoon Mirror: ABC’s Chief Political Analyst Matthew Dowd Pisses Woman Off by Telling Everybody to Stop Being Angry

17th December 2019

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Anger is all they’ve got. It and being offended define their world.

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Rudy Giuliani Accuses Former Ambassador To Ukraine Marie Yovanovitch Of Corruption, Perjury

17th December 2019

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Giuliani accused Yovanovitch, who was a prominent witness before the House Intelligence Committee during the impeachment inquiry, of corruption and committing perjury to protect former Vice President Joe Biden and his son, Hunter Biden.

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Thought for the Day

17th December 2019

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Kansas City Is First Major City in U.S. to Offer No-Cost Public Transportation

17th December 2019

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‘No cost’ of course means ‘paid for by taxpayerrs’.

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Six Toilet Upgrades That Could Very Well Change Your Life

17th December 2019

Popular ‘Science’.

Some people (who lurk on Reddit) believe that Japanese toilets should be a basic human right.

I think it ought to be a basic human right to have such people executed whenever found.

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Nebraska Farmers Vote Overwhelmingly for Right to Repair

17th December 2019

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They could always go back to using mules.

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Women’s Hiking Boots for Your Next Outdoor Adventure

17th December 2019

Popular ‘Science’.

Send your woman on a hike so you can stay home in peace and quiet and watch football.

If she should get eaten by a bear, well, life’s full of hardship.

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Two Standard Alcoholic Drinks a Day No Longer Safe, Health Officials Say

17th December 2019

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That ‘settled science’ just became unsettled again.

But ‘climate change’ is totally a crisis.

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A Third of America’s Economy Is Concentrated in Thirty-one Counties

17th December 2019

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Uh, perhaps ‘concentrated’ is the wrong word….

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Settle for Less, You White Bastards!

17th December 2019

David Cole takes a turn laughing at California.

It was October 2003 and L.A. Times columnist Peter King was angry. Mad as hell, in fact, about white Californians and their expectations of happiness.

Peter King couldn’t contain his hostility toward the voters who’d just initiated the Fourth Reich, those “sun-drenched men and women in short sleeves, roaring approval as a Hollywood icon recites a line from an old movie: ‘We’re mad as hell, and we aren’t going to take it anymore.’” How dare we be mad, frowned King, at the “new law that permits undocumented field hands, who make up the majority of the state’s farm labor force, to obtain driver’s licenses”:

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Latino Littering Denialists Double Down

17th December 2019

Steve Sailer brings us up to date.

Tucker Carlson is denounced for the ThoughtCrime of Noticing.

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This Insane New 256-Foot Superyacht Concept Doubles as a Fully Functional Submarine

17th December 2019

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Me want.

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A Brief History of Tiny Nuclear Reactors

17th December 2019

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Be the first on your block….

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Vox Media to Cut Hundreds of Freelance Jobs Due to New Calisocialism Law

17th December 2019

Ace of Spades points and laughs.

California is making it, effectively, illegal to hire freelancers for anything but very occasional work. They want people hired as full-timers.

So hundreds of people will lose all work.

Or, I suppose: Hundreds of people will purchase fake identification and submit articles under many different names, attempting to stay below the new law’s 35-articles-per-year maximum for freelancers.

Those of us in Red States are going through a lot of popcorn these days, which is probably bad for our health.

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We Are in the Midst of the Worst Drug Crisis in American History

17th December 2019

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Actually, we are in the midst of the worst Crisis Crisis in American history. Never has there been a time when writers are so accustomed to attempt to make their way in the world by digging up some behavior in other people of which they disapprove and using it to get attention by trying to panic the public. The word ‘crisis’ is the telltale term — a crisis is a situation that demands a solution if disaster is not to befall, and it is the most frequently-used clickbait headline word in the modern world. Pop it into the search box for your favorite ‘news’ site if you don’t believe me.

Nothing is more common these days than the attitude ‘I don’t like that behavior and therefore you ought to be prevented, by force if necessary, from doing it.’. Never before has the totalitarian Nosy Parker impulse been so freely indulged and normalized, even encouraged. Kids in school are taught that it is a virtuous thing to denounce their peers, their parents, and their local politicians for any imagined character flaw and moral failing they can imagine (and kids have good imaginations).

People have always used drugs, legal and illegal, to take a chemical vacation from a world that they find intolerable — or, these days, just not as nice as they’ve been led to believe they’re entitled to. But changing the the world is hard, and complaining about what other people do is easy and profitable, and so we have the world as we see it.

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Today in Global Warming Hysteria

16th December 2019

Can You Pass This 9-Question Climate Change Quiz?

Is fragile masculinity the biggest obstacle to climate action?

The Cosmos and Climate

No seat! Climate Brat Greta Thunberg Learns the Hard Way Why Many People Prefer to Fly

‘We survived war in Afghanistan – but Kabul’s pollution could kill us’

Indoor carbon dioxide can make us dumber, and that will get worse with climate change  Popular ‘Science’


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Today in Trump Derangement Syndrome

16th December 2019

Paranoid Much? Joy Reid Scared Trump Will Refuse to Leave Office

Washington Post: Anthony Weiner’s Butterfly Effect Might Have Caused Trump’s Election  Scraaaaaaape that barrel.

Hillary Clinton Cheers On Pro-Impeachment Protesters

Poll: Trump Drawing More and More Black Support  He’s done more to reduce black unemployment in three years than Democrats have done in thirty.

Trump Supporters Erupt At Democratic Rep. Slotkin Town Hall After Coming Out In Favor Of Impeachment

Meghan McCain: Trump Is ‘Deeply Emasculated’ By My Father, And He ‘Can’t Take It’ (Whoopi Goldberg To Meghan McCain: ‘Girl, Please Stop Talking’)

Carly Fiorina: It’s ‘Vital’ That Trump Be Impeached

Charles Schumer: The House Totally Made a Convincing Case for Impeachment But Also We Totally Need to Call New Witnesses to Make the Case for Impeachment

De Niro Tells ‘View:’ ‘Low Life’ Trump, Worse Than Any Character I’ve Played

NBC Reporter Echoes DNC: Trump Violated ‘One of the Founders’ Most Primal Fears’


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Right-Wing Cosmopolitanism

16th December 2019

ZMan picks at a scab.

The British election offers a good opportunity to see the detachment of official conservatism from the people they pretend to represent. Most of the conservative chattering class was quietly hopeful of a Labour Party victory. They would be justified in opposing what they sneeringly refer to as populism. Boris Johnson is a boorish loudmouth, who has an uncanny appeal with working class people, despite being a man of privilege. He’s the sort of guy conservatives think should not exist.

What baffles conservatives about Boris and Trump is that neither man goes in for the dorm room libertarianism that has come to define conservatism. They proudly talk about spending money on things like infrastructure projects and government services. They think the government should make the lives of the citizens better. The economy, as far as they are concerned, is about serving the people, a concept so alien to modern conservatives they confuse it with socialism.

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Mitt Romney Teams with Democrat Michael Bennet to Propose a Bigger Child Tax Credit

16th December 2019

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The child tax ‘credit’ is actually a government subsidy to low-income folks to have more children.

Don Trump Jr. says that Mitt Romney is his favorite Democrat, and I can see why. Now that John McCain is no longer with us, I guess Mitt has decided to pick up the slack.

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Virginia’s Second Amendment Sanctuaries: An Update

16th December 2019

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This is an interesting development.

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Thought for the Day

16th December 2019

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Those Who Demand Obedience

16th December 2019

Sarah Hoyt.

That’s of course before the pronoun mess that Jordan Peterson properly identified as “compelled speech.” And about a dozen other things, some of them completely ridiculous. For instance, does anyone understand why “Asian” is the right word and “Oriental” isn’t? Or why “Native American” is the right designation for Ameridians, when you know, we know for an absolute fact they came from elsewhere, and did not evolve on this continent? No? Why is people of color good but colored people bad? what is the semantic difference, precisely? Why must we call black people “African American” (even if they’re not in fact American, and/or their ancestors haven’t seen Africa for eight generations but white people are white? Even when they’re really not, but really dark tan? Is “black” something to be ashamed of? No? then why is it bad?

Look, I understand when this bullshit is in the name of an ideological point, no matter how brain-dead, but the above isn’t really. The above is in the name of making people jump when you say frog. There is no other reason, no other point, no other purpose to it, than to prove to themselves that they can make people do exactly as they want, on threat of social ostracism if they don’t.

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White Supremacy Kills—Even When the Shooters Are Black

16th December 2019

Jim Goad is fed up,

The Black Hebrew Israelites are the Rodney Dangerfield of hate groups—I’m tellin’ ya, they can’t get no respect.

In DC this past January, after they diligently taunted some white Catholic kids from Kentucky for an hour about being cracker faggot organ-harvesting incest babies before the white youths did what any group of bloodthirsty young Nazis would do and started chanting school-pride songs, naturally it was the white kids got credit and tons of attention for being racists. The black man, as always, got nothing.

And last week, after a black couple stormed into a kosher grocery store in Jersey City with long rifles, killing three people before police shot them cold, the story dropped out of the news cycle after it was revealed that the male half of the killer duo had been affiliated with the Black Hebrew Israelites.

When will our racist media finally give black supremacists the credit they deserve?

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After Pensacola (And Pearl Harbor): How Ruling Class Sent Fort Hood Shooting Down the Memory Hole?

16th December 2019

John Derbyshire.

Here’s an anniversary that, even after the Pensacola (and Pearl Harbor) shootings, doesn’t seem to have been mentioned in the Main Stream Media: the Fort Hood massacre, which occurred just over ten years ago, on November 5th, 2009.

My queation is: Why is Hasan still alive? Really, why?

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Race Does Not Exist, But Black Hair Does

16th December 2019

Steve Sailer.

Recent efforts to ban hair discrimination have amplified the struggle for women of colour and their natural hair, particularly in the workplace.

Let’s talk to Michelle Obama about that. I’m sure she’s feeling oppressed.

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