We have seen the future, and it sucks.

Archive for August, 2018

L. A. Times Conceals Facts Regarding Climate Policy Repudiation Which Triggered Australian PM Turnbull’s Ouster

26th August 2018

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All in service to the sacred Narrative.

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NASCAR Driver Loses Sponsorship Over Father’s Racial Slur … 35 Years Ago

26th August 2018

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Not only are all white people racists and responsible for slavery because some (usually unrelated) white people once owned slaves, White Guilt is apparently inheritable, like a defective gene.

Proglodyte puritans can be very Biblical when they think nobody is looking.

UPDATE: The “sins” of the father

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Never Cook at Home

26th August 2018

The view from the Upper West Side.

The SWPL lifestyle typically includes things that normal people do (because that’s what normal people do) like cooking only as a sort of eccentric hobby, like origami or flower arrangement.

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10-Year-Old North Carolina Student Punished, Threatened for Calling Teacher ‘Ma’am’

26th August 2018

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I am not making this up.

Homeschooling is looking better and better.

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Scientists Are Working on a Device That Could One Day Harvest Up to 10 Gallons of Drinking Water Per Hour From Thin Air

26th August 2018

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Wong and his team set out to “miniaturize,” the process of harvesting atmospheric water using electrospun polymers.

Electrospinning can produce polymers as small as a few tens of nanometers across, which means that a huge surface area can be packed into a really small space. That makes the nanoscale-polymers super-efficient at collecting water, even in arid environments. The device, which could be powered by a lithium-ion battery, would also be able to filter water because the surface of the material would slough off any microbes or bacteria present in the water vapor.

While that may seem complicated, Wong said it’s not much different than how people in the Andes, and Namib beetles collect water — it’s just at a much smaller scale.

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Today in Trump Derangement Syndrome

25th August 2018

Chris Cuomo: Trump has transitioned into ‘mob boss mode’  Except, of course, that mob bosses are all Democrats.

Bill Maher Mocks Donald Trump With Savage Hillary Clinton-Themed Burn  Wow, that’s news.

Trump’s Peculiar Sympathy for White South Africans  Say, rather, Peter Beinart’s peculiar lack of sympathy for white South Africans. (No one, of course, would have dared comment if Obama had a ‘peculiar sympathy’ for black South Africans.)

Media Misses: 222 Mentions of Impeachment in 1 Day  They just love that word — when there’s a Republican President.

Trump just suffered his worst ever week – but things are only going to get worse  They keep saying that, but it never happens.

Ex-CIA Head Michael Hayden Believes Impeaching Trump Would Be A ‘Bad Idea’  Very white of him.

MSNBC Panelist Falsely Claims That ‘Steele Dossier Keeps Getting Corroborated’

Nick Dranias: What the Trump Feeding Frenzy Means

Trump meets ‘paedophile cult’ QAnon conspiracy theorist at White House

CNN’s Smerconish Pushes Back On Dem For ‘Premature’ Calls For Trump’s Impeachment  He just remembered that they have to win the elections first.


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Imaginary News

25th August 2018

Scott Adams calls it out.

Trump critics have taken a page from the Climatistas. They wring their hands over the bad consequences in store for Trump IF the things they assume are crimes actually are crimes, but really aren’t.

Just as the climatistas are basing their OMG WE’RE ALL GONNA DIE predictions on something happening that they never show actually happened (well, we PREDICT that it will happen, and that ought to be good enough for you Dirt People), so the Trumpernickles predict vast criminal penalties for actions that, when Real Lawyers look at them, aren’t crimes at all.

The sky is falling, women and minorities hardest hit, film at eleven, etc. etc. It makes you wonder how these people manage to make it to work in the morning without being carried off by the Vikings that aren’t there.

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UK:Edinburgh University Student Union Officials to Hand Out Pronoun Badges at Freshers’ Week

25th August 2018

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I am not making this up.

No wonder Prince Harry never went to University. There’s no University left in Britain worth going to.

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The Left Hasn’t Given Up on Kavanaugh

25th August 2018

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The New York Times, undeterred by its failure to find any nuggets by digging through Ashley Kavanaugh’s emails as town manager of Chevy Chase, Maryland–“the records were … mundane dispatches about town business, from snow removals to local newsletters”–has now served a request for the records of any 911 calls made from Judge Kavanaugh’s home for the last 12 years.

The New York Times requests digital copies of all policing pertaining to Brett Kavanaugh, a resident of Chevy Chase Section 5. Specifically, we request all policing records, including police reports or calls of service (911 calls or otherwise), pertaining to Brett Kavanaugh, his wife, and their home address.

Somehow, I’m guessing there aren’t any. But when it comes to a Supreme Court nominee, the Times “had to try.” Of course. You remember how hard they tried to dig up dirt on Elena Kagan and Sonia Sotomayor, don’t you? Don’t you?

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Fake Hate (Because It’s an Election Year)

25th August 2018

The Other McCain is on the case.

This is how you know a crucial election is coming up. If there’s not enough racism to energize black voters, Democrats will just invent some.

More here: White Sex Offender Accused Of Urinating On Black Child Won’t Be Charged Because Story Was Fabricated

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CBS News Changes Beto O’Rourke NFL Player Protest Headline After Backlash

25th August 2018

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Like almost all Democrats, Beto O’Rourke is a member of the Blame America First crowd.

Why any American would vote for such a moron escapes me. But they do.

Of course, not all Democrat voters are Americans.

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When Justice Is Partial

25th August 2018

Kimberely Strassel blows the whistle.

Prosecutors can claim all they want that they are applying the law equally, but if they only apply it to half the suspects, justice is not served. Mr. Mueller seems blind to the national need for—the basic expectation of—a thorough look into all parties. That omission is fundamentally undermining any legitimacy in his findings. Lady Justice does not wear a blindfold over only one eye.

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Quit That Job and Earn $185k… Cleaning Up San Francisco’s Notoriously Crappy Sidewalks

25th August 2018

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If, of course, that’s what you want to do.

Rather than invest much more in homeless shelters or free mental health services or needle exchanges or anything that would require having to deal with smelly, dirty, poor people, the city has set aside an additional $2.8m for a “Hot Spots” crew to spray down the areas where these people live, an additional $2.3m for street cleaners, another $3.1m for portable toilets and – this is the best part – nearly $1m a year for a so-called “Poop Patrol.”

Creating government jobs for correcting a government-caused problem FDR would be so proud.

Next up: Paying people to dig holes and then fill them in again.

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French Vegan Fest Off the Menu Amid Fears of Butchers’ Revenge

25th August 2018

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The French town of Calais has been no stranger to public disorder in recent years, with recurrent battles between police and migrants or striking ferry workers making headlines across the world.

But now the port town is facing a bizarre new threat, according to its council: an alliance of hunters and farmers seeking to take revenge on vegans bent on turning the largely carnivorous French off meat.

The risk of trouble was so great that the council decided to cancel a vegan festival due to be held in the town centre on September 8.

The move was the latest episode in an ongoing battle between vegan militants and butchers and other providers of meat in the north of France.

It’s usually a bad idea to get into a pissing contest with people who kill things as a hobby.

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A Fake Jew in the Identity-Politics Age

25th August 2018

The Other McCain peeks behind the curtain.

Julia Salazar is not Jewish. Nor is she a working-class immigrant. Her mother is an Italian Catholic from New Jersey and her father, a native of Colombia, is a commercial pilot who became a naturalized U.S. citizen in 1982. Julia grew up in a middle-class home in Florida and graduated from Columbia University, an elite Ivy League school where the annual cost of attendance is $80,826 including room and board.

All of this information, available from public records, was discovered by Tablet magazine for a fascinating story about how Julia Salazar invented a fictional identity as a working-class Jewish immigrant in order to run for a state senate seat in New York, as a progressive Democrat.

It’s amazing how many Fashionable Minority Victims went to Ivy League (or equivalent) schools. This chick went to Columbia; Alexandria Occasional-Cortex went to Harvard Law.

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Thought for the Day

25th August 2018

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Blue State Blues: Taxpayers Scramble as Proposed IRS Rule on Local Taxes Wrecks Workaround Strategy

25th August 2018

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Proglodytes love high taxes for other people, for themselves not so much.

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Today in Trump Derangement Syndrome

24th August 2018

Democrats: Trump Must Withdraw Kavanaugh Appointment Because He’s Under Investigation on Suspicion of… Something.  That wouldn’t even work with a Romney or a McCain. Do they really expect it to work with Trump?

MAGA Hats Vs. Swastikas: Which Is Worse? We Asked And They Compared Trump To Hitler

Impeachment Hysteria

Eric Swalwell Floats Debunked Trump Tower Story In MSNBC Interview

Donald Trump told ‘the countdown to impeachment has already started’  I think I can, I think I can….

Trump news – latest updates: I’m ready to testify at president’s impeachment trial, Omarosa says  And I’m willing to testify at her deportation hearing.

Kellyanne Conway Calls Out CNN For Botched Trump Tower Report

Kellyanne Conway Confronts CNN’s Chris Cuomo For Ignoring Dossier Bombshell

Lanny Davis Admits He Lied To The Media About Major Trump Tower Report

Omarosa Is Ready To Testify At Trump’s Impeachment Trial  I’m ready to testify at her deportation hearing.

Bret Baier Jabs NBC’s Chuck Todd For Advocating Impeachment


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Sadiq Khan Must Get a Grip of ‘Horrendous’ London Crime Epidemic as Police Probe 100th Murder of 2018

24th August 2018

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Thank God for those strict British gun control laws, otherwise the place would look like Texas.

(These guys are amateurs. Chicago can beat that in a month.)

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7 Ancient Roman Curses You Can Work into Modern Life

24th August 2018

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Never say we don’t have useful stuff here.

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Texas Democratic Candidates Push To Decriminalize Illegally Crossing The Border

24th August 2018

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Obviously they’re not running a serious candidate against Ted Cruz. (Smart of them.) Well, it keeps him off the streets.

Whenever I hear ‘Beto’ I think ‘Bevo’, and that’s a lotta bull. Can’t help it.

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Trump’s Immigration Policy Is Working — Migrants Choosing to Stay tn Mexico Instead

24th August 2018

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Works for me.

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A Modest Proposal

24th August 2018

I have an idea for a legally protected class called Registered Antisocial, with an insignia of some sort like an armband or a lapel pin or a T-shirt.

For those who join the class, if anyone speaks to them (except for police or fireman or such like) without having been spoken to first, the class member is entitled to punch them in the face without legal liability.

Yeah, that’s the ticket.

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John McCain to Discontinue Medical Treatment

24th August 2018

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McCain continued to carry out his senatorial duties while undergoing treatment.

Really? Really? The guy is dying of brain cancer and is ‘still carrying out his senatorial duties’?

Not even a Democrat would believe that.

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Cop Begs Nearby Security Guard for Help, She Ignores Him and Records Arrest Instead

24th August 2018

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I have no evidence but my own suspicious nature but I predict that this ‘security guard’, when identified, will prove to be non-white.

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Thought for the Day

24th August 2018

Pearls Before Swine for August 21, 2018 Comic Strip

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Man Survives Shark Attack Only to Contract Severe Flesh-Eating Skin Infection

24th August 2018

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Some people just can’t take a hint.

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ISLAMOCOPIA FRIDAY: What’s New in the Religion of Peace

24th August 2018

Forty Culturally Enriched Assaults Per Day in Germany? It’s Worse Than That.

Muslim American woman sues US border cops: Gimme back my seized iPhone’s data!  Good luck with that.

Yemen rebels say Saudi-led coalition airstrikes kill dozens, UAE denies it

London mosque where children groomed for terrorism gets interim manager

Foreigners Make Up 58 Percent Of Convicted Rapes In Sweden

In Paris, Man on Terror Watch-List Shouts “Allahu Akbar” and Stabs Mother and Sister to Death

ISIS Releases Unconfirmed Audio Recording Of Leader Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi

Man Shouting ‘Allahu Akbar’ Stabs Mother, Sister To Death In France

Paris stabbing attack leaves two dead and one seriously wounded before police shoot suspect

BBC: >80% of convicted stranger rapists in Sweden are born abroad

The Knife of Peace Comes to Hannover

Isis losses are test from Allah says leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi in ‘new recording’

Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi urges followers to wage ‘jihad’

More than 100 migrants storm border of Spanish enclave ‘throwing battery acid’ at border guards

Man murdered mother-in-law after she helped wife escape their arranged marriage

Taliban Responds To Ceasefire Offer By Capturing 20 Afghan Soldiers

Al-Qaeda master bomb maker Ibrahim al-Asiri ‘killed in Yemen strike’

Saudi Arabia plans to execute first female political activist

Help the Migrants and Win a Chance to be a Sex Slave!

The Arab Clans of Berlin

Hamas ‘salutes’ Jeremy Corbyn as fresh links with Islamist group emerge

Man Considered Most Dangerous Terrorist In The World After Bin Laden Killed In US Drone Strike In Yemen

Canadian Arabic-language Newspaper Publishes Article Inciting Violence

Woman who complained about noisy mosque jailed for blasphemy

Superstar Singer Says She Will Perform In Israel And Hits Back At Her Critics With This Statement

Chechnya: Isis claims responsibility for coordinated attacks on police

An Update on the Somali Doctor-Killer in Offenburg

Indiana Man Inspired By Florida Pulse Nightclub Massacre Sentenced For 15 Years

Militants in series of attacks on police in Chechnya as strongman leader away for pilgrimage

Kindergarten apologises after children dressed in Isis-style costumes for Indonesia parade  Complete with cardboard-cutout rifles. Isn’t that cute?

Taliban take nearly 200 bus passengers captive as group set to reject Kabul ceasefire

Man Shouts ‘Allah Is Great’ During Knife Attack That Spanish Authorities Are Treating As A Terror Attack

Government accused of inaction as number of British girls forced into marriages abroad has soared by a third since 2015

Saudi disputes with Canada and Qatar bubble over into the Hajj

Egyptians to face jail for accessing banned websites 

Has the BBC Changed its Mind About Mosques and Terrorism?

Yazidi Slave Girl Flees Germany After Her ISIS Captor Finds Her  Islam has no problem with slavery; never did.

The Meat Cleaver of Peace Comes to Kerpen

Syria War Monitor: Coalition Forces In Repel ISIS Attack On Base Housing American, French Troops

How the conflict in Yemen could lead to the return of al-Qaeda

The Knife of Peace Comes to Offenburg

The Cultural Enrichment of Boostedt

Body found in New Mexico compound identified as missing Georgia boy, police say

Muslim couple denied Swiss citizenship over handshake refusal

Elderly man stabbed in a Mosque by fellow worshipper


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Historic Tale Construction Kit

24th August 2018

Check it out.

Two German students originally wrote the Historic Tale Construction Kit, with Flash. Sadly, their work isn’t available anymore, only remembered. This new application is a tribute, but also an attempt to revive the old medieval meme, with code and availability that won’t get lost.

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Google Is Building a City of the Future – Would Anyone Want to Live There?

24th August 2018

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The dream of a centrally-planned community keeps rising from the dead, no matter how many times it fails.


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Drug Tunnel Ran From Abandoned KFC Restaurant in Arizona to Mexico Home

24th August 2018

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Pretty ambitious. They put some money into this.

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Facebook Censorship Strikes Again

24th August 2018

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As I wrote here, the Left is outsourcing censorship of the internet to the tech companies of Silicon Valley, all of which are happily–if you are a leftist–run by liberals. What the government can’t do, on account of the First Amendment, private companies like Facebook, Twitter and YouTube can do with impunity. Increasingly, conservatives are persona non grata on social media platforms.

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Oakland mayor: Junk Presumption of Innocence in Trials of white Defendants Accused of Killing Blacks

24th August 2018

Steve Sailer points out that California is crazier than you can imagine.

I doubt that the nice Jewish mayor lady with the two kids and the pan-Catholic hubby Salvatore Fahey is really a racial Leninist, but she’s running for re-election against an Angry Black Woman. So she apparently feels the need to say stuff that is fairly nuts. But it’s not like anybody who matters is going to call her out on it, are they?

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David “Camera” Hogg Wants to Run for Congress and Kick ‘Old’ People Out of Politics

23rd August 2018

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A good argument for raising the voting age to 24.

He’s got the BitterBeerFace down, though. Maybe he’s related to Maxine Waters.

If he were to run against Maxine, I’d vote for him myself.

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Ann Coulter Reveals the People She Wants to Deport Most

23rd August 2018

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She makes a good case.

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Today in Trump Derangement Syndrome

23rd August 2018

Alan Dershowitz Has Bad News For Anyone Thinking President Trump Will Be Implicated In Cohen Case

Protestors project ‘Guilty’ and ‘Criminal’ on entrance to Trump Hotel in DC  Megaphone Mark Slackmeyer rides again.

Legal stunner fails to fell Trump but reckoning could be coming  Looks as if at least one person at CNN realizes that the media hype is all hot air — but he still hopes that wishing will make it true.

South Africa hits out at Trump’s ‘narrow and divisive’ tweets on land seizures  Yeah, I guess objecting to kleptocrats doing racist theft as government policy is pretty narrow and divisive.

‘The Prosecution Tried To Make The Case About The Russian Collusion’ — Manafort Juror Speaks Out  Which, of course, has nothing to do with Manafort.

‘He’s The Devil Himself!’ – Former President Of Mexico Vicente Fox Attacks Donald Trump

Activist Says The Sky Is Crying Over Kavanaugh  I’m impressed.

CNN Opinion Piece: “If Trump and GOP don’t understand climate change, they don’t deserve public office”… Wrong on every level.

Washington Gov. Jay Inslee Labels Trump A ‘Co-Conspirator’ In Air Pollution Deaths That Haven’t (And May Not) Happened  They just love that term ‘co-conspirator’.

CNN And MSNBC Say ‘Impeachment’ Over 200 Times In Just One Day  I’m surprised that there aren’t similar statistics for ‘Watergate’.

CNN Still Hasn’t Corrected Report Claiming Trump Knew About Trump Tower Meeting  Of course not. They want it to be true so it is true — ‘fake bur accurate’.

‘I Took Control’: Sessions Punches Back After Latest Trump Criticism  If what we’ve got is his idea of control, I’d hate to see his idea of loose.

Omarosa’s Tapes Continue To Debunk Narrative Of ‘Unhinged’


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Protester Protests DNC for ‘Scoffing’ at Other Protesters

23rd August 2018

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You can’t make this stuff up.

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Female Drivers Stage Protest Outside Saudi Embassy in London as Detention of Women’s Rights Defenders Reaches 100 days

23rd August 2018

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Which will have absolutely no impact on the Saudi government. All this sort of virtue-signalling does is inconvenience people and make the perpetrators feel warm and fuzzy about themselves.

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UK’s National Health Service Is Keeping 5,000 Children With Disabilities Waiting to Get Wheelchairs

23rd August 2018

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How about that GREAT government-provided healthcare? Don’t you wish we had a system like that in the U.S.?

Feel the Bern….

The problem with socialism is that eventually you run out of other people’s money.

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MSNBC Contributor: Armed Teachers Might Shoot Minority Students

23rd August 2018

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That’s because minority students are more likely to be violent criminals. Check the statistics.

My wife has a friend who taught in the Dallas Public Schools until the day that a ‘minority student’ slugged her in the back of the head hard enough to make a doctor visit necessary. Nothing was ever done to the student, and nothing was ever done to ensure that such a thing couldn’t happen again. Needless to say, the Dallas Public Schools lost a good teacher that day.

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The Billion Dollar Homeless Scam

23rd August 2018

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New York City will be spending $2.06 billion on its Department of Homeless Services. There are 61,421 homeless people in the city which is spending $33,539 per homeless person.

That’s only a little short of the starting salary of an FDNY firefighter at $39,000.

Well, now, you have to realize that that amount includes government workers i.e. Union members i.e. Democrat voters who administer the program.

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Elizabeth Warren: I’m Not a Socialist

23rd August 2018

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Fooled me.

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Elizabeth Warren’s Income Has Skyrocketed Since She Entered the Senate in 2013

23rd August 2018

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Let’s face it, nobody runs for public office with the intention of losing money.

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Despite Comey Assurances, Vast Bulk of Weiner Laptop Emails Were Never Examined

23rd August 2018

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They just weren’t interested in catching Hillary doing anything wrong. They were sure she was going to win and they were positioning themselves in line for the consequent gravy train.

UPDATE: Paul Sperry: FBI “Investigation” Into Weiner Laptop Was a Gigantic Fraud Upon the Public; FBI Only Looked at 3000 Emails, and Only Glanced At Those in a 12 Hour Window; Never Conducted Mandatory Security Assessment

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WaPo: Transparency Is Fine for Others But Too Expensive for Us

23rd August 2018

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The Voices of the Crust are eager to bay at those who don’t want their lives splashed across the front pages of the nation’s press, but surprisingly coy about letting the public inside the cubicle walls of their own operations.

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It’s Time to Repeal the 17th Amendment

23rd August 2018

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The Senate was designed to represent the interests of the States as States, semi-sovereign political entities, from the Federal government. The Civil War decided, by force of arms, that the States had no rights against the Federal government, so the 17th Amendment was really only the last nail in the coffin. It was, of course, touted as a way of ‘correcting’ the ‘undemocratic’ provisions of the original Constitution. Any changes to the election of Senators or to the makeup of the Senate will, of course, be founded on the notion that States having equal representation in the Senate no matter their size or population is a violation of the ‘one man one vote’ rule now in force since the passage of the 14th Amendment.

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MSNBC Guest Who Downplayed Tibbetts Murder Deletes Entire Twitter Account

23rd August 2018

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Well, that’s one way to hide.

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Thought for the Day

23rd August 2018

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UN Urges Israel Not to Withhold Aid From Gaza, as Crisis Deepens

23rd August 2018

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Sure, help out those people who are pledged to destroy you. It’s a moral imperative.

Gaza has a very nice border with Egypt, its’ fellow-Arab neighbor. Let the Egyptians help.

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UK: Patient Waits Two-and-a-Half Days for Ambulance as Worst Delays Revealed

23rd August 2018

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How about that GREAT government-provided healthcare? Don’t you wish we had a system like that in the U.S.?

Feel the Bern….

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