We have seen the future, and it sucks.

Archive for April, 2016

Thought for the Day: TSA

8th April 2016

parody TSA logo

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Pro-Palestinian Activists Shout Down Jerusalem Mayor’s Speech at San Francisco State University

8th April 2016

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Free speech is not a Muslim value … nor a collegiate value in California.

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Breaking Down Gender Stereotypes in Media and Toys So That Our Children Can Explore, Learn, and Dream Without Limits

8th April 2016

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It’s comforting to know that the President has nothing more important to do.

(Where in the Constitution does it say that the Federal government is in charge of ‘breaking down gender stereotypes’? I must have missed that when I took constitutional law in law school.)

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Texas Principal Wants to Arrest Parents Who Let Kids Walk to School

7th April 2016

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The rot in education affects even Texas.

The principal of an elementary school in Magnolia, Texas, has forbidden parents from picking up their kids to walk them home. No matter how close the children live to the school, they are required to take the bus or be picked up by car, Fox 26 in Houston is reporting.

If not, the local authorities are ready to enforce the rule with arrests for trespassing.

The ostensible reason for this step at Bear Branch Elementary is “safety,” but parents interviewed by local reporters think it’s really about the principal exerting ironclad control over the pick-up procedures. A video of the line of cars at pick-up time looked like a funeral cortege, solemnly inching forward.

Another petty bureaucrat who longs to be a two-bit Hitler.

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Mom Arrested for Letting Kids Walk to McDonald’s Around the Corner

7th April 2016

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I am not making this up.

A South Carolina mom who let her 9-year-old nephew walk her 3-year-old son to the McDonald’s less than a quarter mile away has been—I’m sure you can finish this sentence in your sleep by now—arrested and charged with child neglect.

The reason? According to WSPA News 7:

The officer says the boys had to cross a street and pass several businesses and homes to get to the eatery, putting their safety at risk.

The mom, Tiesha Mesha Hillstock, 24, told the police the unthinkable: She had trusted the older boy to “take care of his cousin.”

It doesn’t get much more absurd that this. The police officer involved ought to be made to wear a diaper and suck his thumb for 24 hours in public.

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Breeding Narcissists

7th April 2016

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Much has been written about the effects of toxic leaders in business, but a new study suggests that toxic business professors — specifically narcissists — wreak havoc in the classroom, at least for their more modest students. More narcissistic students, meanwhile, may benefit from having similarly self-obsessed instructors. The study’s authors argue that their findings have implications for instruction as a new generation of graduates seeks jobs in industry.

“Considering the evidence indicating significant increases in narcissism among millennials and even higher levels of narcissism among business students, we must work toward a greater understanding of the role of business higher education in stemming this tide,” the paper says. “As millennials enter the faculty ranks, will they be disproportionately narcissistic? … Will they be enhancing the employment prospects of our more narcissistic students to the detriment of their organizations and the business community?”

All that and a bag of chips.

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Navy Seeks To Boost Shipbuilding: Amphibs, Subs, Destroyers

7th April 2016

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Despite tight budgets at the Pentagon, the Navy wants to speed-up several shipbuilding programs — amphibious warships, destroyers, and submarines — and Congress seems inclined to give them the money. That’s testimony both to the perennial political popularity of shipbuilding, which employs a lot of voters, and to the rising strategic anxiety over the Chinese and Russian fleets, which is driving the Navy to reassess the number and types of ships it needs.

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Aborting the Working Class

7th April 2016

David Cole takes a look behind the curtain.

There is a tendency among pundits to focus on political harm from the abortion issue only insofar as it affects Republicans. It’s generally believed that the issue is more of a minefield for the right than the left. And there’s some truth to that. However, a series of studies by a prominent academic suggests that the abortion issue adversely impacts the left in a way that’s actually deeper and more profound than the manner in which it affects the right.

Indeed. It is the Democrat base, not the Republican base, that is being reduced by abortion. Think about it: They are fighting for the right not to have children. From a long-term evolutionary perspective, that’s a self-correcting problem.

Martin Gilens is a political-science professor at Princeton. Over the course of the past decade, he has authored and coauthored several books and papers in which he argues that the U.S. is essentially an oligarchy. We are controlled by the moneymen, the “1%,” and any claim that our “democracy” is participatory or inclusive is illusory. “Affluence and influence”—that’s what makes the U.S. economic system go ’round. The deck is stacked, and the “liddle peeple” are powerless.

That certainly fits the available evidence.

Buried deep inside Gilens’ books and position papers is an interesting critique of the left…buried so deep that apparently none of Gilens’ leftist fawners ever found it (in covering Gilens’ work, liberal journos not only buried the lede, they sealed it in a sarcophagus). According to Gilens’ research, those dastardly oligarchs, those enemies of the 99%, are overwhelmingly liberal on issues such as abortion, gay rights, race, and immigration. In fact, the affluent are far more “progressive” than the great unwashed whose voices they’ve muted and whose influence they’ve suppressed. Gilens found that the superrich in general oppose any policies based upon “traditional morality” (Gilens uses school prayer as an example of an issue in which the oligarchs find themselves severely at odds with the poor).

That certainly fits the available evidence as well, although you’d never realize it from the hand-waving by Voices of the Crust.

Whereas Republicans get in trouble for saying idiotic things about abortion, women, and rape, Democrats have essentially sacrificed the economic portion of their agenda—something that used to be very important to them—on the altar of abortion rights and other SJW issues. Donald Trump (who is almost certainly not an actual enemy of the oligarchs and “banksters”) can talk about economic reforms to benefit the working class all he wants, but the left will never be on board because of his statements on Muslims, immigration, and (now) abortion. Bernie Sanders can talk about economic justice all he wants, but he’ll never attract the all-important black Democrat demographic because he’s not seen as sufficiently obsessed with racial issues.

Which seems to sum it up rather nicely. The Social Justice Warrior issues are ones that don’t affect the 1% wallet very much, whereas the traditional economic planks of the historical Democrat party would scare them shitless.

According to Zuesse, with whom I corresponded before and after he was dumped by the Huffington Post, the Daily Kos has similarly banned him. A left-wing fighter for economic justice, a progressive author trying to give a voice to the poor, a committed foe of the oligarchs, sacked and banned because he said something mean about a black guy. Behold the left’s priorities, in a nutshell.

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A $15 Minimum Wage Is a Booby Prize for American Workers

7th April 2016

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New York, San Francisco, L.A. and Seattle are at the forefront of a new urban economy, based on industries such as finance, technology and media, that generally creates jobs for the highly educated only. Virtually every region at the cutting edge of the minimum wage movement has seen a rapid decline in traditional blue-collar jobs — notably in manufacturing — which often paid well above the minimum wage, and offered potential for further individual advancement.

In these and other core cities, we are seeing something reminiscent of the Victorian era, where a larger proportion of workers are earning their living serving the wealthy and their needs as nannies, restaurant workers, dog-walkers and the like. In New York City, as of 2012, over a third of workers were employed in low-wage service jobs, a percentage that rose through the recovery from the Great Recession, according to a study by the Center for an Urban Future. The largest growth in new jobs in NYC between 2009 and 2014 came primarily in low-wage fields. Of the 401,800 net jobs the city gained over that span, 76,400 were in food services and drinking establishments, with an average annual wage of $26,200. The sector that added the second largest number of jobs: ambulatory health care, at 55,400, with an average wage of $46,200. Meanwhile at the high-wage end of the spectrum, Wall Street employment was flat, and the glitzy fields of information services and movies and sound recording added 26,000 jobs.

What a $15 minimum wage in New York and California says is, ‘Unless you are rich enough to be able to pay your servants $15 an hour, we don’t want you here.’

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Morale: The Taliban Created A Super Weapon

7th April 2016

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The Kunduz incident resulted in more strict application of the ROE and a lot less U.S. air support for Afghan troops and police. This makes the security forces less effective and the Taliban more so. This sort of thing is no accident. The Taliban and drug gangs have invested a lot in the local media, to make each civilian death, at the hands of foreign troops, a major story. The majority of civilian combat deaths are at the hands of the Taliban or drug gangs, and the local media plays those down (or else). It’s a sweet deal for the bad guys, and a powerful battlefield tool. The civilians appreciate the attention, but the ROE doesn’t reduce overall civilian deaths, because the longer the Taliban have control of civilians in a combat situations, the more they kill. The Taliban regularly use civilians as human shields, and kill those who refuse, or are suspected of disloyalty. In most parts of Afghanistan, civilians are eager to get the Taliban killed or driven away, as quickly as possible and by any means necessary. The number of civilian deaths, at the hands of NATO/Afghan forces, are spectacularly low by historical standards. The U.S. armed forces have reduced civilian casualties during combat by over 90 percent since the 1970s. This is the result of wider use of precision weapons, better communications and new tactics. The troops know this, some of the civilians know this, but the media doesn’t care and the Taliban know that dead Afghan soldiers and police are not news but dead civilians are, especially if it is one of rare incidents where the Taliban was not responsible.

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From the BBC, This Just In: Dog Bites Man

6th April 2016

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Nick just sent this screen photo of the Beeb’s news report about the killer of Asad Shah. A couple of weeks ago Mr. Shah was murdered outside his shop in Glasgow not long after he wished his Christian neighbors a happy Easter in an online message. His murderer, a fellow Muslim named Tanveer Ahmed, was eventually caught and charged. He had driven all the way from Bradford to Glasgow to do the grisly deed.

The Yorkshire Post referred to Mr. Ahmed as a “Yorkshireman”. Well, ee bah goom!

The murderer has now stated that he wanted to punish the victim for disrespecting Islam — that is, for blasphemy. In this he was acting in strict accordance with Islamic law.

Guidance on these matters may be found at AbdurRahman.org, under the heading “A Muslim is prohibited to congratulate the disbelievers, Christians, Jews or whomever, on their distinctive occasions”.

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Cliche Count: “Unbearable Whiteness”

6th April 2016

Steve Sailer runs the numbers so that you don’t have to.

About 46,600 results (0.71 seconds)

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Suspended Marquette Prof Rips Into President for Demanding Apology in Gay-Marriage Dispute

6th April 2016

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Supposedly Marquette is a ‘Catholic” school, although you’d never know it — it’s run by Jesuits, so that may explain it.

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‘Silent Majority’? No, ‘Have a Life Majority’

6th April 2016

Sarah Hoyt lays it down.

I got obsessed with politics early by being exposed to the fact that while I might want to ignore politics, politics doesn’t ignore me, and if you give people with power their head soon enough they’re intruding into your innocent pleasures: cancelling ballet classes; mandating you spend whole days painting murals; decreeing that your grade be by vote of the class… that type of nonsense.  And worse.

So I follow politics like a guard dog following an intruder.  But most people don’t.  Even my husband has no clue what I’m exercised about at any given time.  (Weirdly younger son inherited mom’s issue and he’ll roam around the house periodically going “Marshall smash” for reasons his father can’t fathom, relating to names he can’t recognize.)

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Clinton = Crooked (But You Knew That)

6th April 2016

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The impact of the Panama Papers is probably going to be biggest on people like Iceland’s prime minister — those who are denominated “Politically Exposed Persons” in the money laundering world. PEPs, our reader adds, are a category of individuals — foreign heads of state, their family members, and other ranking officeholders occupying significant positions in government placing them at risk for bribery or corruption.

You know where this is going….

Hillary Clinton was a PEP as Secretary of State, and so were Bill Clinton and Chelsea Clinton. When Bill Clinton set up his shell in Sweden to accept $26 million plus his speaking fee, our reader explains, a report should probably have been filed. The transaction wasn’t reported to the State Department. According to the Washington Times, the Clinton Foundation has concealed the names of the specific donors:

Mr. Clinton’s Swedish fundraising shell escaped public notice, both because its incorporation papers were filed in Stockholm — some 4,200 miles from America’s shores — and the identities of its donors were lumped by Mr. Clinton’s team into the disclosure reports of his U.S.-based charity, blurring the lines between what were two separate organizations incorporated under two different countries’ laws.

The foundation told The Times through a spokesman that the Swedish entity was set up primarily to collect donations from popular lotteries in that country, that the money went to charitable causes like fighting climate change, AIDS in Africa and cholera in Haiti, and that all of the Swedish donors were accounted for on the rolls publicly released by the U.S. charity.

The foundation, however, declined repeated requests to identify the names of the specific donors that passed through the Swedish arm.

A spokesman for Mrs. Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign declined comment.

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16 Democrat AGs Begin Inquisition Against ‘Climate Change Disbelievers’

6th April 2016

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And AlGore is right there in the front row, looking smug as only a man who has gotten rich off of climate change hysteria can.

Treating climate change as an absolute, unassailable fact, instead of what it is—an unproven, controversial scientific theory—a group of state attorneys general have announced that they will be targeting any companies that challenge the catastrophic climate change religion.

Speaking at a press conference on March 29, New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman said, “The bottom line is simple: Climate change is real.” He went on to say that if companies are committing fraud by “lying” about the dangers of climate change, they will “pursue them to the fullest extent of the law.”

Oh, that First Amendment thing? Fugeddaboudit.

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White House Ramps Up Zika Funding Fight

6th April 2016

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Senior administration officials say they are not walking away from the months-long Zika funding fight with the GOP, even after conceding on a key issue.

The White House said Wednesday it is now forced to dip into a funding pool reserved for the Ebola virus to fight Zika — an approach that the administration had previously dismissed as it pushed Congress to approve new funding.

This exemplifies two structural problems with modern American government: (a) Money ‘earmarked’ for one purpose that may or may not match what is needed for that purpose, and which cannot easily be repurposed when needs change, and (b) the inclination of the current administration to do whatever the fuck they want and to hell with how the government is supposed to work. Both are significant flaws, one structural, the other moral. From what I have seen, Republicans (the only other game in town) don’t seem to have a clue as to how to cope with either.

While announcing plans to move about $500 million toward Zika efforts, Obama’s top health and budget leaders lashed out at Congress for ignoring their $2 billion funding request.

“We should not play with fire here. We should not risk spreading and getting out of control before Congress acts. They need to move immediately,” Shaun Donovan, director of the Office of Management and Budget, told reporters Wednesday.

This illustrates another flaw in the way government is conducted in America, characteristic of ‘progressives’ but indulged in by non-progressives whenever they think that they can get away with it (which is too often, prompted by seeing ‘progressives’ getting away with it more often than not): The impulse to shout loudly THE SKY IS FALLING WE’RE ALL GONNA DIE in hopes of stampeding people whom they see as stupid and obstructionist into Getting With The Program promoted by their Betters. Again, Republicans are like Charlie Brown facing Lucy with the football — they know this usually ends badly, but they can’t think of that else to do.

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What is a “Good Job?”

6th April 2016

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It’s right next to ‘affordable housing’.

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CIA Director’s Talk Shut Down by Protesters at Penn

6th April 2016

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Free speech for me but not for thee — that’s ‘progressive’.

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Winning: The Cure For Islamic Terrorism

6th April 2016

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Going after senior leaders, especially those with unique skills (like organizing and training suicide bombers) has been shown to be one of the most effective tactics for crippling and destroying an Islamic terrorist organization. Decapitation tactics proved successful in Iraq before U.S. troops left in 2011 and earlier in Israel where it was developed to deal with the Palestinian terror campaign that began in 2000. The Israelis were very successful with their decapitation program, which reduced Israeli civilian terrorist deaths within five years from over 400 a year to less than ten.

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Culturally Enriched Hit-And-Run in Molenbeek

6th April 2016

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Last Saturday there was an anti-Islam demonstration in Brussels that ventured into one of the most culturally enriched (and dangerous) neighborhoods in Europe, Molenbeek — the Islamic ghetto where most of the terror plots carried out in France and Belgium seem to be hatched. During the course of that demo, a car drove at speed through a police barrier and seriously injured a woman, and then later hit a motorcyclist. The mainstream media, led by The Daily Mail, blamed “far-right extremists” for the deed, saying that they had been driving the car.

Well. They had to walk that one back eventually, after the two men in the car were arrested. It took a while for the news to percolate through to the media, given the language barrier, but the two drivers — a different one for each hit-and-run — turned out to be culture-enrichers. The incident had a Mohammed Coefficient of 50%.

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Iran Says: Spirit? What Spirit? We’re Preparing for War!

6th April 2016

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As Scott noted this morning, President Obama complains that Iran has violated the “spirit” of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action by launching ballistic missiles and calling for the destruction of Israel. Earlier today, Iran responded to Obama’s rather pathetic lament:

Chief of Staff of the Iranian Armed Forces Major General Hassan Firouzabadi blasted US President Barack Obama for his remarks against Tehran’s implementation of the nuclear deal, and said he is raising excessive demands.

“We studied the details of the nuclear agreement and didn’t see anything but its text and don’t have any information about its spirit,” Firouzabadi said, addressing the Chief of Staff’s commanders and officials in Tehran on Tuesday, following the US president’s call on Tehran to work on the spirit of the July nuclear deal.

Is it possible that Obama fails to understand the utter contempt in which he is held by Iran’s leaders?

Oh, are we talking about what Obama fails to understand? I’ve got a list….

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When It Comes to Age Bias, Tech Companies Don’t Even Bother to Lie

5th April 2016

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Imagine you’re African-American and working at a 500-person technology company where everyone else is white, and one day the CEO declares in a national newspaper interview that his company’s lack of diversity isn’t an accident. In fact he prefers to hire white people because when it comes to technology white people simply make better employees.

That statement would be unthinkable. But what if a tech CEO made the same comment about age?

I suspect the truth is that tech startups prefer young workers because they will work longer hours and can be paid less.

Got it in one.

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Panama Papers Are About Government Corruption, Not ‘Tax Evasion’

5th April 2016

The elephant in the room.

The “Panama Papers” are the largest leak in world history, revealing millions of documents related to the offshore accounts of politicians, former politicians, and billionaires around the world.

Despite much of the media’s focus on tax evasion as the primary theme of the Panama Papers story, which embarrassed governments are happy to adopt as the primary theme as well, the question is one of official corruption.

My, what a surprise! Aren’t you surprised? I’m sure surprised.

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Temple Scientists Eliminate HIV-1 From Genome of Human T-cells

5th April 2016

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In 2014, a team of researchers in the Lewis Katz School of Medicine at Temple University became the first to successfully eliminate the HIV-1 virus from cultured human cells. Fewer than two years later, the team has made further strides in its research by eliminating the virus from the genome of human T-cells using the specialized gene editing system they designed.

In a new study published in Scientific Reports, the researchers show that the method can both effectively and safely eliminate the virus from the DNA of human cells grown in culture.

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9 Barriers to Building Housing in Central City Austin

5th April 2016

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The Austin area has, for the 5th year running, been among America’s two fastest-growing major metro areas by population. Although everybody knows about the new apartments sprouting along transportation corridors like South Lamar and Burnet, much of the growth has been in our suburbs, and in suburban-style areas of the city. Our city is growing out more than up.

How come? The desire for living in central Austin has never been higher. But Austin, like most cities, has rules that prevent new housing from getting centrally built. That makes it easier to buy and build on virgin land in the suburbs. Here are some of those rules.

Austin (heck, all of Travis County) is the blue pustule on the otherwise red butt of Texas. As a result, it suffers from typical Democrat diseases like over-regulation and stupid housing policies. This is a good list of such moronic policies.

By contrast, Houston (which doesn’t have any of these stupid ‘zoning’ policies) is doing very well indeed, and growing even faster than Austin. I wonder why….

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Obama: Panama Papers Leak Shines Light on ‘Big Global Problem’

5th April 2016

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Apparently he thinks that the problem is that all of this tax avoidance is legal. The very idea! That people will use perfectly legal ways to lower their tax bill!

The real problem, of course, of which Obama is totally clueless (as of so much else) is oppressive levels of taxation, which makes it worthwhile for these pissant jurisdictions to provide these tax havens merely by (a) not charging as much and (b) not ratting out the beneficiaries to the Robber Barons.

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The Times Finally Finds a Public Sector Union It Dislikes

5th April 2016

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(And public sector unions finally find a Republican they like, and Republicans finally find some government employees they want more of). The New York Times has a pretty amusing editorial about the decision by the union representing 16,500 federal border patrol agents to endorse presidential candidate Donald Trump.

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Students Can’t Remember a Past They Never Learned

5th April 2016

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“Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it,” George Santayana tells us.

The philosopher’s statement poses a unique problem for many top U.S. colleges, where students and faculty have pressed for some time to ensure that they never learn about their past in the first place.

The latest example is Stanford University, where an attempt is underway to suppress the recognition of Western civilization. Students at Stanford want to reinstate the subject as a core curriculum course. Some students are fighting it. The proposal is in the form of a ballot initiative that would require the faculty senate to debate whether the study of Western civilization should be reinstated.

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Silicon Jihad

5th April 2016

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How Silicon Valley elites and the American progressive ruling class formed unholy alliances with Middle Eastern powers to foster the modern rise of extreme Islamic terrorism, mortgage the safety and personal wealth of America’s working class, and reign in the demise of domestic independent energy producers.

I love the smell of conspiracy in the morning….

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Millionaires Are Fleeing Paris, Athens, and … Chicago

5th April 2016

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And it’s hard to blame them.

Nobody has the ability to vote with his feet like an extremely wealthy person. New World Wealth, a South Africa-based research group that provides statistical information about the behavior of rich people around the world, released a new report that shows how that vote turned out in 2015, looking at which countries and cities are losing millionaires, and to which countries and cities they are moving.

The big winner is Australia. Sydney, Melbourne, and Perth all ranked among the top cities that have been drawing in millionaires.

Turning boat people back and not letting them land is undoubtedly a good part of that.

According to the report, wealthy folks are moving to Australia from other countries like China, the United Kingdom, South Africa, and even the United States. Other big winners are Dubai, Tel Aviv, and Vancouver. In America, big winners were San Francisco and Seattle.

Seattle and San Francisco are great towns in which to be rich. Middle class … not so much.

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How Europe Can Fix its Jihadi Problem While Saving Money

5th April 2016

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My first thought was ‘neutron bombs’ but I guess that was the wrong answer.


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Couple Cause Outrage in Mexico After Setting Up Crowdfunding Page to Help Them Leave ‘Hell Hole’

5th April 2016

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A couple from New Zealand have caused an outcry after they described Mexico as a “hell hole”.

David and Nicky Beard travelled to Mexico to have triplings – three babies born from one set of sperm and one egg, but carried by different surrogate mothers.

After running into financial difficulties, they publicly appealed for money, making claims to media about the “cockroach-infested hospital” in a “dangerous country” they described as “third world”.

“We have spent every cent we have left to bring these three beautiful Kiwi babies into the world. We now need to get ourselves and the three babies out of this dangerous country and back to the safety of New Zealand,” the couple told the Gay NZ website.

Their friend set up a Give A Little online donations page to help them return to New Zealand, which has raised over NZ$28,000.

Funny thing about that … hellholes apparently don’t like being called hellholes. Who knew?

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Panama Papers: How Does Off-Shore Tax Avoidance Work?

5th April 2016

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Just in case you were wondering. I know I was.

Dictators and other heads of state have been accused of laundering money, avoiding sanctions and evading tax, according to the unprecedented cache of papers that show the inner workings of the law firm Mossack Fonseca, which is based in Panama.

My, what a surprise! Aren’t you surprised? I’m sure surprised.

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New Stem Cell Therapy Which Mimics How Salamanders Grow New Limbs Raises Hopes of New Regenerative Treatments

5th April 2016

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Therapies based on “induced multipotent stem” (iMS) cells could be tested in human trials as early as next year, according to Australian researchers.

The team, from the University of New South Wales, demonstrated a way of producing iMS cells by reprogramming bone and fat cells.

Unlike other kinds of stem cell that can differentiate into many types of tissue, iMS cells are not thought to run the risk of triggering cancer.

Lead scientist Professor John Pimanda, said: “We are currently assessing whether adult human fat cells reprogrammed into iMS cells can safely repair damaged tissue in mice, with human trials expected to begin in late 2017.

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Liberia Turns to Private Sector for Primary Education

5th April 2016

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As is common in much of Africa, the public education system is plagued by graft, poor quality and truancy on the part of both the students and teachers. The democratically-elected government of Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, a former World Bank official, has decided to try something new—outsourcing primary education to a private, for-profit firm, with student fees paid for by the taxpayer.

The horror.

Still, consider the apoplectic reaction of Kinshore Singh, the United Nations’ special rapporteur on education, who claimed Liberia was flirting with a “gross violation” of its obligation to educate children, and that Liberia’s plan was “devoid of any legal or moral justification.”

Third World statists are not really the go-to-guys for evaluating what ought to be public and what ought to be private. It’s not as if the U.N. has ever succeeded at anything it has tried, other than wasting other people’s money.

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Square Root Day: There Are Only Nine Days This Century Like This

5th April 2016

Be still my heart.

The day was coined and publicised by a former high school teacher from California.

Yeah, that figures.

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Man Escapes Death After Crawling From Car Dangling on Cliff Edge, Only to Be Hit by a Passing Bus

5th April 2016

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On Saturday afternoon, the motorist lost control of his vehicle while driving along Malibu Canyon Road, leading the SUV to dangle off the side of the cliff, according to Los Angeles Sheriff’s Department.

Although the driver managed to climb out of the vehicle, he was then hit by a tour bus that was passing by.

Perhaps God is trying to tell him something.

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Refugees ‘Will Start Killing Themselves’ If They Are Sent to Turkey, Charity Warns

5th April 2016

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Think of it as evolution in action.

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Edinburgh University Student Imogen Wilson Accused of Violating ‘Safe Space’ Rules for Raising Hand During Meeting

5th April 2016

Read it.

I am not making this up.

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Rich People Are Fleeing France

5th April 2016

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A Socialist government and boatloads of Muslim immigrants will do that.

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New Treasury Department Regulations Will Not Fix America’s Competitiveness Problem

5th April 2016

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The U.S. Treasury Department yesterday released new regulations they claim will curb business inversions. In reality, this is the latest in a line of regulations that have and will fail to address the underlying problem because they are treating a symptom rather than the root cause of inversions.

America has a competitiveness problem, and inversions together with foreign acquisitions are the consequences of this problem. By choosing to treat the symptom rather than the disease, Treasury is ensuring American businesses face the tough choice of fleeing the U.S. tax system or remaining headquartered in the U.S. and facing a crushing disadvantage when competing with foreign businesses.

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Why Do We Even Have Toes?

5th April 2016

Dan Nosowitz is not afraid to ask the hard questions.

Not long ago, after I accidentally kicked the radiator next to my bed and brutally stubbed my toe, I looked down. I saw ridiculous mutant-finger-like protuberances coming out of my foot, part of them covered with useless nails that seem to need clipping much more often as I get older. “What is the point of these garbage toes?,” I wondered. They’re lousy at grabbing things, they break easily, and they look, in a pure aesthetic sense, weird.

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Sent Home to Syria From Italy for a Forced Marriage: “My Father Put Me on Auction”

5th April 2016

Read it. And watch the video.

The video report below tells the story of Amani, an Italian-Syrian girl who was sent back to Syria when she was 16 to be forcibly married to her cousin. She was fortunately able to escape, after which she returned to Italy and repudiated Islam.

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Austrian Foreign Minister Gets Headlines for Saying Elected Officials, Not Smugglers, Should Decide Who Can Move to Europe

5th April 2016

Steve Sailer dishes the dirt.

The nerve of that guy! Who does he think he is, anyway, the New York Times?

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NYC Latina Pols Blast Bernie Sanders as an Ally of ‘Anti-Immigrant Right Wing’

4th April 2016

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I swear, there’s no pleasing some people.

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Scripps Students Protest Madeleine Albright as Speaker Because She’s a ‘White Feminist’

4th April 2016

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Students and (allegedly) some faculty are upset at the decision to invite former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright as Scripps College commencement speaker.

Part of the reason is the belief that she “enabled genocide” by yanking UN and US troops out of Rwanda in the mid-1990s.

Busted. (I thought Democrats got a pass on that sort of thing?)

Another is because she is a white feminist. It’s 2016, after all. Where are all the POC — People of Color?

“*Just out of curiosity* does anyone know how many POC we’ve had as guest commencement speakers at Scripps? 2…3?” asked another student. “real question. real problem,” asked one student on social media.

Man, there’s no pleasing some people.


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Whale Watching Boat Crashes Into San Diego Dock

4th April 2016

Watch it.

You can’t make this stuff up.

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They Think They’re the “Conservatives”

4th April 2016

Freeberg in good form.

It is the polar opposite of the truth to say this trajectory has “only one shape and only one destination.” The trajectory meanders, turn by unprecedented turn and inch by serpentine inch, just like any other trajectory driven by emotion and drama. This year it’s all about forcing businesses to do away with male and female restrooms. Previously — just last year or so? — it was about same-sex marriage, and forcing the businesses to participate in that. Next year, who knows…although it will probably have something to do with forcing businesses to do something else. Frankly it’s become rather tiresome, not unlike taking a phone call from a friend who’s in the eleventh year of her divorce and has a whole new round of tall tales to unload about the awful things “Bob” did.

No, liberals do not approve of choice. They approve of force.

And they’re opposed to having any sort of discussion about it.

There is perhaps no subject on which this is made more clear, than with the economic issues that have to do with “equality” of income or wealth, like raising the minimum wage, progressive taxes, and social safety nets. Their narrative is not one of “We have come up with an innovative new way to make sure everyone has the same amount of stuff”; it is one of “We have come up with an innovative new way to get things back to the way they were supposed to be, so everyone has the same amount of stuff.” It’s an important distinction, because the latter interpretation is seasoned with a pungent hatred of humanity missing from the former.

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Refugee Crisis: First Boats Return Rejected Migrants to Turkey on Europe’s ‘Day of Shame’

4th April 2016

Watch it.

The ‘day of shame’ apparently refers to a supposed right (written down nowhere that I can find) of Muslims to come and wreck Christian countries after they’ve finished wrecking their own.

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