We have seen the future, and it sucks.

Archive for January, 2009

Another Accounting Law Designed To Increase Transparency Does The Opposite

23rd January 2009

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Isn’t it funny how laws designed to protect us from ourselves never do, but certainly attain their main goal of making more job security for bureaucrats?

Get a government job. You’ll be a robot, but you won’t ever be unemployed.

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Beheading at Virginia Tech

22nd January 2009

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“There were seven witnesses in the cafe. There had been no argument, no shouting” when the young woman was attacked, said Virginia Tech spokesman Mark Owczarski, confirming that Yang and been decapitated.

Hey, how about that gun-free zone, eh? Such safety! Such security! Send your kid there to be safe!

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Eating Ice Cream Causes False Breathalyzer Positive Test Result

22nd January 2009

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Let that be a lesson to us all.

And I’d steer clear of the Rum Raisin in any case.

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Thieves Steal Fallen GI’s Memorial

22nd January 2009

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The rot spreads even to Texas.

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Staff Finds White House in the Technological Dark Ages

22nd January 2009

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An interesting article, but notice the not-so-hidden assumption: Unless you’re using the very latest black-turtleneck-and-pierced-body-parts technology, you’re living in the Dark Ages. Never mind that government technology, except in the military, is typically twenty years or so behind the “private sector”. The “six-year-old versions of Microsoft software” is XP, the same software most major corporations (including my employer) use.

Stuck in the next-to-last paragraph, however, is the most significant thing: ”

But there were no missing letters from the computer keyboards, as Bush officials had complained of during their transition in 2001.” So apparently the Bush administration doesn’t have the same proportion of arrested adolescents that the Clinton administration did.

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By Switching Their Charters, Banks Skirt Supervision

22nd January 2009

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An interesting article, but notice the Hidden Assumption: Unless something is “supervised” at the federal level, it isn’t really “supervised”.

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Direct-to-digital daily news?

22nd January 2009

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When I got to my office this morning here on Capitol Hill, I picked up the Washington Post and started looking for its story on the annual March for Life, which usually brings somewhere between 200,000 and 400,000 people to the city to mark the anniversary of Roe vs. Wade. There are times when the advance story makes the Metro front, but most of the time you look for something short inside the paper somewhere.

I’m still looking. Did I miss something?

Well, it serves as a useful reminder that the Washington Post isn’t really a newspaper but rather a spin machine for the Chattering Classes.

But beyond that, this incident serves to illustrate my earlier point that the Establishment Media no longer function as effective gatekeepers to the public brain; they no longer control what news is available and what slant that news will take. A good thing, I’m thinking.

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Just Because *A* Market Benefits From A Gov’t Handout Doesn’t Mean It’s Good Overall

22nd January 2009

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A significant distinction that many overlook.

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Plan to Eliminate Prison Faces Hurdles

22nd January 2009

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The administration’s plans are contained in an executive order calling for the “prompt and appropriate disposition of the individuals currently detained at Guantánamo,” according to a draft copy obtained by The Washington Post.

Unlawful combatants, like pirates, may be executed on the spot. Somehow I don’t think that’s what the Obama Nation has in mind, though.

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It’s time to face returns

22nd January 2009

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The whole system of handling returns in the publishing business is insane. One of the silver linings of the current economic panic is that the system may be fixed.

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Scientists solve enigma of Antarctic ‘cooling’

22nd January 2009

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New research shows that while some parts of the frozen continent have been getting slightly colder over the last few decades, the average temperature across the continent has been rising for at least the last 50 years.

Turns out AlGore and his minions were wrong — again.

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Boomers Versus the Rest

22nd January 2009

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And, of course, let’s not forget the Democrats, from FDR on down, who set up and expanded this system.

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Exxon finds oil near massive Brazilian fields

22nd January 2009

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And, since the Brazilians aren’t as stupid as we are, they may be allowed to do something about it.

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Virginia Tech: The Gun-Free Zone Has Another Murder

21st January 2009

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Yeah, that gun-free zone concept really works well, doesn’t it? If you’re going to kill somebody, do it at a school; you can be sure nobody is going to shoot back.

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Campaign by the internet, govern by the internet

21st January 2009

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Read it twice. This contains some highly significant ideas.

I argue that we should abolish the Freedom of Information Act and instead make transparency the default for government’s business, which should occur digitally and in the open, so citizens may search, link, comment on, and analyze it. Rather than our asking the government to release our information, the government should ask our permission not to.

Well, that ain’t gonna happen, and anybody who thinks that it might is smoking and not sharing.

The most interesting point is the one that the author entirely misses: The internet allows public officials, especially public officials who are trying to move beyond the comfort zone of the Nomenklatura, direct access to the public.

Reagan used radio and television to speak directly to the American people when he couldn’t get his programs past Congress and the bureaucracy. Then the dinosaur media caught on — and when Bush had some twitches in that direction, they went all passive-aggressive gatekeeper on him. But the Internet seriously degrades the establishment’s gatekeeper power, whether broadcast or print. And the various government-sponsored web sites are the key to that revolution.

IF OBAMA IS AS SMART AS HIS WORSHIPPERS ALL KEEP SAYING HE IS, the White House web site will have links to his position on every single scrap of legislation and every single controversial issue that pops up its ugly head — and he will have a position on every such issue. If you want to know what the administration’s position is on any subject, you won’t have to depend on the Spin Cycle media; just go right to the source and ask the horse. The danger here is the White House internal bureaucracy. As in any bureaucracy, control of information is power, and bureaucrats like sharing information/power about as much as they like spending their own money.

Let’s see if he (a) understands the opportunity and (b) has the balls to use it.

These will be interesting times.

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Palestinian Smuggling Tunnels Back in Operation

21st January 2009

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Not really news, but a useful reminder.

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We now have more poeple employed in government than manufacturing and construction.

21st January 2009

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Welcome to the Obama Nation.

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Human Rights Lawyer Murdered in Moscow

20th January 2009

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“Human-rights lawyer Stanislav Markelov told reporters Monday he would use all legal means to overturn the early release of the most senior Russian military officer ever convicted of war crimes in Chechnya. After walking out of the news conference, he was shot dead. A journalist with him was also killed.”

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Neocons eyeing Obama

20th January 2009

Steve Sailer is always worth reading.

And quite often he’s dead on, too.

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Inauguration Augurs Poorly for Once-Great Nation

20th January 2009

The Hog doesn’t do political commentary any more. Nope. Wouldn’t think of it. Just tools and food, and some religion here and there. That’s all. Nothing else.

I can’t help feeling some excitement over the inauguration of a black President. I just wish it were someone else.

Hear, hear. Thomas Sowell, perhaps. Or Walter Williams.

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Inside the West Wing

20th January 2009

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Versailles had nothing on Pennsylvania Avenue. I’m surprised that the President’s Study hasn’t been named the Monica Lewinsky Memorial Relaxation Room. Democrats — no respect for history.

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Battling Saints and Sinners

20th January 2009

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A review of a new book on Agincourt by Bernard Cornwell.

The review is by Diana Gabaldon, one of my favorite historical novel writers.

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iPod touch M110 sniper rifle

20th January 2009

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Me want.

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Palm investor McNamee details Pre’s neat location-based features

19th January 2009

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I’m sorry, but this guy ought either to (a) not wear a suit or (b) cut his fargin hair. He looks like a retard stuck in the sixties.

Posted in Dystopia Watch | 1 Comment »

Chef Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall under fire for eating giraffe

19th January 2009

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Slow news day.

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Black Death ‘kills al-Qaeda operatives in Algeria’

19th January 2009

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Other 46 states start to notice Sand States caused mortgage meltdown

19th January 2009

Steve Sailer is always worth reading.

As I reported last September, even though the four Sand States (which have 21% of the country’s population) accounted for about half the foreclosures, they must have accounted for an even higher proportion of the defaulted dollars, which is the key variable in setting off the world financial crisis. That’s because median home prices in California were almost triple that in the rest of the country at the peak of the bubble.

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The science of the hangover

19th January 2009

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Hey, don’t say we never have useful stuff here.

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Solar Panel End Of Life Disposal Problem

19th January 2009

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The persistent problem with environmentalism is that every fashionable alternative to common everyday processes, especially in the energy field, involve stuff on the backend that are even more unfriendly to the environment. But of course the True Believers can’t be bothered to worry about that. Life is a process of which they only see the final step — that’s why they typically have no knowledge of history prior to the day they were born.

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Cigar smoker dies when oxygen tank catches fire

18th January 2009

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Darwin Award: We have a winner.

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A Dozen Fun Facts About the House Democrats’ Massive Spending Bill

18th January 2009

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I especially like

3. President-elect Obama has said that his proposed stimulus legislation will create or save three million jobs. This means that this legislation will spend about $275,000 per job. The average household income in the U.S. is $50,000 a year.

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How To Tell The “Culture Wars” Are Not Over

18th January 2009

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We can tell that the “culture wars” are not over because Democrats and liberals are still fighting them. We know culture warriors won’t disappear from national politics because one of them just won the presidential election. And if Beinart means that conservatives are losing the culture wars, that’s far from a certain bet, and one the Democrats would be ill-advised to take.

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Tracking ‘The Gore Effect’

18th January 2009

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Al’s the man.

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A slightly parodied verse

18th January 2009

No one can ever bribe or twist

A noble mainstream journalist;

But seeing what they tend to do

Unbribed, there’s just no reason to.

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Why don’t they call them “venereal diseases” anymore?

18th January 2009

Steve Sailer is always worth reading.

Now, I’m not a doctor, but it’s my impression that rather than our “uncomfortable feelings about sexuality” that “have caused STDs to be stigmatizing,” it’s more the oozing sores.

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Annie Lennox has already snapped up your good cause, darling

18th January 2009

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Video: Hamas Uses Children As Spotters

18th January 2009

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Contrary to the Geneva Convention, I might add. But they know that the Israelis won’t shoot kids who aren’t obviously armed.

Not really news, but a useful reminder.

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Dressing like a retard isn’t impressing anyone

17th January 2009

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One really loathes seeing tastelessness, self-indulgence, and lack of intelligence jump up onto the table and loudly defend itself.  If you need to dress like a young boy well into your 30s and 40s because you are psychologically crippled or otherwise unable to shrug off adolescent immaturity, that’s fine, but at least have the decency to acknowledge this as a weakness of character.

This guy is one of us.

Posted in Is this a great country, or what? | 1 Comment »

Scientists ‘decode’ cancer genes for the first time

17th January 2009

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A team in America compared the DNA taken from healthy skin cells with that from cancerous cells in a 50-year-old woman who later died from acute myeloid leukaemia, a form of cancer that affects the cells in the bone marrow that make blood.

They found 10 important genetic differences in the cancerous DNA, eight of which had never been linked to this form of cancer before.

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Lights out for the bulb

17th January 2009

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And you will participate, whether you want to or not. That’s what passes for democracy and free markets in these degenerate times.

New regulations require, for instance, that a typical 100-watt bulb be replaced by one that provides the same amount of light with 72 watts. Light bulbs will have to be even more efficient by 2020.

Now what business is this of the government? At all?

I thought that the whole point of the American Revolution was to get the government out of things like determining our light bulb choices. Apparently I was wrong.

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South Korean scientists get one step closer to graphene-based gadgets

17th January 2009

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Once again, Affordable Family Formation paints the states red or blue

16th January 2009

Steve Sailer is always worth reading. This was done back in November and I put it in my “ponder at leisure” stack; it’s still worth thinking about.

My basic theory is that Democrats do best in states with metropolitan areas where land for homes is scarce because they are hedged in by oceans or Great Lakes; while Republicans do best in inland areas where homebuyers can look around for homes in a 360 degree radius around job sites. I call this the Dirt Gap: Republicans are found more in areas with more dirt and less water.

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Woman driver parks car on top of neighbour’s

16th January 2009

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Really, who hasn’t done that every now and then?

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British scuba divers break world record… for underwater ironing

16th January 2009

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Slow news day.

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Traditional lessons axed in favour of ‘life skills’

16th January 2009

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More than 200 secondary schools are shunning traditional subjects to teach “life skills” such as team-building and communication in themed classes.

If those were my kids, I’d ask for my money back.

Oh, wait, the government pays for schooling over there.

Well, then, as a taxpayer, I’d still ask for my money back.

  1. Thank God you don’t live in Britain.
  2. Without eternal vigilance, it could happen here. And probably is.

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MIT concocts semi-autonomous forklift for war zone unloading

16th January 2009

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Stick a 50-cal turret on the sucker and I’m there.

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Iranian millionaire jailed for stealing pages from rare British Library books

16th January 2009

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Hakimzadeh, who is a director of the Iranian Heritage Foundation and a published author, pleaded guilty to 14 counts of theft in May.

He was jailed for two years at Wood Green Crown Court on Friday.

The 10 British Library works which he admitted defacing were worth £71,000 alone.

Two years seems … inadequate.

Well, being Iranian he’s probably a Muslim, so we ought to do it the Muslim way: Cut his hand off.

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Germany’s Bauhaus builds house out of paper

16th January 2009

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Mr Niemoeller used resin-soaked paper processed to form thin, light and strong panels. The material is also an excellent insulator, and is flexible, making it appropriate in earthquake-risk zones.

Not to mention incredibly flammable, and easy to get rid of when the government wants to clean an area up for tourists.

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Atheist bus adverts: Christian refuses to drive bus declaring ‘there’s probably no God’

16th January 2009

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Needless to say, this is as silly as a Muslim cab driver refusing to drive somebody carrying alcohol.

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Surfer talks of being in ‘real-life Jaws movie’

16th January 2009

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Moral: Don’t surf.

But he said he does not blame the shark and has pledged to return to surfing.

Darwin Award waiting to happen. The System Works.

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