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Iran Unveils New Underground Naval Base

19th January 2025

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“We assure the great nation of Iran that their young people are capable of coming out honorable and victorious from a battle on the seas against enemies big and small,” Salami said.

State television said the base was built at a depth of 500 meters (yards) somewhere in the Gulf and it showed tunnels with long rows of what it said were a new version of Taregh-class radar-evading speedboats which can launch cruise missiles.

Earlier this month, Iran started military exercises that are due to last two months and have already included war games in which the Revolutionary Guards defended nuclear installations in Natanz against mock attacks by missiles and drones.

Iran, which says its ballistic missiles are an important deterrent and retaliatory force against the U.S. and Israel, has in the past unveiled several underground “missiles cities.”

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