We have seen the future, and it sucks.

The Fix Is In

22nd June 2013

Read it.

Well, it looks like the Republicrats are going to join the Demoplicans in permanently altering these United States of America into a Third World slough of despond. According to Sen Pansy Graham (Scalawag-South Carolina), the Senate has 70 votes (probably 15 Republican, 55 Democrat) to report it out of the Senate. Word on the street is that the Gang of Eight Amnesty Atrocity will probably pass the House of Representatives even though an overwhelming majority of House Republicans oppose it. How will they do this? All they need is two dozen or so Chamber of Commerce bootlickers to join the America-skeptical Democrats and it’s “Por Espanol, oprima numero dos” forever.

And this is a religion blog, so you can see how far things have gone.

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