We have seen the future, and it sucks.

Occupy Facebook Page Touts Anti-Semitic Cartoon

19th April 2012

Read it.

As Michael Moynihan points out, it could have been drawn by Julius Streicher.

And once again we see proof that Jonah Goldberg was right, that the left is merely fascism in a Clever Plastic Disguise.

One Response to “Occupy Facebook Page Touts Anti-Semitic Cartoon”

  1. Dennis Nagle Says:

    Another way to look at it is that Israel is manipulating the UN through the US. While giving lip-service to the idea of the Two State Solution, the Israelis continue to build illegal settlements on land that they don’t own. They are as adept at stalling an issue until it is moot as any Iranian or Korean regime ever hoped to be.

    (Unexplained, of course, is why that particular issue should be be of concern to the Occupy movement at all…unless, of course, they’ve read the Protocols of Zion…)