We have seen the future, and it sucks.

The Future According to Film

13th September 2011

An Informative Chart.

2 Responses to “The Future According to Film”

  1. Dennis Nagle Says:

    It’s informative, I think, how many of these scenarios are post-apocalyptic and involve totalitarian societies.

    I remember being vaguely dissatisfied after watching the first episodes of Star Trek: Next Generation. I remember the first Star Trek–bright colors, well-lit, optimistic. The Next Generation was all burgundy and black, dark lighting, and ambivalence. It reflected the changes in public outlook between the two shows.
    When the first show was created, everyone looked to the future as being full of promise and purpose.
    When the second show came along, the future was a darker and scarier place, with mischance and a terrible end always waiting in the wings for the unaware.

    I miss the old days.

  2. RealRick Says:

    Could it be that Dennis has transitioned into dyspepsia?

    My irritation with STTNG was that the bridge became feminine. That is to say that they couldn’t do anything without angst and consensus. Instead of a single leader (like Kirk), they had a futuristic version of The View. (Ironically enough, they sometimes solicited opinions from Whoopie Goldberg.) They even agonized over killing The Borg. (Picture James T. Kirk hesitating on that one.) You can’t “boldly go” while wringing your hands and worrying about political correctness.