We have seen the future, and it sucks.

Rep. Becerra Supporter Touts Seat on Debt Committee in Fund-Raising Pitch

11th August 2011

Read it.

The members of Congress’s new Deficit Reduction Committee are charged with figuring out how to raise revenues and reduce spending in order to address the nation’s burgeoning debt.

Political supporters of  Rep. Xavier Becerra (D., Calif.), one of the appointees to deficit-reduction committee, have already figured out how to raise revenue—by touting his seat on the panel to raise money for his political campaign.

About two hours after House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi named Mr. Becerra to the committee on Thursday, a political supporter began notifying Wall Street lobbyists about a $1,500-per-person fund-raising event on Aug. 31.

For the playbook, watch The Distinguished Gentleman with Eddie Murphy.

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