We have seen the future, and it sucks.

Why Google Health Really Failed—It’s About The Money

26th June 2011

Read it.

To understand the impact, I’ll exaggerate to make a point—your healthcare provider doesn’t care about you unless they can see the whites of your eyes. Why is that? Today’s flawed reimbursement scheme only compensates the healthcare provider for a face to face visit. It’s hard to fault the primary care physician who has been put on a hamster wheel of 30-40 appointments per day and can’t even give their practice away upon retirement (that was once their retirement plan) for not wanting to deal with their patients sending email or sharing information from their personal health record.

My doctor will allow me to e-mail him questions and concerns — if I sign up for a paid subscription plan. Which I won’t do, because my medical insurance doesn’t cover it.


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