We have seen the future, and it sucks.

UK: High speed rail campaign mocks rich opponents of scheme

20th June 2011

Class warfare comes to Britain.

Or maybe it never left.

There may be an argument for high-speed rail in places that have people wanting to go long distances between major metropolitan areas, such as the U.S., China, India, Russia, etc., but no case whatever has been made for needing it in Britain, where you can get pretty much anywhere in the country in six hours by car and ten by rail. The railroads in Britain suck, and have ever since they were nationalized after WWII; this is not Sherlock Holmes territory any more).

So why build high-speed rail in Britain? Why, because all the Cool Kids are doing high-speed rail.

“A vocal minority are determined to block our ambitious proposals to create a railway fit for the 21st century,” he said.

“It is important that all those who are in favour make themselves heard by responding to the consultation under way so that we put the national interest ahead of purely local interests. ”

Can’t have Britain without the latest toys, even though they can’t even afford a decent Navy any more.

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