We have seen the future, and it sucks.

The Earth Is Full

9th June 2011

Read it.

And one quickly realizes that not only is the earth full, but Thomas Friedman is also full … of it, and of himself.

This sort of thumb-sucker (to which all columnists resort when they’ve got a hangover and a deadline knocking on the door at the same time) is on a par with the rich people who clamor to have their taxes increased, while surreptitiously nudging  under the carpet the plain and simple thing they could do to help out: Rich people can always give their money to the government (but sadly never do), and people like Thomas Friedman can always remove themselves from the gene pool (but, even more sadly, never do).

One thing of which the world most certainly has an excess is people with really urgent ideas about how you can make your life worse in order to make their lives better.

She said, “somebody has to
Clean all this away.
Somebody, SOMEBODY
Has to, you see.”
Then she picked out two Somebodies.
Sally and me.
The Cat in the Hat Comes Back

UPDATE: If we run out of living room, perhaps some of us could bunk with ol’ Tom in his 11,400 sq ft in Bethesda.

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