We have seen the future, and it sucks.

Feeling Safer Already

23rd November 2010

Jerry Pournelle discusses the TSA kerfuffle.

The purpose of the TSA is to make it clear that Americans are subjects, not citizens; at least it has operated as if that were the mission from its beginning. The X-Ray machine are expensive, and I suspect that if you trace the profits made from the government’s buying them you will find paths to lobbyists involved with those who made the policies. Given the profits involved, I would not be astonished to find that donations to al Qaeda from people who make profits from those machines. Stranger things have happened.

There is a story that one chap stripped to his underwear. They required him to put his clothes back on before doing the pat down. I don’t know if that story is true, but it certainly would not be astonishing. It’s just routine, Ma’am. This is the new normal. You wanted change, didn’t you?

2 Responses to “Feeling Safer Already”

  1. RealRick Says:

    Think I’ll go to the airport, walk down the long line of passengers waiting to be xrayed and/or groped by the TSA brownshirts and yell, “Show of hands: Who voted for Obama?”

  2. Tim of Angle Says:

    Now THAT’s comedy.