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“No Wiggle Room”: Brussels Threatens Hungary Over Border Protection

3rd September 2024

Read it.

The European Commission has threatened to take away European Union funds from Hungary if it does not pay the €200 million fine imposed by the European Court of Justice over the country’s asylum system.

“There is no wiggle room here. We have to follow the applicable procedures,” a Commission spokesman said on Monday, September 2nd.

The issue revolves around the Hungarian conservative government’s tough stance on migration. Hungary has made it difficult for illegal migrants to enter the country, which is also the external border of the European Union—a border Hungary is obliged to protect.

Since 2016, Hungary has been enabling its police to deport foreigners lacking valid documentation directly to Serbia. Illegal migrants travelling through the Western Balkan route can only submit requests for asylum outside Hungary’s borders.

The European Commission, which has been pursuing an open-border, pro-migration policy, has deemed these practices a breach of EU law, saying asylum seekers should be allowed into a member state to seek protection and to stay there until their claim is handled.

“We won’t give you this money until you pay this other money.” To which the appropriate response would appear to be “Stick them both up your ass.” But that’s just me. Why Hungary remains a part of the European Union escapes me.

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