We have seen the future, and it sucks.

Time for the Truth About Islamism and Its Useful Idiots

31st August 2024

Read it.

This summer’s events could hardly have shown us more clearly how Europe’s spineless, self-loathing attitude to the fight against Islamism here and abroad is putting democracy and Western civilisation at risk. Yet our leaders refuse to face the truth.

Until the recent announcement of their big reunion gigs, 1990s Britpop band Oasis only featured in the news whenever there was a terror attack in the UK; most notably after the 2017 Manchester Arena bombing in which an Islamic suicide bomber killed 22 people, including children, and injured a thousand more at an Ariana Grande concert in the band’s home city.

After terror attacks, the authorities play the Oasis classic “Don’t Look Back in Anger” at every opportunity, as if it was a state anthem in a totalitarian regime. The message to the public is: be sad, weep for the cameras, but don’t show the ‘wrong’ kind of emotions; don’t get angry about the Islamist slaughter of innocents—and if you do, we’re coming for you.

‘Islamism’ is not a thing; it’s a euphemism used by people who are unwilling (or afraid) to voice the truth that Islam, not some ‘variant’ thereof, is the problem.

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