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‘You Will Resign, or We’ll Make This Ugly’: Idaho National Guardsman Punished for Biblical Values

30th August 2024

Read it.

A Christian infantry officer is now being punished by the Idaho Army National Guard for using his First Amendment right to speak out against the LGBTQ+ ideology that he believes is harming children.

In 2023, the officer posted about some of his deeply held beliefs on his private social media account while running for political office in his “private capacity.” According to Liberty Counsel, the legal group defending him, his posts included statements “against graphic, obscene children’s books in a library and the promotion of a ‘drag kids’ event and drag queens in schools.”

He also posted statements such as ‘No child is born in the wrong body,’ males should not be competing in female sports, and against the medical mutilation of gender-confused children.

His concern over LGBTQ+ indoctrination resulted in “a subordinate senior enlisted man who claims to be homosexual” filing “a formal discrimination military complaint against the officer” for sharing his beliefs. The complaint accused the infantry officer’s posts of showing “just how much [the officer] truly hates the LGBTQ community.”

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