We have seen the future, and it sucks.

Blue State Blues: Education Nightmare: Baltimore & Chicago Public Schools Spend, Spend, Spend as Test Scores Drop

16th June 2024

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Baltimore City and Chicago Public Schools are spending taxpayer monies like there’s no tomorrow, yet math and reading test scores are shockingly low. Radical leftists, who are embedded in these school systems, along with the officials in City Halls in these respective imploding metro areas, have ideals and beliefs not rooted in reality. Their progressive agendas have failed the youth and also unleashed a tidal wave of crime and chaos.

These are not new problems for crime-ridden Baltimore City and Chicago. The school systems in these metro areas have been failing the nation’s future generations for years. Still, it’s only now becoming absolutely insane that woke leftists are continuing to run these education systems into the ground.

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