We have seen the future, and it sucks.

Zuckerberg,Bezos,Gates. Behind Every Self-Made Millionaire Is a Father with Money

23rd September 2023


This scenario is a familiar in the world of business folklore: an unknown entrepreneur who, through sheer determination, transforms their uniquely innovative idea into a triumphant tale of success. This narrative is typically interwoven with various challenges, often of a financial nature, that our protagonist must conquer to reach the pinnacle. The enduring message remains consistent: if you possess the desire, you have the capability. If they could achieve it by surmounting numerous obstacles, perhaps you can too. At the very least, give it a shot.

Numerous instances abound, with a particularly frequent one being the story of Jeff Bezos, now one of the wealthiest individuals on Earth. Stepping into Amazon’s corporate headquarters two decades ago was akin to entering a realm of dimly lit and dispiriting offices, documents haphazardly pinned to the walls, a handcrafted logo, and a prevailing sense that little of real productivity could emanate from such surroundings. At that time, Bezos remained relatively obscure in the world of technology. It was only through extraordinary dedication and hard work that he attained his current stature.

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