We have seen the future, and it sucks.

Social Justice

23rd June 2023

The ZMan’s weekly podcast. Highly recommended.

Whenever I do a show on the new religion, I am struck by the stupidity of the claims made by these people, but also the radicalism of it. The people pushing this stuff are not just attacking the Western idea of individual rights. They are attacking the notion that you are an individual with some control over your life. Essential to the social justice cause is the assertion that you are a product of social forces.

Because your protestations against the various social pogroms that come out of the new religion are the result of your conditioning, the social justice warrior sees your resistance as proof of her claims. The more you try to explain why you do not want to submit to the new rules, the more certain she is that she is right. It is why these people are always on the attack. They need the feedback.


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