We have seen the future, and it sucks.

White House Plumbers Clogs the Toilet

2nd May 2023

Tevi Troy.

Upon watching the first of five scheduled episodes, I can see the reason for the delay. I told my wife I planned to watch the show, so she gave the trailer a go. “I could only watch half of it,” she reported back. “It was so bad.” Nevertheless, I insisted that she try the show with me, given that I was obligated to watch it and give my perspective as a presidential historian. She watched the opening scene and stopped before the opening credits.

Those credits, however, reveal what’s going on here. We are all familiar with the normal disclaimer telling people that this was based on actual events, but names were changed to protect the innocent. This one helpfully explains that no names were changed, as everyone was found guilty.

The theme of White House Plumbers is that dangerous right-wing bumblers, enabled by Richard Nixon and his top aides, were a threat to American democracy. The plumbers did indeed blunder multiple times, and not just at the infamous Watergate break in.

Read Liddy’s books.

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