We have seen the future, and it sucks.

Busting Anti-School Choice Myths

10th April 2023

The American Mind.

The battle for school choice in Texas has entered a pivotal stage. Last week, Senate Bill 8, which establishes education savings accounts, cleared the Committee on Education and awaits a floor vote. Teachers’ unions and education bureaucrats wailed predictably, terrified that empowered parents will upturn the government-school monopoly.

The case for school choice is strong. Milton Friedman, Nobel laureate and perhaps the most influential economist of the 20th century, first made it in the fifties. It took a while for the momentum to build, but eventually pilot programs became the source of important data about how school choice works. The results are in, and they show unambiguously that school choice helps students, taxpayers, and even existing government schools.

Opponents of school choice repeat a handful of superficially appealing but flawed arguments.

One Response to “Busting Anti-School Choice Myths”

  1. Cathy Sims Says:

    The real “problem” with school choice is that it cuts the teachers to teachers’ unions to Democrats cash flow. The kids don’t matter, only the money that can be funneled to the Democratic party.