We have seen the future, and it sucks.

VA workers given millions in bonuses as vets await checks

22nd August 2009

Read it.

The inspector general said one recently retired official, Jennifer S. Duncan, improperly approved numerous bonuses and “acted as if she was given a blank checkbook to write unlimited monetary awards.”

During the two years in question, Duncan received over $60,000 in bonuses, according to the report.

In addition, the report concluded that the Office of Information and Technology managers were fiscally irresponsible when authorizing nearly $140,000 in improper academic degree funding, some of which went to Duncan’s family and friends.

Yeah, putting our health care in the hands of the government is really going to save money.

One Response to “VA workers given millions in bonuses as vets await checks”

  1. Michael V. Twohie Says:

    Ms. Duncan should be investigated so thoroughly that an IRS audit would look like a walk in the park, she needs to pay the price for using her position as an elitist Washington insider to line her and her friends and relatives pockets at the expense of Veterans. It neuseates me that these appointees will probably get a slap on the wrist, where as if the average person stole 50.00 dolars we would be in jail. I just wonder if she is an obama appointee one of the community organizing acorn scum bags. She should be put to death if she is found guilty. There is this vehment hatred I have for politicans who go to washington as political favors ESPECIALLY from the piece of sh_t obama, the man has to go before he sinks this country into one big chicago ghetto.