We have seen the future, and it sucks.

Why Have So Many American Conservatives Embraced COVID-19 Pseudoscience?

23rd July 2020

Read it.

With almost 150,000 COVID-19 deaths, the United States, putative leader of the free world, now is competing with Brazil and Russia for global supremacy in pandemic mismanagement. Not only does the United States lack any kind of coherent federal leadership on this issue, but even state and city leaders have fallen into bickering—and even lawsuits—over the correct response. While many Western nations have all but extinguished COVID-19 within their borders, the American pandemic is raging with a new ferocity. Yet some conservatives continue to protest even basic public-health measures, including masks. How could some of America’s best and brightest abet their country’s collapse into dysfunction in the face of a once-in-a-century pandemic?

Maybe, just maybe, they’re not buying what you’re selling.

One Response to “Why Have So Many American Conservatives Embraced COVID-19 Pseudoscience?”

  1. RealRick Says:

    It’s so hard for humans to accept that there may not be a correct action. You have a new virus that seems to be mutating, that kills some and barely affects others, that spreads quickly, and you have no vaccine or the ability to generate one in under a year. You might be able to slow it down, but that just means that it’s going to last longer.

    People (sheeple) have become completely insane about wearing masks. They believe with all their tiny, stupid hearts that wearing a mask will make the virus go away. That didn’t happen in 1918 and it’s not happening now. They scream in rage about the number of dead, but they can’t comprehend the scale. (In this county, suicides kill at a rate 6 times that of COVID.) Businesses and hospitals are requiring thermal scans even though 50-80% of the people are asymptomatic and have no fever. Tell one of them that they are wasting their time and watch their heads spin like a scene from “The Exorcist”.

    None of this is helped by the fact that people are profiting (or are in line to profit) from the virus. Bill Gates wants a vaccine ASAP and mandatory vaccinations for everybody. And he owns a big stake in the company developing a vaccine. China – if DNA experts are to be believed – probably developed the damned thing. Maybe it got away from them and maybe that’s what they wanted. It sure quieted the situation in Hong Kong very quickly. And since they make 95% of the medical supplies around the world – including test kits – their sales are booming. Are you on good terms with your Congress-slug? A few kind words from your lobbyist and cash could be flowing into your business tomorrow.

    Speaking of politics, would one party have a lot to gain if they could just tank the formerly-booming economy and make the sitting President look bad? Could they do that while lining their pockets with taxpayer money? Oh, yeah!

    2020 is going down at the new Stock Market Crash of ’29. It brings tears to my eyes to say that I suspect the effects will be as long or longer, and the recovery may be due to something worse, just as WWII ended The Depression.