We have seen the future, and it sucks.

How to Be a Dictator by Frank Dikötter : Review – the Cult of Personality

3rd January 2020

Read it.

Born in obscurity, frustrated in youth, the dictator rises through accident, patronage or anything except merit to blossom into a fully fledged evil-doer, desperate for the respect and admiration that are wrung from the populace only by skilled PR manipulation. Often feigning modesty, he soon generates a cult that he personally develops. Women and even brave men feel overcome in his presence; schoolchildren chant the praise of the father of the nation; artists and writers deify the great leader. Dictators generally come equipped with an ideology, but since they have no principles, only a lust for power, the process of propagation turns it into a mockery.

Any resemblance to Barack “The Magic Negro” Obama is, of course, purely coincidental.

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