We have seen the future, and it sucks.

A Darker Shade of Pale

10th July 2019

ZMan is not optimistic.

The coalition of the ascendant loves to talk about the glorious future in which they are in complete control. They just assume that everything will be like it is today in a material sense, except they will get to divvy up the goods of the vanquished among themselves, like pirates sharing out a captured treasure. America will just be a swarthier version of what it was in the 1950’s. It is the assumption of people who have fully consumed the multicultural propaganda used to create the coalition of the ascendant.

This vision of the future is no doubt a driving force behind the race radicalism of people like Ocasio-Cortez, Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar. It assumes things about people that are not true. The old gag about Magic Dirt Theory is a joke among dissidents, but people like Rashida Tlaib think it is real. She thinks if her people move here, displacing the heritage stock, nothing changes but the complexion. Her people will suddenly stop acting like her people and take on the habits of our people, but with more color.

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