We have seen the future, and it sucks.

A Win for the Rule of Law Over Fake Racist Narratives

12th June 2019

Read it.

A jury has ruled that Oberlin College, one of the nation’s most left-wing institutions of higher learning, must pay the proprietors of Gibson’s Bakery in Oberlin, Ohio, $11.2 million in damages for libel, slander, and other disruptions that the college caused in the business by encouraging false charges of racism.

One Response to “A Win for the Rule of Law Over Fake Racist Narratives”

  1. RealRick Says:

    If my memory serves, Oberlin was the first predominantly white college to admit blacks and shortly after that the first to admit women. Other schools would just put up a plaque or something, but Oberlin takes it as a challenge to try to be more liberal than anybody else. Anyone else would also probably take this court ruling as a good reason to try to tone down the rhetoric, but I’ll bet Oberlin will only get worse.