We have seen the future, and it sucks.

Derb’s October Diary

31st October 2018

Follow John Derbyshire around while he tries to cope with modern life.

We Badwhites understand perfectly well, in fine detail, what the Goodwhites believe. How could we not? The whole culture is saturated in their Narrative. We only have to pick up a magazine; turn on our TV; go to the movies; call on our kids’ schoolteachers or college instructors, or our pastor, or our company’s HR Director. We shall read (or see, or hear) straight unadulterated Narrative.

Goodwhites, however, have no clue what Badwhites believe. Any thinking outside the Narrative is utterly opaque to them. They never engage with it. They have a sort of comic-book caricature of it in their minds—racists, Nazis, guys with hoods, wife-beaters: supremacy! racial purity! hierarchy! superiority! patriarchy!—but it’s nothing like reality.

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