We have seen the future, and it sucks.

Today in Trump Derangement Syndrome

23rd October 2018

British Actor John Cleese: Trump a ‘Sleazy, Corrupt, Egotistical and Mendacious Sociopath’

Man accused of groping woman on flight tells police Trump ‘says it’s okay to grab women by their private parts’  Except that he didn’t, of course; the media just lied about it.

Morning Mirror: CNN’s Acosta Calls B.S. On White House  Perhaps to match the number of times it has gone the other way?

CNN’s John Avlon Says Trump’s Embrace Of Nationalism Clashes With American Exceptionalism: ‘Not A Tribe-Based Nation’  As if he would know.

The US’s actions in Central America are to blame for the migrant caravan leaving Honduras – Trump has to let them in  Uh, I don’t think so.

Rachel Maddow Equates Trump’s Voter Fraud Tweet to 1922 KKK Leaflets

Don Lemon Says ‘Racial Resentment’ Was The ‘Key Factor’ in Trump’s Election  Yeah, black resentment of white people; white people finally got the message.

Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie: America today is ‘a feudal court’ – and Donald Trump’s ‘a toddler’  And, of course, she’s the expert. Perhaps she ought to try ‘improving’ her native Nigeria rather than pestering Americans.

Trump’s claims of ‘voter fraud’ are to deny upcoming Democrats win, Krugman warns  When they start market-testing their excuses, you know the Blue Wave is a dud.


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