We have seen the future, and it sucks.

Trump: Disrupter-In-Chief

19th August 2018

Read it.

Trump is not nice. Republicans tried “nice” with Mitt Romney in 2012. They tried “experienced and professional” with John McCain in 2008. Both lost. One of the reasons? No matter who is the Republican candidate, the Democrat politicians, and the heavily-Democrat media are not going to be nice nor professional. They’re going to say and do whatever it takes.

I’ve been saying that for decades.

The author correctly points out that Trump doesn’t take a shot at you unless and until you take a shot at him.

One Response to “Trump: Disrupter-In-Chief”

  1. Whitehawk Says:

    I’ve been saying the same. I have been pining for a Republican president that would simply state the obvious, the press is my ideological enemy. Take everything they say about me in that light. I cannot say how elated I was to hear Trump out of the gate giving the press what they long deserved, a smack down.

    Their indignation has been the delight of my adult life.

    The louder the left screams, the closer you are to sound policy.