We have seen the future, and it sucks.

Obama Lies Again

28th February 2018

Scott Wilmott fisks the Magic Negro at his most recent Secret Speech.

Apparently, Barack Obama gave a “secret” speech at a sports analytics conference at MIT. But he didn’t talk about sports analytics, he talked about himself and how great he is and other progressive bull. Pity the poor attendees at that sports analytics conference.

“We didn’t have a scandal that embarrassed us.” That is because it takes a sense of shame or humiliation to feel embarrassed, and this man has no shame or humility. In case you need a reminder of the scandals that he used to fundamentally transform America and that didn’t embarrass BHO, here is a short list:

  1. Benghazi
  2. Hillary’s private server
  3. Fast and Furious
  4. AG Holder being held in contempt of Congress
  5. Solyndra
  6. Delivering pallets of cash to Iran in the dead of the night
  7. Obamacare “You can keep your doctor”
  8. IRS targeting conservative groups
  9. Bowe Bergdahl
  10. Spying on journalists
  11. Unmasking/spying on political opponents

Hey, ain’t nothin’ major when The Press is on your side.

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