We have seen the future, and it sucks.

U. of Houston Student Leader Punished for “All Lives Matter” Post

2nd August 2016

Read it.

Rohini Sethi is the student body Vice President at the University of Houston. After the assassination of five Dallas police officers at a Black Lives Matter inspired rally, she wrote on Facebook: “Forget #BlackLivesMatter; more like #AllLivesMatter.”

Sethi quickly deleted the comment, but it nonetheless generated outrage. In response, Sethi issued a statement in which she called her comment “inappropriate.” She said it was an emotional response to the tragic killings in Dallas. She ended with the message: “?#?LetsTalkUnity?.” You can read her full statement here. There’s no reason to think it is insincere.

Sethi’s statement wasn’t enough to avoid punishment. Student body president Shane Smith suspended her for 50 days and ordered her to take a diversity seminar as condition of being reinstated.

In a Communist country that’s called being sent for ‘re-education’.

Contradict the Narrative, and they punish you.

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