We have seen the future, and it sucks.

On @Anne_Theriault and the Endless Futility of Feminist Revenge Fantasies

18th June 2016

The Other McCaine continues his travels in the fever swamps of feminism.

Most conservatives suspect that the only reason guys get into progressive politics is because such movements attract a lot of slutty feminists who are fools for any dude who can talk a good line about “social justice.” And the reason feminists hate men so much, we suspect, is because so many feminists have had the experience of being used and discarded by the Jian Ghomeshi type of progressive dude. How many Canadian feminists did Ghomeshi have sex with? As many as he wanted, basically. The number’s probably more than 100, if not 200 or 300, because Jian Ghomeshi was a progressive celebrity in Canada, and feminists in Canada are certainly no less promiscuous than feminists anywhere else.

Because feminists are so often used by guys in “pump-and-dump” hookups — no romance, no callback, no respect — they tend to become embittered toward men quite generally, and this fuels a vindictive rage: Men must be punished to appease her wrath for the wrongs she has suffered. Therefore, whenever a rape case makes headlines anywhere, feminists everywhere demand a guilty verdict and a maximum penalty. There has never been an innocent man falsely accused, feminists expect us to believe, and doubt is impermissible. All skeptics are “rape truthers,” a term coined by Amanda Marcotte to describe the widespread reaction to the Rolling Stone gang-rape hoax at the University of Virginia.

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