We have seen the future, and it sucks.

Accidentally Sexist

14th October 2015

Beta Male whining at its very best.

Our assumptions about other people based on their gender, race, and other groups characteristics are embedded really deeply in our minds, and often come out without us even realizing. I know I can feel really ashamed when I realize I’ve had a sexist or racist thought, and often my first instinct is to try to pretend that it didn’t happen, or justify it in some way. But recently I’ve been trying to embrace the idea that those thoughts are going to be there, whether I like it or not. I think it’s better that I acknowledge them and correct them, than to try to ignore them while they continue to secretly undermine my attempts to treat people equally.

It can be difficult for many people, myself included, to talk about racism, sexism, and other forms of discrimination, and even more difficult to acknowledge that I can contribute to them, even when I’m trying not to. But the first step towards making something better is admitting you have a problem. And it’s comforting for me to know that I’m not the only one with this problem, that even my female friend who’s long been involved with promoting diversity in tech has this problem.

So, I’m accidentally sexist, probably more often than I realize. We all probably are. Let’s try to acknowledge it to ourselves and each other, try our best not to be, and work hard to make up for it.

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