We have seen the future, and it sucks.

NY State Fast Tracks $26 million Tax Break For Sony, Cuomo Gets $300,000 From Sony Execs

19th April 2015

Read it.

Ever wonder why you don’t read about Republicans getting paid off like this?

2 Responses to “NY State Fast Tracks $26 million Tax Break For Sony, Cuomo Gets $300,000 From Sony Execs”

  1. Charles Says:

    I guess you don’t consider the billions of dollars that were funneled into Bush’s VP’s company, Halliburton. Iraq was blessed with the same kind of largesse, having plane load after plane load of pallets of money being delivered. Each pallet being worth one billion dollars, of course it was for freedom, of course.

  2. Tim of Angle Says:

    And of course Obama immediately cut off that flow of cash — just like he closed Gitmo. Good to know that there’s at least one party we can trust.