We have seen the future, and it sucks.

Archive for August, 2024

Forced Abortion Is Part of Dark World of Surrogacy

9th August 2024

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Brittney Pearson was a mother of four and 24 weeks pregnant when she was diagnosed with breast cancer—a tragic enough situation. To make a bad situation worse, though, the Sacramento native was pregnant as a surrogate mother for a gay couple.

Upon being informed of the cancer diagnosis, the two men demanded that Pearson abort the child.

While the baby was still in Pearson’s body, she had full rights under California’s bodily autonomy laws. But the intended parents attemptedto coerce her to have an abortion with financial penalties or lawsuits.

Despite these threats, Pearson refused to terminate her pregnancy. She carried the baby as long as she could before having to begin chemotherapy.

After all, Pearson also had to keep herself alive for her own four children.

At around 25 weeks, Pearson went into induced labor. The intended fathers, who were contractually and legally recognized as the child’s parents by California law, decided to withhold lifesaving care and let the infant die.

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Pro-Palestinian Protesters Deface College Exec’s Home

9th August 2024

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A high-ranking administrator of Columbia University found his apartment complex vandalized with anti-Israel sentiments, red paint, and insects early Thursday morning, the New York Post reported.

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NJ Town Prioritizes Protecting Illegal Aliens From ICE Over Public Safety: The BorderLine

9th August 2024

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En route to a recent vacation to New England, I stopped in my old hometown of Princeton, New Jersey, for coffee and picked up a copy of the Town Topics, the local paper where I found my first car and my first job back in the ’80s.

The front-page story was about an attempt on July 10 by Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s Enforcement and Removal Operations agents to arrest two illegal immigrants from Guatemala. Both men were high risks for hurting someone in future and any sane community would welcome their removal from the streets.

The ICE report was as follows: “ERO arrests twice-removed noncitizen in Princeton while second absconds due to civilian interference.” (Now steeped in Biden-era woke language, ICE calls such men “unlawfully present noncitizens.” Conflating this with another euphemism, I have coined the acronym UNJIP—“Undocumented Noncitizen Justice Involved Person”—for use henceforth. You saw it on the BorderLine first).

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Who Gets To Decide What Is ‘Misinformation’?

9th August 2024

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A chilling letter this week from Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel is a reminder that Americans cannot forget about the importance of the judiciary in upholding free speech and our other constitutional freedoms.

On Tuesday – ironically, the day Michiganders went to the primary polls to participate in our constitutional right to vote – Nessel issued a “cease-and-desist letter” against a citizen whom the letter claimed was violating a state law against “misleading or false information” about “polling locations.” The recipient of the letter, Kerry Lynn Elieff, was threatened with “criminal prosecutions” if she did not follow the order.

What raises the biggest red flags is that Nessel’s letter doesn’t ever state what information was false or misleading. Elieff told me after the cease-and-desist letter became public that all she was trying to do was verify that due process was followed in changing polling locations. She actually took down her public posts out of fear of prosecution – and who can blame her? She wasn’t sure what to do after being under surprise threat by a state official.

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A Popular Belgian Author Wrote He Wanted to ‘Ram a Sharp Knife’ Through Every Jew He Meets. He Says It Was Satire.

8th August 2024

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“If someone comes to kill you, rise up and kill him first.” — Babylonian Talmud

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Millionaires Leave Canada Before It’s Too Late

8th August 2024

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Gee, I wonder why….

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Today in Trump Derangement Syndrome

8th August 2024

Get Ready Now: Republicans Will Refuse to Certify a Harris Win (A.B. Stoddard/The Bulwark)  Especially if they try to steal this one as they stole the last one.

Sen. Mark Kelly Calls Out Vance for Calling Out Walz

Trump isn’t campaigning as hard as he used to (Philip Bump/Washington Post)

What the Jeffrey Epstein Documents Reveal About Donald Trump (Margaret Hartmann/New York Magazine)  Scraaaaaaape that barrel….

MSNBC Selectively Edits Vance To Label Him ‘Entirely False’ On Walz’s Military Record  As they do.

Pelosi says it’s her life goal to ensure ‘that man’ Trump never steps in the White House again (Lisa Mascaro/Associated Press)

Biden ‘not confident at all’ that there will be a peaceful transfer of power if Trump loses election (Zoë Richards/NBC News)

Trump’s meltdown during Harris-Walz rally sounds alarm: Will family get him help or just ‘cash his checks?’ (Kevin Manahan/New Jersey Online)

Trump took a private flight with Project 2025 leader in 2022 (Washington Post)

Trump, Off The Campaign Trail, Comes Up With New Puerile Insult For Harris: ‘Kamabla’ (S.V. Date/HuffPost)

J.D. Vance Awkwardly Retreats After Bizarre Attempt to Storm Harris’ Empty Plane (Josephine Walker/The Daily Beast)

Trump complains about campaign as advisers try to focus on attacking Harris (Washington Post)

Harris Shuts Down Trumpian ‘Lock Him Up’ Chants (The Daily Beast)

‘I think this settles it’: Vance busted over resurfaced post jabbing ‘undisputed war hero’ (Maya Boddie/The Raw Story)

Trump can’t take a joke. Democrats need to use that. (Ruth Ben-Ghiat/MSNBC)

Trump Says He’ll Focus on Issues. His Allies Are Not Holding Their Breath. (Shawn McCreesh/New York Times)

The world has a lot to lose from a second Trump presidency (Public Notice)

Pelosi Admits ‘My Goal in Life’ Is to Get, Keep Trump Out of White House

Daily Show Claims Trump Is Invoking Themes From Mein Kampf

Tim Walz’s normal dad energy is causing MAGA to come unglued (Amanda Marcotte/Salon) Normal dads don’t push for tampons in boys bathrooms.

JD Vance’s TikTok flop (Anusha Mathur/Politico)


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Today in Democrat Stupid

8th August 2024

Walz Endorsed Radical Ilhan Omar  Of course he did.

EXCLUSIVE: Lawmakers Receive Warning on Kamala Harris’ Record as ‘Border Czar’

Harris Campaign Said Walz ‘Chaired Veterans Affairs.’ He Did Not

Harris Campaign Does Clean Up After Kamala Signals Support for Israeli Arms Embargo

hicago Approves Anti-Israel Group’s Rally Permit for DNC While Dragging Feet on Pro-Israel Group’s Request

Notes from Chairman Walz: “One person’s socialism is another person’s neighborliness”  If your ‘neighbors’ are holding a gun at your head with their hands in your pockets. By that standard, nothing is more ‘neighborly’ than the Mafia.

Another clever use of words by the left: abortion bans

‘WHO NEEDS A TAMPON??’ Bellows Tim Walz Kicking In Middle School Boys’ Bathroom Stall Door  Babylon Bee

Networks Man the Trenches to Defend Walz from ‘Stolen Valor’ Claims

Raw Racial Reidout: Mark Kelly’s ‘Super White, Mayonnaise Sandwich on Wonder Bread White’

CNN: ‘No Evidence’ of Walz’s Combat Claims

CNN Commentator: Walz Meant ‘Training’ When Claiming He Carried Weapon ‘In War’

Abbott Educates Tapper About Walz’s Abortion Radicalism

National Guard Disputes Walz’s Military Bio; CNN Calls Out ‘Absolutely False’ Claim Over Deployment

Swift Boat 2.0: Trump Camp Hits Tim Walz Over Connection to Kerry

Will Big Media Give Walz the Vance Treatment? Don’t Bet On It

Why Harris isn’t taking questions (Politico)  Better to be silent and thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt.

‘If you want Donald Trump to win, then say that’: Harris fires back at Gaza protesters at rally (Joey Garrison/USA Today)

MSNBC’s Chris Hayes Frantically Tries To Firefight For Walz’s Military Service

Tim Walz’s Sudden Rise in the Democratic Party Was No Accident (New York Times)

REGIME MEDIA: Networks Scramble To Cover For Walz Ditching His Unit Ahead of Deployment to Iraq

BREAKING: The New York Times helps JD Vance Swiftboat Tim Walz (Jamison Foser/Finding Gravity)

Tim Walz Knew His Battalion Was Being Eyed For Iraq When He Retired From National Guard

Mea Culpa: Van Jones Atones for Speaking Ill of Harris VP Pick Motives

Republican Strategist SCHOOLS CNN Lib on the Failures of Bidenomics

‘Bringing back the joy’: Walz’s first day keeps Democrats’ buzz going (Washington Post)

FACT FOCUS: False claims follow Minnesota governor’s selection as Harris’ running mate (Associated Press)

Stolen Valor: Tim Walz launched political career on false claim as combat veteran in the War on Terror (Jordan Schachtel/The Dossier)

How Not to Pick a Jew for Vice President

Tim Walz wrote a master’s thesis on Holocaust education, just as his own school’s approach drew criticism (Andrew Lapin/Jewish Telegraphic Agency)

Kamala Harris Donated To ‘Defund Police’ Group Pushing For ‘Permanent’ DC Sanctuary City

WATCH: Tim Walz and the ‘Joy’ of Gaslighting

Kentucky Governor Plans To Collect Sales Tax On Gold And Silver Despite New Law

EXCLUSIVE: Kamala Harris Sent Agents to Raid Pro-Life Journalist’s Home After She Met With Planned Parenthood, Emails Show

Right-wing media push old debunked smear of Walz’s military record despite his 24 years of service (Media Matters for America)

PBS Anchors Defend Walz From ‘Pouncing’ Trump, Unfair Media Labeling of ‘Moderate’ Pick

Pelosi on Biden: ‘We did not have a campaign that was on the path to victory’ (Paul Kane/Washington Post)

Tim Walz Falsely Claimed He Served in Afghanistan. When a Local Vet Called Him Out, His Office Did Nothing.

Why the Harris Walz Camo Hat Is Becoming a Status Symbol for Liberals (Alyssa Hardy/Teen Vogue)

Elon Musk’s X accused of bias after pro-Harris accounts labeled as ‘spam’ (Trisha Thadani/Washington Post)


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Outrage as Iraq Considers Allowing Girls Aged Nine to Be Married (Mina Aldroubi/The National)

8th August 2024

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Outrage as Iraq considers allowing girls aged nine to be married — “Would politicians let their nine-year-old daughter get married? I’m sure not but they would allow the oppressed Iraqi population to do so,” Suhalia Al Assam, a women’s rights activist, told The National on Wednesday.

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GARM ‘Advertising Cartel’ Shuts Down 48 Hours After X, Rumble File Lawsuit

8th August 2024

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48 hours after X and Rumble filed a lawsuit against the Global Alliance for Responsible Media (GARM) ‘advertising cartel’ and several members, the World Federation of Advertisers announced it will shutter GARM, saying in a statement reported by Business Insider that they’re “a not-for-profit organization with limited resources.”

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PBS: Hamas Slaughter ‘Was Denounced as Terrorism’ by US, But Gave Lebanese ‘Hope’

8th August 2024

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PBS “special correspondent” Simona Foltyn, who covers the Middle East, appeared on Tuesday’s edition of the taxpayer-funded PBS News Hour to make the case for the anti-Jewish terrorist group Hamas, after the assassination of Hamas terrorist chief Ismail Haniyeh in Tehran.

Anchor Amna Nawaz introduced the report from Lebanon by making the familiar fatalist argument that there’s no point in killing Hamas leaders because it only strengthens the Palestinian populace against Israel.

Nawaz explained that Foltyn (who has a virulently anti-Israel X feed) had gained “rare access” to factions of “the militant group” Hamas within Lebanon for her report. You gain access by sounding like a propagandist.

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As Biden-Harris Admin Calls for De-Escalation, Iran Threatens To ‘Wipe Out’ American Military Bases Across the Middle East

8th August 2024

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every American military base in the Middle East if the United States joins Israel in an attack on the Islamic Republic.

The fresh threat comes ahead of an expected Iranian attack on Israel in response to the killing of Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh in Tehran last week. Iran says it is preparing for a large-scale attack on the Jewish state as retribution.

“If the United States gets involved in any attack on Iran, have no doubt that the United States will be wiped out in Iraq, and the U.S. bases in the Persian Gulf region will be destroyed and those regimes that host the U.S. bases will be destroyed,” Mohammad Marandi, an adviser to the Iranian nuclear negotiating team, said in a Wednesday interview.

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Pakistan: Christians Discriminated Against in Every Sphere of Life

8th August 2024

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On July 10, a Catholic man in Pakistan was gunned down. Marshall Masih, 29, was the father of four children and was targeted by Muslim neighbors after he objected to their harassment of local Christians, his family said.

Masih is one of the latest victims of severe Christian persecution in Pakistan, which is rated 7th on the Global Watch List produced by Open Doors, an organization that monitors global Christian persecution.

According to Open Doors’ 2023 “Pakistan: Full Country Dossier,” Christians in Pakistan were killed for faith-related reasons (including state-sanctioned executions). Churches and other Christian properties (houses, shops, businesses, schools, hospitals, and cemeteries, among others) were attacked, damaged, bombed, looted, destroyed, burned down, closed, or confiscated.

Christians have been detained, sentenced to jail or labor camps, and sent to psychiatric hospitals as punishment. They were otherwise physically or mentally abused (including beatings and death threats). Some were forced to leave their homes, go into hiding, or leave the country because of their faith. They were exposed to all these abuses for the ‘crime’ of being Christian.

Imagine what would happen if a ‘Christian’ country did that to Muslims.

We’d hear about it 24./7 for years.

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Islamist Teenagers Planned Bloodbath at Taylor Swift Concert

8th August 2024

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A 19-year-old man arrested in Vienna on Wednesday had been planning a suicide attack at a Taylor Swift concert in the Austrian capital, local intelligence services announced on Thursday, August 8th.

“He said he intended to carry out an attack using explosives and knives. His aim was to kill himself and a large number of people during the concert, either today or tomorrow,” the head of the domestic intelligence agency, Omar Haijawi-Pirchner told a news conference. He was referring to three concerts by the U.S. pop singer that were supposed to take place at the Ernst Happel Stadium on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, but were cancelled due to the terror threat.

Funny thing how Christian and Jewish teenagers never plan bloodbaths at concerts.

I wonder why that is….

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Germany Considers Reintroducing Permanent Border Checks

8th August 2024

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Chancellor Olaf Scholz’s German Government is under increased pressure from both within and outside his ruling coalition to reintroduce nearly all the hard borders around Europe’s largest country. A growing number of lawmakers see it as the only way to curb the inflow of illegal migrants—reinforcing fears that the EU’s failure to prevent illegal crossings at the bloc’s external borders will eventually result in the death of Europe’s precious Schengen area.

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The Counter-Riot Has Only Just Begun

8th August 2024

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We have witnessed two types of rioting here in the UK since three little girls were murdered in the northern English town of Southport on July 29th by the son of Rwandan immigrants.

There have been physical riots in assorted towns and cities; local outbursts of brick-chucking violent unrest involving clashes with police, and some reprehensible attacks on hostels holding migrants or mosques. These riots pose an immediate problem of public order; they may have abated, at least for now.

And then there is the national counter-riot of political prejudice staged by the Labour government, the mainstream media, and the rest of the liberal establishment, left-handedly hurling brickbats at everybody from Nigel Farage to Elon Musk.

Unlike the incoherent protests on the streets, this top-down political riot has a clear aim: exploiting the unrest to try to shift the blame for Britain’s problems onto “far-right thugs,” smear the white working class as racists, and justify a new crackdown on free speech and democracy.

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Judge Tosses Mexico’s $10 Billion Lawsuit For 6 Of 8 Named American Gun-Makers

8th August 2024

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A Massachusetts District Court Judge has dismissed Mexico’s $10 billion lawsuit against six out of the eight named American gun manufacturers that the country argues are responsible for firearms flooding south across the U.S.-Mexico border.

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Nassau County Criminalizes Masks to Counter Far-Left Mask-Wearing Activists

8th August 2024

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Nassau County Republicans passed the “Mask Transparency Act” on Monday, making it a misdemeanor for anyone 16 and older to wear a face mask in public spaces except for health and religious reasons. This move aims to curb criminals or violent protesters who exploit mask-wearing to conceal their identities.

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U.S. Strikes Houthi Targets in Yemen After Claim of Attack on Destroyers

8th August 2024

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destroying two drones, a Houthi ground control station, and three anti-ship cruise missiles, the U.S. Central Command (CENTCOM) said.

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Thought for the Day

8th August 2024

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The Truth About Slavery in America: Neither First, Nor Worst

8th August 2024

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Today, people are taught, when it comes to slavery, America was the worst.

Sen. Tim Kaine, D-Va., actually said, “The United States didn’t inherit slavery from anybody. We created it.”

An MSNBC “expert” claims that “American slavery was worse because slaves were treated as property.”

“That’s complete nonsense,” replies political science professor Wilfred Reilly in my new video. “Generational slavery, [where] if you’re the son of a slave, you’re a slave … that was extraordinarily common.”

Reilly’s new book “Lies My Liberal Teacher Told Me” rebuts anti-American propaganda that dominates many American schoolbooks today.

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Sandwich to Star Power: Mayonnaise May Unlock ‘Never Unstable’ Nuclear Fusion

8th August 2024

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Although mayonnaise typically behaves as a solid, when subjected to a pressure gradient, it begins to flow in a manner similar to plasma under comparable conditions.

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Venezuela: Maduro Orders Mass Arrests of Opposition Leaders

8th August 2024

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The regime of Venezuelan dictator Nicolás Maduro is conducting mass arrests of opposition leaders following nationwide protests over elections that campaigners believe the regime has stolen.

The situation across the country is continuing to deteriorate after the presidential election on July 28. The electoral authority, which is controlled by the government, declared Maduro the winner, but the opposition says it has proof that its candidate, Edmundo González, won by a landslide.

The electoral council has so far declined to publish a detailed breakdown of the result. The Maduro government has blamed a cyberattack for the delay.

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“Luke, I am your non-birthing parent”: The Acolyte and the Wokification of Star Wars

8th August 2024

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Most people alive in the West today have grown up with Star Wars films. I was a kid when I saw the original Star Wars (now known as A New Hope) in the cinemas and, like so many other kids, I began to collect everything related to that fantastic universe. Then came The Empire Strikes Back, for me the best of the saga, in which audiences discovered that Luke, the hero, is the son of the villain Vader. Finally, there was Return of the Jedi, where the cruel Vader finds redemption by saving his son, and the whole galaxy, from the evil incarnated in the Emperor.

The Star Wars story is, at its core, a story of good versus evil. That evil is represented by an empire whose methods and uniforms are reminiscent of the Wehrmacht, whose soldiers are ‘stormtroopers,’ and whose leader, Darth Vader, wore a sinister mask with a black helmet very similar to the characteristic model used by Germany in the two world wars. There are many similarities with V, a successful 1980s series. In V, Earth is invaded by a sinister race of lizards who, in human guise and with deceptive smiles, seek to turn the Earth into a larder for their evil empire. Their uniforms, their propaganda posters, and, above all, the symbolism of the visitors, all hearken back with little subtlety to the Second World War. The only thing missing for the lizards is the German language. In both fictional universes, the good guys are the ‘resistance,’ the defenders of freedom who are willing to give their lives to end tyranny.

In 1999, a new trilogy of films began to depict events that happened before the events of the first Star Wars trilogy. Although they were not as original as the first, they were successful, and they revitalised the Star Wars universe in the public consciousness. However, in October 2012, Disney took over the rights to the franchise and announced yet another new trilogy, beginning in 2015, and following the original three films. These films, were as full of special effects as they were empty of meaningful dialogue. Through them, Disney turned a story of fiction and entertainment into a platform for woke ideology.

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Quotation of the Day

8th August 2024

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The Great Jihad Targets Taylor Swift in Vienna

8th August 2024

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As has been widely reported today, Taylor Swift’s planned concerts in Austria were allegedly targeted by mujahideen for the Islamic State.

The article below describes the heightened security that was planned in the wake of the first arrests. Just after it was posted, all the events were cancelled.

I guess they can’t stand her either.

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Brussels Is Hellbent on Destroying European Farming

8th August 2024

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The European Commission and the member states that slavishly follow it, such as Germany, are taking one measure after another that can have no other result than to make traditional farming and livestock breeding impossible, an act that has been practiced for thousands of years.

EU policies threaten to destroy what has provided us with our daily bread and food and make it impossible for farmers to survive. The adage of “No farmers, no food” is apt. Without them, we will all ultimately starve to death.

Denmark has recently announced that it will introduce cattle, pig, and sheep taxes in 2030. They say (…) these animals cause huge damage, as they emit carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. Behind this is the green ideology, the European Union’s Green Deal, which is based on the idea that global warming is caused by human carbon dioxide emissions, and agriculture is linked to this, since cows, for example, emit a lot of methane into the atmosphere.

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Biden-Harris Admin Said a $1B Program Would Bring Thousands of Solar Panels to Puerto Rico. Years Later, Only a Few Have Been Installed.

8th August 2024

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The Biden-Harris administration has, for years, vowed to deploy thousands of solar panels to stabilize Puerto Rico’s power grid amid regular blackouts, government mismanagement, and ever-increasing residential electricity rates. But, years after making that promise, a $1 billion program central to that effort yielded only a tiny handful of solar panels, the Washington Free Beacon has learned.

“We’re talking about energy and solar. That’s where the power is, right there,” Vice President Kamala Harris said during a speech in Puerto Rico earlier this year.

During her remarks, Harris touted the so-called Puerto Rico Energy Resilience Fund, a $1 billion fund managed by the Department of Energy and designed by Democrats in 2022 to quickly address Puerto Rico’s electrical grid vulnerabilities via the installation of tens of thousands of rooftop solar and battery storage systems across the island. That fund has taken a central role in the administration’s plans to, as President Biden said in October 2022, “transform the entire” Puerto Rican grid.

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Israeli Group Practices Red Heifer Ritual in Front of Al-Aqsa Mosque

8th August 2024

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A group of religious Israelis have been pictured practicing the ritual of the red heifer, which is meant to herald the building of a new Jewish temple on the site of Al-Aqsa Mosque.

According to Jewish tradition, the ashes of a perfectly red heifer cow are needed for the ritual purification that would allow a third temple to be built in Jerusalem. That temple, say radical Jewish groups, must be constructed on the raised plateau in Jerusalem’s Old City known as the Temple Mount, where Al-Aqsa Mosque and the Dome of the Rock shrine stand today.

Some believe this will herald the arrival of the messiah and possibly even the end of the world.

“Temple worshipers are now practicing the mitzvah [religious duty] of a red cow in front of the Temple Mount, which will enable the return of purity and the observance of all the temple mitzvahs,” posted journalist Yinon Magal on Tuesday, along with a picture of activists from the Temple Institute.

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Brits Warned Merely ‘Retweeting’ Information About Riots Could Be a Criminal Offense

8th August 2024

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There is no First Amendment in Britain.

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A Tale of Two Diagrams

8th August 2024

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Ahead of Tuesday’s Senate grilling of acting Secret Service Director Ronald Rowe, local Pennsylvania police released a curious diagram from the July 13 rally in Butler that ended in an assassination attempt of former President Trump, the death of rally-goer Corey Comperatore, and injuries of two others.

The aerial photo of the event site, the Butler Farm Show, contained labels for the locations of Butler County and Beaver County police assets, including two local law enforcement “snipers” assigned to cover the American Glass Research building, where shooter Thomas Crooks perched with his AR-15 rifle about 150 yards from Trump’s onstage performance and fired eight bullets at the former president and the crowd.

The diagram includes a narrow red triangle, clearly labeled “Beaver Sniper Line of Sight.” That line of sight is narrowly conscribed between the location of the snipers inside the AGR building to the stage and pointedly does not cover any area of the rooftop where Crooks ran across and then stopped to open fire.

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Former Aides of John McCain Throw Support to Democratic Senate Candidate Ruben Gallego

8th August 2024

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My, what a surprise. Aren’t you surprised? I’m sure surprised.

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Coming Clean on Clean Energy: It’s a Dirty Business

8th August 2024

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Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you are probably aware of the massive push to transition to green energy. The goal is to have wind and solar replace coal and natural gas; the electric vehicle (EV) will supposedly replace internal combustion engines. Directives are coming from the highest office in the land; the current administration has made green energy a large part of its agenda.

We are being told that these technologies are clean and will save the planet from climate change. However, these alternative forms of energy being espoused are riddled with their own problems.

Hidden behind the solar panels, wind turbines, and EV batteries are some dirty secrets that get swept under the rug and ignored by climate enthusiasts. Fossil fuels are constantly put under a microscope and condemned as an evil destructive polluter; green energy is typically put on a pedestal. Green energy, however, is not as perfect and wonderful as we are made to believe. Yet, we are putting a lot of trust into these energy sources, without considering their ramifications.

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Global Government Is No Conspiracy Theory

8th August 2024

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We live in an age that is gesturing towards global government. This is not a conspiracy theory; it is something which perfectly respectable politicians, academics, policymakers and UN officials routinely talk about. What is crystallising is not exactly a single world Government, but rather a complicated mixture of aligned institutions, organisations, networks, systems and fora which has sometimes been given the fancy name of a ‘bricolage’ by international relations theorists. There is no centre, but rather a vast and nebulous conglomeration.

This does not mean, though, that global government (or ‘global governance’, as it is more commonly known) is emerging organically. It is being purposively directed. Again, this is no conspiracy theory; it is something that the people involved openly discuss – they hide their plans in perfectly plain sight. And this has been going on for a long time. In the early 1990s, when the Cold War had drawn to a close, the UN convened something called the Commission on Global Governance, which released a final report – called ‘Our Global Neighbourhood‘ – in 1995. It makes for fascinating reading as a kind of ‘playbook’ for what has followed in the field in the 30 years since – establishing as it does a clear rhetorical and argumentative pattern in favour of the global governance project that is repeated to this day.

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Why Liberal Journalists Need to Be Heroes

7th August 2024


When Richard Nixon resigned as president 50 years ago, the country witnessed the birth of a monster. I am not talking about some sinister influence he exerted after his fall. I am talking about the media.

Having gratifyingly removed a leader who had become dangerous and unstable, the media, like a grizzly bear that kills its first human and will only eat human flesh from then on, shifted its purpose from investigate, report and expose, to search and destroy. In the process, it has normalised disaster thinking about American life, from the most ordinary experiences — love and work — to the highest echelons of human activity. If America is on the verge of political calamity, it is because for the past five decades, the media has kept the country on the edge of its seat expecting no less.

Unable to come up with another Watergate, the media tried to force every story it could into the Watergate template. Someone big had to be exposed as doing something really bad, with the result that they had to be made to fall exceptionally hard. There was some precious, honest, public-spirited journalistic work as a result. But the media, as befit its proud new image as heroic saviour of democracy, gradually robbed democracy of its vital essence: the freedom to live life privately, secretly, incalculably. (When Socrates said that “the unexamined life is not worth living”, he did not have in mind 24/7 cable news.)

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Learning to Walz Won’t Save Kamala

7th August 2024


Safe yet shrewd is how Kamala Harris’s choice of Tim Walz as her running mate has been described. An energetic, disciplined communicator who can appeal to moderates and progressives, the Minnesota Governor is likely to boost the ticket’s momentum heading into the Democratic National Convention. But his selection is also revealing in terms of how the Harris campaign views its strengths and weaknesses. Indeed, while initial reports suggest Harris picked Walz due to her “comfort level” and their political compatibility, Walz telegraphs what Harris has so far been unable to do: a clear sense of how she aims to win in November.

An avuncular and sharp-witted persona, Walz ticks the right boxes when it comes to winning the Electoral College. He is a popular Democratic governor from the upper Midwest, a crucial battleground region, and has received ringing endorsements from the AFL-CIO, UAW and other trade union organisations. He is also a muscular surrogate who has already put Republicans on defence over J.D. Vance’s “weird” cultural views.

Perhaps most important, Walz is a white old-school liberal who speaks to the “kitchen table” concerns of working-class voters anxious over living costs and now the possibility of a recession. Though reliably progressive on issues such as abortion rights and LGBT equality, Walz seems to bask most in common-sense reforms like free school meals and paid family and medical leave that he and Minnesota’s Democratic state legislature passed into law. Well before he was a contender for the vice-presidential nomination, progressives of various stripes looked to him as an example of how Democrats should rebuild their brand outside the coasts

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Today in Trump Derangement Syndrome

7th August 2024

It’s getting worse for JD Vance (Aaron Blake/Washington Post)

Progressive Criminal Reform Groups Criticize Harris for Calling Trump a ‘Felon’ 

J.D. Vance Is on a Stalker Tour of Swing States (Joan Walsh/The Nation)

Is there any truth to the Trump ‘meltdown’?

J.D. Vance’s New Attack on Tim Walz Proves Irony Is Dead (Ellie Quinlan Houghtaling/New Republic)

Trump possible target of Pakistani national charged in murder-for-hire plot (Kevin Breuninger/CNBC)

Top U.S. newspapers have hardly covered Trump’s antisemitic July 30 interview (Rob Savillo/Media Matters for America)

Republicans Would Love for Bad Things to Start Happening (Joe Perticone/The Bulwark)

Republicans worry Trump is having a ‘public nervous breakdown’ (Kelly Rissman/The Independent)

Trump World Fueled an Anti-Shapiro Whisper Campaign (Marc A. Caputo/The Bulwark)

The Trump Assassination Attempt & The Kennedy Connection

J.D. Vance’s Backdrop Makes It Look Like He’s Campaigning for ‘Kamala’ (Josh Fiallo/The Daily Beast)

JD Vance over text: Crude, dismissive and friendly with the far-right fringe (Washington Post)

Playbook: Trump’s reset opportunity (Politico)

Arizona Republican becomes first fake elector to plead guilty for role in Trump scheme (Kyle Cheney/Politico)

“Bringing back the joy”: Kamala Harris’ rally blows away JD Vance’s weird appearance across town (Amanda Marcotte/Salon)

Kamala Goes Electric and Trump Melts Down (Josh Marshall/Talking Points Memo)

Arizona grand jurors discussed indicting Trump, but prosecutors urged them not to (Yvonne Wingett Sanchez/Washington Post)

Harris Campaign Plans to Deploy Tim Walz as Her Anti-MAGA ‘Sledgehammer’ (Rolling Stone)  A ‘sledgehammer’ made of butter? I have my doubts.

Trump keeps losing his train of thought. Cognitive experts have theories about why (Olivia Goldhill/STAT)


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Today in Democrat Stupid

7th August 2024


A.F. Branco for Aug 07, 2024

Republicans start tearing down Walz by going after his military record (NBC News)

Five controversies surrounding vice presidential nominee Tim Walz, from DUI to COVID fraud (Chris Pandolfo/Fox News)

Tim Walz Cozied Up to Anti-Semitic Terror Defender at 2019 CAIR Event, Photos Show

Kamala Harris Inspires Little Girls That If They Work Really Hard, Someday They Can Be Passed Over For A Less Qualified Person Who Slept With The Boss

MSNBC And CNN Already Condemn ‘Swift Boating’ Of Walz

Court Upholds Walz-backed Law For Felons’ Right to Vote

Stolen Valor’: Walz Under Fire For Bailing On Iraq Tour, Then Lying About Combat Deployment

ABC Giddily Celebrates ‘Folksy’ Tim Walz’s ‘Meteoric’ ‘Rise’ to Kamala Running Mate

Google Won’t Let Up! Search Giant Turns Users to Harris in Searches for Completely Different Name

Tim Walz Silent on Ties to Minnesota Freedom Fund That Bailed Out Rioters, Domestic Abusers

Trump has never had to face someone with Kamala Harris’s raw talent (John Kenneth White/The Hill)  Not since kindergarten, maybe.

Harris Chooses Comfort Food: Will America Bite? (Jonathan Martin/Politico)

Cackling Kamala: America’s Ultimate Diversity Hire

Tim Walz is the real-life definition of an MSNBC dad

EXCLUSIVE: Read How Politico and Bloomberg Opinion Whored Themselves Out to Biden-Harris WH

‘JD Vance Is Weird,’ Says Guy Who Signed Bill To Put Tampons In Boys’ School Bathrooms

Why Trump supporters are calling Walz ‘Tampon Tim’ (Miranda Nazzaro/The Hill)

How Progressive Is Tim Walz?

Tim Walz Joins the Anti-weirdness Ticket (Tom Nichols/The Atlantic)

Kamala Harris’s inspired choice (Noah Berlatsky/Public Notice)

Every ‘Rabbi’ From ‘Jewish Americans for Kamala Harris’ Belongs to Anti-Israel Groups.

Does Tim Walz balance Kamala’s ticket?

Harris, Walz and the Minnesota Freedom Fund

Tim Walz Has a Reputation for “Giving a Damn About Workers” (Steven Greenhouse/Slate)  We heard a rumor….

Harris, Walz, and the ‘Minnesota Freedom Fund’ Scandal

Vets: Walz ‘Quit,’ ‘Betrayed’ National Guard Unit

ABC, CBS, NBC Give A Warm Regime Media Welcome To Tim Walz

PBS’s Barron-Lopez Turns to Prof to Defend ‘Dignity & Authenticity’ of Kamala, Obama

Democrats Lost Their Minds Over Tim Walz, Kamala Harris’ New Midwestern Running Mate (Liz Skalka/HuffPost)

Tim Walz Is Leading the Way on Long Covid Funding (Julia Métraux/Mother Jones)

‘Patently Anti-Religious’: Tim Walz’s History of Restricting Faith-Based Institutions

Journalists Are Already Lying Through Their Teeth about ‘Moderate,’ ‘Centrist’ Walz

Tim Walz Is a Regular Guy. That’s Exactly What Harris Needs. (Patricia Lopez/Bloomberg)

Tim Walz Is the Biden That Harris Needs–Same Vibes, Same Base (David Rothkopf/The Daily Beast)

Minn. Could Have First Female Native American Gov.  Yeah, ‘Peggy Flanagan’ sure says Native American to me.

Peggy Flanagan could become the first Native American woman governor if Tim Walz steps down (Jessica Kutz/The 19th)

Gov. Tim Walz Made Minnesota a ‘Sanctuary State’ for Illegal Immigrants, Providing Free Health Care and College Tuition

Under Gov. Tim Walz, Babies Born Alive in Botched Abortions Were Left to Die. Then He Removed Reporting Requirements

Pro-life Orgs Decry ‘Most Pro-abortion’ Dem Ticket Yet

How Tim Walz made school meals free for all Minnesota students (Kristin Toussaint/Fast Company)  Nobody had to pay for them! They just dropped from heaven!

Josh Shapiro, Another Victim of Unforgiving Identity Politics

Cozy! NPR Sets Up Klobuchar To Praise ‘Optimistic’ and ‘Thoughtful’ Walz

‘Twinkle’-Eye Tim: Morning Joe Fawns Over ‘Happy Warrior’ Walz

Harris’s VP pick broke through on the US’ biggest climate challenge (Tim McDonnell/Semafor)

Tim Walz Took Historic Action To Protect Trans People, Now He’s The Dem VP Choice (Erin Reed/Erin In The Morning)

WATCH: Harris Contracts ‘Walzheimers’

GOP Slams Walz for Inaction During Floyd Protests

Moms Terrified by ‘Anti-Parent’ VP Pick Tim Walz

WATCH: Media Fawn Over Kamala’s ‘Cuddly’ VP Pick Tim Walz

Jacky Rosen Reveals She Filed False Financial Disclosures Dating Back to 2018

Tim Walz Said He Wants To Ban Guns He ‘Carried in War.’ He Never Saw Combat.

‘Powerful Voices’: CBS Praises Pelosi’s Legacy in Softball Interview


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‘Do Not Fly’ Alert Over Iran Issued for Airlines During Oddly Specific Night Hours

7th August 2024

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Egypt has just issued a rare and oddly specific NOTAM, or Notice to Air Missions alert, instructing all of its airlines to avoid Iranian airspace for a 3-hour period in the overnight and early morning hours of Thursday. Some other countries have since followed in issuing similar do not fly alerts, including the UK.

“All Egyptian carriers shall avoid overflying Tehran. No flight plan will be accepted overflying such territory,” the notice says. Specifically the instructions are valid from 01:00 to 04:00GMT (or 9pm to 12am US Eastern). Will the big expected Iranian retaliation be tonight? Zero hour may be approaching fast.

“You know, Tyrone, if I were you I’d not stop into DeShawn’s party tonight. Just a word to the wise.”

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Quotation of the Day

7th August 2024

‘If you are a woman, don’t ever ask a man “Do you want to talk about it?”. The answer is always “No.”‘ — The Universe

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Bomb Attack Prompts Denmark to Consider Reinstating Border Checks With Sweden

7th August 2024

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Denmark should not rule out the possibility of reinstating border checks on the Øresund Bridge that connects Copenhagen with Malmö, Sweden’s third-largest city, Danish Justice Minister Peter Hummelgaard said on Wednesday, August 7th. His statement followed the arrest of two “Swedish” nationals in relation to an explosion in the capital a day prior.

The fact that there’s a renewed discussion about reintroducing border checks between two EU members belonging to the Schengen area proves the point of the conservative parties in Brussels, who have long been saying that unchecked immigration crossing the EU’s external borders will eventually be the death of the bloc’s precious free movement zone.

The 24-year-old perpetrators of Tuesday’s Copenhagen attack, a man and a woman, are believed to have entered the country by crossing the Øresund Bridge before throwing some kind of explosive device into a kiosk in Østerbro, downtown Copenhagen. Luckily, no one was wounded in the incident and the perpetrators were quickly arrested. The police refused to give any further information about them, including whether they had Swedish citizenship or not.

The incident was not an isolated case. The bombing was the fourth case in less than a week involving armed perpetrators from across the strait, with ‘Swedish youth’ involved in three separate shootings in Copenhagen last weekend.

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7th August 2024

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The concept of hate has proved very useful to the Cultural Marxist project to overturn conventional society and its norms.

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Harvard TRIES and FAILS to Stop Jewish Students From Suing

7th August 2024


The racial Marxists running Harvard University tried… and FAILED to stop their Jewish students from attempting to sue them.

U.S. district judge Richard Stearns denied the school’s plea, Tuesday, to dismiss a lawsuit accusing it of being a safe space for raging Jew haters. His 25-page decision claimed the six student plaintiffs make credible allegations that Harvard not only failed to respond to antisemitic harassment and physical violence by faculty and classmates, but the school “failed its Jewish students” entirely.

He also said he was “dubious” Harvard could argue the First Amendment protected the campus jihadists. Apparently, calling for the genocide of Jewish students does NOT “depend on the context” – like their former DEI president Claudine Gay said in her disastrous testimony to the House Committee investigating antisemitism.

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Thought for the Day

7th August 2024

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One Drop Ruse

7th August 2024

Steve Sailer.

About three decades ago, California political legend Willie Brown introduced Donald Trump to his latest mistress, Kamala Harris, when Trump gave Willie and his entourage a lift on his jet so he could ask advice from the expert himself on how to get around California’s notorious regulators on a hotel deal he was pondering. It appears that Trump made the not-unreasonable snap judgment that Willie’s nice-looking young beige woman of indeterminate ethnicity with the Hindu first name must be a South Asian.

Years later, when Trump would see headlines celebrating Kamala as the “first black woman” this or that, he didn’t wonder what the full story must be and how he’d gotten it not quite right. (Kamala’s racial ancestry is half Tamil Brahmin on her Indian mother’s side, while on her middle-class mulatto Jamaican father’s side she is roughly one-quarter white and one-quarter black. Her Stanford professor father is the kind of person who is referred to as “black” in America and “white” in Jamaica.)

Obviously, Trump was wrong: Kamala has always identified as both Asian Indian and black. For instance, she used her claim to blackness to get into Hastings law school via affirmative action.
Of course, Trump’s bumptious accusation was greeted with shrieks of “racism” from part-black women journalists like Nikole Hannah-Jones, the daughter of a white woman, who owe their jobs to DEI favoritism distributed based on the One Drop Rule under which their claims to the professional privileges of blackness are considered as indisputable as, say, Michelle Obama’s.

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Vehicular Jihad in Cologne

7th August 2024

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A Jordanian taxi driver went on a rampage in Cologne yesterday, running down women with his car. It’s interesting that the city has a “police commission for rampage crimes” — evidently this sort of crime is common enough to warrant special police attention.

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A Culture-Enriching Family Business

7th August 2024

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A Syrian family in Stuttgart has racked up an impressive collective criminal record. As devotees of Allah living in an infidel land, they regard the kuffar as legitimate prey, and act accordingly.

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Disuniting Australia

7th August 2024


In the foreword of Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr.’s classic 1991 book The Disuniting of America: Reflections on a Multicultural Society, he asks, “What happens when people of different ethnicities, origins, speaking different languages and professing different religions, settle in the same geographical locality and live under the same political sovereignty?” He answers his own question by making a dire prediction: “Unless a common purpose binds them together, tribal antagonism will drive them apart. In the century darkly ahead, civilisation faces a critical question: What is it that holds a nation together?” Schlesinger also presciently notes the increase in racial identity politics, which he calls the “cult of ethnicity,” warning that it “exaggerates differences, intensifies resentments and antagonisms, drives even deeper the awful wedges between races and nationalities. The endgame is self-pity and self-ghettoization.”

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CBS Correspondent Reports From Inside Hezbollah Rally

7th August 2024


The last time we heard from CBS correspondent Imtiaz Tyab, we watched him seethe over the IDF airstrike that killed Fuad Shukr, the Hezbollah military commander that was involved in the 1983 bombing of Marine Barracks Beirut that killed 241 Marines and, more recently, the drone bombing of a soccer field that killed 12 Druze children. I regret to inform you that Tyab is mad again.

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The Left Makes ‘1984’ Its Playbook for 2024

7th August 2024

The Foundry.

The book “1984” is supposed to be a warning. Today’s leftists are using it as an instruction manual.

George Orwell’s classic novel is set in a dystopian world where Big Brother controls the population through information control and surveillance. See if any of this sounds familiar.

“Doublethink means the power of holding two contradictory beliefs in one’s mind simultaneously, and accepting both of them.”

During her career, especially when running for president in 2020, Kamala Harris took some radical positions. She praised efforts to defund the police. She once insinuated U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, or ICE, was comparable to the Ku Klux Klan and suggested the agency should be rebuilt “from scratch.”

Harris also wanted to decriminalize border crossings. She cosponsored the Green New Deal. She supported a mandatory gun buyback program, eliminating private insurance, and paying reparations. She was in favor of banning fracking and plastic straws.

Those policies play great in San Francisco, but not in battleground states. Not to worry. Harris has flip-flopped on at least five major policy positions since becoming Democrats‘ presumptive nominee.

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