We have seen the future, and it sucks.

Archive for August, 2024

The Case for Mass Deportations

11th August 2024

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Name one advantage that mass immigration from third-world countries has brought to any Western nation, anywhere, at any time. I’ll wait…

The riots that engulfed Britain this past week have again shone a spotlight on the issue that the authorities keep insisting is “beneath discussion.” And the issue isn’t racism, xenophobia, white supremacy, or any other scare word. The issue is Western ruling classes importing, against the expressed will of their citizenries, enormous numbers of immigrants who have absolutely no desire to assimilate into Western society or to respect Western values.

Following their operating manuals, the political classes and their media eunuchs refer to the British riots, along with any opposition in the Western world to mass immigration, as “far-right.” But for the past 25 years, mass immigration has been THE top concern for a plurality of American voters. Half of Americans currently view mass immigration as a “critical threat.” Half of Americans, including 42% of Democrats, favor mass deportations of illegals. It does beg the question: If half the country is “far-right,” then what does “moderate right” look like? The Green Party? The Trotskyists? Raul Castro?

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Why Does Iran Keep Sending Amateurs to Conduct Assassinations in the U.S.?

11th August 2024

NBC News.

The murder-for-hire charge announced this week against a Pakistani national linked in court papers to Iran marked the fourth alleged Iranian assassination plot inside the United States over the past three years thwarted by the FBI, in what the attorney general called a “persistent” and “brazen” campaign by Iran to punish its enemies on American soil.

Among the questions raised by that remarkable, and remarkably unsuccessful, purported campaign: Why do the Iranians keep sending amateurs who seemingly get caught so easily? And what is the U.S. doing to deter this alleged rogue behavior by Iran?

Law enforcement officials and experts who study the Iranian regime say it’s more difficult than most people realize for Iran to carry out a covert operation inside the U.S. Iran has no embassy here to host intelligence officers, and the U.S. intelligence and border protection agencies have been fairly successful at keeping out Iranians with ties to that country’s military and spy services.

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China’s New Wing Design With Holes Could Tackle Sonic Booms, Boost Aviation

11th August 2024

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Conventional aircraft wings follow design principles established by the Wright brothers and rely on Bernoulli’s principle. This dictates that faster airflow over the top of the wing results in lower pressure, while slower airflow underneath generates higher pressure, thus lifting the plane.

However, as an aircraft approaches the speed of sound, shock waves come into existence, creating turbulence and drag. These reduce lift and cause damaging vibrations.

The research team, led by Professor Gao Chao of the university’s School of Aeronautics, proposed that strategic holes in the wing could solve these ill effects.

They employed computer simulations and wind tunnel experiments, which demonstrated that the holes in the wing disrupted shock waves and mitigated the ensuing vibrations. Remarkably, they also discovered a boost of over 10% in aerodynamic efficiency.

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Fasting-Style Diet Seems to Result in Dynamic Changes to Human Brains

11th August 2024

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Scientists looking to tackle our ongoing obesity crisis have made an important discovery: Intermittent calorie restriction leads to significant changes both in the gut and the brain, which may open up new options for maintaining a healthy weight.

Researchers from China studied 25 volunteers classed as obese over a period of 62 days, during which they took part in an intermittent energy restriction (IER) program – a regime that involves careful control of calorie intake and relative fasting on some days.

Not only did the participants in the study lose weight – 7.6 kilograms (16.8 pounds) or 7.8 percent of their body weight on average – there was also evidence of shifts in the activity of obesity-related regions of the brain, and in the make-up of gut bacteria.

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Caltech Team Develops First Noninvasive Method to Continually Measure True Blood Pressure

11th August 2024

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Solving a decades-old problem, a multidisciplinary team of Caltech researchers has figured out a method to noninvasively and continually measure blood pressure anywhere on the body with next to no disruption to the patient. A device based on the new technique holds the promise to enable better vital-sign monitoring at home, in hospitals, and possibly even in remote locations where resources are limited.

The new patented technique, called resonance sonomanometry, uses sound waves to gently stimulate resonance in an artery and then uses ultrasound imaging to measure the artery’s resonance frequency, arriving at a true measurement of blood pressure. In a small clinical study, the device, which gives patients a gentle buzzing sensation on the skin, produced results akin to those obtained using the standard-of-care blood pressure cuff.

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How Brits Really View Americans

11th August 2024

Christ Williamson interview.

“O wad some Power the giftie gie us
To see oursels as ithers see us!”

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Thought for the Day

11th August 2024

Wondermark Comic Strip for August 08, 2024

Lead, follow, or get out of the gene pool.

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Quotation of the Day

11th August 2024

ZMan, from his subscription service on SubscribeStar:

It is always tempting to think that whatever you are experiencing is new, but almost everything in this world has happened in every conceivable way. As the old saying goes, there is nothing new under the sun, just new ways of doing it. There are, however, novelties of this age that arise from the fact we are the first virtual civilization. The internet, this alternative reality that for many people has supplanted reality, is a new thing and therefore it brings new experiences.
One of those is the virtual campaign run by the regime for Kamala Harris. For the last three weeks we have been subjected to the greatest gaslighting campaign since the Soviets discovered cinema or the Nazis took power in Germany. All of the regime elements have been enlisted to promote the inevitability of Kamala Harris and Elmer Fudd. Meanwhile, the only mention of her opponent are imaginary tales about him raging to his subordinates down in his bunker.
Proof that the universe has a sense of humor is the fact that the self-proclaimed right-wing influencers are the ones most caught up in this media operation. It makes sense though, as these are people who live online, always looking for the latest thing so they can rush to the head of the line and proclaim themselves the leaders of it. They see this tidal wave of pro-Harris media and they get swept up in it while trying to front run it.
What we are experiencing is a test of sorts. Can a regime with near total control of the media organs brainwash enough people to elect an imaginary person? That is what is happening. The real Kamala Harris is fading into the background, while a new, virtual Kamala Harris fills every nook and cranny of the information space. Can this virtual candidate jump from cyberspace into reality? Alternatively, is this the bridge too far and what triggers a change in how people view the media?

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A Culture-Enriching Day at the Movies

11th August 2024

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A Somali culture-enricher didn’t just migrate to Germany, he was flown there, courtesy of the Federal Republic’s “Resettlement of Asylum Seekers” program. After his arrival, while subsisting on state benefits, he committed a series of crimes, culminating in the grisly murder of his roommate in a homeless shelter.

Judged to be a loony, he was sentenced to indefinite confinement in a loony bin. From there the story gets even more entertaining: he was allowed out on a supervised excursion so that he could go to the movies. That’s when — whoops! — he escaped.

By the way: the incident has a Mohammed Coefficient of 100%.

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How Many Laws Did You Break Today?

11th August 2024

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When the Washington Free Beacon asked me to review Over Ruled, I was honored, intrigued, and amused. Honored because this was Justice Neil Gorsuch’s latest work that’s not printed in U.S. Reports, the official publisher of Supreme Court opinions. Intrigued because he, along with his sometime coauthor and former clerk Janie Nitze (an accomplished lawyer in her own right) were arguing that our rule of law was suffering because we had not just too many laws—that ground has been well-trod, not least by my former colleague Walter Olson, who founded and for over 20 years ran the first-ever legal blog, Overlawyered—but too much law.

Wally Olson was a friend of mine at Yale, and I follow his Overlawyered blog with interest.

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MSNBC Frets Gay Illegal Immigrants Not Entering U.S. Quickly Enough

11th August 2024


On Friday morning, MSNBC’s Jose Diaz Balart devoted a segment to complaining about both the Joe Biden and Donald Trump administrations slowing down the entry of illegal immigrants as the liberal host fretted that limiting immigrant entry makes it take longer for LGBT asylum seekers to enter the country.

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Is A Much Deadlier Strain Of Monkeypox Going To Be The Next Great Global Health Scare?

11th August 2024

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Many of us have been watching the spread of a deadly new strain of Monkeypox for quite some time, and now it appears that this crisis is about to reach a boiling point. It is being reported that the World Health Organization is going to hold an “emergency meeting” to determine whether or not to declare a “public health emergency of international concern” due to a rapidly growing outbreak of Monkeypox in central Africa. For those that are not familiar, a “public health emergency of international concern” is the highest level of alert that the WHO issues. For example, in January 2020 a “public health emergency of international concern” was declared when COVID started to spread like wildfire inside China.

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Newsom’s Office Paying Famous Photographer $200K a Year

11th August 2024

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California Gov. Gavin Newsom’s office hired a famous photographer on a $200,000 yearly salary six months ago, Politico reported Saturday.

UPDATE: Newsom Hires $200k/Year Celebrity Photographer For Glamor Shots


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Ferguson Cop Critically Injured at 10th Anniv. Protest

11th August 2024

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A Ferguson, Missouri, police officer was critically injured outside the city’s police station during protests on the 10th anniversary of the fatal shooting of Michael Brown, a pivotal moment in the national Black Lives Matter movement, police said Saturday.

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Today in Trump Derangement Syndrome

10th August 2024

GOP nominee to run North Carolina schools advocated pro-Trump military coup in January 6 video (CNN)

Marine Major CONFRONTS CNN’s Brianna Keilar for Disparaging Vance’s Military Service

Inside the Worst Three Weeks of Donald Trump’s 2024 Campaign (New York Times)

Inside Project 2025’s Secret Training Videos (ProPublica)  Dunh-dunh- DUNHHHHH….

The U.S. Press is Broken (The Left Hook with Wajahat Ali)  They’re not anti-Trump enough.

ABC’s Parks Hails ‘Joyful’ Harris Contrasting With ‘Mean And Nasty’ Trump

A sinking ship? Donald Trump campaign mocked for playing ‘Titanic’ song at rally (USA Today)

Will Late Night Apologize for Sharing Cassidy Hutchinson’s Trump Hoax?  Hint: No.

CBS Hypes Trump as a Border Extremist, Worries Harris May Not Be Left Enough

Trump is putting mass deportations at the heart of his campaign. Some Republicans are worried (Stephen Groves/Sentinel Colorado)  Deport them too.


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Today in Democrat Stupid

10th August 2024

Kamala in Arizona: I Respect Your Pro-Hamas Voices (Jazz Shaw/HotAir)

Free Beacon Editor Corrects PBS Claim ‘There’s No Evidence’ Walz Padded Military Resume

Fox News hosts mocked for outrage over Kamala Harris’ cooking videos (Sarah K. Burris/Raw Story)

Is ‘Mean Girls’ a Winning Script for Kamala?  It’s all she’s got.

Walz and legions of ‘dudes’ want to give men permission to vote Democrat (Danielle Kurtzleben/NPR)

WATCH: Mystery Deepens: Who’s Running US in Joe and Kamala’s Absence?

Harris’s Big Gift To Trump… If He Uses It

Veterans in Congress Enter Walz-Vance Service Fray

JD Vance Attacked Tim Walz’s Military Record. This Former John Kerry Strategist Has Thoughts. (Catherine Kim/Politico)

Kamala Harris’ Sorority Sisters Launch a PAC (The Daily Beast)

Assessing claims about Tim Walz’s military service (Glenn Kessler/Washington Post)

George Floyd’s brother endorses Harris-Walz, says Minnesota governor is ‘built for this’ (Pilar Melendez/NBC News)

NPR Shocked That GOP Mocked Walz Putting Tampons in Boys’ Bathrooms

Tim Walz ‘misspoke’ when he discussed using weapons ‘in war,’ campaign says (NBC News)

Gov. Walz Attended Abolish ICE Protest March

Kamala Harris could make history as the first president to work at McDonald’s (Alex Woodward/The Independent)  That’s about what she’s qualified for.


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WEF: Climate Change Causes Pakistani Men to Beat up Their Wives

10th August 2024

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Apparently the problem is not that some Pakistani men are cowardly wife beaters, the problem is climate change.

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Biologist Richard Dawkins Says Facebook Nuked Account After Posting That Male Boxers Shouldn’t Fight Women

10th August 2024

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Facebook has nuked the account of famed evolutionary biologist Richard Dawkins after he said that genetically male boxers should not be allowed to fight women in the Olympics.

Welcome to our world. Be careful not to step in the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion.

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Critical Race Theory Organizers Plot Their Return to the Classroom

10th August 2024

The Foundry.

The top practitioners of critical race theory just held a weeklong “summer school” in Nashville, Tennessee, to strategize, assess the movement, and debate how best to proselytize the next generation. It was an instructive six days of revolutionary agitprop.

Two things immediately stood out. The first is that, yes, despite its protestations to the contrary, the architects of CRT know they must focus intently on those who participate in the teaching profession. If CRT is a tool to be used for “revolutionizing a culture,” as its intellectual godfather, Derrick Bell, once put it, it must be implemented by teachers starting in K-12 and through graduate school.

K-12 teachers, along with students at all levels, were given special ticket prices to the CRT conference at a deep discount, as my colleague and friend Jonathan Butcher pointed out. K-12 principals also were given a special package, though at a smaller discount.

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UK Police Commissioner Threatens to Extradite, Jail US Citizens Over Online Posts: ‘We’ll come after you’ (Alexander Hall/New York Post)

10th August 2024

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Time to leave.

UPDATE: As the sun sets on British and Canadian liberty


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UK Labour Party Councillor Filmed Calling for Far-Right Rioters’ Throats to Be Cut Is Charged

10th August 2024

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Funny how they target the ‘far-right’ for violence but it’s aways the far-left that promote it.

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Ukraine Demands Mexico Arrest Putin at Presidential Inauguration

10th August 2024

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I think we’re backing the stupid party in this conflict.

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Quotation of the Day

10th August 2024

“This is what life was like under the communists. After the initial terror, the system fell into an institutional ban on speaking freely. Everyone had to worry about who might be listening, even in their private quarters. You can never be sure if the person next to you was a government informant or could not easily become one. The result is everyone had to be guarded all the time about what they said and did.

“The other side of this, the part that is easily missed, is it made everyone political as a matter of self-preservation. You might not want to be political, but the people who could hold your fate in their hands were political or could be made to be political, so you had to be political all the time too. The result was the sort of coded language that is now common in the land of the free and the home of the brave.”
— ZMan

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Thought for the Day

10th August 2024

I love the way the ‘Helpers, construction trades’ and ‘Aircraft pilots & flight engineers’ pictures are obviously women, when women are a trivial part of those demographics.

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The Evil UK Regime

10th August 2024

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It is astonishing that the UK government is so committed to defending immigrants who rape and murder and “groom” and terrorize other people, that they are now threatening to arrest anyone in the world who so much as criticizes their current policy. The entire media has fallen in line, portraying Muslim gangs as “defenders,” those who stand for freedom and life as “racists and fascists.”

Even the centre-right Telegraph describes anyone who so much as identifies the religion of the latest murderer (who knifed three little girls to death) as “far-right.” They are arresting and imprisoning anyone who is so daring and revolutionary as to post an opinion on Facebook that does not agree with the Received Opinion.

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Why Walz? My Guess is Imposter’s Syndrome.

10th August 2024

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Why did Kamala Harris pick Tim Walz? Well, we know this: It was not for the sake of “diversity.” Not to tack toward the ideological “middle” for the general election, as is the traditional practice. Not for any discernible electoral advantage. So why? My guess is that her choice was psychological as much as anything. I say that because there are pretty odd things about these two that are hard to ignore.

Some facts: We know that Kamala Harris goes through staffers at a 95% turnover rate. We know that as California’s Attorney General, she expected to be greeted by staffers with, “Good morning, General.” We have seen that she responds very defensively to even the most gentle challenges from the press. We know she has not exposed herself to any questioning from the press since Biden endorsed her for President. When she speaks publicly, we know she is careful to speak only in zero-calorie word salads containing nothing substantive that might invite a difficult question.

As for Walz, we know he is, ideologically, as perfect a twin to Kamala Harris as any of the candidates. From the reports of the VP interviews, we know that Walz disclaimed any personal ambitions beyond VP, and pledged to Harris he would do whatever she required of him. One staffer admitted Harris went with her “gut,” with an aid characterizing Harris’s decision as akin to choosing–wait for it–a husband.

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Climate Fear-Mongering Fail: Great Barrier Reef Sees Third Record Year of Coral Growth

10th August 2024

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Travelling back from the reality inhabited by the Guardian, it can be reported that last year’s gains were eye-catchingly large. On the Northern GBR, hard coral cover leapt from 35.8% to 39.5%, in the central area it rose from 30.7% to 34%, while in the south it went from 34% to 39.1%. The report is the result of monitoring of hard coral cover reefs from August 2023 to June 2024 by the Australian Institute of Marine Science (AIMS). The percentage of hard coral cover is a standard measurement of reef conditions used by scientists and is said to provide a simple and robust measure of reef health. Similar reports have been published by the AIMS over the last 38 years.

For the first two years of record coral growth, the narrative-driven mainstream media ignored the recovery story. But this year, the suspicious might contend, something had to be done to blunt the sensational news of the stonking rises. Help has come in the form of a paper just published in Nature which uses proxy temperature measurements and climate models to suggest temperatures around the vast reef area are the highest recorded in 400 years. This time period is the blink of an ecological eye-lid given that coral has been around for hundreds of millions of years during periods when temperatures and atmospheric carbon dioxide have been markedly different. Nevertheless, this is said to pose an existential threat despite it being known that sub-tropical corals thrive between 24°C-32°C, and in fact seem to grow faster in warmer waters.

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Fauci’s “DNA of Caring”

10th August 2024

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Dr. Anthony Fauci often claims a “DNA of caring” yet his actions reveal a stark contrast. Avoiding direct patient care, Dr. Fauci focused on populations—effecting a mindset aligned with abstract compassion for humanity that nonetheless neglects individual rights. His so-called ‘DNA of caring’ has most recently doubly stranded those subjected to it: first, by amplifying fear about Covid-19 while burying mitigating data; second, by pushing a vaccine in a draconian, methodical, and threatening manner, taking away liberty and jobs to an extreme never seen before in the history of mankind.

Additionally, by fast-tracking and strong-arming an mRNA vaccine-platform technology heretofore devoid of Phase II or III safety studies, Dr. Fauci prioritized hypothetical scientific advancement over actual current health, medical knowledge, and personal liberties—effectively double-crossing both the public’s trust and violating his own integrity: contradicting medically foundational principles he had spent his career enunciating—perhaps influenced by pharmaceutical interests.

Is this ‘Shit on Fauci Day’? I’m in.

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Long Covid Is a $1 Trillion Problem With No Cure. Experts Plead for Governments To Wake Up

10th August 2024

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For months, governmental officials around the world have appeared to want to forgo discussing the specter of long COVID. As a new review makes clear, that is wishful thinking—and the latest COVID variants may well kick long COVID into overdrive, a scenario that researchers and experts have been warning about for some time.

“I think they (government agencies) are itching to pretend that COVID is over and that long COVID does not exist,” says Ziyad Al-Aly, director of the Clinical Epidemiology Center at Veterans Affairs St. Louis Health Care System and lead author of the review. “It is much more pleasant to pretend as if emergency department visits and hospitalizations haven’t been rising sharply this summer.”

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Panama Hits ‘VIP’ Chinese Migrant-Smuggling Route Through Notorious Darien Gap

10th August 2024

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In the latest indication that new President Jose Raul Mulino may be serious about his campaign pledge to end the country’s role as a major funnel of masses of illegal immigrants bound for the United States, Panamanian border police on Wednesday arrested 15 people linked to an illicit “VIP” migrant-smuggling operation that caters to Chinese clients, AFP reports. The detainees — who face 15 to 20 years in prison — are all Panamanian, but are accused of working for Colombian gangs.

While the Pan-American Highway stretches some 19,000 miles through South, Central and North America, there’s a 66-mile gap that starts just inside Colombia and stretches into Panama. That means migrants have to make a harrowing journey on foot through a mountainous and marshy region called the Darien Gap. They not only have to survive dangerous natural conditions, but also criminal gangs known to rape, murder, kidnap and rob them.

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Democratic California State Lawmaker Switches To Republican Party

10th August 2024

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Funny how we never see Republicans switch to being Democrats (at least formally).

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No, Liberals, the Second Amendment Still Isn’t About Hunting

10th August 2024

The Foundry.

Vice President Kamala Harris just announced her selection of Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz as her running mate in the Nov. 5 presidential election.

As governor, Walz routinely touts his gun ownership and affinity for duck hunting as a reason why people should take his opinions in favor of more gun control seriously.

He completely misses the point.

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Cartel Drones Fly With Explosives Near Southern Border

10th August 2024

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Vice President Kamala Harris’ role as President Biden’s “border czar” has sparked the worst border crisis in American history, a fact well known by now. However, a new report highlights a concerning new threat stream: drug cartels on the southern border are increasingly weaponizing drones with explosives, similar to what’s being seen on modern battlefields in Eastern Europe and the Middle East. All of this is happening under VP Harris’ watch.

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Today in Democrat Stupid

9th August 2024

Trump Turns Up Heat on Harris Over Dodging the Press (Mary Ann Akers/The Daily Beast)

Embattled Dem Sherrod Brown Bails on Democratic Convention. Why?

Biden-Harris Admin Quietly Proposes Cut to NatSec Program—and Boost to Equity and ‘Environmental Justice’ Initiatives

CBS Fangirls over Lefty Teen Influences on TikTok Helping Dems

Harris campaign tweaks Walz biography amid scrutiny of military credentials (Jared Mitovich/Politico)

“I Would Have Told Him, ‘Suck It Up’”: Walz’s Decision to Retire Before Deployment Frustrated National Guard Superior

States Sue Over Biden Rule Extending Health Insurance to DACA Immigrants

Tim Walz Promoted Media Misrepresentations of His Military Service in 2006 Run

“They take the strategic national reserves. They’re virtually empty now. We have never had it this low.” (Lisa Lerer/New York Times)

Tim Walz is giving MAGA a master class in manhood (Ja’han Jones/MSNBC) Yeah, how not to.

Masculinity’s check-engine light is on. Let Tim Walz have a look. (Monica Hesse/Washington Post)

Tim Walz’s Camo Cap Is More Important Than You Think (Derek Guy/Politico)

Democrats Try To Make 2024 the ‘Cat Lady’ Election

As Minnesota Governor, Tim Walz Signed Law Mandating Racial Quotas Throughout State Health Department

Tim Walz, ‘Folksy’ Socialist


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Today in Trump Derangement Syndrome

9th August 2024

‘That is a frightened Donald Trump’: Scaramucci reacts to Trump’s remarks at Mar-a-Lago (CNN)

Trump unravels in Mar-A-Lago press conference, ranting about Kamala Harris’ crowd size (MSNBC)

Trump Team Says Trainwreck Press Conference Is a Sign of Discipline (The New Republic)

“I F**king Told Them!”: Enraged Butler Cop On Bodycam Says He Told Secret Service To Cover Warehouse Used By Shooter, And They Agreed

Trump Tries to Wrestle Back Attention at Mar-a-Lago News Conference (New York Times)

Trump lashes out at Harris and falsely claims no one was killed on January 6 (Martin Pengelly/The Guardian) No one was killed by the rioters.

Trump holds seemingly pointless press conference filled with false claims (Andrew Feinberg/The Independent)

Stalking and Squawking – The weird, puzzling and so far ineffective counterattacks by the Trump campaign (Jay Kuo/The Status Kuo)

Why isn’t the media reporting on Trump’s increasing dementia? (Robert Reich)

Project 2025 is everywhere. Don’t believe the distancing or “winding down” claims. (Chris Geidner/Law Dork)

Is Donald Trump ‘quiet quitting’? Here’s what his ‘meltdown at Mar-a-Lago’ reveals (David Badash/Alternet.org)

Trump Spews Lies, Disparages Harris’s Intelligence, Insults Jews, and Rambles About “Insane Asylums” in Unhinged Press Conference (Bess Levin/Vanity Fair)

Lawrence: ‘Stupidest’ candidate Trump did not answer reporters’ questions (MSNBC)

The Real Reason Trump and Vance Hate Being Called ‘Weird’ (Jamelle Bouie/New York Times)  Somebody might mistake them for Democrats.


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Universal Basic Income – Tried, Tested, And Failed As Expected

9th August 2024

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LCS Program Cost and Opportunity Cost

9th August 2024


Value – The LCS has almost no combat capability.  Hence, the value for the money is near zero.

Opportunity Cost – The opportunity cost = $27.5B.  What could we have done with $27.5B if we had not spent it on the LCS program?  Well, the alternative opportunities are nearly endless:  munitions, mines, a dedicated minesweeper, ASW destroyer/corvette, air wings, dry docks, etc.  At this point, it’s not even debatable that almost any alternative choice would have been a better use of the funds.  In other words, the opportunity cost-value far exceeded the actual cost-value.

Bear in mind that this is not a case of hindsight.  Almost everyone except the Navy pointed out massive problems with the program from day one:  concurrency, lack of CONOPS, a multitude of design issues, insufficient weight and stability margins, a badly flawed manning model, a badly flawed maintenance model, lack of armament, complete absence of modules, etc.  There was no hindsight involved or required.  The problems were painfully obvious and predictable.  In fact, the term ‘predictable’ implies a small degree of uncertainty.  Regarding the LCS problems, there was no uncertainty.  The problems were 100% certain to occur, as was pointed out by … well … everyone.

The LCS is the poster child for a program that should never have left the back-of-the-napkin stage.  It produced no value and a staggering $27.5B wasted opportunity cost.

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Paper Straws Are Often Touted as a Great Alternative to Plastic, But There’s a Small Problem: They’re Toxic

9th August 2024

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After analyzing 39 brands of straws made of various materials such as plastic, paper, glass, stainless steel, and bamboo, the team found that paper straws contain the most perfluoroalkylated and polyfluoroalkylated substances, also known as PFAS. These synthetic substances are considered harmful to humans, animals, and the environment.

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Whither Managerial Polyarchy?

9th August 2024

ZMan looks behind the curtain.

One of the strange truths about democratic governments is that they can remain unpopular for much longer than other forms of government. This seems counterintuitive as the whole point of democratic government is to have public policy reflect the general will of the people. In theory any divergence should be rectified in subsequent elections so that over time, the majority support the policy. As we see in the modern West, this is not how things work in “our democracy.”

There is a great example of this in the UK. Immigrant crime has reached a point where even the most teary-eyed immigration romantic has had enough. All of the polling shows that the majority wants an end to immigration. The new Labour government won power largely by hinting they would be tough on immigration. They were lying, of course, and that is clear now. The government only had about thirty percent support at the election, and you can be sure it is lower now.

In other words, the current rulers of the UK have less popular support than the current ruler of Venezuela. The UK is allegedly a democracy, while the democracies all claim Venezuela is a dictatorship. While technically correct, if we redefine democracy to mean having some sort of voting process, the undeniable fact is the ruling class of Venezuela has far more popular support than the ruling class of the UK. Yet, for now at least, the UK government does not fear being overthrown.

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Elon Musk tries to dismantle the foundations of US democracy

9th August 2024

Public Notice.

Elon Musk is busy. No, not because he’s attending to any of his multibillion-dollar companies.

For Tesla and SpaceX and Starlink, he’s full of wild promises with very little actual progress. But what Musk is really spending time on these days is attacking the core foundations of American democracy on multiple fronts.

There’s his thus-far successful effort to get rid of the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB). There’s his political action committee, America PAC, which pretends to help register people to vote but is just hoovering up voter data to give to the Trump campaign. And there’s his lawsuit seeking to force companies to advertise on X, despite the fact advertisers generally do not want their ads running next to the Nazi content X is full of now.

All of these efforts have the potential to succeed because the federal courts are broken, and the administrative state is dying a slow and painful death.

So–what exactly are these ‘core foundations of American democracy’? Apparently they include the NLRB, a keystone of centralized governmental intrusion into business; hatred of Donald Trump; hatred of the ‘Nazi content’ on X (the social media platform formerly known as Twitter); the (pre-Trump) federal courts; and the administrative state.

Good to know.

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Thought for the Day

9th August 2024

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The Wider Middle East War That Only Hamas Wants

9th August 2024

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The Middle East teeters on the brink of a ruinous all-out regional war. Yet Israel did not want a wider and high-intensity war. Iran-backed Hezbollah does not appear to have wanted a wider and high-intensity war. And Iran, too, appeared not to have wanted a wider and high-intensity war. Only Iran-backed Hamas wanted a full-blown regional war. It may well get its way.

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Kamala Harris and the Civilizational Jihad of Democratic Street Thuggery

9th August 2024

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On Jan. 21, 2017, hundreds of thousands of feminists wearing pink “pussyhats” protested the prior day’s presidential inauguration of Donald Trump by rampaging throughout Washington, D.C. The “Women’s March on Washington,” an extension of the riots and protests that shook the capital on Inauguration Day itself, was not exactly a peaceful affair. Hundreds of anarchists in total were arrested over the multiday period, typically on rioting or vandalism charges. The “pussyhat”-clad feminist rioters thus constituted the first Trump-era manifestation of destructive Democratic shock troops. Call it Democratic Street Thuggery 1.0.

That particularly virulent strain of radical feminism reached a crescendo during the #MeToo societal struggle session of 2017-2018, culminating in the infamous Christine Blasey Ford-led attempt to derail Brett Kavanaugh’s U.S. Supreme Court nomination in Sept. 2018. Arguably the single leading misandrist crusader during that sordid affair, peddling the ludicrous “believe all women” smear from her senatorial dais and casually throwing out five millennia of “innocent until proven guilty” civilizational norms in the process, was none other than dimwitted California Sen. Kamala Harris.

Alas, Joe Biden — or what little remained, even back then, of Joe Biden — was so awestruck by Harris’ vile interrogation of Kavanaugh and her own hilariously unimpressive 2020 presidential campaign that he tapped her to be his running mate. Cackling Kamala’s grand contribution to the Biden campaign was to dutifully launder her own swarthy complexion to “empathize” with left-wing America during our next great struggle session, the antifa-Black Lives Matter “racial reckoning” that followed the May 2020 death of St. George Floyd our Martyr. Such “empathy” included Kamala’s unctuous rhetorical support for the rioters, as well as her posting to social media a link to support bail for those rare BLM rioters who were actually arrested. The antifa-BLM rioters, who caused up to $2 billion in property damage during that infamous Summer of Love, constituted Democratic Street Thuggery 2.0.


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Ford Files Patent for System to “Automatically Snitch” on Speeders

9th August 2024

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Ford has filed a new patent called “Systems and Methods for Detecting Speeding Violations” that reveals the company is looking at ways to “automatically snitch” on speeding drivers, a new report from TechRadar shows.

Ford’s patent filing with the USPTO details a system using vehicles’ cameras and sensors to detect speeding motorists and report them to authorities.

Basic sketches and flow charts illustrate how this technology senses speed violations, activates cameras to capture images, and transmits data to nearby pursuit vehicles or logs it to a server. The captured data, including speed, GPS location, and clear imagery or video, can then be sent to authorities for potential action.

Yet another reason not to buy a Ford.

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Blue State Blues: Yet Another Cargo Theft From a Refrigerated 18 Wheeler in Philadelphia

9th August 2024

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Cargo thefts are becoming a trend in Philadelphia…and it doesn’t look like the swearing in of new Mayor Cherelle Parker – who is supposed to be far tougher on crime than her predecessor Jim Kenney – is deterring them.

This time around thieves made off with “large cartons of tuna from a refrigerated truck” in South Philadelphia, according to 6ABC.

The crime took place at about 3:30am on Thursday near Pattison Ave. when the truck was parked on the roadway. The report said that “multiple male suspects got away in two vehicles – a white sedan and a SUV.”

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Columbia Deans Resign Over Texts Officials Say Contained Antisemitic Tropes

9th August 2024

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Three deans at Columbia University have resigned from the school after text messages that officials said contained antisemitic tropes were revealed.

A spokesperson for the school confirmed the resignations of Cristen Kromm, former dean of undergraduate student life; Matthew Patashnick, former associate dean for student and family support; and Susan Chang-Kim, former vice dean and chief administrative officer.

The messages occurred in a group chat during an event at the university called “Jewish Life on Campus: Past, Present, and Future,” and were discovered by The Washington Free Beacon.

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Alabama GOP Candidate Who Attended ‘Segregation Academy’ Pushes for Defunding Public Schools

9th August 2024

Huffington Post.

Alabama Republican congressional candidate Caroleene Dobson, who has been vocal about her support of school choice on the campaign trail, graduated from a private, so-called “segregation academy,” in 2005.

Ah. ‘So-called”. I guess that makes it true.

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Hezbollah-Aligned Newspaper Urges Rockets On Tel Aviv

9th August 2024

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Israel has informed Washington that if Hezbollah harms more civilians in a retaliation campaign for the assassination of its top military commander Fuad Shukr last week, Israel’s military will have no choice but to launch a disproportionate response.

“In the internal discussions with the U.S., Israel stressed that the cost of another Hezbollah mishap would be heavy and that Hezbollah would pay a disproportionate price if it harmed civilians as part of its retaliation,” a senior Israeli official told Axios.

The report continues, “Two Israeli officials said that in recent days Israel told the U.S. via several military channels that it is concerned Hezbollah could hit civilian population centers if it tries to target military bases in central Israel.”

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The ABA Is Wrong on the ERA

9th August 2024

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The American Bar Association first endorsed adding the Equal Rights Amendment to the Constitution in 1972, the year that Congress proposed and sent it to the states for ratification.

At its Aug. 6 annual convention, the ABA went further and now claims that the 1972 ERA is already part of the Constitution. The ABA is dead wrong.

Congress proposed the ERA in March 1972 with a seven-year ratification deadline. With that deadline looming, and fewer than the necessary 38 states ratifying, Congress passed a controversial resolution in 1978 purporting to extend the deadline by 39 months. No additional states ratified the 1972 ERA and five that already had subsequently withdrew their support. As the Congressional Research Service has repeatedly observed, the 1972 ERA “formally died on June 30, 1982.”

Because Congress will likely never propose another one, supporters are desperate to maintain the fiction that the 1972 ERA is, as Miracle Max would say, “only mostly dead” rather than “all dead.” It remained pending before the states, and available for ratification, because Congress did not put the deadline in the right place in its proposing resolution. Or so they contend.

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UK Authorities Now Arresting People for Posting “Inaccurate Information” on Social Media

9th August 2024

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Authorities in the UK are now arresting people for posting “inaccurate information” on social media, according to a new report.

Sky News reports that a woman has been arrested by Cheshire Police for posting “inaccurate information on social media” about the attacker who stabbed three girls to death in Southport last week.

The 55-year-old woman was arrested near the northern town of Chester on “suspicion of publishing written material to stir up racial hatred and false communications.”

One might say “Not my circus. Not my monkeys.”, but eventually that circus is coming to our towns, and we will have to deal with those particular monkeys. Our border is as porous as a screen door, and ideas have always crossed it with impunity.

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