We have seen the future, and it sucks.

Archive for October, 2021

Today in the Biden-Harris Slow-Motion Train Wreck

21st October 2021

Russia Demands ‘Humanitarian’ Aid for Taliban at Afghanistan Talks

Taliban Honors Families Of “Heroic” Suicide Bombers Who Attacked Americans

Biden State Dept Hire Downplayed Chinese Military Threat, Deflected Blame for COVID Pandemic

Unprecedented 125K Unaccompanied Children Have Shown Up At Border Under Biden

Biden’s State Department is a laughingstock

Texas, Missouri AGs Sue Biden to Finish Border Wall


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Pandemic Panic – It’s Titanic

21st October 2021

Marine Vet Sues Walmart After Pharmacist Refused To Fill His Ivermectin Prescription

The FDA’s War Against The Truth On Ivermectin

NYC mayor ‘troubled’ by video showing unmasked officers forcibly removing masked subway commuter

High school teacher of the year faces termination over vaccine mandate  I’d terminate him for looking like a derelict. But that’s me.

Florida Chief Fired for Not Forcing Firefighter Vaccinations

Florida Gov. DeSantis to Call Special Legislative Session to Ban Vaccine Mandates

NIH Letter Shows Fauci Lied to Congress About Gain of Function Research Funding  My, what a surprise.

Finally: San Francisco To Require Proof Of Vaccination To Poop On The Sidewalk  Babylon Bee.

CDC Says 5 Year Olds Will Still Need to Wear Masks After Vaccine Is Approved for Kids

CDC Advisory Committee Quietly Confirms Moderna Jab Significantly More Dangerous Than Pfizer


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Malinowski Reveals Millions of Dollars in Undisclosed Stock Trades

21st October 2021

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Just days after entering his financial assets into a blind trust to sidestep ethics questions over his failure to disclose stock transactions in a timely manner, New Jersey Democrat Tom Malinowski revealed 86 new financial transactions worth up to $1.97 million that he failed to disclose when he originally made them.

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Western Maryland Lawmakers Ask West Virginia Officials to ‘Consider Adding Us’ to Their State

21st October 2021

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Western Maryland state lawmakers have sent letters to officials in West Virginia, asking them to “consider adding us as constituent counties to the State of West Virginia.”

“We believe this arrangement may be mutually beneficial for both states and for our local constituencies,” the lawmakers wrote in the letters, which were sent earlier this month and released publicly on Thursday. The letter was signed by five Republican lawmakers who represent Maryland’s three westernmost counties: Garrett, Allegany and Washington.

It wasn’t immediately clear exactly what legal steps would need to be accomplished in order to make such a switch, but there would likely be many hurdles ahead.

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Parson Doubles Down on Push to Prosecute Reporter Who Found Security Flaw in State Site

21st October 2021

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Gov. Mike Parson escalated his war with the St. Louis Post-Dispatch on Wednesday when his political operation published a video doubling down on his attack against a reporter who informed the state that a state website revealed teacher Social Security numbers.

The video is produced by Uniting Missouri, a political action committee created by Parson supporters to back his 2020 election campaign. The PAC continues to raise and spend large sums of money to promote Parson’s political agenda. It operates without direct input from Parson on its activities.

“The St. Louis Post-Dispatch is purely playing politics,” the ad states. “Exploiting personal information is a squalid excuse for journalism.”

The ad comes less than a week after Parson’s widely criticized demand for an investigation and prosecution of the reporter who discovered the security flaw in a state website, along with “all those involved.” Parson read a statement calling the reporter “a hacker” to reporters gathered outside his Missouri Capitol office last Thursday, then left without taking questions.

No good deed goes unpunished.

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California Tried to Save the Nation From the Misery of Tax Filing — Then Intuit Stepped In

21st October 2021

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Whenever government regulations get burdensome, businesses will arise that will help people navigate the bureaucratic morass — for a fee. This is how most attorneys and accountants make their living.

There exist a large number of companies whose business model is ‘help prople with their taxes’. (In support of this business model, the government tax bureaucracy maximizes its natural inclination to be no help whatsoever.)  Intuit is one such.

In the struggle  between reformers who want to make dealing with government easier and businesses who make their living from helping people deal with government, which do you think will win? (Hint: Which side has money to contribute to legislators’ re-election campaigns?)

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The New Bogeyman

21st October 2021

ZMan points out some inconvenient truth.

Last week, the media was buzzing with claims that the Chinese have mastered hypersonic technology. They had flown a hypersonic glider around the globe and then delivered it to a target. Supposedly the glider was capable of carrying and therefore delivering a nuclear weapon. Additionally, the US military claimed to not know how they managed to pull it off. The implication being that the Chinese have now surpassed the American empire in military technology.

The official outlet for the Washington regime promptly put out an essay warning about the threat China now poses. Th point of the essay is to frame the debate over how best to wage the new cold war. One side will be dovish and seek to negotiate, while the other side will be hawkish and want to keep pace with the Chinese. The compromise will be both sides get what they want. This means jobs and cash for the army of managerial class flunkies and military contractors.

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Thought for the Day

21st October 2021

Pearls Before Swine by Stephan Pastis on Tue, 19 Oct 2021

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In Tree Rings and Radioactive Carbon, Signs of the Vikings in North America

21st October 2021

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Wood at a settlement in Canada’s Newfoundland that was cut with metal tools helped researchers pinpoint when the Norse first reached the continent — well before Columbus.

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Israel Approves $1.5 Billion Budget for Potential Attack on Iran

20th October 2021

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The extra funds would be used to purchase additional aircraft, surveillance drones, and the munitions needed to strike Iran’s underground nuclear facilities. The report said about $620 million would come from the 2022 military budget, and the rest of the funds would come from this year’s budget.

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DC Comics’ Artist Quits Over Superman Ditching ‘American Way’ Motto

20th October 2021

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“I’m tired of this sh*t, I’m tired of them ruining these characters,” Eltaeb said, in light of DC’s announcement that Superman would no longer be abiding by the motto of “truth, justice, and the American way,” according to Breitbart.

“I’m finishing out my contract with DC. I’m tired of this sh*t, I’m tired of them ruining these characters; they don’t have a right to do this,” Eltaeb added.

Eltaeb continued on, citing that his grandpa had almost died in World War II, and changing Superman’s motto from the “American way” to a “better tomorrow” is disgraceful to those who fought and died.

“My Grandpa almost died in World War II; we don’t have a right to destroy sh*t that people died for to give us. It’s a bunch of [expletive] nonsense.”

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Today in Progressive Totalitarianism

20th October 2021

Ohio college student ‘angry’ and ‘scared’ after ‘cisgender men’ installed radiator in dorms: ‘Safe space’  The student in question is biologically male, which raises a number of questions that the ‘news’ coverage is carefully not covering.

‘Terrifying’ for the U.S.: YouTube Censors Steven Crowder for So-Called Trans ‘Hate Speech’

Couric Blames America’s ‘Sexism’ for Her Failure as CBS Anchor

TikTok Threatens To Censor “Let’s Go Brandon” Song For “Harassment And Bullying”

Nets Skip Parents Suing AG for ‘Terrorism’ Smear, NBC Rails Against Anti-CRT Law in TX

Nation’s Leading Parks Group Introduces ‘Woke’ Language Guide

NYT: Yeah, Sailer Was Right About Del Rio as a Preview of the Coming Camp of the Saints; But the Camp of the Saints Will be a Good Thing.

Pope Demands Silicon Valley “In The Name Of God” Censor “Hate Speech”, “Conspiracy Theories”

McAuliffe Abruptly Ends Interview, Says Reporter Should Have Asked Better Questions

Americans Still Trapped In Afghanistan Told By Washington Post To Lower Expectations

ADL Under Fire for Teaming Up With Anti-Israel Activist Who Defended Terror Groups

NYC Fentanyl Deaths Up 55% During Pandemic

Ivy League Firebombers Pled Guilty, Face 10 Years Under Terror Law

Twitter VP of Trust & Safety Del Harvey Resigns, Leaves Legacy of Biased Censorship

UN Health Special Rapporteur Calls for Abortion  Nothing says ‘health’ like killing babies.

CNN Lectures Manchin on Climate, Urges He Back Massive Spending & Regulations


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Pandemic Panic – It’s Titanic

20th October 2021

San Francisco shuts down In-N-Out for not enforcing jab mandate: ‘We refuse to become the vaccination police’

Covid anger drives recall election targeting 3 San Francisco school leaders (Politico)

Dozens Of Top Nuclear Scientists With “Highest Security Clearances” Being Fired From Los Alamos Lab After Vax Mandate

India’s big four services giants wrestle with staff attrition amid COVID-19 pandemic

More Than 180 San Francisco City Officials, Including Police And Sheriff Employees, Placed On Leave For Not Being Vaccinated

More Covid Vaccine Boosters Are Coming. Who Should Get Them?

White House Details Plans to Vaccinate 28M Children Age 5-11  Who, according to ‘the science’, don’t need it.

Judge Rejects Florida Husband’s Attempt to Force Hospital to Use Ivermectin to Treat COVID

COVID Delta Subvariant Confirmed in US, Israel

New York City to Mandate COVID-19 Vaccine for Entire City Workforce

NYPD’s Largest Union Suing NYC Over Vaccine Mandate

Experts Warn That If Children Between The Ages Of 5-11 Aren’t Vaccinated Then Pfizer Executives Won’t Get Their Sales Bonuses  Babylon Bee.

Apple again ramps up COVID-19 testing requirements for unvaccinated employees


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Today in the Biden-Harris Slow-Motion Train Wreck

20th October 2021

Biden’s Energy Secretary Violated Hatch Act, Watchdog Says

Under the Radar: Nets Skip Biden’s Secret Night Flights for Illegals

Psaki yanks our supply chain

Did Anyone Miss the Transportation Secretary?

Border Patrol Arrests Hit Record Levels

Christian Group Sues Biden Administration Over Transgender Surgeries

The Bidens: Corrupt or crazy?

Biden’s Ambassador Nominee Changes Tune on ‘War of Words’ Between US, China


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Today in Black Privilege

20th October 2021

Police determine cause of Dallas apartment explosion

McAuliffe nods along as Stacey Abrams tells ‘Big Lie’ that Georgia race was stolen from her

Watch: 6th Grader Secretly Records Teacher Peddling Critical Race Theory To Class

NYC Declares Racism Public Health Crisis

Police Suggest Possible Charges For Those Who Filmed Rape On Train

ACLU Sues Oklahoma Over Critical Race Theory Law

Netflix braces for staff walkout and LGBTQ rally over Chappelle special

Democratic Virginia Councilman Refuses To Step Down Over Felony Charges

Netflix Workers Stage Walk-Out over Chappelle Transgender Comments

Condi Rice Crushes Pro-Critical Race Theory Talk on ‘View’


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Today in Global Warming Hysteria

20th October 2021

CNN asks West Virginia residents about climate change. See their responses How about asking people in, oh, Alaska?

‘Brown recovery’ wipes out hopes that pandemic stimulus would drive climate spending (Politico)

Dammit, Coal’s Back (Gizmodo)

‘Case closed’: 99.9% of scientists agree climate emergency caused by humans (The Guardian)

The Irrelevancy of Lynas ‘99.9 Percent Certainty Climate Change’ Consensus

The Conversation: Why are People so Climate Nonchalant?

Emerging World Hands Dems A “$750 Billion Bill” For Climate Change Ahead Of Glasgow Summit

Transport Of Tropical Ocean Heat Causes An Over Estimation Of The Global Average Temperature

Carbon-neutrality is a tale: the race for renewables is burning Europe’s forests

Microplastics May Be Cooling—and Heating—Earth’s Climate

Weather vs. Alarmism

Marc Morano Takes on Climate Alarmist Reporter at ICCC-14


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Today in Witch-Hunt Culture

20th October 2021

House panel on Jan. 6 votes to hold Steve Bannon in contempt for defying subpoena (NPR)

Donald Trump (yet again) proves there’s no bottom (CNN)

El Chapo Refuses to Share a Prison Cell with Steve Bannon (CNN) I’m sure he’d refuse to share a prison cell with Chelsea Manning, too; who cares?

The dark side of wellness: the overlap between spiritual thinking and far-right conspiracies (The Guardian) There is no right but the far-right.

How Marjorie Taylor Greene ‘Basically Bought’ Her House Seat (Daily Beast)

CNN’s Cillizza Remembers Colin Powell…by Focusing on Trump  All Trump! All the time!

Aaron Rodgers Blasts Woke, PC Cancel Culture For Silencing People

UC Berkeley’s Top Climate Director Resigns After Colleagues Reject Speaker Who Denounced Race-Based Admissions

Following Free Beacon Report, Gaming Platform Removes Game That Has Users Slaughter Israelis as a Palestinian Militant

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Genetically Modified Barley Can Grow Meat Protein

20th October 2021

Read it.

If, of course, that’s what you want to do.

Ponder the fact that nobody is trying to develop meat that tastes like plants.

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20th October 2021

Check it out.

The Arcflash Labs GR-1 “Anvil” is an 8-stage semi-automatic high voltage Gauss Rifle. It is the most powerful coilgun ever sold to the public, and also (very likely) the most powerful handheld coilgun ever built.

The GR-1 is capable of accelerating any ferromagnetic projectile (under 1/2? in diameter) to 200+ fps, and can deliver up to 75 ft-lbs of muzzle energy.

Not a firearm, and so presumably outside the reach of current firearms laws and regulations.

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The Very First Two Hours of MTV

20th October 2021

Watch it.

Quite appropriately, the first MTV video was “Video Killed the Radio Star”.

I had the hots for Martha Quinn,  back in the day.

Good times.

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Jen Psaki Hates You

20th October 2021

Spencer Kalvan.

Let us now praise Jennifer Rene Psaki—English major, sorority girl, mother of two. Let us praise her seemingly endless supply of monochrome crew-neck blouses and pencil skirts, the way she peels her mask off after striding to the lectern. Jen Psaki has been briefed by her 11 staffers; she has had her coffee (and her bagel, if it’s Wednesday); she is freshly armed with the latest talking points and she is not going to take any of your guff today.

Jen communicates just how on top of things she is by nodding ceaselessly throughout every question, interjecting an “uh-huh” or a “yep” to show she has not been caught off guard since the last clause of the reporter’s sentence. This is a patented bobblehead technique she perfected as a commentator at CNN in between the Obama and Biden Administrations. What she is saying or listening to is less important than what she is communicating with her demeanor at all times: that she is serious, that she is informed, that she is the adult in the room.

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The Reality of the Show

20th October 2021

ZMan jerks back the curtain.

If a man had fallen asleep in 1980 and woke up in this age, he would be amazed at many things. We can easily think of the technological stuff like social media, Zoom calls and mobile devices. Then you have the cynical stull like the failure get back to the moon, much less Mars. One less obvious change is the explosion of entertainment and the public obsession with being entertained. Forty years ago, people did not expect to be constantly entertained throughout their day.

One aspect of the saturation of entertainment is how public affairs transformed into something like Vaudeville. People dream up new acts and new characters to play on-line and on television. If the act works, we get a flood of imitators. Once that runs its course, someone cooks up a new way to separate from the rest of the performers and they have their run on the big stage. Politics in this age is pure theater, centered on various acts making claims to certain audiences.

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Thought for the Day

20th October 2021

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Nigeria: Boko Haram Self-Destruct Mode

20th October 2021

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For Nigeria, increased crime, especially kidnapping, is largely the result of the worldwide covid19 economic slowdown and recession. This was made worse by the sharp global decline in oil sales, which hit the Nigerian economy hard. At the end of 2020 unemployment was nearly 30 percent and inflation nearly 15 percent. Currently the unemployment rate is still over 20 percent and the inflation rate is 16 percent.

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Against ‘Diversity Statements’

20th October 2021

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In January 2019, I wrote about an emerging trend in higher education: The requirement that applicants for faculty positions submit, along with statements about teaching and research, “diversity statements.” In such statements, applicants demonstrate their commitment to drawing in students, staff, and faculty from under-represented groups, meaning oppressed groups. They prove their commitment to helping members of those groups feel welcome on campus and to removing arbitrary barriers to their success in class or at work. What was emerging then is more established now.

Later in 2019, Abigail Thompson, a professor of mathematics at the University of California, Davis, asserted that several campuses on the vast University of California campus were using diversity statements as a screening tool. “Hiring committees,” she wrote, “are being urged to start the review process by using officially provided rubrics to score the required diversity statements and to eliminate applicants who don’t achieve a scoring cut-off.”

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New Optical Switch Up to 1000x Faster Than Transistors

20th October 2021

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A new optical switch is, at 1 trillion operations per second, between 100 and 1,000 times faster than today’s leading commercial electronic transistors, research that may one day help lead to a new generation of computers based on light instead of electricity, say scientists in Russia and at IBM.

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Pandemic Panic – It’s Titanic

19th October 2021

Bill Gates’ daughter Jennifer required all 300 wedding guests to be vaccinated and take COVID tests  So young, and already a statist.

Kentucky’s backroad churches may be key to saving hospitals overwhelmed by COVID (NPR)

Dennis Prager has COVID-19, says he deliberately sought infection to gain natural immunity

Meanwhile, here’s the nonsense Ron Johnson and Maria Bartiromo are saying about the pandemic (Washington Post)

Parents Protest Vaccine Mandate for School-age Kids at California Capitol

Minnesota Hospital Shuts Down ER And Urgent Care Amid Nurse Strike

NBA Commissioner Hopes Irving Changes His Mind Over COVID Vaccine

Washington State Fires Football Coach for Not Being Vaccinated

Doctors Can Prescribe Ivermectin, Hydroxychloroquine Off-Label For COVID-19: Nebraska AG

DeSantis Critics Quiet as Florida’s COVID-19 Cases Drop

Chicago Begins Placing Police Officers On “No-Pay Leave” Status Amid Vaccine Showdown

Washington State Loses Hundreds of Public Employees Over Vaccine Mandate  I guess every cloud has a silver lining.

1000s Of California Parents Join In Statewide Walkout Against Vaccine Mandate For Students


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Today in Global Warming Hysteria

19th October 2021

A Simple Plan for Biden to Lower Gas Prices and End Fossil Fuel Hegemony (New Republic)

Money For Green Energy Creates More Jobs Than Fossil Fuel Investment, New Study Finds (Huffington Post)

An Experimental Fusion Energy Plant May Be Coming to a Town Near You

Britain to Downgrade Renewables, Embrace Nuclear Power

We Trust Meteorology To Save Lives. Is The Same Possible For Climate Science?

Not Breaking: Manchin Rejects Centerpiece Of Biden’s Climate Agenda… Which Progressive Dems Insist On

More than 99.9% of studies agree: Humans caused climate change


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Today in Black Privilege

19th October 2021

Maxine Waters paid daughter $74,000 in campaign cash this year alone What’s the use of having power if you can’t abuse it?

Meghan Markle’s Royal Racism Allegations Used in School’s White Privilege Lessons

If Thomas Jefferson Is Canceled, Will Anybody Remember Sally Hemings?

Exactly As Trump Predicted: “Racist” Jefferson Statue To Be Removed At NYC Council

US Judge Clears U. of North Carolina for Race-Based Admissions

NYC Union Boss Compared Black Police Officer to Klansman

SI Cover Story: Nike’s Jordan Brand Exec ‘Beloved’ Despite Murder Conviction


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Today in the Biden-Harris Slow-Motion Train Wreck

19th October 2021

Biden playing a deadly game using secret flights to move migrants

‘This Story Is Not Over’: Nets Ignored Americans Finally Leaving Afghanistan

Biden Secretly Flying In Underage Migrants To NY, Spreading Border Crisis Across US

Biden’s secret flights

Nets Trashed Trump’s ‘Remain in Mexico’ Policy as Cruel, Silent as Biden Restarts

Biden’s Inept Economic Policies Indirectly Causing Strikes, Unionizing Efforts

Biden Admin Flies Migrant Kids to NY in Dead of Night

Biden Admin Has Released Over 16,000 COVID-Positive Migrants Into US: Whistleblower

“Look at Me”: The Latest From Our Confused Old Man in the White House

Joy Behar’s Mad at Fox’s ‘Mask Police’ Calling Out Biden’s Mask Hypocrisy


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Today in Progressive Totalitarianism

19th October 2021

Bari Weiss tells Brian Stelter how ‘the world has gone mad,’ lists ‘people who work at’ CNN as a cause

Popular singer, TikTok star is robbed at gunpoint in San Francisco: ‘Peeing my pants’ Time to leave.

Nets Blackout Parents Protesting DOJ for ‘Domestic Terrorism’ Smear

Higher Urban Densities Associated with the Worst Housing Affordability

Oberlin Student Feels ‘Angry, Scared, Confused’ About ‘Cisgender’ Workmen

Local Gov’t Employees Took Hundreds of Hours of Paid Time Off To Elect Warnock, Docs Show

Texas Civil Rights Groups Sue Over Redrawn House Maps  As the night follows the day.

CNN Democrat Budget Freakout: ‘Implosion of Mother Earth, Last Act for Democracy’

Axios Blames American Consumers, Not Bad Policy for Labor Shortages

District Attorneys Refusing to Prosecute Some GOP-Led Laws

Top Berkeley Scientist Resigns, Says School Excludes Scientists Based on Political Views

Video Transcript: The Mountain of Data Showing How Authoritarian Democrats Have Become  Glenn Greenwald.

Maryland Dems Keep Redistricting Process Hidden From Public

7 Ways Democrats’ $3.5 Trillion Tax-and-Spend Bill Would Take Over Your Health Care

Democrats Are Trying to Sneak Gender Dogma Into a Bill on Family Violence


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Today in Witch-Hunt Culture

19th October 2021

Jordan Klepper Exposes MAGA Morons Who Still Think ‘Trump Won’ (Daily Beast)

‘Don’t Need Your Lectures, Thanks Mate’: Australia Leader Beclowns Ted Cruz Over Vax Mandate Opinions (Daily Beast) The Daily Beast’s entire business model seems to be just calling Republicans names. Well, I suppose there’s money in that….

Gaetz ally Joel Greenberg is giving investigators new information, prosecutors say (CNN) Still flogging that dead horse.

Tucker Carlson, Joe Rogan and the Proud Boys: How the fragility of the male ego fuels the far-right (Salon)

DOJ: ‘Lionizing’ Jan. 6 Rioters Encourages More Political Violence  Except, of course, for BLM and Antifa, who don’t need any enouragement.

Celebs Make PSA to Support Netflix Employee Walkout Over Chappelle Special

Witch hunt

Fired Teacher Sues School Board, Claims He Was Terminated for Conservative Political Activism


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Sen. Ted Cruz Bill: Process Migrants Where Dems Hold ‘Cocktail Parties’

19th October 2021

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Cruz introduced the Stop the SURGE Act to demand President Joe Biden and Democrats address the crisis at the southern border, which has been flooded by migrants seeking entrance into the U.S.

The legislation would establish new ports of entry in 13 communities across the country and mandate all migrants encountered at Border Patrol Sectors in Texas be transferred to these new ports for processing. That would help alleviate the workload for overwhelmed Border Patrol and local law enforcement.

The new ports would be located in places such as Napa Valley, California; Greenwich, Connecticut; Rehoboth Beach, Delaware; and North Hero, Vermont.

Blue-State legislatures and agencies are very fond of putting (or trying to put) ‘affordable housing’ (i.e. poor black people) in what they consider to be overly-white and overly-affluent areas.  Sauce for the goose….

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Palestinian Islamist Jihad Terrorists Aligning with Hamas’s Interests in Gaza – For Now

19th October 2021

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The Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) terror organization is often in the business of “jihad now, not later,” an approach that has led to multiple deadly escalations between it and Israel in the Gaza Strip – even when this did not suit the immediate interests of Gaza’s Islamist rulers, Hamas.

However, PIJ has recently been making a concerted effort not to undermine Hamas’s rule, and has cooperated with Hamas’s decision to seek a tactical, unofficial period of calm. What remains unclear is just how long PIJ will continue to play along before reverting back to its traditional role of arsonist.

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The Really Big Lie

19th October 2021

ZMan pulls back the curtain.

One of the unexamined parts of the current crisis in the West is that much of it is related to an opposition to nationalism. It is an axiom of the ruling ideology that nationalism is the worst thing ever and that stamping it out is a primary concern. In Europe, there are laws against the concept. People are jailed for promoting it. In the United States, nationalism is linked to the deadly sin of racism. The term white nationalism has become a synonym for racism and antisemitism.

Without much evidence, it is asserted that nationalism is the cause of the great horrors of the modern age. For generations now children have been taught that nationalism was the cause of the two great industrial wars of the 20th century. Paradoxically, they also are taught that nationalism is to blame for colonialism. Today it is claimed that white people being themselves as a people, currently called whiteness, is the cause of everything that ails nonwhites in the West.

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Make TeleMedicine Permanent

19th October 2021

Akex Tabarrok, a Real Economist, lays it out.

One of the silver linings of the pandemic was the ability to see a doctor and be prescribed medicine online. I used telemedicine multiple times during the pandemic and it was great–telemedicine saved me at least an hour each visit and I think my medical care was as good as if I had been in person. I already knew I had poison ivy! No need for the doctor to get it also.

Telemedicine has been possible for a long time. What allowed it to take off during the pandemic wasn’t new technology but deregulation. HIPAA rules, for example, were waived for good faith use of standard communication technologies such as Zoom and Facetime even though these would ordinarily have been prohibited.

Once again, government is the problem, not the solution.

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Why Public Health Faces a Crisis Across the U.S.

19th October 2021

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An examination of hundreds of health departments around the country shows that the nation may be less prepared for the next pandemic than it was for the current one.

The problem is not with ‘the nation’ but with ‘health departments’ that act like the Gestapo at its worst.

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Thought for the Day

19th October 2021

Rubes® for Oct 18, 2021

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Protein Identified as Key Link Between Appetite Suppression and Obesity

19th October 2021

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Leptin is a hormone produced by fat cells that carries out a range of functions in the body, chief among them being the regulation of appetite. It does by communicating with the brain region called the hypothalamus to let the person know they’ve had enough to eat, but this relationship can break down in people with obesity.

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Radiant Aims to Replace Diesel Generators With Small Nuclear Reactors

19th October 2021

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California company Radiant has secured funding to develop a compact, portable, “low-cost” one-megawatt nuclear micro-reactor that fits in a shipping container, powers about 1,000 homes and uses a helium coolant instead of water.

Cue Eco-Nazi lawsuits.

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Et Tu, San Francisco?

19th October 2021

John Hinderaker at Power Line.

Across the country, parents and concerned citizens are rising up against unresponsive left-wing school boards, most of which have been put in place without much public oversight by far-left teachers’ unions. The movement for reform has now reached as far as San Francisco.

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DIY Airless Bicycle Tires

19th October 2021

Read it.

If, of course, that’s what you want to do.

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The Smuggling of Migrants Through Belarus

19th October 2021

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In previous years it was Lampedusa, the Italian island not far from the coast of North Africa, that was the preferred destination for “refugees” who wanted access to the European Union, especially Germany. In 2021, however, the focus has been on Belarus, which has been encouraging migrants to come to Minsk and cross the border into Poland or Lithuania as a geopolitical move against the EU.

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Fake News, Fake Interpreters, Fake Refugees

19th October 2021

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It seems that just about every more-or-less secular Afghani has stood up, raised his hand, and said, “I, too, was an interpreter for the Bundeswehr!”

At least that’s the way it looks as the Afghan “refugees” pour into Germany, aided and encouraged by various factions of the German government.

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Senegal Enriches the Culture of Apulia

19th October 2021

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A Senegalese culture-enricher has killed an Italian street artist during an aborted mugging in Lecce, a city in the southern Italian province of Apulia. He says he didn’t mean to.

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Today in Global Warming Hysteria

18th October 2021

A Sunny Outlook for Solar: New Research Demonstrates Great Promise for Improving Solar Cell Efficiency

The case for ‘hope punk’ when talking about climate change: ‘To be hopeless is to be uninformed’

Dozens Of Climate Activists Arrested After Storming Interior Department, Police Sustain “Multiple Injuries”  But don’t you care call it an ‘insurrection’.

No, CNN, Wildfires Will Not Be Destroying Times Square, New York City

Biden EPA sued for illegally stacking science advisory panels

NASA Shifts Focus From Space to Earth’s Climate Problems  Yeah, since they’re not doing anything in space any more, they’ve got to justify their budget somehow.

New court filings illuminate academia’s deep role in climate industry  Follow the money.


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Today in Progressive Totalitarianism

18th October 2021

California faces ‘existential’ dilemma in tackling climate change, housing crisis (NBC News)

Why neither party has a sustainable political majority (CNN)

Ex-intel official who created controversial Trump Russia dossier speaks out (CNN)

Reliably Partisan: Brian Stelter Offers Softballs to Steele-Dossier Slime Merchant

Illinois Democrats agonize over how much to gerrymander (Politico) And if you believe that one, they’ll tell you another one.

Walgreens is abandoning San Francisco because leftist policies created a shoplifting crisis

Texas Temporarily Forced to Recognize Women as Humans (The New Yorker)

Greenwald: Civil Liberties Are Being Trampled By Exploiting “Insurrection” Fears

Felony Subway Crime in NY Spiked 25% Last Month

Mollie Hemingway on Fox: No One Trusts the Liberal Media on Elections Anymore

10 Absurdly Wasteful Items Tucked Into Democrats’ $3.5 Trillion Tax-and-Spend Monstrosity

Journalists: Fairness Is Overrated

DC Comics Announces Superman Will No Longer Protect “The American Way”  I guess the “S” stands for Socialism.

‘Just Unconscionable’: Parents Protest Outside Justice Department Against ‘Domestic Terrorist’ Label

Facebook VP Brags About Censorship, Claims ‘Hate Speech’ Dropped 50% on Platform

Support For Climate Change Skyrockets After Computer Models Show It Will Flood California

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Pandemic Panic – It’s Titanic

18th October 2021

We don't need to do a clinical trial of this change because the standard of care is to adopt new ideas without doing clinical trials.

Fauci: J&J Vaccine Should Have Been 2 Doses

40% Of California State Workers Are Unvaccinated Despite Newsom’s Order

Mad Vax Disease

Vaccine Roulette

Southwest Asks Court to Keep Vaccine Mandate in Place

‘Coffee Cup Gestapo’: The Latest Covid Crackdown Viral Video Out Of Australia

Washington State Trooper Gives ‘Final Sign Off’ After Refusing To Take Vaccine; Tells Governor To Kiss His A**

This Doctor Opposes COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate. Now His State Won’t Let Him Practice Medicine.

Fully Vaccinated Former SecState Colin Powell Dies From COVID Complications  Guess that vaccination really worked out for him, huh.

Fraudci-lent ‘Science’

Several Children Shot In Weekend Violence As Chicago Cancels All Time Off Requests, Bracing For Vax Non-Compliance

RECKLESS: Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot Shuns Mask Mandate at Surprisingly Crowded WNBA Game  BRAAAAAAAINS!

Public Health System Less Equipped to Handle Pandemic: NY Times

Dr. Gottlieb Warns New “Super Variant” Is Behind Latest COVID Comeback In UK

CDC Warns Unvaccinated 11 Times More Likely to Die of COVID-19  They fail to mention the obvious condition: IF they catch the disease, which many of us have managed to avoid doing. As Albert Einstein once said, “A clever person solves a problem. A wise one avoids it.”

Chicago Mayor Accuses Police Union Of Trying To ‘Induce An Insurrection’ Over Vaccine Mandate


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Today in Black Privilege

18th October 2021

Murder trial for the killing of Ahmaud Arbery set to begin with jury selection in Georgia (CNN) If you don’t remember, he’s the latest George Floyd.

What you need to know about the trial set to begin in the killing of Ahmaud Arbery (NPR) If, of course, you’re the sort of person who listens to NPR.

Trial of three white men accused of murdering Ahmaud Arbery set to begin (The Guardian) It is, of course, ABSOLUTELY ESSENTIAL to identify them as ‘white men’, otherwise you won’t know who the victim is supposed to be.

Virginia GOP candidate Glenn Youngkin forced to boot white nationalist supporter from campaign event (CNN) Don’t want any of them White Nationaist Cooties around here.

Jussie Smollett Forced To Face Trial After Judge Denies Dismissal Request

Word “Spooky” Banned By National Theatre Over Absurd Claim It’s Racist

‘House Slave’: Left Treated Colin Powell Back Then The Same Way They Treat Elder, Scott Today

NYC Mayoral Contender Eric Adams Vows to Keep Schools’ Gifted Program, Let Noncitizens Vote

CNN Hosts Decry Media Obsession With Missing White Girls (Fact Check: CNN Obsessed With Missing White Girls)

‘Social Justice’ as Fashion Accessory


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Today in the Biden-Harris Slow-Motion Train Wreck

18th October 2021

Bidens caught violating DC mask mandate at posh Georgetown restaurant Rules are for thee but not for me.

Jill Biden boosts group that helps illegal immigrants avoid arrest amid border crisis My, what a surprise.

Biden Admin Threatens To Make Unvaxx’d Navy SEALs Repay Their Training Costs

Activists Walk Out On Meeting With Biden Admin Over Remain-In-Mexico Program

Anti-Biden Rap Song Soars to #2 on iTunes

Biden Banking Nominee, a ‘Lenin Scholar,’ Is Fellow at Pro-China Think Tank


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