We have seen the future, and it sucks.

Archive for September, 2020

People Who Are High in Vulnerable Narcissism Are More Likely to Feel Shame on a Daily Basis

24th September 2020

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And rightly so.

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Today in Trump Derangement Syndrome

23rd September 2020

Trump Supreme Court favorite Amy Coney Barrett would be the ultimate insult to RBG  (NBC) And of course the ONLY CONSIDERATION Trump has is HOW MUCH OF AN INSULT TO RBG his nominee will be. No other factor could possibly apply.

Column: Trump has every right to name a Supreme Court nominee. But beware! Political Calvinball is a game both sides can play  Except that the Left has been playing ‘political Calvinball’ for the last forty years and Republicans are only now waking up to that fact.

Virginia Couple Arrested Near Trump Rally With Gun

Hysterical CNN: Trump Court Pick = Millions Losing Health Care

‘How Dare You!’: Donny Deutsch Lectures Jewish Trump Supporters, Says There’s ‘No Difference’ From What Hitler Preached  Except for that inconvenient fact of Jewish daughter, son-in-law, and grandchildren.

Nets Hope Cindy McCain ‘Giving Cover’ for Republicans to Back Biden No one is so foolish as to believe that Cindy McCain is a real Republican.

MSNBC’s Donny Deutsch: What’s the Difference Between Hitler and Trump?  Well, there’s that whole concentration camp thing. Oh, and Trump doesn’t have a bunch of thugs wandering the streets rioting and looting; that’s a Democrat thing, probably picked up from Hitler.

Scarborough Mounts His Hobby Horse Again with Word o’ the Day: ‘Fascist’

In Lieu Of New Justice, Trump Announces He Will Simply Grant Clarence Thomas Two Votes  Babylon Bee. That certainly works for me.

Thin Blue Line Flag Banned From Football Field After Team Runs On Field With It

Woodward: CNN Reporter Persuaded Me to Release Trump Audio


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Today in Global Warming Hysteria

23rd September 2020

Facebook Vowed to Stop Climate Change Misinformation – Then Suspended Greenpeace  Sounds about right.

Climate Hustle 2 premieres this Thursday

Watts Available

Global change ecologist leads NASA satellite study of rapid greening across Arctic tundra

Remote Work Exacerbating Data Sprawl  Okay, there’s the Newest Climate Disaster Smear: Data Sprawl!


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What Exactly Are Twitter’s Rules?

23rd September 2020

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I would be fascinated to learn what rationale Twitter uses to decide which messages are acceptable and which are not. Twitter explains that its rules “prohibit the glorification of violence” and that its users “may not threaten or promote terrorism or violent extremism.” On these grounds, Twitter recently appended a notice to a Donald Trump tweet about Minneapolis. The site has also suspended users for making claims about the coronavirus of which it does not approve, on the grounds that such claims “could place people at a higher risk of transmitting COVID-19.”


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Rep. Matt Gaetz Calls for Investigation into Michael Bloomberg

23rd September 2020

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During the September 23 edition of Mornings with Maria on Fox Business, anchor Maria Bartiromo addressed Bloomberg raising $16 million in donations to pay the court fines and fees of Black and Hispanic convicted felons in Florida so they could vote in the November elections. Bartiromo told Gaetz, who also happens to be an attorney: “You’re calling for a probe into bribery for Michael Bloomberg to spend all that money in Florida alone. Tell us about it.”

Gaetz responded: “I’m the former criminal justice chairman of the Florida House of Representatives. I know this area of law well. I spoke to the Florida attorney general last night, and a criminal probe may already be underway in Florida.” He continued: “Chapter 104, Florida statute says that it is a felony for someone to either directly or indirectly offer something of value to impact whether or not someone votes.”

Don’t think of it as buying votes — think of it as renting them for a bit.

Are there any Democrats that are bothered by the fact that apparently felons can be assumed to vote Democrat?

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Liberal Media Attack Amy Coney Barrett’s ‘Catholic Jesus Batsh*t Cult’ as ‘Handmaid’s Tale’

23rd September 2020

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Proglodytes love to have some fictional fantasy that they can pretend reflects reality in some way.

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Idle Hands

23rd September 2020

ZMan draws a moral.

The old expression, “idle hands do the Devil’s work” is one of those phrases that has lost much of its meaning in the modern age. One reason, of course, is the steady removal of Christianity from daily life. Few people attend church and Christianity has been removed from the public square by the ruling class. People look up for cultural cues, so a society run by secularists will be stripped of religious references. Still, the expression offers some insight into what currently vexes western societies.

Look around the typical large enterprise and what you will find is a lot of people engaged in what is best described as busy work. In the private sector, there are hundreds of job titles that have been invented for tasks that have very little, if anything, to do with the mission of the enterprise. These roles have either been created to meet a demand from government or they have been created to inoculate the firm against current cultural fads like diversity.


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Thought for the Day

23rd September 2020

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As Joe Rogan’s Platform Grows, So Does the Media and Liberal Backlash. Why?

23rd September 2020

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Because he isn’t Fully Woke, and therefore must be cancelled.

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666,666,666 Immigrants

23rd September 2020

Steve Sailer.

Center-left Vox pundit Matthew Yglesias’ new book One Billion Americans: The Case for Thinking Bigger is actually two contradictory polemics. The book is both a sensible call for making family formation more affordable for younger Americans, and a demented demand for tripling the population of the United States (currently one-third of a billion) via immigration, thus ruining the chances of tens of millions of actual Americans to afford marriage and children.

There’s really no way to reconcile Yglesias’ two requests….

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Crazy People Are Dangerous: Meet Canada’s Version of Deborah Frisch

23rd September 2020

The Other McCain continues documenting the People of the Fringe.

In case you don’t know who Deborah Frisch is, she is a former University of Oregon psychology professor who turned into an Internet stalker, and last time I checked was in a Colorado penitentiary. Dr. Frisch ranked rather low in “Conforms to Gender Expectations,” although not as low as this crazed gun-toting Canadian ricin-mailer.

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Media Mislabel Joe Biden’s Ideology

23rd September 2020

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Part of the Misdirection Machine.

Democratic presidents have become steadily more progressive since Jimmy Carter. That’s because Democratic voters have shifted to the left over the last 30 years, in a trend that has accelerated over the last five years, according to surveys.

Yet, Democratic candidates like Joe Biden are erroneously depicted as moderate by “conservatives” who work for progressive newspapers and call for defeat of all Republicans; and self-described “lifelong Republicans” who have actually voted against Republicans for years.

Joe Biden’s openly progressive supporters admit that he is further to the left than past Democratic presidential nominees. As the progressive Peter Beinart put it in The Atlantic, “Despite embracing an agenda that is further to the left than that of any Democratic nominee in decades, [Biden has] avoided the specific policy proposals and catchphrases that Republicans find easiest to attack. As a result, he appears more centrist than he actually is.”

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Biden Says Cindy McCain Endorsing Him

23rd September 2020

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How is this news?

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‘Defund the Police’ Activist Alyssa Milano Sparks Massive Police Presence After Calling 911

23rd September 2020

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The call ignited a response that included seven Ventura County Sheriffs’ vehicles, one K-9 unit, a police helicopter and one Los Angeles Fire Department team that sat down the street on standby.

DailyMail.com has obtained exclusive photos showing the first responders coming to the aid of the 47-year-old at her five bed, six bath, 8,000 square foot, $2.5 million home in the upscale gated community that sits just 20 minutes north of Los Angeles.

We got yer White Privilege, right here.

I don’t even have to say anything.

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Let’s Celebrate Tolkien Week (By Force of Hobbit)!

23rd September 2020

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When they’re not avoiding anything that makes them late for dinner, they’re pilfering ancient artifacts, accepting age-ending quests, sticking with their friends through thick and thin to the bitter end, testing the patience of wizards, getting kidnapped by Orcs, befriending tree-shepherding giants, sitting on the edge of ruin while discussing the pleasures of the table, swearing their service to kings, stabbing smack-talking lords of carrion and voracious giant spiders…and even carrying their masters up the faces of active volcanoes. Hobbits are, when it comes down to it, just a bunch of irrepressible lads and lasses going off into the Blue for mad adventures.

And a lot of people are very fond of them. Accordingly, on September 22nd, the in-world birthday of both Bilbo and Frodo Baggins, we celebrate Hobbit Day. It’s Tolkien Week, in fact, which has been a thing since 1978. Far too short a time.

I am not making this up.

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Widower f Plano Jogger Sarmistha Sen Killed In Random Attack Opens Up: ‘It’s Important For People To Know Her Story’

23rd September 2020

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The victim in question was apparently Indian.

Plano doesn’t have a lot of NAMs but there are a troublesome few.

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Today in Progressive Totalitarianism

22nd September 2020

Crazy College COVID Rules: Online-Only Student Who’s Never On-Campus Suspended Indefinitely For Attending Party

Melbourne Police Surround & Arrest 2 Elderly Women Resting On Park Bench For ‘COVID Violation’

Facebook Will Restrict Certain Users If US Election Gets “Extremely Chaotic Or Violent”  Guess which ones.

36 Virginians’ Firearms Seized Under New Virginia Law

China sharply expands mass labor program in Tibet

House Republicans Call On FBI To Investigate Riot Funding

EPA Chief Threatens To Move NYC Office If Cuomo, De Blasio Can’t ‘Maintain Order’

NYC Boroughs Double Down On Failed Gun Buybacks

CDC Issues Holiday Guidelines: Thanksgiving Dinner Is Out, But Trick-Or-Treating Is Okay

FBI Agent Who Discovered Hillary’s Emails On Weiner Laptop Claims He Was Told To Erase Computer

Mike Bloomberg Raises $16 Million So Florida Felons Can Vote In November


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Today in Trump Derangement Syndrome

22nd September 2020

Live updates: Trump incorrectly claims that coronavirus affects ‘virtually’ no young people  Washington Post.

Global report: Trump wrongly claims Covid affects ‘virtually’ no young people  The Guardian.

Trump could be facing criminal tax probe, Manhattan DA suggests in new court filing

Watch: Professor Lectures Students Not To Vote For “Dictator” Trump

Cheer Goes Up From Crowd Of Liberals As COVID Death Counter Hits 200,000 Babylon Bee.

Joy Behar Asks Chelsea: ‘How Much Do You Blame [Trump]’ for 200,000 Americans Dead?

CNN FREAK OUT: Preemptively Hyping Trump Court Pick as Extreme

CNN’s Camerota: President Trump ‘Choked Like a Dog’ on Coronavirus

‘Ugly Tyrant Clown:’ Letter With Ricin Sent To President Trump Tells Him To ‘Give Up’ Election

Sex and the City’s Nixon: U.S. ‘Deeply Conservative,’ White Supremacist  AMADEUS was the high point of her career, unfortunately.

Colbert: Murderous Republicans Are Like Jack the Ripper for Court Seat


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Today in Global Warming Hysteria

22nd September 2020

A Tale of Two Renewable Energy Blackouts: California vs Texas

Sink Or Swim? Asia’s Sinking Villages Engulfed By Rising Seas

A missing piece in Charleston’s sea level rise puzzle is what’s happening on land

Prince Charles Calls for a Climate Action Marshall Plan  For those who don’t recall, the Marslall Plan was where American taxpayers gave Europeans lots and lots of money so they wouldn’t turn Communist.

Corona-induced CO2 emission reductions are not yet detectable in the atmosphere

Did Global Warming Play A Significant Role in the Recent Northwest Wildfires?

MSNBC Pushes Voting Democratic ‘to Fight Climate Change’


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Today in Black Privilege

22nd September 2020

MLB, Players Association Donates $10 Million To ‘Improve Representation Of Black Americans In Baseball’

Public Schools Across Country Promote Black Lives Matter, Organize Protests  Avoid government schools.

St. Louis Murder Rate Has Doubled Since Ferguson/BLM

‘Blow Up The Entire System’: Don Lemon Is Ready To Scrap The Electoral College, Pack The Court  My, what a surprise.

Louisville Police Department Declares State Of Emergency Ahead Of Grand Jury Decision Regarding Breonna Taylor  Just in case they don’t come to the Politically Correct decision.

‘Criminal Justice Reform’

REPORT: Cardi B Facing Defamation Lawsuit After Sharing ‘Edited’ Video Of Family At Beach, Calling Them ‘Racist’

NBA Players Wear Special Lace Collars To Honor Ruth Bader Ginsburg Babylon Bee.

Chicago’s ‘Dreadhead Cowboy’ Charged For Riding Horse Down Freeway During ‘Kids’ Lives Matter’ Protest

Public Schools Across Country Promote Black Lives Matter, Organize Protests

Like the Soviets, Black Lives Matter Purges Its History


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Actual Anarchists Talk About New York’s ‘Anarchist Jurisdiction’ Designation

22nd September 2020

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It was surprising news to the some 8 million New Yorkers who awoke yesterday, the last day of summer, to find that, according to the federal government, we were all living in an “anarchist jurisdiction.” Across the city, the leaves on curbside trees were starting to turn, flowers remained in their orderly beds, and diners at the many impromptu streateries, tablecloths flapping in the brisk autumn breeze, continued uninterrupted. Yet federal tax dollars would now be withheld, we were told, because of “widespread or sustained violence or destruction” in the city. The Justice Department cited a $1 billion decrease in the NYPD fiscal-year 2021 budget. Portland and Seattle got the same designation.

In the interest of fully understanding this much-maligned political ideology, and where our city fits in its history — not to mention the long-standing tactic of governments labeling anything they dislike “anarchy” — Curbed turned to some actual New York City–area anarchists to ask them about the new designation. Anarchism is often conflated with out-of-control violence, but that’s an inaccurate portrayal. As journalist and anarchist Kim Kelly pointed out in the Washington Post, “Key anarchist principles include mutual aid (a reciprocal approach to community care in which people share resources), direct action (the use of political protest to achieve a goal), and horizontalism (a non-hierarchical organizational system in which decisions are made by consensus).”

CURBED is a left-wing web site that covers ‘urban spaces’ like NYC. That they are Fully Woke is immediately apparent by their pushing the ‘I look outside and I don’t see a riot so you right-wingers are full of shit’ narrative.

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Ex-GOP Sen. Kassebaum Backs Dem for Pivotal Kansas Seat

22nd September 2020

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Kassenbaum was always a RINO.

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Billionaire Saban to Add to $1.4M Already Given to Biden, Dems

22nd September 2020

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Democrats, Party of the Rich.

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Facebook First Allows Event to Harass Graham, Then Allows Group to Stay on Platform

22nd September 2020

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Facebook, essentially allowed activists to organize on the platform to harass a sitting U.S. senator about how he intends to vote concerning a replacement for deceased Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg on the U.S. Supreme Court. When contacted and asked why Facebook allowed the organization that posted the event to remain on the platform, a Facebook spokesperson merely replied by sharing Facebook’s community standards on bullying. Facebook then wrote, “Specifically: ‘Threatening to release an individual’s private phone number, residential address, or email address,’” and provided no further context.

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NBC/MSNBC Routinely Hide That Dr. Vin Gupta Has Advised Biden Campaign

22nd September 2020

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The liberal media love to pose as the Defenders of Science, and part of the game they play is by turning to medical experts with left-wing political backgrounds that they hide. CNN hides the losing Democrat political campaigns of its doctors Rob Davidson and Abdul el-Sayed. NBC and MSNBC have hidden that their “global health policy expert” Vin Gupta is an adviser to the Biden campaign.

In ten NBC News appearances and 31 MSNBC appearances found in Nexis from July 15 to September 15, these networks never, ever mentioned a Biden link.

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Millionaire Tax Coming to New York Next?

22nd September 2020

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New Jersey finally passed a tax on millionaires fulfilling a long-running dream of governor Phil Murphy and Democratic leaders.

Facing a fiscal crisis of epic proportions, Murphy finally convinced holdout lawmakers to raise the tax rate on earnings over $1 million to 10.75%, up from 8.97%. As we noted last week, it remains unclear how quickly this decision will prompt an exodus of the state’s richest residents. What was clear, however, is that it was only a matter of time before other Democrat-run, fiscally-irresponsible states would follow NJ’s lead now that the seal has been broken. After all, progressives in Albany have already been pushing governor Cuomo to consider a variety of bills, including one to raise the tax rate on those earning more than $100 million to almost 12%.

Plenty of room in Texas. Nicer people, too.( Except in Austin, of course, but you can avoid there.)

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Thought for the Day

22nd September 2020

He’s got a  point.

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India’s Ancient Caste System Is Ruining Lives in the Valley

22nd September 2020

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Over 90% of Indian techies in the US are upper-caste Indians and many of them are allegedly making life a living hell for Dalits, those who are classified as the lowest of the low in India, whose horrifying historical persecution has continued in the cradle of tech.

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Never Again! (Some Restrictions May Apply)

22nd September 2020

David Cole (who is Jewish) has an adventure.

There are certain “firsts” we all remember from youth. Our first kiss. Our first car. Our first time being chased off a college campus by an angry mob of Jews shouting, “Never again!”

Okay, that last one may be unique to me.

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NY Times Bizarrely Paints Trump Fans as ‘Intimidating’ Voters, Ignored ’08 Black Panther Case

21st September 2020

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Perhaps this ought to go in the Black Privilege category.

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CBS Wants Viewers to Be Terrified of SCOTUS ‘Dominated by Conservatives’

21st September 2020

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The theme of Monday’s CBS Evening News was ‘be afraid, be afraid of conservatives on the Supreme Court.’ And they weren’t subtle about it. It was the common thread throughout their four back-to-back segments about the battle to fill the vacant seat once held by Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg.

In fact, stoking fear of conservatives was how anchor Norah O’Donnell kicked off the program in the opening teases.

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Today in Progressive Totalitarianism

21st September 2020

Protesters gather outside Mitch McConnell’s home  Of course they do.  If I were a politician, I aould have a fake home made out of reinforced concrete somewhere that protesters could easily get to.

UK Unveils Harsh $13,000 Fine For Breaking Quarantine Amid Covid 2nd Wave

DOJ Designates NYC, Seattle, Portland ‘Anarchist Jurisdictions’

Hawaii: Gun Control Bills Become Law

They’re Not Gonna Stop

The Riot Party

Fauci Colleague Fired After He’s Outed as Pandemic Troll

Twitter, Facebook Let Leftists Post Senator’s Address to Harass Him

Democrats Post Job Listing For Supreme Court Nominee Accusers  Babylon Bee.


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Today in Global Warming Hysteria

21st September 2020

Geoengineering Is the Only Solution to Our Climate Calamities’  Except for all of the other ones.

What are the challenges in saving the planet?

Energy Innovation Desperately Needed To Meet Climate Change Goals

‘Climate arson’ and other wildfire nonsense

Discovery of a New Mass Extinction

How environmentalists destroyed California’s forests

Climate or Environment?

Potential impact of the second-lowest sea ice minimum since 1979 on polar bear survival

Stylish composting bins that improve your impact on the planet  Be the first on your black to own a stylish compost bin.


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Today in Trump Derangement Syndrome

21st September 2020

ACLU Campaigns Against Trump

Anti-Trump professor’s coronavirus wish for president’s supporters gets her suspended  Color me surprised.

2020 Emmys Turn Into Anti-Trump, Pro-BLM Woke-Fest  My, what a surprise.

How American Journalism Died  Victor Davis Hanson.

Trump Brings Peace to the Mideast, Petty Networks Won’t Let Him Have a Win  They don’t dare.

Stephanopoulos Scolds Ex-Adviser to Attack Trump: ‘Don’t You Have a Duty to Speak Out’ Before Election?

Giggling Trump Prank Calls Merrick Garland To Tell Him He’s Been Shortlisted For SCOTUS  Babylon Bee.


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Today in Black Privilege

21st September 2020

Just How Black Was RBG’s One Black Clerk?  Not very, it would appear.

Chicago postal workers threaten to stop delivering mail after multiple employees shot on the job

97 Acres and a Mulignan

Black Lives Matter ‘What We Believe’ page that includes disrupting ‘nuclear family structure’ removed from website

Ending the BLM Revolution

Blue Truth Matters

The Woke Mob Plays God

The Antifa/BLM Industrial Complex

Shootings Spur Chicago Postal Worker Threat to Stop Deliveries  I guess a pistol in the ‘hood beats rain, snow, heat, and gloom of night.

Fisher-Price Releases ‘My First Peaceful Protest’ Playset With House You Can Actually Burn Down  Babylon Bee.

Black Lives Matter Webpage Opposing ‘Nuclear Family Structure’ Removed From Site  Oops.

Another Bloody Chicago Weekend Sees Almost 40 Shot, With Homicides Up 50%

Fact-Checking New York Times Fact Checker on BLM’s China Links

NAACP President: Portland Protests May Go on for Years  At least until they quit electing Democrats.


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White Privilege

21st September 2020

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The first time I ever heard the phrase “White Privilege”, I was listening to a young, wealthy, Negro woman from an Ivy League school accusing a someone not as wealthy, not from an elite school, and Jewish of having it.

As an attorney, the only race-based privileges of which I am aware in any common law ruling, Constitutional provision, law, statute, or administrative ruling, involve affirmative action, which openly and purposefully grants certain minorities legal privileges northern European Caucasians do not enjoy.

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The Crisis of Constituencies

21st September 2020

ZMan sorts it out.

One of the defining features of post-Cold War America is that public policy no longer reflects public sentiment. Washington passes plenty of laws every year and spends plenty of money on various programs. State governments have also grown like a weed in their size and scope. Plenty is done in the name of the people, but precious little is favored by the majority of the people. Instead, public policy debates are about breaking down majority opposition in service to minority interests.

In theory, democracies should operate on the principle of majority rule. Fifty percent plus one carries the day on every issue. This is certainly true in the small scale, where a simple show of hands is enough to decide an issue. That does not scale up very well, so countries have representative bodies like parliaments and legislatures. Still, in a representative democracy, with some exceptions, the majority will should be reflected in public policy debates in the parliament or legislature.

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Up to 52 Million New Immigrants Could Settle in the US Under the Biden-Harris Plan, Analysis Finds

21st September 2020

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And all of them will get free college, free housing, and free food.

And the vast majority of them will vote Democrat, which is the object of the exercise.

Such a deal.

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Thought for the Day

21st September 2020

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As City Budgets Shrink, It’s Time to Rethink Recycling Programs

21st September 2020

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The COVID recession has caused tax revenues to plummet, forcing cities and states to make painful budget cuts. But as they struggle to fund schools, parks, public safety, and other essential services, there’s one simple and painless way for governments to save money: Rethink recycling. The goal should be to transform the practice from a virtuous-seeming exercise that drains funds from core public services, to one by which price signals assure taxpayers that diverted materials are actually recycled.

When recycling programs became common three decades ago, they were sold to taxpayers as a win-win, financially and environmentally: Cities expected to reap budget savings through the sale of recyclable materials, and conscientious taxpayers expected to reduce ecological destruction. Instead, the painful reality for enthusiastic, dutiful recyclers is that most recycling programs don’t make much environmental sense. Often, they don’t make economic sense, either.

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Massive ‘F–k Cuomo and de Blasio’ Mural Painted on Brooklyn Street

21st September 2020

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For less than 24 hours this weekend, an all-caps, block-length message painted on a Brooklyn street in yellow contained the rage of New York City: “F–k Cuomo and de Blasio.”


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Vermont Grocery Store Worker Fired After Apprehending Purse Snatcher

21st September 2020

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No good deed goes unpunished.

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‘I’m saving her for Ginsburg’: Who Is Amy Coney Barrett, Trump’s Likely Supreme Court Pick?

21st September 2020

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Barrett has some experience of the storm. She was on Trump’s list of possible nominees in 2018, when he was considering who would replace Anthony Kennedy, a justice who retired. But the president had other plans for Barrett.

“I’m saving her for Ginsburg,” Trump said, according to an Axios report last year.

He could do a lot worse.

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Jet Fuel Is Now So Cheap It’s Being Blended for Use by Ships

20th September 2020

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The fuel that powers passenger planes is normally among the most expensive oil products, but in a sign of the times the coronavirus has turned it into a blending component for typically cheaper shipping fuel.

Straight-run kerosene, usually processed into jet fuel, is now being used to make very low-sulfur fuel oil for the maritime industry amid a plunge in consumption by airlines. Higher than normal amounts of diesel and vacuum gasoil are also finding their way into shipping fuel.

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Blue Today, Bluer Tomorrow

20th September 2020

Joel Kotkin.

The long-rising blue tide that has colored American politics and values may have crested, but it could still have enough momentum to make it through the election year. Even if Trump is somehow reelected, the wielders of power and influence — academia, media, Wall Street, Hollywood, the big-tech oligarchs, the dominant nonprofits, and the governmental apparat — will remain deep blue for the foreseeable future.

The prospect of untrammeled progressive power, particularly with a malleable Joe Biden in the White House, may seem depressing for conservatives or even old-style liberals, who are concerned by the Left’s increasingly censorious and authoritarian bent. But there is also a silver lining of sorts. Everywhere blue policies — generally now referred to as “progressive” — have prevailed, they have failed miserably, particularly for those parts of the population, such as the working class and minorities, that they purport to serve.

Over time, these failures will open up an opportunity perhaps not for a resurgence of traditional conservatism but for a reshuffling of political loyalties away from those whose policies don’t work. Many core constituencies associated with blue politics may become aware that their interests, prominent on the progressive menu, will never in reality be served. Ultimately, results, not memes, matter most. Progressives have demonstrated monumental incompetence in addressing everything from social equity to education, culture, and energy policy. Even in postmodern America, failure cannot forever be sold as success.

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Here’s a List ff White Liberals Caught Pretending to Be Black

20th September 2020

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If it weren’t so easy to pretend to be black, this wouldn’t be a problem. I can usually tell when someone is Actually Black on sight. Apparently even black people lack this talent.

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Leftists Trash Portland

20th September 2020

Read it.

Last night, Antifa/BLM criminals (there no longer seems to be any distinction between the two organizations) ran riot in Portland for something like the 100th day in a row, stopping traffic, starting fires, and smashing and looting stores. There seems to be be little or no police presence in Portland, and no political will to restore order to the city before it becomes a dead zone.


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Today in Global Warming Hysteria

20th September 2020

Pope Hypes Alarmism On Melting Glaciers  They don’t make Popes like they used to.

Guardian Scratching for Climate Tipping Points

Undersea earthquakes shake up climate science

MSM Welcomes “Whistleblowers” Reporting Partying College Students Breaking COVID Rules

BBC: “How the oil industry made us doubt climate change”


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Today in Progressive Totalitarianism

20th September 2020

Speed Bump Comic Strip for September 20, 2020

‘I Have To Stop You’: George Stephanopoulos Challenges Ted Cruz During Heated Exchange

Democrats Threaten to Pack Court If Republicans Vote on Ginsburg Replacement This Year

Univision Signals Vicious Coverage of Trump’s Next SCOTUS Pick  It could be Pope Frncis, they wouldn’t care. It could be the corpse of Mother Theresa, they still wouldn’t care.

Todd Makes Faces and Rages at GOP Senator, Claims Dems Wouldn’t Fill Seat  Sure, I believe that.

‘THIS IS WAR’: Hollywood Vows Extreme Tactics in SCOTUS Fight  And we’r all scared of … Hollywood?

NBC ‘Historian’ Tells Leftists How to Sell ‘Court Packing’ Scheme

Global banks defy U.S. crackdowns by serving oligarchs, criminals and terrorists


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Today in Black Privilege

20th September 2020

3 Killed by Louisville Gunman Wearing ‘Justice for Breonna Taylor’ T-Shirt

The “systemic racism” dodge

Federal Buildings Boarded-Up Ahead Of Possible Louisville Decision On Whether To Charge Officers In Breonna Taylor’s Death

Portland Neighbors Frustrated After Police Take 90 Minutes Responding To Hostage Situation Involving 12-Year-Old


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