We have seen the future, and it sucks.

Archive for August, 2020

PBS Turns to Totenberg to Lament How Biden Failed to Ruin Clarence Thomas

19th August 2020

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In the hour leading up to Night Three of the Democrat convention, PBS aired a profile of Biden’s career by reporter Lisa Desjardins, starring liberal-bias legend Nina Totenberg of NPR. Biden was judged positively for beating Robert Bork’s nomination for the Supreme Court in 1987, and negatively for not helping Anita Hill enough to defeat Clarence Thomas in 1991.

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San Francisco’s Cops Aren’t Waiting Around to Be “Defunded”: They’re Leaving En Masse

19th August 2020

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Police in San Francisco aren’t waiting around for pandering politicians to “defund” the city’s police department, which has already seen a mass exodus of officers following the passage of a state law called Prop 47, a statewide criminal-justice law passed back in 2014. It appears the pace of officer exits is picking up this year, and what’s even more interesting: The acceleration started before the murder of George Floyd.

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Ex DHS Official: Trump Wanted to Swap Puerto Rico for Greenlandv

19th August 2020

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I’d make that trade. But what would the Danes do with a bunch of Latinx? They’re having enough troubles with the Muslim immigrants.


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Today in Trump Derangement Syndrome

19th August 2020

President Trump Just Dealt a Devastating Blow to Social Security’

US Senate report goes beyond Mueller to lay bare Trump campaign’s Russia links  The Guardian. (Real News: Senate Intel Panel Finds ‘Absolutely No Evidence’ of Collusion, Faced Roadblocks)

Daily Beast: Liberal Networks Worried Sick About Trump’s Unpredictable 2020 Convention

Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg: We’ll Remove Trump Speech When It Violates Our Standards  I.e. ‘is given by Trump’.


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Today in Global Warming Hysteria

19th August 2020

Climate and extinction crises require urgent change | TheHill

Are tipping points suitable concepts for developing environmental policies?  They’re sure useful for rationalizing why there ain’t nothin’ happening yet.

Cold weather kills more people than hot weather because… global warming.

‘Turn Up Your Damn Thermostat’: Former Gov. Jerry Brown Tells Californians How To Avoid Blackouts During A Heatwave


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Today in Black Privilege

19th August 2020

There is no ‘White culture’

LeBron James Wears A Hat With The Words ‘Make America Arrest The Cops Who Killed Breonna Taylor’

JONES: Joe Biden Believes All Black People Think The Same

Martha MacCallum’s Interview With BLM Chair Goes Off The Rails When He Refuses To Answer Question About Looting

‘Blue Lives Ain’t Sh*t’: Minnesota State House Candidate Participated In BLM Protest In Front Of The Minneapolis Police Federation President’s House

The Progressive Racism of the Ivy League

Derrius Guice Accused Of Raping 2 Women While Playing For LSU

Leo Terrell: ‘We’ve Got to Stop This Race War The Democrats Are Perpetuating’

Walzing with BLM

Oprah Winfrey Discusses ‘Using Whiteness As A Weapon’ In New AppleTV+ Episode

‘So Much For Social Distancing’: Fight Breaks Out On American Airlines Plane

Wash Post: Lose the ‘Toxic Positivity,’ it’s a White American Privilege Anyway

‘Disavowed’ BLM Leader Defends Looting & Rioting Because “US Steals Diamonds & Oil”

Ruhle Denies BLM Supports Looting, Gets Schooled by Guest

Barack Obama attacks Donald Trump at Democratic convention for ‘using power of office to help himself and friends’  He must have been looking in a mirror.


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Today in Progressive Totalitarianism

19th August 2020

At least 21 states plan to sue the Postal Service over service delays, threat to election

Students Claim ‘Merit’-Criteria “Possess Inherent Bias”

Police Identify Suspect In Attack On Portland Pick-Up Truck Driver

The New York Times Cancels The Term “Cancel Culture”

Big Three Stooges: Evening Networks IGNORE New S&P 500 Record Erasing 2020 Losses

Portland Police Declare Riot Again After Building Set On Fire

Amid Potential NYC Layoffs, de Blasio’s Wife Has $2M Staff  Doing well by doing good.

New York Man Charged With Making Terroristic Threats Toward Jewish Children For Not Wearing Masks

How China surveils the world

Health misinformation pages got half a billion views on Facebook in April  ‘Misinformation’, of course, meaning ‘anything contrary to the Narrative’. Feel free to clutch your pearls.

Army Launches Investigation Into Soldiers Featured in DNC Video  They bitch about Trump ‘politicizing the military’ (which he doesn’t do) and then go right ahead and do it blatantly themselves.

People Only See A ‘Snippet’ Of What’s Happening At Protests, Portland Police Sergeant Says

Democrats Lure Progressive Voters To Polls By Disguising Them As Riots  Babylon Bee.


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Suddenly Slamming Susan B. Anthony: The NY Times Celebrates (Some) Women

19th August 2020

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Donald Trump registered quite the achievement on Wednesday: He managed to make the avowedly feminist New York Times criticize renowned suffragist Susan B. Anthony in “With Eye on Election, Trump Plans to Pardon Women’s Suffrage Icon,” after the president announced he would mark the 100th anniversary of the 19th amendment, giving women the right to vote, by pardoning Anthony, who was arrested and fined for voting illegally in 1872.

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NYT: Fanning the Flames of Racial Animosity Lies at the Core of Trump’s Election Strategy

19th August 2020

Steve Sailer.

Fanning the flames of racial animosity is only bad when Bad People (i.e., whites) do it.

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Wuhan Officials Hid Coronavirus Info From World as Virus Rapidly Spread

19th August 2020

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Chinese officials in Wuhan Province hid important information about coronavirus from the country’s central government, even as the virus spread rapidly, according to a Wednesday report.

The findings represent the consensus view of the CIA and other U.S. intelligence agencies, which were included in an internal report first circulated in June, according to The New York Times, which relied on anonymous American officials familiar with the report. Wuhan was ground zero for the coronavirus outbreak.

My, what a surprise. Aren’t you surprised? I’m sure surprised.

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Ex-State Department Official ‘Destroyed’ Records at Request of Christopher Steele

19th August 2020

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A former State Department official told the Senate Intelligence Committee he destroyed records in January 2017 at the request of former British spy Christopher Steele, according to a report released on Tuesday.

Jonathan Winer, who served as special envoy to Libya through early 2017, was Steele’s contact at the State Department. He arranged a meeting for Steele in October 2016 with another State Department official at Foggy Bottom to share findings from a dossier of research he had compiled on Donald Trump.

“SCORECARDS! GETCHER SCORECARDS HERE! You can’t tell your Deep State operatives without a scorecard!”

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Gov. Gavin Newsom Declares State of Emergency as Wildfires Char California, Gives Evacuation Orders

19th August 2020

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Time to leave.

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Conventionally Speaking

19th August 2020

ZMan does a recap.

Today, the old-style convention looks increasingly like a pointless relic. The only people who need to meet in person these days to talk politics are dissidents and that’s because of the pogroms against white activists. The people in charge can avail themselves to all the modern technology of the day. As far as a television event, the convention looks ridiculous to most modern people. It’s like watching a movie from the 1970’s, where people are using pay phones and wearing suits on airplanes.

Another indication of the general detachment from reality is the use of Republican turncoats in this convention. The idea is to use these faithless finks to show undecideds that even the Republicans are abandoning their man. Most people unsure about voting for Trump already hate the GOP. That’s why they tend to sit out elections. Trotting out Colin Powell and John Kasich just reminds them that they hate the same people who hate Donald Trump. It has the opposite of the intended effect.

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Don’t Fall for Conspiracy Theories. Then Again…

19th August 2020

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Why does Colorado have color coded ballots? I guess it is because color coding is way quicker than that little R or D under the bar code to know what party the ballot represents.

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Baffled Colbert Wonders Why ‘Old Fashioned’ Republicans Don’t Go for Biden’s ‘Progressive’ Vision

19th August 2020

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Yeah, that’s a real head-scratcher, that is.

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Thought for the Day

19th August 2020

Unshelved comic strip for 8/13/2020

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Researchers Can Duplicate Keys From the Sounds They Make in Locks

19th August 2020

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Researchers have demonstrated that they can make a working 3D-printed copy of a key just by listening to how the key sounds when inserted into a lock. And you don’t need a fancy mic — a smartphone or smart doorbell will do nicely if you can get it close enough to the lock.

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My Favorite Colorism

19th August 2020

Steve Sailer.

I’ve been mentioning for awhile a growth in articles about people complaining about the color of various objects, such as blue or green medical scrubs or the little white man who tells you to walk on a traffic light as indicative of systemic racism. It’s like 5-year-olds talking about their favorite color Power Ranger.

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NYPD Urges Caution After Rash of Burglaries on Upper East Side

19th August 2020

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Time to leave.

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Today in Global Warming Hysteria

18th August 2020

Green California Has the Nation’s Worst Power Grid

Transparent Solar Panels for Windows Hit New Efficiency Record – Could Help Enable Skyscrapers to Serve As Power Sources

The excess costs of Weather Dependent Renewable power generation in the USA

The Transit-Industrial Complex

The future may be full of fire tornadoes  Women and minorities hardest hit.

Legal Motion Filed to Stop FOIA Stonewalling on Paris Climate Treaty


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Today in Progressive Totalitarianism

18th August 2020

Merkel Freezes Germany’s COVID-19 Reopening As New Cases Surge, WHO Warns Against “Vaccine Nationalism”: Live Updates  Oooooh! Nationalism!

Pro-Trump Radio Host Bill Mitchell Banned by Twitter

Babylon Bee Returns after Bogus Twitter Suspension

Judge Blocks Idaho Law That Prevents Transgender Women From Participating In Female Athletics

6 Officers Injured, 18 Demonstrators Arrested After Seattle Rioters Hurl Explosives At Police

Virginia State Sen. Louise Lucas Faces Charges After Allegedly Damaging Statue During Protests

New Law In California Requires College Students Take Ethnic Studies Course To Graduate

Democrat Mailer Promoting Mail-In Voting Gets Lost In Mail  Babylon Bee.

German Schoolchildren Expelled For Not Wearing Masks

Pushback: Minneapolis Residents Sue City Council And Mayor For Failing To Staff Police Amid Crime Surge

Democratic Convention Viewer Wishing They Would Just Get To The Part About All The Free Stuff  Babylon Bee.

EXCLUSIVE: University Of Minnesota Medical School Application Features Question About George Floyd, Rayshard Brooks


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Today in Black Privilege

18th August 2020

‘Would It Be Okay If The Colors Were Reversed?’: Tucker Calls Out DOJ’s Civil Rights Division Over Violent Protests

Murder Offenders Per Capita: Ratio of Blacks to Nonblacks Is Even Larger Than Men to Women

NYC Tops Chicago in Murders But Not in Woundings

Democratic Convention Reassures White Baby Boomers That Gay Blacks Love Buffalo Springfield

Our BLM Jihadis

Slate Reveals ‘Sinister Side’ of Coloring Books: ‘Dark, Forgotten History’

Prosecutors Working For Kamala-Mentored DA Committed “Substantial Abuses” During Smollett Investigation

Serious Business: Biden Seeks Policy Points From Former Robber/Stripper Cardi B

Do Black Lives Matter in Baltimore?

‘Giant Warning’: Iowa State University Instructor Warns Anti-BLM, Pro-Life Views Are ‘Grounds For Dismissal’

What a Joke: Colbert Invites Benghazi Liar Susan Rice to Scare Americans Into Voting Biden With Crazy Conspiracy Theory

“Black People Don’t Have To Vote Democrat” – Baltimore Republican Unveils Viral Campaign Ad

Portland Police: Man Viciously Beaten By BLM Protesters Was Trying To Help Transgender Victim Of Robbery

Two men indicted over 2002 killing of Run-DMC’s Jam Master Jay

Chicago, DC Mayors Speak at DNC Despite Unrest, Riots


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Today in Trump Derangement Syndrome

18th August 2020

PANICKED MSNBC: Trump Is Being Directed by Authoritarian Leaders to Steal the Election

New Zealand PM hits back at Donald Trump’s ‘patently wrong’ virus claims

Former HP CEO and Republican Meg Whitman – who split HP with mixed success – says Donald Trump can’t run a business  That must be why she has more money than he does. Oh, wait…. They ought to form a new PAC with Kasich: RINOs For Biden.

With Biden Ahead, The Left Goes Full-Tilt On Election Conspiracy Theory

MELTDOWN: Journos LOSE IT Over Trump Admin Approving Oil Drilling in ANWR  YANK! THAT! CHAIN!

MSNBC Cues Historian: Trump’s Post Office Moves Show Hatred of the Constitution

CNN’s Jake Tapper Allows Atlanta Mayor To Push USPS Conspiracy Theory Without Pushback

‘What War Has Trump Started?’: Greg Gutfeld Challenges Juan Williams To Name Just One

NY Times Meltdown:‘Not Normal for a President to Employ…Racist and Sexist Attacks’


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‘You better get some ice for that’: Here’s What to Know About Bill Clinton and #METOO Allegations

18th August 2020

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Lest we forget that Bill Clinton was #METOO before it was cool.

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Siege at Ruby Ridge: The Forgotten History of the ATF Shootout That Started a Militia Movement

18th August 2020

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It continues to astonish me that Lon Horiuchi is still alive. Somebody ought to have punched his ticket long ago.

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Modeling a Wealth Tax

18th August 2020

Paul Graham runs the numbers.

Some politicians are proposing to introduce wealth taxes in addition to income taxes. Let’s try modeling the effects of various levels of wealth tax to see what they would mean in practice for a startup founder.

Suppose you start a successful startup in your twenties, and then live for another 60 years. How much of your stock will a wealth tax consume?

Suppose the wealth tax is 1%. That means each year you get to keep 99% of your stock. Which means after 60 years the proportion of stock you’ll have left will be .99^60, or .547. So a 1% wealth tax means the government will over the course of your life take 45% of your stock.

Wealth confiscation by drip-drip-drip. Socialism in slow motion.

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‘I’m out of here’: Chicago Cops Are Leaving the Force at Twice the Normal Rate

18th August 2020

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I’m surprised that they have any left.

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Chinese Hospitals Killed Newborns, Forced Late Term Abortions to Eradicate Uighurs, Doctor Says

18th August 2020

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In a Monday interview with Radio Free Asia, Hasiyet Abdulla discussed her 15 years working in Xinjiang hospitals as a Uighur doctor, Business Insider reports. China passed a 2017 law ordering Uighurs and other minorities not to have more than three children in rural areas and two children in urban areas, Insider reports.


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The Road to Divorce

18th August 2020

ZMan sees difficult times ahead.

The latest bout of insanity is over the United States Postal Service conspiracy to subvert the upcoming election. The Left is on their social media platforms warning that Big Stamp is part of a silent coup to award the election to Trump. Fevered lefties are posting pictures of themselves guarding mailboxes. The actress Jaimie Lee Curtis posted this on her Twitter account. The invasion of the mailbox snatchers has become a very real thing for the people on the Left.

How exactly anyone can think the post office is going to rig an election is a lot like the Russian collusion hoax. It is best understood if you don’t think about very much. The ballots go into the mailbox, something magical happens and then Donald Trump steals the election! Instead of the Russians using mind control to alter voter behavior in the voting booth, it is the postmaster using special powers to alter ballots inside the box themselves or perhaps making them disappear.

Scott Adams points out that postal employees are among the most corrupt outside of the Turd World. He had to quit mailing in his Dilbert cartoons because once local postal workers figured out who he was they would all get stolen before they got to his syndicator. He says he knows of a lot of artists who have had the same problem. He also relates a story of postal workers stealing envelopes containing cash addressed to post office boxes, which is why everybody knows not to send cash through the mail.

Of course, given the universality of the Opposite Rule of Liberalism, this means the Left is already hard at work with a plan to spoil ballots in the postal system. Their push for vote by mail is part of an existing scheme to trash votes from Republican areas, while stuffing the mailboxes in Democratic areas. Of course, their street thugs will be justified in burning mailboxes in white areas now. You can be sure Antifa will be staking out the post offices in white areas of the country too.

Yeah, that too. ‘Where’s it from? Scarsdale? Trash it! Harlem? Let it through!’ Anybody who can’t see the plausibility of this scenario has been asleep for a half-century. The fact that the Postal Workers Union has endorsed Biden merely underlines the problem.

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Who is Supporting Molotov-Tossing Attorney Urooj Rahman?

18th August 2020

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Outraged reactions from Islamist, Arab American, and Palestinian organizations have emerged since the May 30 arrest of Urooj Rahman and Colinford Mattis during a violent protest in New York City.

A picture included in court papers shows Rahman brandishing a Molotov cocktail in one hand while using a Palestinian keffiyeh to cover the lower part of her face with the other hand .

Rahman and Mattis were arrested after a Molotov cocktail was thrown through the broken window of a police car. Rahman was seen throwing the incendiary device, police say, while Mattis drove away from the scene. Other charges involve gathering gasoline and other materials required to construct Molotov cocktails, and encouraging others to do so. This took place at what was supposed to be a peaceful protest in response to the Minneapolis police killing of George Floyd.

The organizations’ defense of the pair claims that the charges against Rahman and Mattis are motivated by racism and “structural Islamophobia.”

Yeah, objecting to terrorists with firebombs is SO ‘Islamophobic’….

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Poll: Dems Fearful of In-Person Voting, Campaigning

18th August 2020

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Democrats have never been comfortable with, you know, actual democracy. They’d much rather buy and steal votes than work for them.

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Thought for the Day: Best Laid Plans

18th August 2020

Speed Bump Comic Strip for August 13, 2020

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Oh What a Feeling: New Toyotas Will Upload Data to AWS to Help Create Custom Insurance Premiums Based on Driver Behaviour

18th August 2020

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Hmmm. That backseat driver sure looks like Big Brother….

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Cities Sue Netflix, Hulu, Disney+, Claim They Owe Cable “Franchise Fees”

18th August 2020

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Four cities in Indiana are suing Netflix and other video companies, claiming that online video providers and satellite-TV operators should have to pay the same franchise fees that cable companies pay for using local rights of way.

The lawsuit was filed against Netflix, Disney, Hulu, DirecTV, and Dish Network on August 4 in Indiana Commercial Court in Marion County. The cities of Indianapolis, Evansville, Valparaiso, and Fishers want the companies to pay the cable-franchise fees established in Indiana’s Video Service Franchises (VSF) Act, which requires payments of 5 percent of gross revenue in each city.

The lawsuit is based on an unusual legal argument and doesn’t seem likely to succeed. Essentially, the cities are claiming that Netflix and similar providers use the public rights of way simply by offering video streaming services over the Internet….

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South Korea Is Packing Submarines With Rockets for Taking Out North Korea’s Nukes

18th August 2020

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As part of a sweeping, five-year defense plan costing $250 billion, Seoul plans to develop a new class of attack submarine carrying non-nuclear ballistic missiles.

Conventional ballistic missiles are a rarity on submarines. For land-attack missions, most navies arm their undersea boats with cruise missiles, as cruise missiles are more accurate—albeit slower and less powerful—than ballistic missiles are.

But Seoul has some, ahem, unique defense needs owing to the presence on its border of a heavily-armed and belligerent nuclear state. South Korea’s submarines and their hard-hitting ballistic missiles give the country some ability to prevent a North Korean attack.

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Stop Panicking about the Post Office

17th August 2020

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Today in Trump Derangement Syndrome

17th August 2020

NYT: Murder Rate Rose 31% More from May to June vs. Last Year, But Only Trump Thinks That Had Anything to Do with the Peaceful Protests, by Steve Sailer

For The First Time In Over A Year, CNN’s Poll Has Trump Neck And Neck With Biden — Both Nationally And In Battleground States

Trump’s finger-pointing on USPS is latest attempt to rewrite history in real time  There appears to be a rule that the DemLegHump Media have to accuse someone else of doing what they’re actually doing themselves.

STUDY: 150 TIMES More Negative News on Trump than Biden

The USPS Panic of 2020

Sharon Stone Appears To Call Trump A ‘Killer’ As She Reveals Sister Is ‘Fighting For Her Life’ After Getting COVID-19  I guess Trump snuck into her house and injected her with the virus.

‘Biden/Harris Should Start Running The Country Now’: Michael Moore Lays Out His Plan For Stopping Trump

Trump Drives Around Playing Mailbox Baseball In Latest Voter Suppression Scheme  Babylon Bee.


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Today in Progressive Totalitarianism

17th August 2020

Video: Man Unconscious, Kicked in Head by Antifa ‘Security’ Thug in Portland

Activists Surround Postmaster General’s Homes In Weekend Protests

‘The Beach Is Closed’: Woman Interrupts Wedding Over Coronavirus Restrictions  Time for your swim, Karen.

Universities Ask Students To Play ‘Corona-Cops: Report Peers Who ‘Might’ Have COVID-19  If you see something, SQUEAL LIKE A LITTLE PIGGY!

‘I Was Trying To Get Out The Way’: Portland Protesters Attacked A Man And Woman After Truck Crashed

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Today in Global Warming Hysteria

17th August 2020

What does Islam say about climate change and climate action?  And who cares? Al-Jazeera.

New Zealand’s Southern Alps Glacier Melt Has Doubled – Up to 77% of Little Ice Age Glacier Volume Already Lost

WashPost Parrots DNC Climate Council Chair: Virus ‘Inextricably Linked’ to Climate Change

MIT: Five Grand Thermal Challenges to Decarbonise the Global Economy


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Failed States, Failed Cities, Failed Parties?

17th August 2020

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We’re familiar with the designation of places like Somalia as “failed states,” but can’t we equally recognize failed cities when we see them? New York City in the 1970s, when it needed a federal bailout, was one example from our past, and New York’s fiscal woes were closely connected with its larger social problems of crime, welfare dependency, and all the other factors that diminished the shine of the Big Apple.

Today our obviously failed cities are Seattle and Portland, with Minneapolis, Chicago, San Francisco, Los Angeles, and New York (again) trending that direction. (And the entire state of Illinois is on the equivalent of a watch list—I think it is literally on credit watch lists—with California not far behind.)

As mentioned here previously, it appears lots of people are fleeing or preparing to flee these cities, and their economies (and consequent tax bases) may be in free fall even if the COVID-induced economic coma ends in the next few months.

Which raises a frequent worry: what if these dazzling urbanites move to Rock Ridge and vote for the same kind of progressive candidates they foolishly supported where they came from? I think it won’t actually work that way, although I understand the logic behind it.

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Dungeon Map Doodler

17th August 2020

Check it out.

We have the technology.

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Artificial Eyespots on Cattle Reduce Predation by Large Carnivores

17th August 2020

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I’ll bet you didn’t know that.

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Report: Trump Administration to Open Up Arctic National Wildlife Refuge to Oil Drilling

17th August 2020

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Thought for the Day

17th August 2020

Frazz Comic Strip for August 11, 2020

Actuaries are not as appreciated as they deserve.

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California Ballot Contains Four Unconstitutional Propositions

17th August 2020

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Three propositions on California’s November ballot would violate our constitutional right to private property; a fourth would violate the individual’s right to nondiscrimination.

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Unpacking Fact From Fiction Behind the USPS Drama

16th August 2020

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With the left in a collective fit over a conspiracy theory that President Trump is about to steal the election by crippling the US Postal Service, Twitter user @AGHamilton29 has provided a cogent analysis unpacking the latest leftist miasma dominating the news cycle.

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Public Schools Tightening Their Grip as They Sense Themselves Losing It

16th August 2020

Bethany Mandel.

School districts across the country are facing an exodus of students to private schools opening for in-person learning and homeschooling. Corey DeAngelis, the Director of School Choice for the Reason Foundation, has been following the data and it doesn’t look good for public schools. Over the weekend he reported that homeschool filings are up 129% from last year in Loudoun County in Virginia and 128% in the state of Wisconsin. This exodus in students is also an exodus in dollars for a lot of school districts that have their funding directly tied to their enrollment numbers (which is why I suggested pulling out of public schools as a protest if you didn’t like their reopening plan for the Washington Examiner). A little too late in the game, public schools are realizing that their captive audience isn’t so captive when they don’t, you know, actually teach.

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Today in Progressive Totalitarianism

16th August 2020

Russiagate-Obsessed Networks Skip or Dismiss First Guilty Plea in Durham Probe

Concerns Raised As President Xi Seen Wearing Biden-Harris 2020 Shirt  Babylon Bee.

Ordeal by Title IX

Amazon Liable for Defective Third-Party Products Rules CA Appellate Court  This is, of course, Californicating bullshit.

Stelter Plays Stupid About CNN’s Bias In YouTube Interview with Teenager

Mark Meadows And CNN’s Jake Tapper Clash In Heated Debate Over Mail-In Voting

New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy Says National Mask Mandate, Including Outside, ‘Would Be A Game-Changer’  Sure. The U.S. would become the largest Turd World country on the planet.

Minnesota Democrat Running For State House Asks Crowd If ‘We Give A F**k About Burning’ Town Down  I guess not. (Your tax dollars at work….) It would appear that you don’t always have to be insane to be a Democrat candidate but it’s expected.

Navarro: Dems Want USPS to Be ‘Ballot-Harvesting Service’

Chris Wallace On Potential Mail-In Voting Fraud: ‘Isn’t It Possible That The President Really Has A Point Here?’  Uh, yes.


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Today in Black Privilege

16th August 2020

Seattle BLM protesters demand white people ‘give up’ their homes

NYT: 43% White San Mateo, CA Is Segregated

‘This Shooting Is Being Buried’: Jesse Watters Blasts ‘Corrupt’ Media For Downplaying Cannon Hinnant Murder

Police: At Least 18 Shot, With 4 Dead, Across Cincinnati

Chicago: ‘Find Some Place to Loot’

The NYT Scrubs Anti-Blackness From Jorge Ramos’ Op-Ed


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Today in Global Warming Hysteria

16th August 2020

In CAISO Emergency Break Glass

Plastic recycling faces setback in California after COVID-19 disruptions

Sea Level Rise a Major Threat to San Francisco

PD Editorial: Time to get serious about rising sea levels

Fight for Planet A: Aussie PM Retreats from Charging Eco-Warrior

Few bears on the ice off Western Hudson Bay at 14 August but will be onshore soon  I thought they were supposed to be extinct by now.

Every Day 10k People Die Due to Air Pollution from Fossil Fuels


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