We have seen the future, and it sucks.

Archive for December, 2019

Historians vs. the ‘1619 Project’

2nd December 2019

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I can’t say I expected it to be the International Committee of the Fourth International that effectively ripped the New York Times’s ‘1619 Project’ apart.

Charlie Cooke is one of the few writers at National Review still worth reading.

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Quotation of the Day

2nd December 2019

“There is something about Trump that convinces people that anything is possible.”

Scott Adams

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Ex-Californian Explains Why Texas Is a Better State

2nd December 2019

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As if it weren’t common knowledge.

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Chicago Suburb to Give Reparations to Black Citizens by Taxing Marijuana

2nd December 2019

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The city council passed a measure 8 to 1 on November 25 to appropriate 3% of the tax revenue from marijuana sales for a reparations program for African Americans over the next ten years, setting the cap at $10 million, according to the Washington Post.

I rather suspect that this program is unconstitutional.

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At Least 20 People Dead After Cartel Shootout Near Southern Border

2nd December 2019

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We need that wall.

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White House Revokes Press Pass for “Openly Biased” Bloomberg News

2nd December 2019

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Trump kicks ass.

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The Wages of Socialized Medicine — Overworked General Practitioners

2nd December 2019

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A different story noted that last month, 5.8 million patients had to wait more than two weeks to see their GPs after booking an appointment. Awful.

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Thought for the Day

2nd December 2019

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Health Concerns Mount as More Old Sewer Pipes Are Lined with Plastic

2nd December 2019

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Earlier this year Nicole Davis arrived at one of the San Antonio, Tex., offices of the audiology practice she co-ownsready to see the day’s patients. But upon entering her office, Davis says she quickly noticed a noxious odor that smelled like paint thinner. Her eyes started burning. By noon, she felt nauseated and dizzy, with the burning sensation spreading to her nose and throat. Her mouth went numb. Co-workers in the building told Davis that they felt ill, too. By the evening, she says, she was vomiting.

Two days later, Davis received an e-mail from an employee for a construction firm that was doing work that week on municipal pipes below street-level near the building. The employee apologized in the e-mail for Davis’s “recent experience,” and attached a technical document describing the hazards and health risks associated with materials used to make plastic in the pipe project. The e-mail and attachment do not state that the work caused the odor or Davis’s reaction.

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The Heritability of Self-Control: A Meta-Analysis

2nd December 2019

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Considering genetic influences is key when investigating self-control.

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Mayors Won’t Rule the World

2nd December 2019

Joel Kotkin.

Earlier in this decade, cities—the bigger and denser the better—appeared as the planet’s geographic stars. According to Benjamin Barber, author of the 2013 book If Mayors Ruled the World, everyone would be better off if the ineffective, aging nation-state were replaced by rule from the most evolved urban areas. This, Barber argues, would provide the “building blocks” of global governance run by a “parliament of mayors.”

In reality, the validity of the “back to the city” meme was never as pronounced as its boosters believed. And now it seems, if anything, to be reversing—first demographically, then economically—as workers and key industries seek more affordable and congenial environments. Furthermore, many elite urban centers are diverging, sometimes radically, from national norms which produces a political conundrum. As big city politics shift ever further to the left, particularly on climate and “social justice” issues, not only are they becoming toxic to the middle class, they are becoming places many avoid rather than models that invite imitation.

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Vision Zero Isn’t Working

2nd December 2019

The Antiplanner peeks behind the curtain.

An article posted on the Atlantic‘s CityLab last week documented that many of the cities that have adopted “vision zero” policies have seen pedestrian fatalities sharply increase. These cities, notes the article, have “spent hundreds of millions of dollars in the process, rebuilding streets to calm traffic and reduce driving, lobbying for speed limit reductions, launching public awareness campaigns, and retraining police departments.” Yet Chicago, Los Angeles, and Washington, among others, saw sharp increases in pedestrian and/or bicycle fatalities after adopting Vision Zero policies.

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The Secret War in Africa (Part 2)

2nd December 2019

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The Secret War in Africa (part 1) covered the overall strategic predominance of US military/ NATO bases – some secret – in Africa, and the expansion by private military contractors (PMC) there in aid of corporate and national interests according to the major powers.

In Part 2 we examine the geopolitical associations in Africa which vary by nation, where major powers have a vested interest in a particular resource causing that major power to assume an aggressive posture to ‘protect’ its national interest by dominating or subverting the African state, in possession of that resource.

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21 People Killed in Gun Battles Between Mexican Authorities and Drugs Gang

1st December 2019

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Sure, open the borders! Let ’em all in! What could go wrong?

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Today in Trump Derangement Syndrome

1st December 2019

Presidential historian predicts public support for Trump will collapse | TheHill

Trump official who promoted fringe conspiracy theories now senior adviser at State Department  CNN

Ken Cuccinelli, acting DHS deputy, forced to leave bar after being assailed by Martin O’Malley

Another Reporter Pays for TDS

Collins Fires Back At Nadler Deadline, Slams ‘Hurried And Partisan’ Impeachment

MSNBC’s Joy Reid Compares Trump Support To A ‘Racial And Religious Cult Of Personality’

Univision Now Reporting That Trump Gives Immigrant Women Heart Disease

Todd: Bad Impeachment Polling Not ‘Organic’, GOP ‘Bullying’ Dems

Cory Booker Releases Campaign Ad Hyping Love And Unity, Suggests Trump Is A Bigot And Demagogue

Klobuchar Says She Sees Trump Impeachment ‘As A Global Watergate’

MSNBC’s Joy Reid Issues ‘Big’ Correction After Network Confused A Fired Trump Official With White Supremacist Richard Spencer

Malcolm Nance: Trump’s Fave Dirty Dozen Character the Murderer/Rapist  Loserthink: Mind-reading.

‘Some People Like To Project Themselves’: Ed Henry Criticizes Joy Reid For Injecting Race Into Discussion About Trump Support


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Today in Global Warming Hysteria

1st December 2019

Did Humans Survive an Extinction Level Event?

An inventor abandoned his solar-powered boat in Canada. Later, it washed up 2,000 miles away

Scientists Warn: Nine Climate Tipping Points Now ‘Active’ – Could Threaten the Existence of Human Civilization

The Fatal Flaw In A Perfect Energy Solution

Climate migration myths

BBC’s One Planet falsely claims that polar bears hunting whales from shore is an unprecedented effect of climate change

Brazilian President Blames Leonardo DiCaprio For Amazon Fires

“World War Zero” – John Kerry’s Great Climate Change Mobilization


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Jailbreak, British Style

1st December 2019

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(John Hinderaker)
It has been widely reported that Usman Khan, the London Bridge terrorist, was released from prison in December 2018 after serving half of the term to which he was sentenced in 2012. Khan was one of a group of nine jihadists who were arrested in 2010 for plotting to blow up the London Stock Exchange. They also contemplated “Mumbai-style” terrorist attacks, and one of the plotters had a hit list that included the names and addresses of the Dean of St Paul’s Cathedral, Boris Johnson (then Mayor of London), two rabbis–naturally–and the US Embassy in London.

The Daily Mail now reports that of the nine, only two are still in prison, while the remaining six were released, like Khan, well before their terms had been served. Their whereabouts are unknown.

Welcome to Londonistan. Be careful not to step in the diversity.

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World’s First Human Composting Facility Is Coming to Seattle In 2021

1st December 2019

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They have plenty of material with which to work.

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Prof Charged With Sending Threats to Herself Over Cancellation of Degree Program

1st December 2019

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An Australian professor has been charged with implementing a bogus harassment campaign against herself following the controversial cancellation of a degree program.

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The Jim Snow Laws

1st December 2019

ZMan waxes wroth.

Everyone raised in the Unites States over the last fifty years has been required to memorize the official dogma regarding Jim Crow laws. These were state and local laws that enforced racial segregation in the Southern United States. The official version preached to this day is that they were draconian restrictions on blacks preventing them from having a normal life. Modern blacks are told that their condition is the direct result of white discrimination against blacks via these laws.

While not always written into the legal code, certainly not explicitly, the Jim Snow laws are just as offensive to the ideal of equality before the law. The evolving legal construct under which whites are treated different from non-whites is a variation of what existed in the South during segregation. While the intent of Jim Crow was to keep the races separate, the intent of the Jim Snow laws is vengeance. It is part of the blood libel against white people in America.

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Thought for the Day

1st December 2019

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The Real Class War

1st December 2019

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The work­ing class has experienced economic stagnation and precarity, and even declining life expectancy in the United States, as well as lower family stability and civic engagement. Social mobility has declined, while inequality has widened.

But it is precisely for these reasons that the working class is unlikely to be decisive in shaping politics for the foreseeable future. However one defines the working class, it has scarcely any political agency in the current system and no apparent means for acquiring any. At most, working-class voters can cast their ballots for an “un­acceptable” candidate, but they can exercise no influence on policy formation or agency personnel, much less on governance areas that have been transferred to technocratic bodies. In countries like France, the working class might still be able to veto certain policies through public demonstrations, but such actions seem unlikely in the United States, and even the most heroic efforts of this kind show little prospect of achieving systemic reforms.

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Hating Thanksgiving

1st December 2019

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Thanksgiving brings with it three things: turkey, family, and guides on how to win political fights with family members. The latest entry in this popular proggie pastime is Lauren Duca of Teen Vogue who not only offers a guide to fighting with your family members, but urges future lonely proggies like her who face a future of hookups followed by cat hoarding, that refusing to fight at the dinner table is racist.

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Schwab Abandons High-Tax San Francisco for New $100 Million Mega-HQ in Dallas

1st December 2019

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The exodus from California to Texas proceeds apace.

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New Hampshire Voters to Steyer: Make It Stop!

1st December 2019

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And this is from Politico, reliable Voice of the Crust.

Guess you dan’t ‘buy an election’ after all.

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Homemade Booby Trap in Maine Kills Man Who Rigged It to Protect Residence

1st December 2019

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Let that be a lesson to us all.

Think of it as evolution in action.

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