We have seen the future, and it sucks.

Archive for August, 2019

Apple Donating Money to Preserve Amazon Rainforests Following Devastating Fires

26th August 2019

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Leave no virtue unsignalled.

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Using Bacteria to Make Self-Healing Cement

26th August 2019

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‘Bio-concrete’ is infused with limestone-producing bacteria in capsule form, along with calcium lactate. The bacteria that Jonkers used, either Bacillus pseudofirmus or Sporosarcina pasteurii, thrive in alkaline conditions and are found naturally in highly alkaline lakes near volcanoes. Being mixed with concrete and distributed evenly throughout it, they can lay there in a dormant state for up to 200 years; only when the concrete cracks, air and moisture awaken the bacteria which use the calcium lactate as a food source and start to produce limestone, sealing off the cracks in 3 weeks’ time. The technology, currently able to seal cracks of any length but only up to 0.8 mm wide, was a finalist for the European Inventor Award 2015, an initiative of the European Patent Office (EPO).

We have the technology.

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UK: Soaring numbers of pensioners left ‘stranded’ in hospital for weeks

26th August 2019

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How about that GREAT government-provided health care! Don’t you wish we had a system like that in the U.S.?

Bernie does.

So does Fauxcohontas.

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Why Everything They Say About the Amazon, Including That It’s the “Lungs of the World,” Is Wrong

26th August 2019

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I was curious to hear what one of the world’s leading Amazon forest experts, Dan Nepstad, had to say about the “lungs” claim.

“It’s bullshit,” he said. “There’s no science behind that. The Amazon produces a lot of oxygen but it uses the same amount of oxygen through respiration so it’s a wash.”

Plants use respiration to convert nutrients from the soil into energy. They use photosynthesis to convert light into chemical energy, which can later be used in respiration.

What about The New York Times claim that “If enough rain forest is lost and can’t be restored, the area will become savanna, which doesn’t store as much carbon, meaning a reduction in the planet’s ‘lung capacity’”?

Also not true, said Nepstad, who was a lead author of the most recent Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change report. “The Amazon produces a lot of oxygen, but so do soy farms and [cattle] pastures.”

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Somali Immigrant Convicted of Gang Rape Says He’s Too Depressed to Be Deported

26th August 2019

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Poor little snowflake. Fine. Let’s not deport him — let’s execute him instead.

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Review: The Smallest Minority

26th August 2019

Kevin D. Williamson has written a great book, full of sharp observations and tying everything together nicely.

He then squatted and emptied his bowels over the result, leaving no page unsmeared. I’m sure he breathed a great sigh of relief when he was done, but that doesn’t help those of us who are presented with the result.

Seriously – I couldn’t finish it. Like trying to eat a steak that had been boiled in cat urine, eventually you get to the point where you ask yourself ‘Why am I doing this?’. It’s just not worth it.

Look, I like Kevin Williamson. He hates a lot of the same people I hate, and he’s a very clever writer when he can resist the urge to make his opponents his spittoon. I don’t even mind his reflexive Trump Derangement Syndrome in most cases; like most of the National Review crowd, he can’t bear to live with the fact that some rube from Long Island has succeeded in doing many of the things that St Ronald Reagan couldn’t, and the dyed-in-the-Buckley snobbery is about all that the NR remnant have left. Kevin can be an excellent writer when he can repress his literary Tourettes syndrome, but in this case he apparently didn’t even make an effort. I’m a Navy vet; I can take strong language if it’s appropriate to the situation, but this I-can-be-more-Twittery-than-thou performance is just a good read spoiled.

Don’t waste money buying it. Get it from a public library if you have to. Photocopy the pages, go over it with a black marker redacting where Kevin decided to leave no potty-mouthed slur unspewed, and you’ll wind up with a delightful read (if you’re willing to go to that much work), having shrunk it by about a third.

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Get Ready For Apocalypse Ruth

26th August 2019

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Here’s a pro tip, liberal dummies. If you are going to normalize the hatred of political opponents and express open joy at their demise, the savvy play is to be the political faction that possesses and knows how to use AR-15s and not the one that agonizes over its pronouns.

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Woman Finds Yellow Diamond While Watching YouTube Video on How to Find Diamonds

26th August 2019

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Is there anything a YouTube video can’t do?

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Indonesia Will Move Capital to Island of Borneo

26th August 2019

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The U.S. ought to move it’s capital to Wichita. Warren Buffet could take over the Treasury and we’d all breathe easier.

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Iraqi Officials Say Israeli Strikes Are “Declaration of War” – Demand US Forces Exit

26th August 2019

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I like that idea. Let them descend into anarchy and tyranny all by themselvea.

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College Professor Resigns After Admitting Support for Antifa

26th August 2019

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I’m surprised he bothered to resign.

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‘Extremely Alarming’: Journalists Are Worried About Trump Allies Digging Up Their Old Tweets

26th August 2019

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They can dish it out, but they can’t take it.

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Thought for the Day: It’s Important to Know These Things

26th August 2019

With thanks to Dave Zincavage, who knows more than you and me put together.

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Tat Will Tell: Tattoos and Time Preferences

26th August 2019

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Survey and experimental evidence documents discrimination against tattooed individuals in the labor market and in commercial transactions. Thus, individuals’ decision to get tattooed may reflect short-sighted time preferences. We show that, according to numerous measures, those with tattoos, especially visible ones, are more short-sighted and impulsive than the non-tattooed. Almost nothing mitigates these results, neither the motive for the tattoo, the time contemplated before getting tattooed nor the time elapsed since the last tattoo. Even the expressed intention to get a(nother) tattoo predicts increased short-sightedness and helps establish the direction of causality between tattoos and short-sightedness.

People who get tattoos are fundamentally narcissistic, who think that as long as people are looking at them it doesn’t matter why.

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The Cherokee Want a Representative in Congress, Taking Up a 200-Year-Old Promise

25th August 2019

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An interesting notion.

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Today in Global Warming Hysteria

25th August 2019

We know how to build an all-renewable electric grid

Climate Change: What’s the Worst Case?

Epic planet-saving hubris from @LuxuryLondon

Let the Hate Flow: Climate Activists Celebrate the Death of David Koch

British University Bans Beef Because A Fashion-Expert Declared A “Climate Emergency”

DNC Votes to Avoid “Single Issue” Climate Change Debates  Don’t want to make them look too silly.

Day After Stating No Link, NY Times Blames Amazon Fires on Global Warming  Is there anything it can’t do?


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Today in Trump Derangement Syndrome

25th August 2019

Let’s ‘gut check’ all of Trump’s vulgar, unpresidential statements  Translation: We haven’t called him enough names yet.

Bill Kristol Wants Rick Santorum To Challenge Trump: ‘He’s A Much Better Version Of President Trump’  Not even close.

Former GOP Rep. Joe Walsh Announces POTUS Primary Challenge Against Trump  Remind me who Joe Walsh is.

After Attending Biden Event, Scaramucci Announces That Trump ‘Has Lost His Mind’

Rashida Tlaib: ‘White Supremacist’ Donald Trump Is ‘Afraid Of Women Of Color’  Most of them are batshit crazy – I’d be afraid of them too.

CNN Host Questions Trump’s Mental Health: ‘Is He Suffering From Some Sort Of Illness?’  Yeah, he’s sick of Fake News.

Former Duke Psychiatrist Says Trump May Cause Millions More Deaths Than Hitler, Stalin, Mao  ‘Without Evidence’

Shrink Tells CNN: ‘Evil’ Trump More ‘Destructive’ Than Hitler, Stalin, and Mao  Yeah, just look at all those people he killed … oh, wait….

Former Duke Psychiatrist Admits Trump Isn’t Mentally Ill, But ‘Go With It If It Will Get Him Out Of Office’


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If the Tuition Doesn’t Get You, the Cost of Student Housing Will

25th August 2019

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National developers are behind the proliferation of luxury apartments near college campuses, and they’re driving low-income students farther away.

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PGA Tour Under Scrutiny After Lightning Strikes Injure Spectators

25th August 2019

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A lightning strike is God telling you to go do something indoors. Watch Netflix or something.

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Iran Revisited

25th August 2019

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To this date the American public has not been advised of the side deals that the Obama administration made with Iran to announce its agreement to the JCPOA. A complete accounting of these side deals remains classified, so I am reliably informed. Jay Solomon has reported that the side deals Obama administration Secretary of State John Kerry negotiated were largely about infusing Iran with more cash and investment.

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The China Questions

25th August 2019

ZMan cuts to the chase.

In this case, the relationship is easy to sort. U.S. imports from China totaled $539.5 billion in 2018. U.S. exports were $179.3 billion. That export total is about 7% of all U.S. exports for 2018. Put another way, the U.S. market is about 5% of the Chinese economy, assuming the fake Chinese economic numbers are even close to reality, which is surely not the case. The Chinese market is less than one percent of the U.S. economy in 2018. Imports are about 3% of the U.S. economy.

So all of the hair-on-fire in the news is with respect to only 3% of our economy.

This is why Trump is playing hardball. He believes he has far less to lose than the Chinese in a trade war. Even if all trade with China comes to an end, the cost to the U.S. economy is not going to be devastating. In fact, it will be hardly noticed. Much of that trade will be replaced with other cheap labor countries, as it is not really trade in the conventional sense. America’s economic relationship with China is about off-shoring manufacturing to dodge labor, tax and environmental laws.

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Thought for the Day

25th August 2019

Pearls Before Swine Comic Strip for August 19, 2019
Me, too.

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America Is Obsessed With Beef. But It Has No Use for Hides, So Leather Prices Plunge

25th August 2019

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Good news for those of us who do craft work.

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Powerful, Obscure Law Is Basis for Trump ‘Order’ on Trade

25th August 2019

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Powers that were awesome when Obama used them are now somehow illegitimate when Trump has his hand on the lever.

Big-government fans are finding out that when the shoe is on the other foot it pinches rather sharply.

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Michael Mann Refuses to Produce Data, Loses Case

25th August 2019

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Some years ago, Dr. Tim Ball wrote that climate scientist Michael Mann “belongs in the state pen, not Penn State.” At issue was Mann’s famous “hockey stick” graph that purported to show a sudden and unprecedented 20th century warming trend. The hockey stick featured prominently in the IPCC’s Third Assessment Report (2001), but has since been shown to be wrong. The question, in my view, is whether it was an innocent mistake or deliberate fraud on Mann’s part. (Mann, I believe, continues to assert the accuracy of his debunked graph.) Mann sued Ball for libel in 2011. Principia Scientific now reports that the court in British Columbia has dismissed Mann’s lawsuit with prejudice, and assessed costs against him.

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YouTube Banning Robot Fighting Videos Over ‘Animal Cruelty’

25th August 2019

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YouTube has been quietly removing hundreds of videos depicting robots battling each other to the death – claiming they violate rules governing animal cruelty.

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Today in Global Warming Hysteria

24th August 2019

More Wildfires Are Burning In Angola & Congo Than Brazil

Climate Claim: Large Scale Evacuation Planning Needs to Start Now  Californians have already started.

Sea Level Rise? President Obama Just Bought a Beachside Property

Bernie Sanders Demands Nationalization of US Energy Production to Fight Climate Change  Let’s nationalize Bernie, instead. He could generate enough hot air to melt Greenland all by himself.


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Today in Trump Derangement Syndrome

24th August 2019

‘They Knew I Was Kidding’: Trump Responds To ‘Fake News’ Over ‘Chosen One’ Jest  The standard joke is that Trump’s supporters take him seriously but not literally, while his critics take him literally but not seriously.

CNN’s Cuomo: ‘The President’s Mouth is a Threat to This Country’  Fredo speaks.


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Rich Part of Washington, D.C. Goes Tooth-and-Claw to Prevent New Child-Migrant Shelter in Its Neighborhood

24th August 2019

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Migrants for thee but not for we.

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Gun Sellers Exploit Loophole in Facebook’s Marketplace to Sell Guns Online

24th August 2019

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Markets work, even when you don’t want them to — or attempt to forbid them.

The reason for that is because markets are self-organizing. When two people want to trade: Poof! A market.

The reason socialism never works is that it is not self-organizing; it always has to be imposed, by force.

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California Governor Blames Texas for California’s Policies That Caused the Homeless Crisis

24th August 2019

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Apparently a lot of the San Francisco homeless are from Texas. How they ‘know’ that is not explained.

Now, why would somebody move from a place where they can’t get a handout to a place where they can? It’s a puzzle.

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Thought for the Day

24th August 2019

Pearls Before Swine Comic Strip for August 17, 2019

Bicyclists, like protesters, often forget that the people they are pestering could terminate them with very little effort.

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Little King Goods

23rd August 2019

Check it out.

Things hand-made of leather, the way God intended.

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Dog Ownership Is Associated With Better Cardiovascular Health

23rd August 2019

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Yeah, because running after a fucking dog is very aerobic.

Given a choice between arterial plaque and picking up dog poop every day, I’ll take the plaque.

I can take Lipitor in my recliner without breaking a sweat.

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RBG Scare: David Axelrod Warns Supreme Court Vacancy Fight Could ‘Tear This Country Apart’

23rd August 2019

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“If there is a SCOTUS vacancy next year and @senatemajldr carries through on his extraordinary promise to fill it-despite his own previous precedent in blocking Garland-it will tear this country apart,” David Axelrod said in a tweet Friday afternoon.

Well, no, it couldn’t. Not unless AntiFa can muster more guns than the NRA.

Axelrod is merely doing the sturm-und-bluster pimp walk that Democrats roll out (‘We bad! We so bad! Better not mess wit us, ’cause we bad!’) whenever they suspect that Republicans might possibly be considering treating Democrats the way Democrats habitually treat Republicans. This is meant to frighten the Mitt Romneys and John McCains of this world back onto their reservation. Such bluster betrays weakness rather than strength.

It won’t work on Trump, who will nominate whoever he wants to nominate, regardless of Democrat bluster. He’s good about that.

It won’t work with McConnell, either, who is very conscious the he will have Trump’s boot up his ass (rhetorically speaking) if he fails to do his job. And I think McConnell is actually enjoying having power, now that he’s gotten over his hesitation to use it.

The Brett Kavanaugh circus underscored the fact that there is no nominee Trump could make that won’t be tarred as the second coming of Heinrich Himmler. If Trump nominated Larry Tribe from Harvard, the Huffington Post would quickly find evidence of Tribe having sexually harassed a hamster during his prep school years. Therefore there is nothing to be gained by listening to the Usual Suspects in hopes that they won’t trash his nominee, because That’s Gonna Happen. He will probably (I hope) nominate a well-qualified woman like Amy Coney Barrett, just to demonstrate to the world what a bunch of hypocritical partisan rage-monkeys the ‘feminist’ clerisy can be. And then he will spend a month or two on Twitter banging on the glass of their cages, just because he can. And in the end the Senate will vote to confirm and the three remaining liberal justices will be invited to Go Suck On It.

There is no way RGB can last five more years, and I’ve got a large cabinet full of popcorn set aside towards that day.

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Not So Fab Four: All This Money

23rd August 2019

Read it. And by all means watch the video.

Sometimes the only appropriate response to the brain-dead Left is laughter.

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Today in Trump Derangement Syndrome

23rd August 2019

CNN Pundit Ana Navarro: Donald Trump Is The ‘Enemy’ Of Morality


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Today in Global Warming Hysteria

23rd August 2019

Brazilian President Accuses Green NGOs of Setting Fire to the Amazon Rainforest

UK Govt Committee: End All Private Vehicle Ownership Because Climate Change  Airstrip One goes IngSoc.

MSNBC Defends $16 Trillion Sanders Climate Plan: ‘Price to Not Doing Anything’

Friday Funny: Extinction Rebellion Conference Report

Claim: Climate change could pose danger for Muslim pilgrimage

Amazon Fires and the Horrifying Science of Deforestation


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Today in Trump Derangement Syndrome

23rd August 2019

Trump-phobia: USA Today’s Brennan Demands 2020 Olympians Visit WH Only After Election

MSNBC’s Heilemann Compares Migrant Detention Facilities to Concentration Camps

Things Get Awkward On CNN When Chris Cuomo Hits Scaramucci For Past Trump Support

Bitter Cooper Lashes Out at Sanders, Spicer for New Jobs on TV  How dare they be employed! Trump Cooties!

Leftist Freak Out Over A Liberal Saying Sean Spicer Is ‘Good Guy’

CNN Hires Andrew McCabe As A Contributor  My, what a surprise. He ought to feel right at home.

Nadler Requests Impeachment Docs From House Committees

Matthews, Pals Question Trump’s Mental State, Suggest Supporters Sleep with MAGA Hats  Still jerkin’ their chains.

‘Dancing While Children Sit in Cages:’ Lefty Celebs ‘Deeply Abhor’ Spicer Casting on ‘Dancing With the Stars’

NBC Hypes Liberal Twitter ‘Outrage’ Over Spicer ‘Dancing with the Stars’

Trump Tweets Obvious Joke; Media Is Either Stupid Enough, or Dishonest Enough, to Pretend It’s Serious  As they do.


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Obamas Promise to Spread Their Wealth Around New $15 Million Estate

23rd August 2019

Babylon Bee.

Is that what he’s been spreading? Didn’t smell like wealth to me.

At publishing time, Obama was seen fashioning a stack of hundred-dollar bills into a makeshift barrier to stop the oceans when they rise from climate change.

Think ahead, that’s the key.

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15 Former Spooks Who Work at CNN and MSNBC Now

23rd August 2019

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The Deep State merry-go-round in action.

And if a Democrat were elected President, they’d go back on the government payroll.

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Google Doesn’t Want Staff Debating Politics at Work Anymore

23rd August 2019

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Yeah, they kept saying the wrong things.

“I think it’s specifically intended to silence dissent,” Irene Knapp, an engineer at Google, said. “This is the end of the important parts of Google’s open culture.”

Oh, ya think?

UPDATE: Google bans politics, aka embarrassing stuff that gets leaked, from internal message boards


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France’s New ‘Invincible’ Speed Cameras no Match for Irate Gallic Motorists

23rd August 2019

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They were supposed to be France’s “lethal weapon” against speeding motorists. Instead, the country’s new breed of reputedly “invincible” speed cameras are already falling foul to road rage vandals, with dozens trashed since the start of the summer, officials say.

French police commissioned the new high-tech radars after irate motorists – many of them supporters of the “yellow vest” revolt – trashed up to 75 per cent of the country’s classic speed traps in recent months, at an estimated cost of €360 million (£326m) to the taxpayer.

Goodness, you’d think they were Texans.

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British Man Choked to Death in ‘Row Over Noise’ While Holidaying With Wife and Child in Thailand

23rd August 2019

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When I see the name Amitpal Sing Bajaj I of course immediately think ‘Ah, yes, a British man.’

Roger Bullman, a 54-year-old Norwegian reported to be a martial arts expert, was charged with manslaughter and trespass by act of violence.

Don’t mess with Norwegians, even if you are a British man.

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Progressive Church Allows Anyone to Interrupt Sermon With a Point of Personal Privilege

23rd August 2019

Babylon Bee.

I wonder whether that is the appropriate mechanism for white people to apologize for theirs.

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Thought for the Day

23rd August 2019

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Tesla’s Secret Spontaneously Combusting Solar Panel Cover Up

23rd August 2019

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That Elon — just burnin’ it up.

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Bavarian Couple Sue German Government Over Reunification Tax

23rd August 2019

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It’s amazing how many ’emergency’ taxes become effectively permanent.

In the U.S., the Federal government in 1898 established an excise tax on long-distance telephone calls to help pay for the Spanish-American War.

Since 2006, after litigation, the tax is no longer collected … because the way telephone services are billed no longer falls within the definition in the statute. It remains, however, on the books.

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ISLAMOCOPIA FRIDAY: What’s New in the Religion of Peace

23rd August 2019

Another Day, Another Riot at the Asylum Center

Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar’s Botched Israel Trip Was Sponsored by Terror-Linked Organization

India vows to ease Kashmir clampdown as clashes with Pakistan continue

Family of Taliban leader killed in ‘assassination attempt’ on eve of historic US peace deal

Jihad Attack Averted in Östersund

Saudi judge denies mother custody for being too Western

Jihadi Jack: Isis fighter stripped of British citizenship by Home Office

Suicide-bomb rips through wedding blast in Kabul as dozens feared dead

Three Palestinians shot dead by Israeli helicopter 

Muslim Cleric Killed After Cow He Was About To Ritually Slaughter Fights Back

Eid al-Adha: When Muslim Streets Run Red With (Animal) Blood

Assad regime bombs near Turkish military convoy

Minor League Owner Rejects Connecticut Democrats’ Demand to Meet CAIR

Turkey-Syria War On The Horizon: Airstrikes Target Invading Turkish Army Convoy

How the US Should Approach Talks With the Taliban

Ousted Sudan dictator Omar al-Bashir ‘got $90 million from Saudi royals’

The Mediterranean Migration is a Planned EU Project

MELTDOWN: Beinart Goes Ballistic When Lowry Schools Him on Palestinians, Terrorism

SYRIA: Turkey The Friendless

Assad troops force Syrian rebels to retreat from key town

Mystery Airstrike Rocks Baghdad Base With US Forces Present; Netanyahu Hints Israel Active Over Iraq

Report: ISIS is gaining in Syria and Iraq

Another Tanker With Iranian Oil Now Headed For Syria, Intel Sources Say

Palestinian Authority Condemns LGBTQ Events, Vows to Arrest Anyone Involved  Don’t tell Congresswomen Tlaib and Omar.

Libya: Ottoman Revival

Tunisian Islamists Aim for Power After President’s Death

Muslim Scholar Criticizes Reps. Ilhan Omar And Rashida Tlaib

Two killed in first gun battle sine Kashmir lockdown began

Qatar retracts support for China’s detention of Uighur Muslims

A Culture-Enriching Riot in Regensburg

More on the Vehicular Jihad in Östersund

Endgame Near: Syrian Army Liberates Khan Sheikhoun, Site Of Claimed ‘Sarin Attack’

Young Turks Contributor Hasan Piker Makes Fun Of Rep. Crenshaw’s Missing Eye In Vulgar Rant; Believes U.S. Deserved 9/11

How Trump Started a Civil War Between the UN and Hamas

Iraq Claims ‘Proof’ Israel Hit Paramilitary Base In Rare Attack  I look forward to the day when such attacks will not be rare.


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Extreme Fitness Rots the Teeth, New Study Finds

23rd August 2019

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Hah! I knew it.

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