Read it.
Well, not exactly. I’m sure the Voices of the Crust who generated this article would wish it were so, but it isn’t.
Nothing is more perennial than proglodyte dreaming about turning Texas into a Blue state. It ain’t gonna happen.
Americans embarking on nationwide journeys to support progressive candidates in battleground states wouldn’t likely stop in Texas during any other campaign season — but something is clearly happening across the Lone Star state in 2018.
Yeah, Voices of the Crust are using biased polls to get their hopes up. They think that if they say it enough times it will come true. Which is why they depend on ‘blue wave tour’ activists for their ‘facts’:
“We’re travelling from here to Georgia to support Stacey Abrams, and then we’re going to Florida to support Andrew Gillum,” Mr Pierce says. “I really think Texas is on its way … This is the start of their story. The next generations are going to build from here, and maybe that’s the most inspiring part of all of this.”
Uh, no.
Mr O’Rourke is within five points of Mr Cruz’s lead in the reliably red state, according to the latest polls, reflecting a surge of energy surrounding progressives across the country, including in regions typically believed to be Republican strongholds.
Such polls typically oversample Democrats, which is why they all predicted a landslide for Hillary that Didn’t Happen.
Along the campaign trail, Mr O’Rourke has sought to set himself apart from the national Democratic Party by avoiding discussion of political affiliations and attempting to focus on the issues that matter most for local voters, from immigration to healthcare.
Uh, no. He has tied himself to the national Democrat fetish of Identity Politics by ‘identifying’ as Hispanic (hence the ‘Bet0’), and in general follows the socialist line concerning Free Stuff for everybody. Still, all this handwaving doesn’t escape the core fact that he is, indeed, Just Another Democrat:
At the same time, he hasn’t shied away from defending the progressive stances he’s taken on issues generally considered too taboo to discuss in Texas politics, from abortions to impeaching Donald Trump.
The ‘issues that matter most for local voters’, outside of the urban blue pustules, are taxes and jobs. Trump has those nailed, and Cruz is right behind him.
Meanwhile, Mr O’Rourke has broken national fundraising records in the latest three-month period, vowing to spend the whopping $38m entirely on his own race, rather than sharing some of the cash flow with other Democrats in the region.
Most of which has come from out-of-state, underlining that fact that, popular Media mythology aside, the Democrats are the Party of the Rich.
You will note the lack of mention of the Invasion Caravan approaching the southern border, which has increasingly focused Republican attention and has energized Republican turnout for what is normally a snooze-fest election.
UPDATE: Mural depicting Beto O’Rourke as a superhero is vandalised days after being unveiled
‘El Paso gentrifier supports Israel’ among slogans spray-painted on Austin artwork
Guess Beto isn’t the liberal dreamboat that everybody says he is.