We have seen the future, and it sucks.

Archive for June, 2016

Blocked Entrance, Shouting Matches, Apathetic Cops and Angry Women at Milo’s UCLA Stop

2nd June 2016

Read it. And watch the video.

Apparently female trumps gay.

A female student has an emotional breakdown against pro-Yiannopoulos fans waiting in line (video below).

A female protester disrupts the event shouting “I hate you” at Yiannopoulos at the top of her lungs.

Although many guests had lined up hours before the event’s start, police officers manning security did not appear to attempt to disperse the eclectic crowd of student protesters blockading the main entrance so guests waiting could go inside.

Odd how it’s the ‘progressives’ that are adopting the tactics so famously used by the Brownshirts in you-know-where.


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ACLU Leader Quits After Daughters Encounter Men in the Women’s Restroom

2nd June 2016

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Maya Dillard Smith, interim director of the Georgia chapter of the American Civil Liberties Union, has resigned over the ACLU’s position on who can use which public restrooms. The resignation occurred after her two daughters were traumatized by encountering men in the women’s restroom. Dillard Smith explained:

I have shared my personal experience of having taken my elementary school age daughters into a women’s restroom when shortly after three transgender young adults, over six feet [tall] with deep voices, entered. My children were visibly frightened, concerned about their safety and left asking lots of questions for which I, like many parents, was ill-prepared to answer.

What goes around comes around. Be careful what you wish for; you just might get it.

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A-10 Versus F-35: What a Head-to-Head Showdown Won’t Answer

2nd June 2016

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Recently, Rep. Martha McSally suggested that the Air Force conduct a fly-off between the F-35 and the A-10 to see which did better at providing Close Air Support (CAS). But effective CAS is about more than just the capabilities of the aircraft involved. It requires an Air Force community with intimate knowledge of the Army’s maneuver tactics, mindset and intent.

The A-10 community has this knowledge. But that understanding will be lost if and when the Air Force retires the A-10 weapons system—unless its leadership takes a different course of action than the one currently planned.

The Air Force is led by fighter jocks who really don’t care about Close Air Support. This is why the Army needs an Army Air Corps, flying A-10s or equivalent, so that it can be integrated with other land-centric operations, just as the Navy has its own air support branch.

Quite frankly, I don’t see why the Air Force needs to be a separate service at all, but that’s an argument for another day.

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Nice Little University You’ve Got Here — It’d be a Shame if Anything Happened to It…

2nd June 2016

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The latest report on the closure of “silent rooms” — de facto mosques — at German universities features protesting Muslims at the Technical University of Berlin. Muslims are angry at the closure of their mosque, and have been gathering for prayers inside and outside the main university building to pray in protest. When the university refused to back down, Muslims ratcheted the conflict up a notch, threatening the university and its president.

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Moose Gives Birth to Calf in the Parking Lot of an Alaska Hardware Store

1st June 2016

Watch it.

Not something you see every day.

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‘Universal Cancer Vaccine’ Breakthrough Claimed by Scientists

1st June 2016

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Writing in Nature, an international team of researchers described how they had taken pieces of cancer’s genetic RNA code, put them into tiny nanoparticles of fat and then injected the mixture into the bloodstreams of three patients in the advanced stages of the disease.

The patients’ immune systems responded by producing “killer” T-cells designed to attack cancer.

The vaccine was also found to be effective in fighting “aggressively growing” tumours in mice, according to researchers, who were led by Professor Ugur Sahin from Johannes Gutenberg University in Germany.

That would be useful.

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State Department Admits Iran Remarks Were Intentionally Edited From Video

1st June 2016

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The State Department on Wednesday acknowledged that an archived video of a 2013 press briefing was intentionally edited to remove a snippet of conversation about the Iran nuclear talks, an omission it had previously blamed on a “glitch.”

Earlier this year, journalists discovered that several minutes of the 2013 press briefing had been deleted from an archived video posted on YouTube. The deleted segment of tape included a discussion related to the nuclear deal with Iran, and a suggestion by spokeswoman Jen Psaki that negotiations for that deal had begun earlier than previously disclosed.

The State Department a few weeks ago blamed the missing portion of the video on a “glitch,” but did a rapid about-face on Wednesday.In reviewing the events surrounding the missing videotape, State Department officials “learned that a specific request was made to excise that portion of the briefing,” spokesman John Kirby told reporters. “We do not know who made the request to edit the video or why it was made.”

And if you believe that one, they’ll tell you another one.

Q: What do you call it when your government deliberately lies to you?

A: Obamanation!

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1,037 Syrian Refugees Admitted in May: Two Christians, 1,035 Muslims

1st June 2016

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Of the 2,099 Syrian refugees admitted so far this year, six (0.28 percent) are Christians, 2,043 (97.3 percent) are Sunni Muslims. The remaining 50 are 17 (0.8 percent) Shi’a, 30 (1.4 percent) other Muslims and 10 (0.47 percent) Yazidis.

Not a program that I’m likely to support.

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Supreme Court Rules 8-0 for Landowners Fighting Clean Water Act Regulations

1st June 2016

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The case of U.S. Army Corps of Engineers v. Hawkes Co., Inc. centered on a peat-mining business that has been prevented from using some of its property because the Army Corps of Engineers determined that the land in question contained federally protected wetlands. The Hawkes Co. disagreed with that determination and set out to challenge it in federal court. But the federal government maintained that judicial review was not an option for landowners at this stage under the Clean Water Act.

In his opinion, Chief Justice John Roberts rejected the federal government’s position. “If respondents discharged fill material without a permit, in the mistaken belief that their property did not contain jurisdictional waters, they would expose themselves to civil penalties of up to $37,500 for each day they violated the [Clean Water] Act, to say nothing of potential criminal liability,” Roberts observed “Respondents need not assume such risks while waiting for EPA to ‘drop the hammer’ in order to have their day in court.”

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Antwerp Terror Arrests Underscore Growing Threat to Europe and America

1st June 2016

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Last Wednesday, just two years and a day after the deadly terrorist attack on the Jewish Museum in Brussels, and barely more than two months after the twin attacks on the Brussels airport and metro, Belgian police arrested a group of Muslim youth planning yet another attack, this time in Antwerp. Aiming “to kill as many kufar,” or non-Muslims, as possible, the group is believed to have been planning to bomb Antwerp’s Central Station. The group also is believed to have made previous plans to assassinate right-wing politician Filip Dewinter, the leader of the Vlaams Belang party. Those plans were put on hold, however, in favor of a larger-scale attack.

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Feds Shirked Oversight Duties Over Cover Oregon Obamacare Funds

1st June 2016

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The federal government failed to conduct oversight over the $305 million taxpayer funded Cover Oregon Obamacare exchange, according to a report released by House Oversight Committee Chairman Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah). This absence of federal oversight occurred even as the state’s independent quality assurance manager, Maximus, flagged the state exchange as “high risk.”

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The IRS Warned the Obama Administration That Its Decision to Pay Obamacare Subsidies to Insurers Was Illegal

1st June 2016

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But they don’t care, because He Won.

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Saudi Arabia on Course to Execute More Than 100 People in First Six Months of 2016 as Use of Death Penalty Rises

1st June 2016

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“Executions in Saudi Arabia have been surging dramatically for two years now and this appalling trend shows no sign of slowing,” said James Lynch, deputy Middle East and North Africa director at Amnesty International.

“The steep increase in executions is even more appalling given the pervasive flaws in Saudi Arabia’s justice system, which mean that it is entirely routine for people to be sentenced to death after grossly unfair trials.

I think their real objection is to the fact that the Saudi government completely ignores Amnesty International.

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University of Missouri to Spend $1 Million on Diversity Audit Despite Budget Shortfall

1st June 2016

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Mizzou is currently facing a $32 million dollar budget shortfall but they have the money for a diversity audit?

Sometimes, institutions deserve to fail.

‘Audit’ is an accounting term. I object to it being used by people who don’t understand the basic principles of accounting.

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The Progressive Minimum Wage

1st June 2016

Don Boudreaux, a Real Economist, looks at the dark side of the Minimum Wage.

Few policies have origins as ugly as that of the minimum wage.  “Progressive” intellectuals in the early 20th century supported the minimum wage because they believed it to be an effective policy detergent to help cleanse the gene pool of ‘undesirables.’  By pricing low-skilled, ‘undesirable’ workers out of jobs, ‘undesirables’ are less likely to successfully pro-create and to immigrate.  The fact that the minimum wage, by pricing ‘undesirables’ out of work, thereby artificially raises the incomes of white workers was considered to be an added benefit of this social-engineering device.

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Gotham Goes National

1st June 2016

Steve Sailer looks at Trump.

The core of the Trump Phenomenon is the question of freedom of expression.

Donald Trump has come to be seen by both his enemies and his supporters as the living embodiment of a potential revival of the American tradition of free speech after the Obama ice age of political correctness. Trump’s backers tend to believe they have more to gain from frank, outspoken debate (whether in pragmatic advantages or simply in entertainment value), while his opponents assume that they, personally, have more to lose from a return to a freer market for ideas.

This is one of those rare cases in politics where both sides may be right.

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Hillary-Trump Will be the Indian Summer for Baby Boom Jokewriters

1st June 2016

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The Democrats have been boasting since the 1990s that they are going to impose one party rule on America by importing countless foreign ringers to vote for them … Why wouldn’t Americans resent this?

I suspect that Hillary will hire several of the world’s highest paid jokewriters to come up with new Trump Jokes for her. You know, these guys have had some experience at making up insults about Donald Trump over the last 30 years.

Similarly, Trump won’t suffer a major shortage of jokewriters who have been making up jokes about Hillary for the last 25 years.

The next five months will be a glorious Indian Summer for Baby Boom comedy writers.

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Thought for the Day

1st June 2016

Tina: I saw your political opinion on Facebook and now I think you're an awful person. Wally: What did you think about me before? Tina: I didn't think about you before. Wally: Sounds like I got promoted.

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How Alien Would a Species Have to be for Humans to Side With Other Humans?

1st June 2016

Steve Sailer asks the obvious question.

Clearly, a large fraction of Americans now believes a gorilla’s life is more valuable than a four-year old boy’s (especially when it was assumed that the little boy was white). Presumably, lions would score pretty high as well.

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Feminism: Hatred As Social Justice

1st June 2016

The Other McCain tracks this stuff so that you don’t have to.

When someone called my attention to that quote, I recognized it as yet another reiteration of feminism as a synonym for “SHUT UP!”

This unseemly desire to silence others, to monopolize public discussion and tell people what to think by controlling what they are allowed to say, is one reason why I keep saying Feminism Is a Totalitarian Movement to Destroy Civilization as We Know It. We can understand (as pure selfishness) Drew Koshgarian’s motive for asserting that, as a female, her opinion is more valuable than any male opinion. Yet she is also white, “cis” (i.e., not transgendered) and heterosexual — married to a white male, in fact — so why her insistence that, for example, a Latina lesbian’s opinion or a Taiwanese transvestite’s opinion is more valuable than her own husband’s opinion? This is all about the hierarchies of “oppression” and “privilege” according to the social justice formula with which young people are indoctrinated in 21st-century academia.

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