We have seen the future, and it sucks.

Archive for February, 2014

Charlemagne’s Bones Identified

4th February 2014

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So he’s not sleeping under a mountain somewhere with his paladins waiting to ride to our rescue in time of need?


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Lupus Sufferer: ‘Obamacare Has Made My Life a Nightmare’

3rd February 2014

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Thank you, Barack Hussein Obama. (um, um, um)

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Four Chaplains Day

3rd February 2014

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The Four Chaplains, also sometimes referred to as the “Immortal Chaplains,” were four United States Army chaplains who gave their lives to save other civilian and military personnel during the sinking of the troop ship USAT Dorchester on February 3, 1943, during World War II. They helped other soldiers board lifeboats and gave up their own life jackets when the supply ran out. The chaplains joined arms, said prayers, and sang hymns as they went down with the ship.

Name an atheist who has saved someone’s life at the cost of his own. I can wait.

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How a New Russian Icebreaker Slices Sideways Through Frozen Seas

2nd February 2014

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Instead of smashing ice head-on, the angled hull lets the ship roll over the ice and use its weight to do the cracking.

We have the technology.

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California Cracking Down on Coding Bootcamps for Teaching Coding Without a License

2nd February 2014

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‘ All within the state, nothing outside the state, nothing against the state.’ — Benito Mussolini

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5 Ridiculous Gun Myths Everyone Believes (Thanks to Movies)

2nd February 2014

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I’d also like to see one regarding arrows, such as in the TV series Arrow.

Hint: An arrow is not an impact weapon. Maybe if you hit someone in the head or a vital nerve plex — pretty hard to do — it isn’t going to put somebody down; it will merely inconvenience them, and if they’ve got a gun you’re still dead meat. Arrows are hemorrhage weapons — ideally, you shoot somebody and back off until they bleed out (or, if you’re a really really good shot, a lung or the pericardium fills with blood).

Posted in Think about it. | 2 Comments »

The Dude on Finding True Love and Making it Last.

2nd February 2014

Wisdom. Attend.

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Tech Rides Are Focus of Hostility in Bay Area

2nd February 2014

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Even as the tech companies extend their global reach and jostle to own the future, their hometown is turning from admiration to anger. The buses, which illegally use city stops, have become an unlikely rallying point. First, people were priced out of their homes, activists say; now they are being pushed off the streets.

I’m curious as to how busses can ‘illegally’ use ‘city stops’. A government bus has special privileges? Nobody gets to intrude into their sacred personal space? Even for three minutes? Who are these Drones of the State that feel entitled to resent people using mass transit? I suppose they would feel better if each used a personal car? But no … then they’d whine about that. There’s no pleasing some people, using the term loosely.

The group that stalked Anthony Levandowski, an engineer at Google X, the company’s clandestine research laboratory, calls itself the Counterforce, after a Thomas Pynchon novel. About a dozen members, all dressed in black, gathered outside the Berkeley house where Mr. Levandowski lives with his partner and two young children.

They unfurled a banner and handed out fliers detailing the engineer’s work on Google’s driverless car technology, Street View and Google Maps. The flier read: “Anthony Levandowski is building an unconscionable world of surveillance, control and automation. He is also your neighbor.”

When the Luddites start to organize into mobs, then it’s time to decamp. Come to Texas. You’ll never look back.

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True Story: Government Conducted a Study of a Study about Studies

1st February 2014

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The United States government paid for a study to analyze a Defense Department study that evaluated a series of other studies.

This really happened.

How much taxpayer money did the government spend in order to study a study of its studies?

Answer: The government doesn’t know.

I am not making this up.

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NYT: Having Female Loved Ones Makes Men Into Sexist Republicans

1st February 2014

Steve Sailer has some fun with the Mouth of the Crust.

New York Times columnist Charles Blow discovers a new engine fueling the War on Women: having female loved ones makes men more sexist. Apparently, being around women they love causes males to notice average differences between men and women, and Noticing, as we’ve all been warned, leads to conservatism.

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Fat Kids Become Fat Adults

1st February 2014

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There was a NY Times article about this earlier this week. The obvious conclusion, at least to me, is that weight is genetic and there’s not much that the government can do to stop people from becoming fat if it’s in their genes. Although I do think that increasing availability of food stamps has contributed to the problem. People who can’t afford to buy food don’t get fat.

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