We have seen the future, and it sucks.

Archive for January, 2013

The New Power Class Who Will Profit From Obama’s Second Term

23rd January 2013

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In the past, political struggles were largely fought over how to divide up the spoils generated by the basic productive economy; labor, investors and management all shared a belief in the ethos of economic growth, manufacturing and resource extraction.

In contrast, today’s new hegemons hail almost entirely from outside the material economy, and many come from outside the realm of the market system entirely. Daniel Bell, in his landmark 1973 The Coming of Post-Industrial Society, may have been the first to identify this ascension to “pre-eminence of the professional and technical class.” This new “priesthood of power,” as he put it, would eventually overturn the traditional hierarchies based on land, corporate and financial assets.

Forty years later the outlines of this transformation are clear. Contrary to the conservative claims of Obama’s “socialist” tendencies, the administration is quite comfortable with such capitalist sectors as entertainment, the news media and the software side of the technology industry, particularly social media. The big difference is these firms derive their fortunes not from the soil and locally crafted manufacturers, but from the manipulation of ideas, concepts and images.

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The Serif Readability Myth

23rd January 2013

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I’ve been involved in publishing all my life, and like many others I’ve always accepted as axiomatic the notion that typefaces with serifs (such as Times-Roman) are, in general, are more readable than non-serif typefaces (e.g., Helvetica). It never occurred to me that there was any doubt about the matter. Were the monks who invented serifs and other text ornamentations merely engaging in idle doodling? Weren’t they consciously intending to increase the legibility of the important documents they were transcribing?

It turns out that, as with so many of the things we “know” are right, the idea that serif typefaces are more readable than non-serif typefaces simply isn’t supported by the evidence.

Posted in Think about it. | 1 Comment »

The Filthy Rotten Party of Corruption, Treason, Fraud, Sodomy and Abortion

22nd January 2013

The Other McCain lets it all hang out.

The problem, really, is that Republicans just don’t hate Democrats the way Democrats hate Republicans.

Most Republicans are born and raised Republicans, and are spiritually attuned to the sentiments of bourgeois respectability that are core values to the decent, honest people the GOP represents. By contrast, Democrats owe their power to the vilest dregs of humanity — corrupt union goons, Marxist academics, criminals, drug addicts, sexual perverts and race hustlers — who have no respect for the values of decent, honest people.

Yeah, that pretty much sums it up.

Posted in Think about it. | 2 Comments »

How Paul Larsen Piloted the Fastest Sailboat Ever

22nd January 2013

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If you’ve never heard about the world of high-speed boating, there are some technological and human feats in Fisher’s piece that go far beyond what comes to mind when most of us think of boating — when Larsen and his team broke the outright world speed sailing record in November, the Vesta SailRocket Mark 2 was regularly going in excess of 60 knots.

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New York Fires Auditor Who Found Misuse of Sandy Recovery Funds

21st January 2013

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No good deed goes unpunished in New York: the state has abruptly cut off a contract with the independent auditor who found that the state had been wasting federal money meant to be spent on Hurricane Sandy recovery efforts.

Thomas Sadowski, the fired consultant, told the Times Union that he was escorted out of the building when he visited the New York Office of Emergency Management shortly after he filed his report on November 17.

The state hired Sadowski for his extensive experience in emergency procurement management with the federal government. The certified public accountant also did similar work for 10 years at the U.S. Department of Interior’s Inspector General’s office. Sadowski also trained the U.S. Forest Service, Alaska Fire Service, National Interagency Fire Center, Colorado Wildfire Academy, and other government agencies.

“I didn’t believe I did anything to be escorted off the premises,” Sadowski told the Times Union. “I wasn’t trying to get back at anybody or get anybody in trouble.” But Sadowski said he believed he was fired for finding the waste. “I was relieved of my duties because I identified these problems,” he said.

My, what a surprise! Aren’t you surprised? I’m sure surprised.

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Chicago Businessman Sentenced to 14 Years in Danish Terror Plot

21st January 2013

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A Pakistan-born Chicago businessman was sentenced to 14 years in prison Thursday for his role in a plot to attack a Danish newspaper and providing material support to the Pakistan-based terrorist group Lashkar-e-Tayyiba (LeT).

What peaceful, friendly people! Wouldn’t you just love to have some for neighbors?
That’s some fine Religion o’ Peace™ you got there, Mohammed.
Of course, as we all know, the real problem is Islamophobia.

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This Metamorphosis Will Require a Permit

21st January 2013

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Like many people whose houses were badly damaged by Hurricane Sandy, my family and I have been living in a rented house since the storm. Unlike some whose houses were totalled, we could have repaired things and been home toasting our tootsies by our own fireplace by now. What happened?

Two things: zoning (as in “Twilight Zone”) and FEMA.

The chief obstacle to repairing the damage of hurricanes and other natural disasters is — surprise! — government red tape.

Before you could get a building permit, however, you had to be approved by the Zoning Authority. And Zoning—citing FEMA regulations—would force you to bring the house “up to code,” which in many cases meant elevating the house by several feet. Now, elevating your house is very expensive and time consuming—not because of the actual raising, which takes just a day or two, but because of the required permits.

Kafka would have liked the zoning folks. There also is a limit on how high in the sky your house can be. That calculation seems to be a state secret, but it can easily happen that raising your house violates the height requirement. Which means that you can’t raise the house that you must raise if you want to repair it. Got that?

Hey, we’re from the government, and we’re here to help.

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Pakistan’s Envoy to US Faces Potentially Deadly Blasphemy Accusation

21st January 2013

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According to Pakistan’s blasphemy laws, anyone found to have uttered words derogatory to the Prophet Muhammad can be put to death.

And those who are accused are sometimes lynched by mobs even if they are found innocent by the courts.

It could be worse; she could own an assault weapon.

The allegations against Rehman, which revolve around comments she made on Pakistani television in 2010, are being brought by Muhammad Faheem Ahkter Gill, a 31-year-old businessman who owns a marble business in the city of Multan.

Gill was watching the television interview with Rehman with two friends. He said he felt her comments were derogatory to the Prophet Muhammad and, being a Muslim, it was his responsibility to do something about it.

What peaceful, friendly people! Wouldn’t you just love to have some for neighbors?
That’s some fine Religion o’ Peace™ you got there, Mohammed.
Of course, as we all know, the real problem is Islamophobia.

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Riddles Have No Place in Job Interviews

21st January 2013

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It’s one thing to ask an open-ended technical question that lends itself to straightforward answers (e.g., “What are some things you could do to minimize the time spent in garbage collection?”). It’s quite another to subject the interviewee to game-show riddles. “Four people want to cross a bridge. They all begin on the same side. You have twelve minutes to get all of them across to the other side. It is night. There is one flashlight. A maximum of two people can cross at one time,” etc.

I have only faced one such interview, and (no doubt as punishment for my sins) accepted their offer; I learned within a month that the guy was a micromanaging asshole. Fortunately it was a contract position so I could bail out without too much damage to my résumé. But it was Hell while it lasted.

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Google Expands Its Street View Imagery in Israel, Adds Hundreds of New Cities, Towns & Tourist Attractions

21st January 2013

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All the better to blow you up, my dear, you filthy Zionist.

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NY: At Strike’s Root, Runaway Costs in Busing Pupils

21st January 2013

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 The strike that began Wednesday, which idled more than half of the city’s school buses and forced about 113,000 children to find new ways to school, was prompted by a fight over union jobs. But its true roots are in an attempt to reform one of the most inefficient transportation systems in the country, one that costs almost $7,000 a year for each passenger, an amount so high that many of those children could hire a livery cab for about the same price. By comparison with the next three largest school districts, Los Angeles spends about $3,200, Chicago about $5,000, and Miami, $1,000.

Much as with the Labour Party in Britain, the capture of the Democrats by trade unions leads to waste, inefficiency, and ever-increasing debt.

Tell me again how great unions have been for the working man — but include the bit about bleeding everyone else to death, just for balance.

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Wisconsin ‘American Diversity’ Course Teaches ‘White Guilt’

21st January 2013

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My, what a surprise! Aren’t you surprised? I’m sure surprised.

Quite appropriate for all those Wisconsonites to feel ashamed for their long history of bigotry and racism.

Then there’s the cheese….

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Pubic Louse Falls Victim to Eager Brazilian Strippers

21st January 2013

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A dramatic decline in cases of pubic lice has been linked to growing enthusiasm for the Brazilian bikini wax, and trimmed shrubbery in general.

Phthirus pubis is estimated to infest between 2 and 10 per cent of people worldwide, according to this report, but the species could be heading for “disaster” if humans persist in mowing their nether regions.

A 2011 study by Kenyon College in Ohio revealed that “more than 80 per cent of college students in the US remove all or some of their pubic hair, as well as a majority of university-aged men and women in Australia”.*

Hair today, gone tomorrow. Say not that the struggle nought availeth.

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What, Me Worry?

20th January 2013

John Derbyshire, Patron Saint of Dyspepsia, is uncharacteristically insouciant.

Mass enstupidation worries a lot of the Edge-heads. David Gelernter cruelly reproduces part of a piece Sean Penn wrote for the Huffington Post. That you can be rich, famous, and admired by millions while having the IQ of a nematode is not news, but reminders never hurt. (Penn’s words are the penultimate graf in Gelernter’s piece: The editors forgot to indent it. God bless the editors of Taki’s Mag, who never fail to follow my indentation instructions!)

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If Carpenters Were Hired Like Programmers

20th January 2013

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Another in what appears to be a continuing series.

This one is even funnier than the last one. And still frighteningly realistic.

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15-Year Prison Sentence in Egypt for Converting From Islam

20th January 2013

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Nadia Mohamed Ali, who was raised a Christian, converted to Islam when she married Mohamed Abdel-Wahhab Mustafa, a Muslim, 23 years ago. He later died, and his widow planned to convert her family back to Christianity in order to obtain an inheritance from her family. She sought the help of others in the registration office to process new identity cards between 2004 and 2006. When the conversion came to light under the new regime, Nadia, her children and even the clerks who processed the identity cards were all sentenced to prison.

What peaceful, friendly people! Wouldn’t you just love to have some for neighbors?
That’s some fine Religion o’ Peace™ you got there, Mohammed.
Of course, as we all know, the real problem is Islamophobia.

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What if Cars Were Rented Like We Hire Programmers?

20th January 2013

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Unfortunately, it’s frighteningly realistic.

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Crown Heights Gentrification and the Salvation of Oak Park

20th January 2013

Steve Sailer unloads some inconvenient truth.

 The destruction of Austin next door threatened to spread to Oak Park, with its spectacular stock of Frank Lloyd Wright Prairie-style homes. But the city fathers responded with a wise (if presumably wholly illegal) racial quota system. The “black-a-block” system restricted real estate agents in Oak Park to selling only one home per block to a black family.

Yet, as James Kabala pointed out once, it’s hard to find any mention on the Internet of Oak Park’s “black-a-block” quota, presumably because it violated federal law, but was winked at because important people felt it worthwhile to save Oak Park’s architectural heritage.

Race quotas have been popular with the Establishment in hiring and college admissions, so why, since they worked out well in Oak Park, weren’t they encouraged elsewhere in housing?

“Who? Whom?” of course. Race quotas to increase the numbers of Designated Victim Groups are good, race quotas to limit their numbers are bad, and that’s all you need to know.

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How Would We Really Treat Mutants?

20th January 2013

Bryan Caplan has the answer.

Of course, popular acceptance wouldn’t extend to mutants who openly embraced or acted upon an ideology of mutant supremacy.  But as long as mutants spoke like loyal citizens of their nations of origin, we’d treat them better, not worse, than normal.  We’d fawn on mutants even if they were arrogant jerks.  See the folks on the covers of our supermarket tabloids.

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The Evils of Boilerplate Contracts

20th January 2013

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Ms. Radin begins by arguing that boilerplate contracts—which as early as 1919 were widespread enough of a commercial practice as to be a subject of case law—aren’t really contracts at all. Because the terms aren’t bargained over, it follows that they aren’t consented to in any traditional sense; there is no meeting of the minds between the parties.

The absence of real agreement means that boilerplate contracts are inconsistent with the moral basis of contract law, which, after all, uses the power of the state to enforce the transfer of one person’s property to another on the ground that both agreed to the transfer. This degradation of the moral basis of contract law, in turn, undermines the classical liberal justification for the state, which rests on the need for a public entity that enhances freedom by enforcing private agreements.

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Buried Christian Empire Casts New Light on Early Islam

20th January 2013

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Nevertheless, he is pleased, because he was able to bring notes, bits of debris and bones back to Heidelberg. Yule has concluded that Zafar was the center of an Arab tribal confederation, a realm that was two million square kilometers (about 772,000 square miles) large and exerted its influence all the way to Mecca.

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15 Frugal Billionaires Who Live Like Regular People

20th January 2013

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And why not? Technology give the ordinary middle class family amenities that Kings a hundred years ago couldn’t have. (Not didn’t have; couldn’t have, because the technology didn’t exist yet.)

Most of the over-the-top spending you see in the papers and on TV is the result of rich people trying to impress — their guests, their friends, their neighbors, the aforesaid papers and TV, and most importantly themselves. There is an essential distinction between a ‘rich person’ and a ‘person who has a lot of money’.

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‘Streisand Effect’: Scientology Imploding?

20th January 2013

The Other McCain is on the case.

Scientology is the most successful of the New Age scams designed to part fools from their money.

There was a time when the cult could sue a few critics and thereby intimidate everybody else. But the Internet makes it impossible to silence the truth, and the truth is not Scientology’s friend.

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As Google Doodle Game Celebrates Cool Inventor, Here Are 8 Things You Don’t Know About the Zamboni Machine

20th January 2013

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“There are three things in life that people like to stare at: a flowing stream, a crackling fire and a Zamboni clearing the ice.”

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NYC Bus Drivers Go on Strike “For the Children”

20th January 2013

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If the Bloomberg v. Union showdown proceeds as the Rahm v. Union did this summer, next will come t-shirts, floats in parades, partying with violent and radical neo-fascists, and eventual capitulation by the mayor.

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American Single-Malt Whiskeys Serve Notice

20th January 2013

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THE humid streets of Waco, Tex., may not have much in common with the misty glens of Scotland, home to some of the world’s best malt whiskeys.

Not much, that is, until last month, when a single-malt whiskey from the Balcones Distillery in Waco bested nine others, including storied Scottish names like the Balvenie and the Macallan, in a blind panel of British spirits experts.

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Who Cares About Lance Armstrong?

19th January 2013

Not me.

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Former New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin Charged With Katrina-Related Corruption

19th January 2013

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Hm. A Democrat mayor charged with corruption. My, what a surprise! Aren’t you surprised? I’m sure surprised.

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Tutankhamun Tomb: Human Breath Wreaks Havoc in Egypt

19th January 2013

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Yeah, gotta stop those people breathing, they’re screwing everything up.

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Liberalism Versus Blacks

16th January 2013

Thomas Sowell blows the whistle.

San Francisco is a classic example of a city unexcelled in its liberalism. But the black population of San Francisco today is less than half of what it was back in 1970, even though the city’s total population has grown.

Severe restrictions on building housing in San Francisco have driven rents and home prices so high that blacks and other people with low or moderate incomes have been driven out of the city. The same thing has happened in a number of other California communities dominated by liberals.

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Obama Blows Budget Deadline–For the 4th Time

16th January 2013

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President Obama has only once submitted his budget on time. Obama’s first budget wasn’t submitted until May, his second came on deadline, and his last two were submitted in late February. That, says Rep. Ryan’s office, gives Obama the distinction of missing more budget deadlines than any president since the 1920s.

What are they going to do? Fire him?

Unmentioned in the article is the fact that when he actually does get a budget, it is overwhelmingly voted down in the Senate, which is controlled by his own party.

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Stop the Presses! Arab Leader Hates Jews!

16th January 2013

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So, the person the Obama Administration has placed all our chips on in Egypt, the supposedly moderate Mohamad Morsi (pay no attention to the Muslim Brotherhood behind the curtain), turns out not to like Israel or Jews.

My, what a surprise! Aren’t you surprised? I’m sure surprised.

But the exposure this month of his virulent comments from early 2010, both documented on video, have revealed sharp anti-Semitic and anti-Western sentiments, raising questions about Mr. Morsi’s efforts to present himself as a force for moderation and stability.

What peaceful, friendly people! Wouldn’t you just love to have some for neighbors?
That’s some fine Religion o’ Peace™ you got there, Mohammed.
Of course, as we all know, the real problem is Islamophobia.

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Transsexual Bullies Successfully Censor Feminist Writers Who Criticized Them

16th January 2013

The Other McCain is on the case.

News from the competitive victimhood sweepstakes in Great Britain indicates that transsexuals have won the Most Oppressed Group prize, and are now able to demand complete deference.

All of this uproar began, remember, with a feminist’s jocular complaint about ridiculous pressures on women about their looks. And the moral of the story: Angry bullies always win!

From whom did the transgender community learn this lesson?

Why, yes, of course: From feminists themselves, who ruthlessly bullied their way to power by organizing hate-fests to denounce men whom they accused of sexism, discrimination, and/or harassment.

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The 9 Ugliest Feminists in America

16th January 2013

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Not that we want to be controversial or anything….

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Scary Chart of the Day – Tuition Inflation

15th January 2013

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Insert here my standard rant about health care and education being the last two major human endeavors in which automation hasn’t been intelligently applied, and which are therefore overly and increasingly expensive.

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Why You Should Never, Ever Use Two Spaces After a Period.

15th January 2013

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From reading it, I must assume this is a parody. I would have a hard time taking usage advice from someone who misuses ‘should’ in the place of ‘ought’.

Posted in Axis of Drivel -- Adventures in Narrative Media | 1 Comment »

10 Most-Hated Companies in America

15th January 2013

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I’d have to add AT&T to the list.

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Wiki Weapon Project Takes Aim at Gun Control Proposals With 3D Printed ‘High-Capacity’ Magazine

14th January 2013

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We have the technology.

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Scientists Spin Carbon Nanotube Threads on Industrial Scale

14th January 2013

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An international team of scientists has successfully found a way to spin tens of millions of carbon nanotubes into a flexible conductive thread that’s a quarter of the thickness of human hair.

“We finally have a nanotube fiber with properties that don’t exist in any other material,” said lead researcher Matteo Pasquali of Rice University. “It looks like black cotton thread but behaves like both metal wires and strong carbon fibers.”

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California’s Demographic Dilemma

14th January 2013

Joel Kotkin blows the whistle.

The demographic dilemma facing California today might be better illustrated by pictures of aging hippies with gray ponytails, of legions in wheel-chairs, seeking out the best rest home and unemployed young people on the street corner, watching while middle-age families drive away, seeking to fulfill mundane middle-class dreams in other states.

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Major Irritants of 2013

14th January 2013

Taki makes a good case.

Maureen Dowd. The female version of the three stooges mentioned above, she is as politically correct as they come. She keeps reminding us that she was born a pleb. Gee whiz, Mo, did you think any of us ever mistook you for anything but a lowlife? La Dowd was in ecstasy when Romney bit the dust. A lot of people were, but she went on for days writing how the next time we will have more gays, more blacks, more Hispanics, and more women, making sure no white guy is ever president again. Is that what they mean when they call this kind of hysteria penis envy?

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Bus Travel Booms

14th January 2013

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“Air travel has a hassle factor. You have to turn off devices for takeoff and landing and there is often no Wi-Fi,” Schwieterman said. “On the other hand, you can get on a bus with your laptop and you’re set for the day.”

Not to mention getting your junk groped by the Post Office TSA.

“You look at the economics of single-occupant driving, and young people see it as almost ridiculous to drive long distances alone,” he said. “Gas itself is far more than the bus fare if you look at the typical price from, say, Chicago to Detroit [roughly $35 round-trip].”

And God alone knows how much it would cost by air, assuming your flight doesn’t get cancelled.

Expanding rail service, meanwhile, has been a difficult proposition in recessionary times because it requires years of planning and regulation.

And costs out the ass, usually at taxpayers’ expense, and they just aren’t willing to put up with such boondoggles any more.

“Taxpayers have been footing the bill for Amtrak’s gravy train for over 40 years, and all they’ve gotten in return for their $40 billion investment is an inefficient, costly, Soviet-style passenger rail system,” he said at a hearing in September. Former presidential nominee Mitt Romney, too, said that, if elected, he would end all U.S. taxpayer support for the railroad, which totaled roughly $1.4 billion for fiscal year 2012.

Your tax dollars at work. Private industry does things much more efficiently — after all, they actually have to make money

And then there’s the bus, which requires much less overhead, uses existing infrastructure and entails no taxpayer support.

To which politicians and the Usual Suspects in the media react like a vampire faced with holy water. What? No lucrative taxpayer-funded contracts to give out to highly-unionized, lobbyist-supporting, Democrat-donating firms? No points to be gained with the enviro-Nazis who want to cancel the 20th century? The horror! The horror!


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The Upcycling Filabot Turns Regular Plastic Scrap Into 3D Printer Filament

13th January 2013

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A fascinating project is making the rounds this weekend that could change the way we think of 3D printers. The Filabot is a robot that can turn scrap plastic into 3D printer filament, thereby allowing an almost endless supply of material for prototyping and manufacturing.

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America’s First Bookless Public Library Will Look ‘Like an Apple Store’

13th January 2013

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There’s only one door and it costs you at least $300 to get in.

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Nobody Really Likes @LenaDunham, and Deep Down Inside She Knows It, Too

13th January 2013

The Other McCain is on the case.

    “It’s a little fat girl . . . and she keeps taking her clothes off and . . . I don’t want to see that. . . . I learned that this little fat chick writes the show and directs the show and that makes sense to me because she’s such a camera hog that the other characters barely are on.”
– Howard Stern

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Obama Signs Law Giving Himself Armed Guards for Life

13th January 2013

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President Obama has signed a law that will give himself and all presidents Secret Service protection for life, reversing a law passed during the Clinton administration that gave former presidents a security detail for only 10 years after leaving office.

What does he know that you don’t, hmmm?

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Backlash Against “Feminist Fury” Over MIT Newspaper Egg Donation Ad

13th January 2013

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We recently covered the fact that some students were selling their eggs to fertility clinics in an effort to fund their education.

I don’t see how you can call it ‘donation’ when you’re getting cash for your body part.

One individual, understanding the new market dynamics, placed an ad in the Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s student newspaper that requested  a donor who met specific requirements.  This act generated a response typical of feminist groups from two of the campus’ activist organizations.

Saw that coming. As in other fairy kingdoms of ‘progressive’ never-never land, for feminists, some choices are more equal than others.

‘I thought feminism was about choice?’
‘It was never about THAT choice!’


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Quote of the Day

13th January 2013

Joe Biden.

“We know that there is no silver bullet,” to stop gun violence, Biden said, ahead of a Friday meeting with video game manufacturers and retailers. He did not elaborate further.

The gift that keeps on giving. If any of the primetime TV shows were as entertaining as Joe Biden, their ratings wouldn’t be in the toilet.

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End Daylight Savings

13th January 2013

Sign the petition.

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Sometimes It Is Good to Be a Voice of the Crust

12th January 2013

As expected, David Gregory has been given a pass.

OAG has made this determination, despite the clarity of the violation of this important law, because under all of the circumstances here a prosecution would not promote public safety in the District of Columbia nor serve the best interests of the people of the District to whom this office owes its trust.

In other words, rich important white people aren’t subject to the same laws that everybody else is.

If he were a Republican — Rush Limbaugh, say — he’d already be in jail with the entire national media and Washington establishment baying for his head.

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